Monday, May 16, 2016

You are all sex criminals

Don't forget to hold on to your consent receipt:
The ALI will vote at its convention this coming week on whether to adopt a model penal code that would make “affirmative consent” when it come to sexual relations its official policy. Affirmative consent — or “yes means yes” — policies have already been adopted by many colleges and universities, and have become law in California and New York. A letter signed by some 120 ALI members says the group should vote down the changes as a vast expansion of the definition of sexual assault in the legal system.

“The prosecutor need only say, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, under the State’s definition, it does not matter whether the complainant actually was willing,” the ALI members wrote. “It is undisputed that the sex act occurred and there is no evidence in the record that the complainant communicated willingness. There is no consent if the complainant has not communicated willingness. You must convict if you find that the defendant recklessly disregarded that absence of consent.”
Failure to provide documented proof of consent will be prosecuted.


The Rev said...

I never knew 'unprotected sex' meant 'sex without a notary public present.'

frenchy said...

Women will just claim they said yes under duress or that alcohol, or some other substance, lowered their inhibitions and will to give a clear yes. I predict their will soon be categories of "Yes". However, I did have a soldier once get off of a rape charge because he kept his Burger King receipt, thus proving he was elsewhere when the alleged victim said the rape took place.

frenchy said...

@ the Rev,

When I was in the Army, I always told my soldiers to record it if they could.

Dexter said...

Next question - what is the statute of limitations on "affirmative consent"?

Won't it be fun when some psycho bitch ex-GF hits you with a rape charge from five or ten years ago? Now, where did I leave her signed affidavits...

To make it extra fun, they will allow prosecution of the crime for events that happened before the new doctrine was put into force. By the way, Mr. Trump, did you get affirmative consent for those encounters in the 1980s before affirmative consent was the rule?

Dark Herald said...
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Dark Herald said...

I find it worrying that this law hasn't been shot down anywhere because it reverses the burden of proof.

Affirmative Consent for those who don't know, is indeed the law in California. One that reverses the Burden of Proof and makes illegal any attempt by a man to defend himself from accusation.

He may not know the name of his accuser.

He may not provide exculpatory evidence without the accuser's explicit prior consent.

The woman is not responsible for her actions at any time whatsoever because Victim-Shaming.

The view of this being, the man must always be guilty of sexual assault. If he wasn't guilty, why did the girl accuse him in the first place? QED.

The University of Southern California’s student government hosted a “Consent Carnival” A “Kissing Booth” at the event offered Hershey Kisses glued to little sheets of white paper that essentially explained how to properly kiss without committing sexual assault. The five-step checklist states on the front “what exactly does it mean to … ‘consent’ to a kiss?” and on the back states that “consent is”:

A feminist kissing booth? My shudders of revulsion could be easily mistaken for a grand mal seizure.

Plus; a five step list? For kissing? Really? Honestly? There is less negotiation involved in a typical BDSM session.

pdwalker said...

The country needs to divide itself between the sane and insane portions.

liberranter said...

I find it worrying that this law hasn't been shot down anywhere because it reverses the burden of proof.

Worrying but not at all surprising.

Austin Ballast said...

This is not sustainable. It will fail, but it may be a nasty time until it happens.

Ominous Cowherd said...

This is how law loses legitimacy.

Unknown said...

It could work both ways. First to the bar prosecution. Bad divorce - charge ex-wife with rape. Enough women getting charged and this will all go away.

Ron said...

This is why the idiotic legal codes on the campuses should have been opposed. This entire endeavor was planned a long time ago in advance.

little dynamo said...

"To make it extra fun, they will allow prosecution of the crime for events that happened before the new doctrine was put into force. By the way, Mr. Trump, did you get affirmative consent for those encounters in the 1980s before affirmative consent was the rule?"

This is the next step; Cosby was the test-case, because if they could successfully terrorize/prosecute an aged, rich, black male celebrity, well then every male on planet is fair game. Go back enough decades, all guys are criminals. Which of course was always the goal, and the only goal.

You submit to this tyranny then hey, you deserve what you're gonna get. Western men are still hoping they'll just come for The Other Guy. :O) Cooperate, stay low-profile, get a pass when your name comes up before the Kommittee. Heh.

little dynamo said...

"Enough women getting charged and this will all go away."


liberranter said...

The country needs to divide itself between the sane and insane portions.

The handful of us who are sane will take Hawaii as our homeland. It's more than big enough to hold all of us.

The rest of the population --which includes most of the current population of Hawaii-- can have the other 49 states.

Timmy3 said...

Affirmative consent has never been tested. The colleges and universities say a good game about affirmative consent, but it convicts a student regardless of evidence of affirmative consent.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Dave Chappelle, what hath thou wrought?

Johnny said...

Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If there is no affirmative consent you should be able to sue the women for rape.

Aeoli Pera said...

Meanwhile, "Idiots in the pulpit can't figure out why 'the beautiful women' in their churches can't find any dates."

Aeoli Pera said...

Consent is sexy.

"I just wanted to kiss you."


"Please initial here, here, here, and sign at the bottom of page 9."


"Now I'd like to touch your thigh. Please complete form T-37 and attach photocopies of two forms of ID from table A."

Aeoli Pera said...

I'm turned on just by typing that. Stand aside Chuck Tingle, I'm about to invent a new romance genre.

S. Thermite said...

Please initial here, here, here, and sign at the bottom of page 9.

She keeps the pink carbon copy and I keep the yellow, I mean goldenrod

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

These are the situation I am happy that I don’t live in America.


evilwhitemalempire said...

Quite honestly I wouldn't worry about this sort of stuff.

If we win we'll do away with it.

if we lose the Muzzies take over everything and they'll do in a galaxy far, far away with it.

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

Still waiting to hear how one "proves" consent to a verbal contract, and even if it's documented, written, audio or video, like frenchy said above, there's always the coercion loophole.

Regardless of proof, since "under the State’s definition, it does not matter whether the complainant actually was willing", if you have sex and some prosecutor wants you balls nailed to the wall, you're probably sunk.

Matamoros said...

"Your honor, it was rape because I was texting and didn't notice him between my legs..."

Aeoli Pera said...

Women aren't psychologically equipped for making these decisions. This is just another attempt to codify this into law.

MATT said...

This is only going to affect straight middle-upper class white nen.

Jew613 said...

This must be how men felt when the push for marital rape began. The concept is utterly ridiculous but it will soon be the law of the land.

R Devere said...

"Affirmative consent has never been tested. The colleges and universities say a good game about affirmative consent, but it convicts a student regardless of evidence of affirmative consent."

Oh, its been teted alright, several dozen times! You just don't hear about it since all the federal actions by male students end up getting settled, with non-disclosure agreements between the men and the universities settling their claims.

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