Sunday, January 3, 2016

Immigration is rape culture

Even the New York Times admits it now:
One Syrian woman who joined the stream of migrants to Germany was forced to pay down her husband’s debt to smugglers by making herself available for sex along the way. Another was beaten unconscious by a Hungarian prison guard after refusing his advances.

A third, a former makeup artist, dressed as a boy and stopped washing to ward off the men in her group of refugees. Now in an emergency shelter in Berlin, she still sleeps in her clothes and, like several women here, pushes a cupboard in front of her door at night.

“There is no lock or key or anything,” said Esraa al-Horani, the makeup artist and one of the few women here not afraid to give her name. She has been lucky, Ms. Horani said: “I’ve only been beaten and robbed.”

War and violence at home, exploitative smugglers and perilous seas along the way, an uncertain welcome and future on a foreign continent — these are some of the risks faced by tens of thousands of migrants who continue to make their way to Europe from the Middle East and beyond. But at each step of the way, the dangers are amplified for women.

“Everybody knows there are two ways of paying the smugglers. With money or with your body.”
The immigration-invasion is one of the worst violations of human rights committed in recent years, and it was committed by the European and American multiculturalists. They are to blame for this rape epidemic.

Angela Merkel is responsible for more rapes than anyone in Europe since Marshal Zhukov.


Rigel Kent said...

Give it time. I'm sure Merkel will manage to beat Zhukov's numbers.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
More and more people are becoming awake and see what multiculturalists have done to their culture. There is still hope that things will turn soon.

T.L. Ciottoli said...

Yes. This. They are responsible. Merkel and all multicult and diversity fascists have supported and continue to support rape culture. They have caused the death, rape, torture, and murder of thousands already, and will be responsible for the millions who will suffer due to their stupidity, pride, arrogance, and selfish desires for virtue-signaling glory. Nothing about this is Christian, in any way, shape, or form. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Shout them down if you have to because they are not hesitating to use violent force against you through the State and not hesitating to support the flood of your communities and nations with savagery. Draw the line, loudly and clearly, and let them know they have blood on their hands already.

Ron said...

Come on Vox, get woth the program. Dont you know that slight 5'3 wide hipped women are easily able to beat the living shit out of a team of 6'2 scandinavian berserkers? All she has to do to protect herself from rape is use the moxxie and grrrl power!

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Retrenched said...

Damn that tragic dirt, it always follows Muslims wherever they go. They just can't escape it!

Harambe said...

Damn that tragic dirt, it always follows Muslims wherever they go. They just can't escape it!

It was a minor plot device in one of Tom Kratman's books. I think it was A Desert Called Peace.

BassmanCO said...
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BassmanCO said...


Did you see that Time magazine named Merkel their Person of the Year?

liberranter said...

Angela Merkel is responsible for more rapes than anyone in Europe since Marshal Zhukov.

Yep. It's amazing how short memories are, especially among those in whom they should be longest.

tz said...

Considering the number of Gammas and Deltas, much less Omegas, why is this a bad thing again?

MichaelJMaier said...

"Damn that tragic dirt, it always follows Muslims wherever they go. They just can't escape it!"

Tragic dirt... forgot about that one. Excellent.

IanSean said...

Nobody's responsible for a rape but the rapist. Not that one can't be foolish: if I get gunned down struttin a blue tux in a blood hood, the murderer is obviously still responsible. But that doesn't mean I wasn't being a damned idiot.

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