Monday, January 25, 2016

Insight into Gamma

I've often wondered why Gammas are so intent on trying to shut down discussion and silence others. And then it occurred to me that it is not because they are foolish, but because they are cowards.

If you silence a Gamma, he submits. Sure, he's seething and angry, and he'll hold a grudge forever, but the one thing he isn't going to do is fight. Physical confrontation is simply not an option for him.

And that is why the Gamma is always astonished when he gets punched in the mouth. Because he would never fight, he can't imagine that anyone else will do so. I know plenty of guys who have been in fights, and none of them are Gammas.

Of course, that's also why the Gamma shrieks like a little Swedish girl getting raped by refugees when anyone even suggests the possibility of force being utilized. The very thought of it is terrifying to him.


Jew613 said...

Vox, theres a concept about the gamma that I have trouble understanding. I get the gamma believes himself to be a secret king. But its a lie. Do they believe the lie?

Anonymous said...

"And that is why the Gamma is always astonished when he gets punched in the mouth. Because he would never fight, he can't imagine that anyone else will do so. I know plenty of guys who have been in fights, and none of them are Gammas."

So very true. I would guesstimate that gammas represent at least 50% of the guys who like to snuggle up to the bouncers and doormen in the clubs. Pointing out others to us for what they perceive as wrongdoings or potential troublemakers. Maybe somebody bumped into them and they spilled their drink. Or something of the like.

Gammas will not stand up for themselves or others in a full on face to face confrontation where violence is an option. They prefer to dicktuck and run. Hoping they can get somebody else to do it.

Rek. said...
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Rek. said...


They are mutually exclusive propositions. Gamma believes Santa Claus is real. Santa Claus is a lie. Then the lie has to be real, otherwise the narrative crashes donw. You can only believe to be something that you are not through the undisputable force of your own delusion. If I know I am lying to myself surely I can't be no secret king. #RachelDolezal #ShaunKing or could I? Gamma psychology may be different to normal person psychology.

Now if it's really the case that they don't believe their own lie someone will have to explain this to me

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
Gammas like to threat others and are surprised that they do not react the way they would if they were threatend by others. Gammas are impressed by threats.

Booch Paradise said...

The gamma spends a lot of time in his own head, and in his own mind argues and convinces himself that his lies are true. He will never give voice in his own head to the idea that his lies may be false, but clearly unspoken doubt exists causing him insecurity.

So as to whether or not they believe the lie, I guess it comes down to what you mean by believe. I think that they believe their lies, but they have no faith to back up the beliefs.

And I say that as a person with some gamma tendencies that I have to actively suppress.

Ben Cohen said...

You're not entitled to anything in this life.

Is the gist of a gamma that he believes he deserves everything because he exists? That he doesn't have to work hard? said...

I have followed these gamma threads with interest, but am still a little lost. Can you point to some prominent gammas in literature, movies, TV, or public life. Is Woody Allen a gamme? Or is it more like the autistic like nerds from War Games or something like that?

Rek. said...

@ Booch

"but clearly unspoken doubt exists causing him insecurity"

Maybe there is a subcategory of gammas for which this may be true. Although I would say those who try to lie to themseves unsuccessfully end up on the low end of the delta spectrum. Scalzi and the likes don't appear to suffer from any self-doubt. Or maybe that's just because he is a gamma male and a psychopath.

My only real encounter with a young german gamma male this summer and the brief interaction we had over the immigration issue leads me to believe that he truely, deeply and without any shadow of a doubt believed himself to be more attractive to the group of lady he was with than me through his value signaling. Although I had just high fived all 5 or 6 girls in the group and had told them that this was a safe zone and that white supremacy is ok. The fact that there was one south african girl who had left the country to live in the UK just reenforces my point.

Aeoli Pera said...

In Koanic's terminology Gammas are "hierarchy flat", which means they don't grok the idea of competitive dominance (physical or otherwise). The fact that he refuses to return fire is a consequence of extreme solipsism, which is a trait generally shared by Omegas (and I suspect also Sigmas) who express it in a more introverted way.

Aeoli Pera said...

Speculative: Peyton Manning may be one of the most successful Gammas in the world in terms of sexual market value, so it is curious to see that all of this success and talent does not seem to have cured him of this condition.

Prediction: If this is true, then he will (most likely) get extremely frustrated during the Superbowl game, choke, and the Broncos will be absolutely demolished by the Panthers.

Anonymous said...

Can you point to some prominent gammas in literature, movies, TV, or public life

By my estimation, in music there is John Lennon and Michael Stipe. For an extreme display of gamma, see a youtube video of Father John Misty performing "Learning to love the war."

In politics there is Al Gore, especially in his infamously huffy debate with GWB.


Anonymous said...

"Can you point to some prominent gammas"

Benjamin Gibbard the singer from Death Cab for Cutie comes to mind. Check out his pictures with ex Zooey Deschanel. In those pics Gibbard mostly seems to be looking at her in worship. And he fits Vox's description of Gamma's "and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel" to a T (see video below after breakup with Deschanel).

Jeff said...

Aeoli, I don't think Manning is a Gamma. Regardless of whether or not he is, I don't think the Broncos stand a chance because the Panthers are more athletic on both offense and defense. Both teams seem to be well coached and aren't making dumb penalties.

Chad said...

I would characterize Gamma as a man at odds with reality. He will characterize his shortcomings as virtues (for example cowardice becomes 'restraint'). Due to this characterization he thinks he is the epitome of virtue, but the values of society are flawed into not recognizing his greatness. In his delusion he is trying to manifest pride.

Due to this investment in an easily dispelled pride the Gamma cannot withstand discussions that challenge his belief that he is virtuous. He is emotionally invested in his intellectual drivel.

This is why Gamma Protagonist are invariably Gary Stus; the universe in which they exist must change to accommodate the Gamma's virtue. The fantasy is that the Gamma Protagonist changed whatever universe he exists in to recognize his inherent greatness.

For a public Gamma look no further than Justin Trudeau. His son's going to be a feminist. I also think I heard he gets his news filtered for him.

Anonymous said...

"Gamma cannot withstand discussions that challenge his belief that he is virtuous. He is emotionally invested in his intellectual drivel."

Gibbard has all this too in spades:

Gibbard is an activist for gay rights and wrote an article in The Daily Beast voicing why this issue is important to him. He stated that when his lesbian sister got married, that it was "the most beautiful thing" he had ever seen. In the article, he voiced his strong support for Referendum 74 and discussed raising money for the issue. He stated, "I would just feel so much pride for my state if we could pass it by a popular vote and show the rest of the country that this is the direction we are going in."

Gibbard is a strong agnostic, lapsed Catholic: "I don’t want to falsely believe in something solely so I can jump to the front of the line for whatever this awesome place is we go after we die. [...] The vastness of that idea is so beyond my comprehension that I feel like if there was a God, then that God would accept me saying I’m not able to believe because it’s so outside of my ability to understand it. I understand that’s where faith comes into play."

Res Ipsa said...

I know plenty of guys who have been in fights

Are these guys your own age or close to it? Vox, I think you and I are close in age, mid 40's. When I was a kid, even in public school, boys could get into a fight and not much was done about it. Shure they broke it up, and you'd probably get sent to the principles office. He'd threaten to call your folks and give you a taking to, but that was all that was likely to happen. It just wasn't a big deal.

Boys grew up getting punched and learning to punch back. As long as you didn't start it or have a reputation as a trouble maker, throwing a few punches wasn't a big deal. It was a learning experience. Shoot off your mouth and someone might punch you. Then it was put up or shut up.

It seems like today adults who should know better, get the vapors if kids get into a scuffle. Women should never be allowed to raise boys. Very few of them have any idea what a man even looks like. When boys are brought up to react like women you get a gamma.

Aeoli Pera said...

Aeoli, I don't think Manning is a Gamma. Regardless of whether or not he is, I don't think the Broncos stand a chance because the Panthers are more athletic on both offense and defense. Both teams seem to be well coached and aren't making dumb penalties.

This is a good point regarding the prediction, but the typing was made by a psychopath of my acquaintance and not by me. He used it to predict Manning's frustration and performance meltdown in Superbowl XLVIII against Seattle.

Mr.MantraMan said...

Gammas = male bitches

Anonymous said...

I would disagree that Gammas dislike force. Following the Anonymous Conservatives r.K theory---which I believe is congruent with Vox's sociosexual hierarchy---Gammas dislike force/a fight if two criteria are met: (1) they are themselves involved in the force/fight, and risk getting hit; and (2) they are not going to obviously overhwlem the opponent (via numbers or just sheer size).

In other words, a gamma would be an archetype-after-school special version of a school bully, who "only picks on weaker people" but is really a coward. (I would bet even money that the writers who came up with the meme that "bullies only pick on the weak but are cowards" were gammas, such as proto-Scalzis, who were projecting their own bullying/cowardly nature into the story.

Gammas love manipulating people to fight for him, or joining a group that seemingly will easily overwhelm an opponent, thus risking no harm to the gamma. This is why gammas cheered for Occupy Wall Street and the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore---the crowds were going to fight gamma enemies, but no gammas would be harmed in the fight at all, even they lost.

Desiderius said...

"lapsed Catholic"

Gammas are constipated with sin.

They've cut themselves off from the Amazing Grace that comes to those capable of confession, contrition, and repentance.

Anonymous said...

I get the gamma believes himself to be a secret king. But its a lie. Do they believe the lie?

They believe it, until they are under sufficient stress. When that happens, their lizard brain kicks in and tries like hell to get them out of the situation they are incapable of handling.

The lizard brain is the part that's responsible for keeping you alive when the monkey brain's brilliant schemes fail. The lizard brain can't afford to believe lies. When the Gamma's lizard brain is convinced his monkey brain screwed up, he no longer believes he's a secret anything, he just wants to get away.

Can you point to some prominent gammas in literature,

Raymond Chandler.

Unknown said...

VD knows "Gamma" far too well for this to be empathy. Gamma is not a demographic, but a mindset. It's puella in nobis, the girl within us all; the phenotypic inheritance from our mothers - mitochondrial DNA. All men have it.

Alpha ignores it. Beta shuns it. Gamma nurses it. Delta seeks it. Omega worships it. Sigma uses it.

RJ said...

Yes, gammas seem a bit limp, but you all seem a little too quick to beat them down (verbally or otherwise). Makes many of the commenters here seem a bit bullyish.
I have a friend who fits 'gamma' to a tee, solipsism et al, yet the one time he was bullied in front of a female friend at a mall, he responded with a front snap kick, that had the other guy crabwalking backwards to get careful about assuming how your generalizations apply when applied to any specific individual, especially under threat.

Student in Blue said...

It's not bullyish if it's all blatantly true.

Gammas are also overrepresented on the Internet, so you really can't go a lot of places without just tripping over them everywhere.

GB said...

Sometimes they do fight. Badly.

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