Physical appearance is a big part of your ranking in the sexual market and consists of three parts: physique, clothing/accessories, and how you carry yourself.
If you ever wonder where you currently rank in the physical aspect look back at the last few months and recall which women openly hit upon you and then add two to where you’d rank them. For instance if three women in the last two months who you’d rank a four seriously flirted with you without provocation then you rank a six. In particular pay close attention to women who are hitting on you solely based upon your appearance when you’ve hardly said a word, or even nothing.
In general, both men and women want to score two ranks higher than themselves, with Gammas as the delusion exception. People are willing to go out on a limb and even embarrass themselves in front of others to score two ranks higher. This sort of flirtation isn’t based upon cold reasoning of mating material but heartfelt desire and even lustful passion.
If 145 lbs. five foot four inch women of average appearance are consistently giving you the eye, flirting with you, and making open passes, then the good news is that you are likely a seven.
I guess I'm a 12.
I thought men are usually not hit upon. It doesn't mean you're not attractive. A 145 lb and short women hitting upon me is a negative attraction, I'm sorry. I would rank myself poorly if this happens.
I thought men are usually not hit upon. It doesn't mean you're not attractive. A 145 lb and short women hitting upon me is a negative attraction, I'm sorry. I would rank myself poorly if this happens.
So, if something happens to you, that doesn't normally happen to men according to you, that means you're less attractive than other men? Seeing the failure of logic in your proposition?
Though it doesn't happen as often men do get hit on. One reason men miss this is that women are usually more subtle about it than men are. They want plausible deniability in case the interest is not returned. I've been hit on myself, never by any great beauty, but it has happened. And in situations where all the women had to go on was my physical appearance.
Timmy3, men are hit upon all of the time, and if it never happens to you then you are missing the clues. Rigel Kent is correct they are typically more subtle, like long eye contact, talking like a little girl when she speaks, a lingering smile, but not always. I've had women grab my ass, and stare at my crotch as I left a room.
The important take away from this post is to keep in mind people want the upper limit of what they can achieve in dating so an average woman (five is average and when looking at the stats is around 5'4" and 145 lbs in the USA) will go for sixes and sevens NOT fives like herself.
What people want and what they get are two different things.
"Seeing the failure of logic in your proposition?"
I was stringing along many thoughts with that post. If you're hit upon by an attractive woman that's much lighter than 145 pounds. I would say 110 and 120 lbs and attractive. Let's just say she is just as attractive as you. Then that's a positive, not a negative.
Maybe I don't get the clues, but if I gotten more hits when I was single in my 20s and 30s, then I would be a fool to have missed them. So I say that with my own experience that most men are "usually not hit upon." This wording shows the wiggle room that I'm giving to this statement.
Looks like Roosh slipped off the rails.....
Looks like Roosh slipped off the rails.....
Hmm. As a rough estimate I suppose this works. I'd say that the chicks who hit on me in the past few years were mostly 6-7 with one strong 8 and a handful 5's.
This would place me as an 8-9 but I've always though I was close to a 6-7.
Concerning being 'hit on' by a chick... it's very different than how we do it. An example is the chick who glances at you, smiles, moves closer but doesn't approach. She makes herself approachable and lures you in, but YOU have to do the hard part. This way she doesn't have to put herself in jeopardy. I dunno about you guys, but I've only been cold approached by women three, maybe four times and one of those was in high-school.
Don't forget situation and opportunity. Maybe in the grand scale of things you are a seven, but in a certain situation you could rank higher. If all of the 8-10s leave the room, who's on top then? I've also experienced that women on vacation or holiday suddenly have different priorities in who they are interested in.
Well I'm in my late 50s so the equation is a bit different, but I consistently get smiles (though not hits) from women in their twenties and thirties. Of course it could be because I remind them of their fathers. Heh.
Robert What? I think you just segued us into a post about "Dad" game.
I have always been quite popular with the 75 and older crowd.
This post is fallacious. Trying to disentangle a woman's attraction to your physical appearance from her attraction to your sociosexuality is impossible because not even women can tell the difference. Your 'bearing', how you carry yourself, is a sociosexuality clue, not a "physical attractiveness" cue. I know plenty of guys with handsome faces that go around with timid and defensive body language, and plenty of ugly motherfuckers that carry themselves with perfect confidence. Guess which is more popular and gets laid?
A man doesn't need to quantify his objective appearance on a scale because his final attractiveness to women in heavily weighted towards SSS. How attractive are you to women? Simple. What is the quality of the women you sleep with?
8+ for casual sex: Alpha or sigma
6-7 for casual sex, 7-8 for girlfriend: Beta
4-6 for girlfriend, very little potential for casual sex: Delta
3-4 girlfriend, no casual sex outside of fatties: Gamma
incel: Omega
(men will sometimes choose to date down for steady girlfriends, but women rarely fulfill their hypergamous imperative to both sleep with higher quality men and extract provisioning from them. While they make themselves sexually available to men of higher status, these men are unlikely to commit to them.)
Re-read the first sentence of the post and you'll see that "physical appearance" is specifically stated to be made up of three things.
I dunno about you guys, but I've only been cold approached by women three, maybe four times and one of those was in high-school.
I've only been overtly hit on by sluts and little girls. Women tend to flirt gently like you said.
How about assume you are a zero and just improve yourself? No delusions, cold hard reality, embrace any rejections until you get a yes?
@YJLAW, a column about "dad game" would be most welcome :)
filler I use this on one side for months and months and months and months and saw absolutely no difference I Vita Luminance did with the other eye cream east on this time although being a serum it just moved in and don't really nice is still being a creep to out great but it's very expensive in actually showed new.
What do you mean? I often attract the kind people!
Thank you Mr. VD for this insightful post to study...
I also agree with this from @sigsawyer:
"Your 'bearing', how you carry yourself, is a sociosexuality clue, not a "physical attractiveness" cue. I know plenty of guys with handsome faces that go around with timid and defensive body language, and plenty of ugly motherfuckers that carry themselves with perfect confidence. Guess which is more popular and gets laid?
A man doesn't need to quantify his objective appearance on a scale because his final attractiveness to women in heavily weighted towards SSS. How attractive are you to women? Simple. What is the quality of the women you sleep with?"
^YES it's not always about "what car you look like" it's the "driver behind the car" that makes the car work or not.
Even so natural SOCIAL and SEXUAL maximization is the way for a man to increase his SMV.
At the end of everything only YOU can succeed for YOURSELF don't matter what ANYONE thinks ONLY GOD cares and loves you best. But the personal initiative is to DO THE BEST YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU'RE PROVIDED and GO FROM THERE.
See, a man has ten pounds, goes out and makes another ten pounds for his lord. The other guy has five pounds, likewise he goes out and makes another five pounds. This one guy has this one pound goes out to the ditch and buries it in the ground, making nothing in return. His master comes back saying, "Why have you been doing?! Why didn't you at least put my money in the back so I could get my interest? You other two come here and take his pound, and give to the man with ten + ten pounds (now he has twenty-one).
For whosoever hath shall be given and whosoever hath not shall be taken what he hath.
Lesson learned from the Lord Jesus Christ: AKA "KJV Luke 19:11-27"). Good stuff. Amen.
~ Sincerely,
Bro. Jed
@Delta Man
My issue is that there is no pure "physical appearance" metric. Even if you looked at a photo of a man there are cues to his status. A feature that may be endearing to a woman if a man is alpha may be a turn-off if he's lower status
Not only is there no way to quantify your appearance, there is no reason to do so. Want to know where you stand? Hit on some girls. Trying to think "oh, well this girl flirted with me and she was a 5 and this other one was more like a seven so that makes me..." is pointless. Say you knew you were a "physical 7". What does that mean for you in real life? Absolutely nothing.
What if a man is 5'1, but has an impeccable physique, designer clothes and confidence in spades? Won't his height doom his chances of finding a beautiful woman?
@ Scott C
@ 8 minutes in;
79% of attractiveness is attributable to body shape.
6% of attractiveness is attributable to body height.
5% of attractiveness is attributable to body penis size.
This is a good reality check for gammas, but everyone else can just go "What do I aim for? I'm probably two less than that."
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