Thursday, February 11, 2016

Yes, she will look like her mother

Keep that in mind. ALWAYS keep that in mind.

Proof every woman turns into her mother: We all suspect it. But in this fascinating picture experiment, five mums and daughters face the disconcerting truth.

My Dad always used to tell me that. And based on what I've seen over time, he was pretty much right. Regardless, to see it demonstrated graphically is almost creepy.


Raggededge said...

I really don't want to give much thought to the fact that eventually I'll be banging my Mother-In-Law. Now, where is my bourbon?

frenchy said...

@ Raggededge,

Well...speaking of mother in laws.

ThirdMonkey said...

It's not just appearance, it's behavior. My mother and my grandmother couldn't be more opposite, but they have one thing in common: the way they treat their husband. Your wife was taught how to treat her man by her mother, and how a man "should" act by her father. When my mom gets her nag on with my dad, I tell my brother-in-law, "Don't let that be your future. Keep your pimp hand strong." We both laugh, but I know he cries a little inside. Anytime my wife starts exhibiting those undesireable traits she inherited from her mother, I "slip" up and call her by her mother's name. It pisses her off, but the behavior corrects itself.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

That's right. And my mother in law was a ballerina in her teenage years. I'm set.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know if this is mostly true, but it definitely is significant minority now that I have had 20-25 years of experience with quite a few mother/daughter combinations.

My daughter could be my wife's twin when you compare childhood pics. But my wife and MiL don't look anything like each other compared to same age pics. MiL and one of my wife's sister's could be twins.

As for temperament, I find that if they had relatively similar environments they are carbon copies there as well. As in both oldest, both grew up with fathers, both had siblings, both grew up poor, etc.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

A good advice of your dad. In my case it has been the advice my grandfather once gave me always to look at the mothers of my girlfiends to know what I will get if I should ever marry them. Well, the “oldtimer” was completely true.


Timmy3 said...

Not only look like her mother. Act like her too. said...

A generally attractive group on the whole. My poor brother married a very average girl whose mom was a diastrous, mentally ill, meddling single mom and basically has no idea how to behave. Now he's constantly bitching, as if this was not all completely apparent when they were dating. Bad choice, bro. Girls from broken homes are broken, and if their mom is a huge bitch they won't have the right instincts. I sensed quiet desperation when "he had to rush home to cook dinner." And this is a stay at home mom! The end. said...

A generally attractive group on the whole. My poor brother married a very average girl whose mom was a diastrous, mentally ill, meddling single mom and basically has no idea how to behave. Now he's constantly bitching, as if this was not all completely apparent when they were dating. Bad choice, bro. Girls from broken homes are broken, and if their mom is a huge bitch they won't have the right instincts. I sensed quiet desperation when "he had to rush home to cook dinner." And this is a stay at home mom! The end.

Robert What? said...

And if the mother is a land whale, no matter what the daughter looks like at 20, when she reaches 40 she'll also be a land whale.

MichaelJMaier said...

ThirdMonkey said...
Anytime my wife starts exhibiting those undesireable traits she inherited from her mother, I "slip" up and call her by her mother's name. It pisses her off, but the behavior corrects itself.

Dude... you are now my hero.

Anonymous said...

It goes for waistline too, without fail. Also, girls who don't sleep around age better. A girl who gets popped at 20 by you will stay fresh much longer.

Or marry 15+ years younger. You won't have to care.

CCubed said...

This is a clear case of selection bias. In order for it to be true, most of the genes that affect a woman's appearance would have to get snipped out during recombination of the chromosomes she gets from her father. In these ladies case, that seems to have happened.

1337kestrel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I can't say I agree with this fully. There are girls that exist that carry more of their fathers genetics. I personally look a lot more like my dad, the female equivalent of course.

Unknown said...

I can't say I agree with this fully. I look more like my dad, I have most of his features and I have his build. My mom is also an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. I don't smoke or drink at all. My face resembles my mom's face in some parts, but only slightly. She has a big square jaw and a long face. I have a small heart shaped face and a little round head like my dad. I'm also smaller and shorter than my mom, and I have a different figure to the one she had at my age.

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