Saturday, October 22, 2016

No Gammas allowed

Here is an object lesson in why you should avoid permitting Gammas to join your team or your organization if at all possible. With the announcement of Infogalactic, we have a lot of volunteers coming forward who want to help, but as you can imagine, we're extremely busy, so we've been practicing a form of triage with regards to whom we get back to. Just to put this in context, since we've decided to bite the bullet and write our own engine, our current needs relate more to below the hood stuff than the paint job.

So, the initial contact is fine. It's a generous offer to help out on a big project. Nothing wrong with that.

Hey there, yea so, I am passionate about the cause, and I'de love to help out. I do graphic design and web design mockups for developers to code. Most of my web work in the last year is not up on my portfolio, been too busy. 

Now, I should have responded sooner, but I've been just a little busy, what with launching Infogalactic, Clio & Me, and MAGA Mindset all within eight days. So, nine or ten days later, he quite reasonably sends a follow-up:

So how about dignify me with a response. "Yes, no, moved on, found someone else, my work sucks, my work is fantastic, you're a pick," anything will do.

Or not quite reasonably. I've developed fairly sensitive Gamma radar and I picked up on an amount of passive-aggressiveness in the first sentence. There is also a just a hint of a lofty sense of entitlement, which is why my response began with a warning.

First, you need to lose the attitude if you want to work with us. I had three hours of sleep last night, because in addition to launching Infogalactic eight days ago, I just edited and published two books this week, one of which is currently in the top 250 on Amazon. If you can't deal with the fact that the big dogs on this project are insanely busy, you won't fit in. There simply isn't space for divas and egos on the team.

Answering the 100s of emails I get a day is something I do when I can get to it. It's not the top priority.

That being said, your work looks good. It's a little bit too soon for us to think about this, since we just decided to modify the roadmap and create a whole new MediaWiki engine replacement that doesn't suck and wasn't designed by brain-dead people. Send me your phone number and I'll give you a call next week. If you don't hear from me by Wednesday, ping me. And if you want to play around with concepts, read the roadmap. The link is on the front page.

He didn't lose the attitude.

Fucking asinine prick, you want to talk about egos and "big dogs on the project" all in the same sentence? I asked to be dignified with a response, even if it's "no thanks," since ya know, I was trying to volunteer my professional design services. How the fuck does that equate to an ego? Answer: it doesn't. What a hypocritical statement, talking about how you are a big dog to a small fry trying to humbly donate his time. Brilliant. 

"If you can't deal with the fact that the big dogs on this project are insanely busy." <-- the world revolves around egos, as if you are the only one in life that is busy. 

Then you proceed to tell me to give you my number and do some concepts. Listen here, I am not your little small fry trying to work for a big dog, and I have zero interest in donating my top notch professional design services to anyone who thinks they can talk like that to me. You have your world backwards, big dog. If you can't handle me requesting a hint of communication, then you are right, I certainly will not fit in with the team. Looks like to me it's you who needs your ego dismantled. "Divas and egos," you are a real fucking asshole. 

Glad we got this settled. Good luck, self-deluded self-important egotistical hypocritical prick. Maybe think a little longer before you respond when you are on 3 hours of sleep so as not to unnecessarily outlet your stress on people for no reason. And value the time your next volunteer will sacrifice for YOU, because we are all busy outside of your little inflated world. 

At that point, I realized we'd gotten off easy. I'd much rather have a Gamma meltdown when he's on the outside looking in than do so when he hasn't gotten his way on something in the middle of the project.

Glad we were able to weed you out at the start. 

I was unsurprised at both the posturing and the multiple responses. I've dealt with too many Gammas blowing up on the blog to not know what to expect. So, I just let him rant without responding. First, he started with the fake amusement and false sympathy.

BAHAHAHAH what a joke. So much appreciation. You refuse to acknowledge that you were unnecessarily and asshole because you perceive yourself as someone people are lining up for and begging to work you, which is also known as an ego diva big dog. 

Oh no, anyone calling themselves big dog has no ego at all. You just wish I was upset that you weeded me out, again like someone with an ego would do. You couldn't handle me being straight forward and asking for a response so you thought you could talk to me like a real piece of shit, then when I do not submit and kiss your ass you "weed me out." 

Honestly, are you fucking serious????? Man I tell you what, I do feel bad, but not because I cannot donate the time I barely have to your site, but because you are an outright fucking asshole. This conversation would not be happening if you were to be trying to talk to me like a piece of shit to my face. 

His next email moved on to the minimizing and belittling.

Oh wow two whole books selling on the top 250, good for your ego. 👍 

And the email after that consisted of the belated reframe of the reframing.

And you didn't "weed me out," you asked for my number, derp. I weeded YOU out, dim wit fake pseudo crusader asshole. 

The next day, not having received any response, he decided to take it public, on Gab, in a series of posts.

@voxday You follow just 32 people. Must be your egotistical self importance.

@voxday How exactly again did you "weed me out" after asking for my number and saying you were gonna call me? I weeded you out, because you were a pure uncalled for asshole. Go cry about it. You don't put someone down then ask for their number. You've been dismantled. Glad I didn't donate my time.

@voxday Careful, I see your ego showing yet again, in pretty much every exchange, how hypocritical. I will try to not let my "ego" encourage me to volunteer the time I really don't have. My huge inflated "diva ego" made me want to donate. My bad. Carry on "big dog alpha." 

@voxday Never in my professional career have I ever hear anyone talk about themselves like you did. You have a hard lesson to learn, but instead you will play alpha games and unwittingly prove my point about your level of mentality. All the best to infogalactic.

@voxday Post the fucking email you hypocrite self-deluded asshole. How do you feel smug for talking like that to people trying to give shit to you free out of selflessness? All I asked for was a response, even it was a "fuck you your work is shit." Then you call yourself a big dog, and me a diva ego

@voxday I called you out for what you are after you called me a "diva ego" then immediately called yourself a "big dog." You took your stress from lack of sleep out on me man, admit it. After your response I was no longer concerned about being "professional." You asked for my number, I declined. smh

@voxday Yea, when you try to belittle me, I tend to not be suitable to work with you. Unless of course I bent over and begged for more like u expected as a "big dog."  One, I was not looking for a job. I have two. Two, I already do work with a high profile dev team, much bigger than yours.

@voxday The fact that you went straight there and assumed I am some unemployed small fry do nothing shows how important you think of yourself. Pretty ignorant. How do you justify initiating a bitter dialogue them proceed to blame me for getting bitter? You need mental help.

@voxday I've worked with technology companies, marketing companies, brands, startups, I've been around the block, "big dog." I live in startup driven Portland Oregon's huge design community. I've met countless design professionals, and only about one had the arrogant ego rudeness you have.

@voxday Stop blaming people for reacting negatively to the rude way you treat them, then maybe you can find "suitable" volunteer shit ons

Then, to top it all off, he rushed over to Amazon to leave a fake review about SJWS Always Lie. Why, oh why, would we not want someone like this on the Infogalactic team?

By Allen on October 21, 2016

First off, when someone introduces themselves with a lie, even if it its a somewhat harmless lie, It really gives a bad impression and you cannot feel that comfortable assimilating their information. It makes you approach their book verya very skeptical perspective, and does indeed hurt any credibility.

Author claims between the two of his sites he gets over 3 million views, yet it clearly shows the amount of views he has on Alpha Game, which is just about 300,000 a month.

So unless Vox Day is getting a whopping 3 million views a month, which is extremely unlikely considering the content and the caliber, the author is inflating his credentials, no doubt due to his incredible ego. Most of the content is pseudo intellectual generalizations, which is your first clue to steer clear.

Have a look at the sidebar. Notice that it currently features a number in excess of 400,000. Those of you who can do the math will soon realize that means VP must get traffic of more than 2.6 million pageviews per month. Which, as it happens, is the case.

Anyhow, this is why it's best to avoid having Gammas on your team. You have absolutely no idea what will set them off, but you can rest assured that something will trigger their insecurities at some point along the way, usually to disruptive effect. And Gammas never forgive and they never forget. They will wait years just to take a petty shot at you in revenge for some slight you've completely forgotten.

If you're a Gamma, it's very important to learn two concepts. First, don't expect anyone to value you as highly as you value yourself. Nobody else sees you for the Secret King you are, that's why it's a Secret. Second, stop digging.


Gunnar Thalweg said...

These gamma posts are very helpful. I have some gamma tendencies, particularly concerning forgiveness. Many years ago, I learned to rein in all of this stuff with others and never discuss it, but the stupid, dramatic self-talk still exists and I have to root this out, too. Getting there.

The gamma was having a private drama with you, and you had other shit to worry about.

One thing I've learned recently: Apparently, anger can raise someone's thinking on the narcissism scale. So one suggestion for recovering gammas is to get rid of the resentments, which cause anger, which cause drama, which generates narcissism, which alienates others. People Don't Care. I don't care about your drama. Why should you care about mine?

S1AL said...

Oh, he's a web designer from Portland. No surprise.

Even for someone going full gamma, posting this much insane crap is top kek. Spewing this much bile just makes you look insanely butthurt, even if you're in the right (which he is clearly not)

pdwalker said...

that doesn't sound gamma, that sounds mentally ill.

didn't this jerk have a mother to teach him proper manners and behaviour?

i think wikipedia has a spot for him. he'd fit right in.

Robert What? said...

Wow. Thanks for posting the interchange, Vox. Very informative and educational. It also shows me that, with my legion of flaws, being a Gamma is not one of them.

Nathaniel said...

The Amazon product review is an interesting look into the life of a man who simply doesn't provide positive feedback or compliments. When I buy something on Amazon, I often get an email asking if I'm happy with it, and I write more positive than negative reviews, because I'm usually happy with things.

His highest-ranked review - of a karate uniform, three stars - gives us more insight into the man. At 5'7" 135lbs, he has, what we used to call, small man syndrome. His message to you just reeks of a gigantic chip on his shoulder.

That his review below it is of a bug catching vacuum, and how he tried to suck up a daddy long legs with it, really puts it all in perspective. If I don't have a kleenex or a shoe, my thumb usually works.

Don't get me started on the saggy crotch review.

JSmith said...

He was so passionate about the cause that he had to betray the cause. He was so loyal that he had to stab his captain in the back. He is a true unsung hero.

John Rockwell said...

Gammas need to be exiled to the harsh wilderness with only the reformed allowed to rejoin society.

Harsh said...

What a mincing queen. I hope someone got him a fainting couch.

Troy Lee Messer said...

I admire the Dark Lord's patience of weeding through all that crap to give ua a heads up. Good grief this kid needs an emotional tampon or something to soak up all that gammaness

Gulo Gulo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gulo Gulo said...

This is the writings of a guy without a lot going on in his life. He knows it too. Hes not where he wants to be. But instead of acknowledging this, accepting it and working hard to change, he chooses to posture. Posing that he is this or that. He then acts like a fuckn asshole when someone doesn't kiss his ass and treat his offer for help like its the discovery of the Holy Grail. What a Tool.
You dodged a bullet on that one.

ScottC said...

Why are these men so angry?

Anonymous said...

He Does It For Free...

Haus frau said...

Amazing that he would go to such effort to embarrass himself.

Haus frau said...

Amazing that he would go to such effort to embarrass himself.

liberranter said...

I don't envy you, Vox. I would have to imagine that the number of guys like this one probably vastly outnumber the grownups who correspond with you.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

What a prick.

Good show, Vox.

Casher O'Neill said...

Wow, someone should've stayed on his meds. Though perhaps he was mad at you because he needed a signing bonus to renew the prescription.

Happy Housewife said...

A normal, well adjusted person would have responded with "I'm sorry, I was just eager to help out. Here's my number."

Might be time for some meds. Or Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Pedoface McBitcherson
Listen here, I am not your little small fry trying to work for a big dog, and I have zero interest in donating my top notch professional design services to anyone who thinks they can talk like that to me

is this guy related to Ted Cruz? because this sounds exactly like Ted's refusal to endorse Trump.

Daniel said...

Gammas tend to have a medication count that is in inverse proportion to the SS N-scale. He must have mistaken them for skittles.

Unknown said...

We usually get what we deserve in lIfe. Some savage karma there though. No-one needs that. said...

Perhaps a 12 step program for emotional addicts.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

I often worry if I am a Gamma but then I read stuff like this and realize that I am thankfully not.

Seriously, I think the last time I needed an email response from Vox was when I was purchasing a WarMouse from him. And that time he had been in the hospital. Even then I didn't flip out when I didn't get a response in a timely manner.

Ceasar said...

Dude seems to have alot of time to indulge in drama. Not a good sign for a possible team member or volunteer.

Anonymous said...

So many words to express the sentiment. Does not bode well for productivity.

MichaelJMaier said...

Well... gammas ARE amusing at times. Damn, didn't take much, did it?

Panzerdude said...

As I learn more about Gammas, one trait that they seem to lack, completely, is "grace". Another way to state this is "The Golden Rule" - do unto others as you would have them to unto you.

Gammas do to others what they would never want done to themselves. Conversely, when someone purposefully or inadvertently touches a Gamma's nerve, there is no consideration of the other, so, grace, manners, propriety, etc. are all thrown overboard so the Gamma can vent.

Only the Lord can redeem such a person...

Anonymous said...


that doesn't sound gamma, that sounds mentally ill.

It may be somewhat worse than the average, but it's still very much within the spectrum. On Disqus, within the past year I've tripped two into launching long, obscene tirades at me just by calling them "cuckservatives".

didn't this jerk have a mother to teach him proper manners and behaviour?

Most likely didn't have a father doing so.

i think wikipedia has a spot for him. he'd fit right in.

Once a Wikipedia moderator undid one of my edits for some stupid reason, and I redid my edit and posted a terse, to-the-point note on his homepage. He backed off, but also actually yelled "I DEMAND RESPECT!" on his page's edit history.

I did something similar with some female moderator, and while she complained about my "abusive" behavior, let my edit stand.

MycroftJones said...

I had a guy come in for a web development job once. He acted exactly like this. Fortunately I'd hired a better guy a half hour earlier.

John MacPherson said...

You had me at "yea so"

pdwalker said...

If I ever exhibit such behaviours in public, would you Gentlemen (and Ladies) be so kind to remind me of this post so I can take myself out back and shoot myself? It'd be les painful than what my mother would do if she ever heard of such behavious

Erynne said...

Exposing this guy and people like this is the best kind of lesson. The very first sentence of his second email screamed of 'no good will come of this.' Do people think Vox Day has a load of free time or something? As far as I know, the guy is writing an epic novel, editing other books, writing on two blogs, has a family, makes video games, reads, trains, and probably a lot of other things, oh yeah, like infogalactic and their like.

Ever since I took a sales job I can see why everyone should do it at least once in their life. You quickly learn that you are nothing special, that you have to be the persuasive good guy, that people get busy and don't have time, that you are responsible for following up, sometimes you may have to follow up 10 or more times to get a response, and that's usually because people get busy and forget all about whatever you were trying to sell. That, and learning to take rejection, for the love of God people need to learn how to take rejection. When my daughter is grown up and attractive, and men are orbiting all over her, I'm gonna have her get a sales job where she learns what rejection is like, and how to deal with it, because, by golly, reading that guys stuff was painful reading, like a child having a tantrum, sickening.

Mocheirge said...

This was the first gamma meltdown I got to see in real-time after learning about game and the socio-sexual order. It was amusing being able to predict his next actions.

I do wonder if he was a SJW infiltrator. "Passionate about the cause" sounds like something an entryist would say.

Puzzle Privateer said...

"Fucking asinine prick, you want to talk about egos and "big dogs on the project" all in the same sentence? I asked to be dignified with a response, even if it's "no thanks," since ya know, I was trying to volunteer my professional design services. How the fuck does that equate to an ego? Answer: it doesn't. What a hypocritical statement, talking about how you are a big dog to a small fry trying to humbly donate his time. Brilliant. "

The lack of self-awareness of people like this drives me insane.

J Van Stry said...

Yeah, that snarky comment in his follow up was a dead giveaway. I can see where the temptation comes from, he is independent, and he probably doesn't get many callbacks (I mean really, he doesn't have all of his best work up on his portfolio? what does that tell you?) So he immediately went into the hurt defensive mode and as they say 'you don't really lose if you throw the race'.

Scott said...

It's as if he's never had a job or career that involves being swamped with emails. People get busy and they get a bit short sometimes if they're employers. If you want work, be patient and polite. If you don't want work, then save yourself and everybody else's time by not angrily demanding it and then throwing your toys out of the pram when rebuffed.

Matt said...

Good lord. From zero to crazy in no time.

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Deuce said...

For such a busy guy, he sure did spend a lot of time ranting about a volunteer job he's not even going to be doing.

Jed Mask said...

It's been said don't "tell" but "show" and you've "shown us" what "Gamma" is at it's WORST Mr. Vox. Good lesson. Thanks for sharing...

On another note, this guy I'm gonna pray for... Second, I've met quite a few Gammas up through life thus far but none to react this bad; he must be the "lowest of the low" for one point. I'm seen (some) Gammas handles themselves much better than all this foolishness... He just should've stopped on earlier and minded his business before revealing his "patheticness" for the whole world to see (and learn)... Smh...

Like my mama tells me: "God only saves babies and fools". And this guy fits the latter group.

As folks have said earlier: no "meds" but this man needs JESUS. Hope and pray he comes to his senses and "repents" from this boorish, loserish attitude and mindset... FOR HIMSELF first not even those he pitifully attacks. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Aeoli Pera said...

Sheesh, and I thought I was incontinent.

Aeoli Pera said...

They will wait years just to take a petty shot at you in revenge for some slight you've completely forgotten.

This is actually a psychopathic trait that James Fallon talked about in an interview. He explained that, for him, it was an entirely cold and emotionless process of settling a ledger account that he kept in his mind. This might just be a confounding expression of high testosterone though.

Neutrinoide said...

I find interesting that you used the word "Big dogs" and not just saying. sorry i'm busy. Send me your stuffs.

Anonymous said...

@Aeoli Pera

Problem with that idea is that the Gamma is not cold and emotionless. Rather, he is completely ruled by his emotions.

SirHamster said...

I find interesting that you used the word "Big dogs" and not just saying. sorry i'm busy. Send me your stuffs.

"So how about dignify me with a response." brought that upon himself.

That's the response he dignified. A politer reminder would have brought a politer response.

Jew613 said...

Vox, is this the most severe overreaction to not returning a communication quickly you've experienced or are there worse cases out there?

Aeoli Pera said...

VFM #7634 said...
@Aeoli Pera

Problem with that idea is that the Gamma is not cold and emotionless. Rather, he is completely ruled by his emotions.

Yeah, what I'm getting at here is that you have a shared trait (the ledger) and a non-shared trait (emotional incontinence). I've said before that Gamma = Narcissism + Estrogen, but the ledger appears in Fallon who has a very masculine affect.

S1AL said...

"I've said before that Gamma = Narcissism + Estrogen, but the ledger appears in Fallon who has a very masculine affect."

Setting aside the question of physiognomy, there's also an issue of reciprocity here. Gammas will go full bore over nothing (see OP). The way you describe Fallon, it's an eye for an eye, which is a separate issue.

kh123 said...

Other than school, never had to go to a brick and mortar every day for what he does. Like JVS said above, unprepared portfolio, and telling rather than showing what he can do.

Well, he's young. Figure you're allowed at least one royal f*ck up on the internets during the wandering years - college or after if you can't land anything, which for him has been some time.

Might be hoping too much given the SS diagnosis, but hopefully he'll move past it and just focus on improving at his trade. And working with others.

Noah B. said...

Not to mention, this guy purports to work in a tech field and doesn't consider the possibility his first email just got grabbed by a spam filter on the receiving end? Thinks that email is some magical, infallible process?

What a fool.

Anonymous said...

Others have shared some of my thoughts on this butt hurt boy.

I'll just say: Wow, just fucking wow.

Noah B. said...


"That's the response he dignified."

Absolutely. And a more polite response would not have smoked out the gamma so effectively.

Unknown said...

Guys, I admitted already that my initial "dignify me wit a response" was too pushy, however it wasn't an insult like his response was when he proceeded to throw at me by insinuating I am a "diva big dog." I took offense to that, and proceeded to unload and make myself look ridiculous. I apologize for my unprofessionalism. I was not necessarily approaching this like I typically do, since in my mind I wasn't "applying" for a job. Regardless, I should have kept my demeanor and offense in check.

That being said, I will retain that I have zero interest in working with anyone who says, " If you can't deal with the fact that the big dogs on this project are insanely busy, you won't fit in. There simply isn't space for divas and egos on the team" to people trying to help. It's a completely asinine and hypocritical response, and was uncalled for. I am honest enough to admit my fault, yet all I hear is unaccountability and yet more insults from Vox. I can tell you, if you didn't insinuate I was a diva ego we would be square and I would never have popped off. I would have apologized for my pushy request for a response after getting ignored and dicked around for two weeks.

But let me dissect this a bit, you say an alpha just doesn't respond to gammas, and gammas just use baseless insults and never stop messaging looking for revenge, right? How does that differ from you posting my info so you can have your biased minions seek me out and attack me? Basically you are taking the weight of the gamma work off your shoulders and having every here do it for you. Gammas use baseless insults, but nearly everyone who simply disagrees with you, you call a gamma, yet that is not a baseless insult in and of itself?

Everyone clearly sides with Vox here, yet I didn't open up the dialogue with insults. I may have been a tad pushy after getting ignored for two weeks, but at least it was not an insult.

Another thing, in the professional field, when someone responds to you by saying, "If you can't deal with the fact I am busy then..." Basically what it says is, "I am important than you." And when you have people offering to give their time and services way for free, it's pretty offensive.

So yea, you dicked me around and ignored me for two weeks, my request for a response was not an insult (but yes it was pushy), but your reply actually was insulting, and oozed of self-importance, as I have outlined. Now all my responses after your reply was totally unprofessional. I make no lies or excuses about that. And yes I do regret the way I asked for a response, but not because I want to join the team, but because we are playing on the same #MAGA team, and we really need to stick together at a time like this instead of create divide. Now, if there is any empathy and rationality in you, Vox, then you will accept my apology and hopefully at least acknowledge that your response to my pushy request for a reply was also a bit too harsh. That is all I ask for.

Unknown said...

So no one else sees the hypocrisy in this line?

"If you can't deal with the fact that the big dogs on this project are insanely busy,
you won't fit in. There simply isn't space for divas and egos on the team."

Anonymous said...

dude, that's "borderline personality disorder" - goes from love to pure hate in 2 seconds - sees the world as black/white - "i love you/i hate you (don't leave me)" - if he can't have "friendship/intimacy," then hate is just as intimate.

hopefully he'll become despondent & um cut himself & you won't have to watch out for gammastalkerboy.

BPD is more frequent in females, but more creepy/weird in men - as you have just noticed.

Noah B. said...

Allen, you sound like some obsessive gash who's pissed that Vox didn't return your calls.

Unknown said...

Noah, yea I get annoyed when people don't feel the need to communicate. And I only got mad becuase he threw belittling insults. Are you denying he didn't throw the first insults? I mean, how am I supposed to respond to that? I should just have declined and not responded. Instead I unloaded, which is what I am getting blamed for, all the while everyone biasedly ignores that fact that he threw insults at someone trying to volunteer. His reply was worse than my pushy comment for a response. If you cannot admit that then you are simply not as objective as you are trying to appear. Now, I did already apologies. Just out of my own integrity, I can admit my faults. Though, will anyone see point about him being the first one to throw insults?

Funny how anyone who wants revenge and justice is a gamma, yet this is how he is trying to get his revenge after threatening me with it and saying how "foolish" I am. I feel just fine pointing out hypocrisy.

Eruditionastic said...

Lol, I've emailed Vox 2-4 times and never received an actual response. Normal people just figure he's busy or the email wasn't interesting enough to merit one. Move on dude. Nobody owes you anything.

Eruditionastic said...

Lol, I've emailed Vox 2-4 times and never received an actual response. Normal people just figure he's busy or the email wasn't interesting enough to merit one. Move on dude. Nobody owes you anything.

Megamerc said...

Allen, Vox didn't insult you. He stated a job requirement, and judging from your response, it was clear you didn't meet it.

Noah B. said...

"And I only got mad becuase he threw belittling insults."

The only thing Vox said, at first, that applied to directly and indefinitely to you was that you need to lose the attitude. He didn't say you were a diva or had an ego problem, only that there wasn't space for them on the team. Your response, however, confirmed his suspicions.

A normal person reads that and replies, "Well I'm not a diva and I don't have an ego problem, so I look forward to working with the team whenever they believe my skillset may prove useful."

Anonymous said...

This calls for a "Golden Shovel" award. Dude keeps digging. Suspect gamma, throw big dog reference, confirm gamma, entertained by melt down. That was very educational. Thanks for sharing.

marlon said...

Allen, if Vox stopped his comments at the big dogs section then that would be arrogant.

But this is what Vox said after that:
That being said, your work looks good...Send me your phone number and I'll give you a call next week. If you don't hear from me by Wednesday, ping me.

Clearly you were triggered by that comment and didn't bother with the rest.

You posted, " I was not necessarily approaching this like I typically do, since in my mind I wasn't "applying" for a job."

You are wrong here. You are going to work with people, and they have the right to vet you. They don't want just volunteers but volunteers they can work with; they aren't begging for volunteers. It seems you believe you are a "big dog" and should be treated as such.

"Another thing, in the professional field, when someone responds to you by saying, "If you can't deal with the fact I am busy then..." Basically what it says is, "I am important than you." And when you have people offering to give their time and services way for free, it's pretty offensive."

But he is more important than you with respect to this project. Isn't that obvious?

"Now, if there is any empathy and rationality in you, Vox, then you will accept my apology and hopefully at least acknowledge that your response to my pushy request for a reply was also a bit too harsh. That is all I ask for. "

So Vox must now prove himself to you? He must accept your apology and acknowledge you?
If he had you on the project, and did something you didn't like, it's obvious that you would have to get your revenge.

Jew613 said...

Allen, please for your own sake. Stop digging, just let it go.

David The Good said...

The guy who runs the project and the seriously invested techno savants who managed its launch... are the big dogs. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that, by them or by someone wishing to join them. It's a simple statement of fact, no egoism required.

David The Good said...

If you care about being respected, do something worthy of it. Build something grand. Dream big. Don't ask to join the projects of others (which is great - by all means join great things) and then complain that you aren't immediately recognized as being as awesome as those who created the dream. Be glad you get to play a part.

Front toward enemy said...

Well, that escalated quickly. What the hell?

Emmett Fitz-Hume said...

Whenever I hear a tale of an errant Gamma, I think of these guys:

Hammerli 280 said...

Vox has a lot on his plate, even by my standards...which are those of a senior test director on an ACAT-I flight test program. I'd consider myself complimented to get more than a one-sentence response. And would not hold a short temper against him. He's mild.

Grime Knight said...

Allen, seriously, cut the crap. I emailed Vox and another project leader on the tech side and didn't hear much of anything at first...for like, two months. I just popped in to make sure things didn't get lost in the rush of things and waited for a response like a normal person. Know what I did in the meantime?

I carried on with life.

It's rather pathetic considering I just looked at your portfolio. It's really good work, but your character, your inner being, is absolute shit. No one is more your enemy than yourself. Not Vox, not evil alpha top dogs; yourself.

-Grime Knight

Anonymous said...

hmm, maybe more of a narcissistic personality disorder? those things all overlap anyway.

liberranter said...

Allen, there's no monetary compensation or award for the position of "Gamma Poster Boy," so other than some masochistic desire to be ridiculed or to publicly relinquish any residual claim to being taken seriously, what does it gain you to debase yourself in this manner? Contrary to what you might have been told, negative attention is NOT preferable to none at all. said...

Perhaps a 12 step program for emotional addicts.

Ron said...
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SirHamster said...

So no one else sees the hypocrisy in this line?

"If you can't deal with the fact that the big dogs on this project are insanely busy, you won't fit in. There simply isn't space for divas and egos on the team."

No hypocrisy. He and the others driving the Infogalactic team are in fact the big dogs of the project. There is in fact no room for divas and egos on the team. That's the plain truth.

Your reaction has revealed yourself to be a diva and disqualified yourself from being a part of the IG team.

Now die to your prideful self and become a better man for it.

Feather Blade said...
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Feather Blade said...

Hate to say this Allen, but your approach started out at "unprofessional" and declined precipitously from there.

If I were a hiring manager, I wouldn't hire someone whose first contact started with "Hey there, yea, so," even for a job like running a hot dog cart on the beach.

Ron said...


Now die to your prideful self and become a better man for it.

That was a really good way to put it. Wow, it's painful to do that, but absolutely necessary.

Mooga Booga said...

I'm not going to get inside your head, Allen, but I wish you would. When two weeks passed without a response, why didn't you write something more neutral, like, "I'm sure you're busy, but I'm curious to know whether you've received my application"? More flies with honey, and all that.

Neutrinoide said...

Allen don't bother. Vox is just a dick trying to justifying his actions. He knows he would of trigger you because he was trigger too.

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