Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Certain arcana

Courtesy of Heartiste, Lord Chesterfield writes to his son:
I will therefore, upon this subject, let you into certain Arcana that will be very useful for you to know, but which you must, with the utmost care, conceal and never seem to know.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth; they have an entertaining tattle, and sometimes wit; but for solid reasoning, good sense, I never knew in my life one that had it, or who reasoned or acted consequentially for four-and-twenty hours together. Some little passion or humor always breaks upon their best resolutions. Their beauty neglected or controverted, their age increased, or their supposed understandings depreciated, instantly kindles their little passions, and overturns any system of consequential conduct, that in their most reasonable moments they might have been capable of forming.

A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humors and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with serious matters; though he often makes them believe that he does both; which is the thing in the world that they are proud of; for they love mightily to be dabbling in business (which by the way they always spoil); and being justly distrustful that men in general look upon them in a trifling light, they almost adore that man who talks more seriously to them, and who seems to consult and trust them; I say, who seems; for weak men really do, but wise ones only seem to do it.
At the end, he's referring to a key difference between Gammas and Alphas. Both tend to surround themselves with women, but only one socio-sexual rank actually takes them at face value and listens to their advice.

Its remarkable how much wisdom and knowledge from the past has gone wholly unlearned, not so much through being lost as being obscured. Game, in many ways, is merely a reinventing of the socio-sexual wheel.


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

How true. It seems we need to re-invent it every generation or so. The inheritance has been squandered. What a waste of time and effort!

R Devere said...

Truer words were never written!
Having dated a woman physician who was also on the medical faculty of a prestigious university, I can certainly vouch for her lack of intellectual depth and her need for flattery as well as the need to be taken seriously, even though one could tell after five minutes' conversation, she was the perfect example of an academic grind, rather than a great intellect. Too, too, funny!

liberranter said...

Beautifully written. Truly amazing how much more wisdom and common sense our forebears had then we now seem to have retained.

Unknown said...

"The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness. Women in their hearts think that men are intended to earn money so that they may spend it, if possible during their husband’s lifetime, but at any rate after his death." -Schopenhauer, on Women

Jed Mask said...

"At the end, he's referring to a key difference between Gammas and Alphas. Both tend to surround themselves with women, but only one socio-sexual rank actually takes them at face value and listens to their advice.

Its remarkable how much wisdom and knowledge from the past has gone wholly unlearned, not so much through being lost as being obscured. Game, in many ways, is merely a reinventing of the socio-sexual wheel."

Yea, yea. Amen...

Shame that a lot of men are being "feminized" away from the "truths" rather than learnig to embrace them.

A lot of men deep down instinctively know women are not "equal" to a man's natural authority over her to rule and lead the women; it's just hard for them to find the right mentors and experienced men who know these truths that will patiently pass on this knowledge to the younger men as life goes on.

Real talk though. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Lord Chesterfield was a very wise man. This kind of teaching should be given to our young men, so that they don’t fall into the illusion which our decadent society has prepared for them.


MichaelJMaier said...

I recall my mother relating to me how some uncle in her family had taken her brothers aside and told them "Never listen to women and never let them rule over you". She said it in a mocking tone but she betrayed her bitterness telling me about it. At the time I didn't say anything.

She knows better to speak of such things around me now.

She once asked me how I could react "that way" to something going on and I said "I've been studying female psychology and that's just the way you women are".


My reply of: "I don't care. I'm not trying to have sex with men." shut her right the Hell up.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Awesome post.

(One of his readers posted an amazing video about enthomaschism or self hate/cauc guilt and how young pple won't apologize for that which they didn't cause and ZFG.)

It made for great post as many of us women are dainty, to some degree vastly immature and like endless children asking on vacay, "are we there yet?"

Great work at AlphaGame and Chatuea, its literally a decompression zone of normalcy in that women are understood for the annoying creatures we remain. said...

I Never ever found such edifying blogs. mansion88

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