Saturday, October 31, 2015

Why does Seth Rogen's wife want to have sex

With Mike Cernovich?
Seth Rogen’s wife recently told me on Twitter that she would like to have sex with me. Setting aside the moral implications of such a decision, one might ask: Why?

Seth Rogen is famous. He’s a multi-millionaire. Clearly that’s not enough. Seth Rogen is lacking in all areas of his life that matter most, due to his weak mindset.
My guess is that the answer is: because he's a fat gamma male with less testosterone and muscle development than the average 14-year-old boy. Sure, he's funny, but have you ever noticed how much plainer the women who date and marry famous comedians are than the women who date much less famous actors and athletes?

It's because of their low socio-sexual rank, which is heavily influenced by mindset. Women like laughing at clowns, but they aren't particularly inclined to have sex with them. Of course, pictures can also be informative.

Let's face it, it's not surprising that Seth Rogen's wife might prefer the gentleman on the right. And I understand that he's still single for the moment, so perhaps if she acts fast... on second thought, I've met Shauna. She's full of smiles, but I have no doubt that she would, as they say on the mean streets of Orange County, "cut a bitch."

That being said, I am totally on Seth Rogen's side in all of this. While I am still bitter about having been subjected to one of his movies (I think it was Knocked Up), at least he's not responsible for me being stuck drinking beet roots and shredded oak leaves for lunch.


Terrific said...

The LAST way to attract a woman is as a comedian. Being funny is not the same thing as being a comedian. I believe Chris Rock did a riff on that subject once.

As a former class clown, I speak from experience.

test said...

This article reads like you are not quite sure what you are trying to express.

Ocean said...

How do you explain David Spade getting all the girls? :-)

Eincrou said...

Tom Arrow: "This article reads like you are not quite sure what you are trying to express. "

I've seen your comments on numerous androsphere sites recently, and it's ironic that the sentiment you express towards this article is precisely the impression I've come to about your comments.

Your thoughts, ideas and feelings are very disordered, and you struggle to systematize them. You experienced a feeling of confusion when reading this article, but since you don't understand your own mind, you have projected your own bemusement onto VD. Make no mistake, Vox Day knows exactly what he is doing, at all times.

Keep reading VD, both here and on Vox Populi. Observe how he discusses ideas and feelings. He is a clear thinker that knows his own mind, which is what every man should strive to achieve.

Dexter said...

I don't know who either of these guys are... but the photos tell me who is more alpha. =)

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

I set a deadlift PR today. Feels great! I don't hate myself either.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Funny. I saw that tweet. Weird. said...

I actually met Mike and Shauna at the Chicago meetup he had and Shauna can hold her own from the conversation we had. She's sharp.

I'm also pretty sure she's far better than Rogen's wife in all the ways that matter... if you know what I mean.

(Disclosure, she's also Armenian/Persian, so I have a positive bias toward fellow Armenians, even though I'm only half)

Dark Herald said...

Rogen today, is like Jerry Lewis in the 1950s. Everybody thinks he's funny...for now.

The guy isn't timeless. Eventually the public's taste will change and Rogen will only be funny in France.

Bank on it.

Remember when everyone thought Margret Cho's SJW flied lice routine was comedic genius? What is she doing these days? Her former fans (and ardent defenders) don't seem to care anymore.

Dark Herald said...

Rogen today, is like Jerry Lewis in the 1950s. Everybody thinks he's funny...for now.

The guy isn't timeless. Eventually the public's taste will change and Rogen will only be funny in France.

Bank on it.

Remember when everyone thought Margret Cho's SJW flied lice routine was comedic genius? What is she doing these days? Her former fans (and ardent defenders) don't seem to care anymore.

Mr.MantraMan said...

I do believe I seen old Seth on Playboy's "Nightcalls" one time way back in the day, and it was show and tell and his bit was him filming himself and his little Johnson receiving a blow job from a low rent prostitute who looked well past her due date. Brilliant self promotion I must say.

Rex Little said...

I dunno, was Rogen's wife's comment to Cernovich serious or sarcastic? Seems to me that if she really wanted to have sex with him, she wouldn't broadcast the fact on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Generally, a woman won't say she wants to have sex with a man she's not interested in, even in jest. It doesn't feel right to her. So even if she was being sarcastic, there's a bit of truth in it. She might not be planning any trysts, but if she were....

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
Just taking a look at the differences between this two men (if you can the left one call am “man” at all) makes it clear to everyone why women prefer the one over the other. No matter what brainwashing-nonsense people are told every day. In the end strength and masculinity always win.

Unknown said...

'Generally, a woman won't say she wants to have sex with a man she's not interested in, even in jest. It doesn't feel right to her. So even if she was being sarcastic, there's a bit of truth in it. She might not be planning any trysts, but if she were....'

Well she could just be one of those women who knows how to destroy a man. And reading the Bible...adultery is up there on the top of the list. For the husband and the clueless guy involved.

Student in Blue said...

Regardless, it's effective rhetoric to take it at its face and run with it.

Unknown said...

Oh, absolutely. They don't let us off the hook when we say, "Come on, I was obviously just kidding." They deserve to be pounded relentlessly with every literal word they say.

Tommy Hass said...
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Tommy Hass said...

I agree with the lame "weed-head" persona though. Mike is spot on, on that.

Unknown said...

'Oh, absolutely. They don't let us off the hook when we say, "Come on, I was obviously just kidding." They deserve to be pounded relentlessly with every literal word they say. '

It's the only way they'll learn.

Trust said...

Fame and fortune give appeal to otherwise unappealing men. Rogen could get daily blowjobs and sex from beautiful women just because he's famous. However, he won't keep that appeal after he marries, when he's no longer an unobtainable celebrity and the women can take his money.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

I believe her tweet was missing a comma, or something like that.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

I would so totally bang her, but I would not let Seth sit in the same room.

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Unknown said...

Considering this guy is an actor in Hollywood, what are the chances he's not gay? Even though he looks like comic relief second banana material, the fact that's he's rich and famous enough for some people to actually recognize him, means that even a beard should be a little less obvious when picking up guys to fill an empty void in their lives. But then, when you look at him and see how much of a dickhead he is, maybe he can play this up for some loser roles in movies that Adam Sandler used to get?

Anonymous said...

My guess is that the answer is: because he's a fat gamma male with less testosterone and muscle development than the average 14-year-old boy.

It's not surprising that he was the voice actor for Joker in the Mass Effect series - a charactre who was literally robosexual.

Unknown said...

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digitals said...
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The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
Read Danger and Play and you know what a man must do to be a man. Everything else is just the ordinary bullship you get told and which has no value at all.

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