Friday, February 5, 2016

"Women must obey men"

As the sainted migrants have declared this to be the case, we should respect their rape culture, right?
HORRIFIC footage has emerged of a group of young men, including five migrants, laughing, dancing and singing in Arabic as they gang rape an unconscious 17-year-old girl.

It is believed the attack happened after the girl passed out after drinking at a party.

One of the rapists later told police: "She can't complain. Women must obey men."

The shocking assault happened in November but was only discovered this week by a teacher at a school in Ostend, Belgium.
Yeah, this is going to end well. When the wrong father's daughter gets raped, the blood is going to be running in the streets.


Mr.MantraMan said...

But if you are in one political party's big tent rape is not a big deal but if you are of the wrong political persuasion everything is rape and rape is worse than murder.

There are huge glaring weaknesses in the Progtard coalition they should thank god for cuckservatives to cover for them.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Why are there so many cases undetected when it comes to immigrants and people of other culture? Imagine and ordinary guy only looking with “lusty eyes” at a western women – what would happen then?

Dark Herald said...

The Russians seem to be trying something a little more proactive

The Finnish government on the other has at least acknowledged reality, although not in any serious way.

Okay I've detected a couple of issues with the Finnish Method of Rape Resistance when given a practical application trial run.

One; escape seems to be off the menu when it should be at the top of the playlist.

Two; everything else.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Women should obey men because they are too stupid to run around unsupervised.

First command: don't go to that parry and pass out drunk. You will be raped.

John Rockwell said...

When Christian Patriarchy is discarded Islamic Patriarchy takes its place.

frenchy said...

Don't hear too many feminists crying about immigrant rape culture. This is definitely setting a benchmark concerning what rape culture looks like--third world--and what it does not loo like--the West.

I just wonder how many of those feminists still won't need a man if, or when, this crap comes here.

Anchorman said...

Local mayor Johan Vande Lanotte said yesterday: "It's obvious some newcomers have a cultural problem about relations between men and women.

"We must stay alert and explain our basic values to them and what they cannot do."

Wow. They really went all-Belgium on their asses!

Anchorman said...

Why are there so many cases undetected when it comes to immigrants and people of other culture? Imagine and ordinary guy only looking with “lusty eyes” at a western women – what would happen then?

Or, as (Dr. Helen?) quipped, "If the Cologne attacks (and ones like this) were perpetrated by members of Fraternities, it would be the biggest issue of the decade."

The different reactions should tell folks just how much folks in authority care about your welfare vs their power.

Hammerli 280 said...

"We must stay alert and explain our basic values to them and what they cannot do."

And a thorough beating that breaks bones is a clear explanation.

frenchy said...

@ Anchorman,

I think you're missing one key element. These folks are so hard core in their ideology(-ies), that it trumps anything that points out its inconsistencies. Its Cultural Marxism run amok. They have to ignore the truth because they cannot confront the paradigm shift it would take revealing that they've been living a lie. So they continue to act of if nothing is happening.

Things won't change until it directly affects them. And hopefully, that will lead to their purging from their seats of power. God knows what will replace them though. People living in fear will accept anything that promises and brings order and security.

Anonymous said...

Feminists (in BRU, BEL) are going ballistic, shrieking at Roosh, calling for violent action against ROK supporters with the help of their white knights, encouraging hacking and other illegal activities. Roosh has made it into all 3 french written national papers as a homophobic, mysoginist rapist.

On the other hand, not a word about this recent incident and nothing about Köln has been heard from that crowd.

(Just a different nickname)

CostelloM said...

I can hear the SJW's now... "When you look at, leer at, fondle, grope, molest, or commit a violent act of rape against womyn you, Mr. cis-gendered white man, are guilty of CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!"

Anchorman said...

This explains why Scalzi and other dhimmis shrug off Islamization.

They get to get rapey when the orcs take over.

7916 said...


This is standard liberalism. They think that they will be in charge when the socialists/communists/fascists/socjus take power. Inevitably they find that they will not.

They will have no power in Islam, though they think they will. In the end it is the same. They desire power, think that others will give it to them if they value signal enough as their natural due, and then are surprised when it does not happen and they become cattle.

This is why the term "Useful Idiots" was coined.

SirHamster said...

Okay I've detected a couple of issues with the Finnish Method of Rape Resistance when given a practical application trial run.

The part where she shoves her hands at him and causes him to fly back reminded me of those Chinese kungfu films where they fly around and do other things with their chi.

Who knew those were training videos?

ws1835 said...

I disagree Vox. Blood will run in the streets the day after the father is convicted.

- ws1835

Anchorman said...

Am I reading too much into this? The girls says nothing and no details emerge.

Muslim girl who didn't want to get stoned to death because she got drunk and raped?

MycroftJones said...

ws1835 you are wrong. A couple fathers did go after their daughters attackers in England. Nothing happened. England is thoroughly pozzed. A minister of parliament actually stood up yesterday and said Roosh was "cowardly" for not wanting to take it up the butt from an LGBT man. (paraphrasing)

JCclimber said...

I doubt the kind of man who would take vengeance for this kind of atrocity would also be the kind whose 17 year old daughter was at a party with a bunch of vibrants and getting so drunk that she passed out.

Perhaps I am naive, or am ignorant of Belgian culture.

little dynamo said...

He's right. Women must obey men and females must obey males. Otherwise, your daughters are going to get Mohammed and Company. And you will be next, and neither your armory nor courage will be enough.

The fathers of daughters were not enraged when their nations were given over to females, nor when masculinity was degraded en masse decade after decade, nor when fatherhood itself was (is) under mortal attack, nor when the children of the nation were slaughtered in the name of A Woman's Choice. But NOW they're upset because princess is in danger. Yep.

Obedience first, then protection. No obedience, no protection. That goes for daddy, mommy, daughter, and for everybody else too. Hate it (or me) all you want but them's the rules. Good luck.

7916 said...

"Obedience first, then protection. No obedience, no protection"


Bob said...

"ws1835 you are wrong. A couple fathers did go after their daughters attackers in England. Nothing happened."

Indeed, the two fathers who tracked down their abducted daughters got arrested. No joke.. The police didn't even check the fucking room where their girls were being gangraped, just immediately arrested the dads. See my previous comment on this on the Avoiding the Anti-Male SJWs article. I live in Rotherham unfortunately.

MycroftJones said...

Bob, funny thing... the minister for Rotherham stood up in Parliament and called Roosh an abhorrent rapist. The irony. He'll attack Roosh, but turn a blind eye to the real rape in his own precinct.

Unknown said...

Frances Coppola would have you believe otherwise.

she tweeted: “I suspect anti-immigration ppl of organising the Cologne sex crimes. Fastest way of getting borders closed.”

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