Sunday, July 3, 2016

The Caitlyns do Rio

One way to get to the Olympics is to bend your gender:
Two British athletes born male are on the verge of making history by competing in women’s events at next month’s Olympic Games. If selected, the unnamed pair will become the world’s first transgender Olympians at Rio.

But worryingly for British sports fans, they have revealed they are so fearful of being exposed and ridiculed under the Olympic spotlight, they would ‘probably drop back’ if they found themselves in a medal-winning position.

Their inclusion in Team GB will be hailed as a remarkable human rights victory – but it will also ignite controversy, with critics arguing that male-to-female competitors have an unfair biological advantage in terms of size, muscle mass and lung capacity.

Delia Johnston, an adviser to several sporting bodies on transgender issues, said the pair have already represented Britain at ‘a European championship sporting event’.
I always wondered about that Jessica Ennis....


Dexter said...

"Her" name is Rio, and "she" dances on the sand,
Although the blood keeps pumping through "her" manly glands...

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

At this point, who the f*ck cares?

The Olympics jumped the shark when they let African animals compete.

Anonymous said...


Best current year ever.

dc.sunsets said...

Popcorn Time. (Assuming I'm bored, with nothing else to do...meaning that I could not care less.)

pdwalker said...


S. Thermite said...

Heh, only way they can "win" is by losing. In that regard only they are like women.

Tarrou said...

This may be the most british thing I've ever seen. "Oh our men will have to compete against the women of the world, but don't worry, we're far too polite to actually win at it!"

Jeff aka Orville said...

The tip off is that they look like Basil Fawlty in a wig.

dc.sunsets said...

Does sawing off the adams apple make a bass into a soprano?

I keep waiting for one of these loons to sound like James Earl Jones in yoga pants.

R Devere said...

Two words : Serena. Williams.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Bend your gender and make winning easy. Haha, that wasn’t what the feminists expected.


vosvos said...

I'm with Dexter pure comedy, what else can you do? When the process of complete and total indoctrination of Cultural Marxism is finished the whole world will be quite mad and anyone showing a modicum of sanity will be burned as an effigy of Emmanuel Goldstein. Glad to be here to watch it burn though bloody good show.

Robert said...

As I understand it, male trannies have all sorts of drugs coursing through their systems to make them more feminine. Wonder if some of them might be against the doping regulations. But then do they get a pass because of discrimination? So why can't real women take at least some male hormones and not suffer Sharapova's punishment? What's the point beyond which you're male?

Alexander said...

So not only do they want to be on an Olympic team representing their nation while publicly stating they would deliberately throw an event so as not to win the medal...

... but they want to do it in such a way that everyone not only shouts the lie that they are women, but applauds them for being brave enough to lose on purpose.

This is a triple crown on hilarity waiting to happen. Bring on the trannies!

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