Monday, October 12, 2015

Stay away from the crazy

This is why you don't marry a cock addict. Not even a reformed one:
On Oct. 3, after telling her husband she was going into the city for a girls’ night out, Kiersten met up with friends at a hotel at 6:30 p.m. The group then went drinking on the Lower East Side. They were out till 2:30 in the morning, drinking hard and allegedly using cocaine.

At 3 a.m., Kiersten peeled off with Marc Henry Johnson, a 51-year-old producer for HBO. She had known him since 2009 — 10 months before she married for the second time.

By 4 a.m., they were in a cab on the way to Chelsea, and the two went up to the cabdriver’s apartment.

Kiersten’s body was found at 8:30 that morning, sprawled in the vestibule, her feet propping the door open. Video showed Johnson and the driver dragging her body down the building’s stairs, leaving her to die alone....

Karina Freedman, a skin-care specialist with a large clientele in Kiersten’s Manhasset neighborhood, says many of these women are, in fact, leading double lives.
The tells: High-T female professional, married twice, girls-night-out regular, drug user (no way her husband didn't know about the taste for coke), and above all, crazy slut eyes.

Don't marry the crazy. Don't even DATE the crazy.


Harambe said...

Also proof that a man doesn't have to be good-looking to get the panties wet.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

This woman was mentioned in church yesterday morning. A lady in my church was friends with her. Mind blowing.

Anonymous said...

yeah, #1 is on it. fat tub of lard, not the least bit handsome, jewfro.

you hope the cabbie wasn't in on the sex, he was 60 and obviously didn't have much money.

Robert What? said...

Also shows what amoral perverts work in the entertainment industry.

Anchorman said...

“Everybody thinks it’s horrible that this is what she’s going to be known for,” Morash said.

Yeah, well, that's because that is the type of person she was. You don't "accidentally" go on a coke fueled sex slam with a couple of ugly guys. Homely stay at home mom swept up for an evening by hunky drug dealer? I can see it happen as a fantasy. Woman with constant access to money and men goes on a coke bender with "meh" guys...that's how she lived her life.

Anonymous said...

My wife does afternoon tea, trips to the spa, and those pyramid scheme parties with the girls. If I were the husband I would DNA test those children.

Anonymous said...

, ‘If he’s a drug dealer, why don’t I have better shoes?’ ” says the woman who's apartment it all happened in.

But oh, the cruel irony of High-T women. So much energy in bed, but The Crazy is too high a price to pay.

The Reactionary said...

Anyone in the entertainment industry who isn't a degenerate pervert is saddled with survivor guilt.

YIH said...

drinking hard and allegedly using cocaine
That's a form of 'speedball'. Drink enough and the alcohol starts making you sleepy, the coke counteracts that. Drink more, do more coke, and so on. Eventually the person will pass out from drinking too much, no matter how much coke they do. A lot like what happened to John Belushi.

Days of the Broken Arrows said...

"Kiersten." I've also noticed: Crazy spelling = crazy woman. They descend from lines of people who feel the need to attention-whore through oddly-spelled names and personality is largely genetic, let's not forget.

I remember an old episode of "Cheers" where the Diane character (Shelley Long) was making fun of Sam for dating a girl who spelled her name "Brandee -- with two 'ee's'" because it sounded ditzy. Might have been a joke, but there was some truth in what Diane was getting at.

Anonymous said...

It was in fact crazy (crazy scale above the 4 and below 8) that sent me to the ’sphere. Some of us had to learn the hard way. The cluster’s B’s that tanked a good many of us…add cock addict vetting to the list now that it’s understood that an LTR with them is zero sum game.

Mindstorm said...

@JP Not a surprise with enough of the coke.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

She was quite fetching. What a shame.

Dark Herald said...


You aren't wrong about the eyes. I can hear the giggly, over loud, too long and slightly manic laughter right through the computer screen.

I'm surprised she was still that good looking by thirty eight. Of course she was or at least worked in dermatologist's office. That could help a lot.

In her case it was always going to end badly. She looks like the kind of chicks that LCpl DeAngelis used to pull in his AA meetings. I met a couple of them. An addict is born an addict. By fifteen most of those girls have drained a radiator in order to get high.

Anonymous said...

“Everybody thinks it’s horrible that this is what she’s going to be known for,” Morash said.


She was quite fetching. What a shame.

White knighting.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...


Double E said...

@ Hamburger White Knighting

"that word - I don't think it means what you think it means." said...

If I may quote some apropos lyrics from Lou Reed:

Street Hassle
Hey, that cunt's not breathing
I think she's had too much
of something or other, hey, man, you know what I mean?
I don't mean to scare you
but you're the one who came here
and you're the one who's gotta take her when you leave
I'm not being smart
or trying to be cold on my part
and I'm not gonna wear my heart on my sleeve
But you know people get all emotional
and sometimes, man, they just don't act rational you know,
they think they're just on TV

Sha-la-la-la, man
why don't you just slip her away

You know, I'm glad that we met man
it really was nice talking
and I really wish that there was a little more time to speak
But you know it could be a hassle
trying to explain this all to a police officer
about how it was that your old lady got herself stiffed
And it's not like we could help
but there wasn't nothing no one could do
and if there was, man, you know I would have been the first
But when someone turns that blue
well, it's a universal truth
and then you just know that bitch will never fuck again
By the way, that's really some bad shit
that you came to our place with
but you ought to be more careful around the little girls
It's either the best or it's the worst
and since I don't have to choose
I guess I won't and I know this ain't no way to treat a guest
But why don't you grab your old lady by the feet
and just lay her out in the darkest street
and by morning, she's just another hit and run.
You know, some people got no choice
and they can never find a voice
to talk with that they can even call their own
So the first thing that they see
that allows them the right to be
why they follow it, you know, it's called bad luck.

tweell said...

It is indeed a pity. Won the America Junior Miss pageant at 18, became a MD, so she had beauty and brains. Cocaine and crazy = losing, even for the genetic lottery winners like her.

Revelation Means Hope said...

See the photo of her second hubby, good beta/delta, who is kissing her check with closed eyes while she stares straight into the camera.
Those kind of pictures make me cringe, and I wonder if there exist any of me out there somewhere doing something similar in my less enlightened past.

Anchorman said...

Ordinarily, I'd say you're reading into things (not you, specifically), but I really haven't seen pictures like that from couples in which the woman is enamored.

It's like when I hear about how Nancy Reagan always looked adoringly at Ronald Reagan. There was no doubt who had her attention.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Another demonstrative example. May it help to open up some eyes (and brains).


Bike Bubba said...

Just noting that the late doctor was attractive is white knighting? Sorry, I'm with Laguna Beach Fogey--it is a shame, and she was attractive. Maybe very unbalanced, but she was created in God's image, no?

And yes, she was on her second marriage, but I don't see evidence that she was riding the "cock carousel" or anything like that. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, and another possibility is that she inadvertently pulled a Len Bias and found out the hard way that her body didn't react well to cocaine. Let's at least wait for the toxicology reports to come out, no?

I've got no problem with confronting people who are promiscuous--I do it myself (specifically for my sister in law, who is bipolar)--but I do have a problem with assuming a lady's sexual history from two or three pictures.

VD said...

I do have a problem with assuming a lady's sexual history from two or three pictures.

To say nothing of the fact that she died after banging an ugly TV industry wannabe as well as an elderly cab driver, then died topless with her panties in her purse?

Yeah, you're a white knight.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side - at least the husband doesn't have to worry about getting raped in a divorce.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side - at least the husband doesn't have to worry about getting raped in a divorce.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Bike Bubba,

You are the very definition of a white knight.

Anonymous said...

By fifteen most of those girls have drained a radiator...

That is not a phrase I've heard before. Very picturesque.

Anonymous said...

I do have a problem with assuming a lady's sexual history from two or three pictures.

Speaking of assuming things, why would you assume a married woman found dead of a coke overdose after a night of carousing with strange men was a lady?

A real lady would be offended at being equated with a coke addict.

John Williams said...

Maybe very unbalanced, but she was created in God's image, no?
So was Dahmer, Manson, Hitler, Stalin, Gacy, etc. You need to drop the Sunday school feelgood pablum and understand the nature of mankind.

Kirk Parker said...


"Kiersten" isn't a weird made-up spelling (a la blacks or Mormons); it's an old-country spelling.

MichaelJMaier said...

@ Kirk: I figure 50/50 retard parents or not.

Noah B. said...

Key point being that all the warning signs were there within two minutes of meeting this woman. I know the type well, you can spot the crazy eyes from a mile away.

Bike Bubba said...

No, pointing to a lack of evidence does not constitute being a white knight. It's simply to say that it is tacky to accuse a woman of being a long term slut and drug user when all you know is that on one night, she got so stoned she ended up disrobed and dead. Isn't it sufficient to state that this is a case of very poor judgment (drinking heavily, especially without someone to watch out for the victim) leading to tragedy?

MichaelJMaier said...

Yeah... Bubba's right.

I sure the whole time she was fucking the cabbie she was saying "I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE!" AND meant it!

Haus frau said...

Jeez Bike Bubba. Now you're just being willfully naive. You don't just go from being a dutiful wife and mother to ending up dead in the middle of a coke and alcohol fueled threesome. You dont make it to 38 and just decide to take up hard drugs and kinky sex on a lark. It is far, far more likely that this incident is representative of past behavior she has always indulged in to one extent or another.

Anchorman said...

Coked out. Topless. Panties in the purse. Two guys.

That's playing on the Courtney Love level. No one starts on that level.

But maybe BB is right and she couldn't help herself and was swept up by the glitz and romance of getting drilled from behind by a sweaty, old guy while doing coke off another sweaty, old guy's ****.

She was a tramp.

Anonymous said...

She was a tramp.

Would I be white knighting if I suggested it may have been a very good quality of coke?

Anchorman said...

Would I be white knighting if I suggested it may have been a very good quality of coke?

Doesn't cut it.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Was Master of Puppets playing on the Hi-fi?

Bike Bubba said...

OK, have it your way. We must assume that sex occurred when the police say that there is no sign of sexual assault, we must assume that anonymous sources who need to fear prosecution for providing cocaine are absolutely truthful when they claim someone had the habit. Nobody teaching CPR ever told students to loosen an unconscious woman's bra to let her breathe easier, reminding them that the person revived will forgive you seeing her breasts. Nobody ever removed their knickers because they wet their pants because they were really drunk, either, and nobody ever did something embarrassing for the first time because they were really intoxicated. When our dads and granddads said "Candy's dandy, but liquor's quicker", they were out of their minds, because no otherwise virtuous girl would ever lose her inhibitions because of intoxication.

I hope it's nice living on your planet.

Daniel said...

It is almost as if you have heard that list of excuses so often that they must be true, Bike Bubba.

Hey, that bike you got, is that yours alone, or does it belong to the town?

Haus frau said...

"We must assume that sex occurred when the police say that there is no sign of sexual assault, "
She wasn't assaulted. That's not the same as not having sex. I'm sure she took her panties off because she got her period unexpectedly right?

"assume that anonymous sources who need to fear prosecution for providing cocaine are absolutely truthful when they claim someone had the habit. "
Are you claiming they forced her to imbibe coke and alcohol? Or that she may not have taken it and just died naturally? Seriously, no one takes up coke on a lark at that age.

" to loosen an unconscious woman's bra to let her breathe easier, "
Is that why her undies were in her purse?

"Nobody ever removed their knickers because they wet their pants because they were really drunk, either, " Yeah I'm sure all of these odd things just coalesced at once and she dropped dead all through no fault of her own.

"because no otherwise virtuous girl would ever lose her inhibitions because of intoxication. "
I'm sure that being a 38 year old doctor she had nooooooo idea that alcohol leads to doing stupid shit and just drank a wine spritzer or two to fit in.

Are you a defense lawyer by chance? Or maybe your wife goes out with the girls a lot but is considerate enough to fully explain herself afterwards?
Friend in college years ago who came home early from work and found her boyfriend in bed naked and a woman he worked with locked in the bathroom. After the woman picked her wedding ring off the night stand and ran out of the
house she got the full explanation. She was a coworker he was good friends with though she was a little unstable. He was just sleeping in bed naked when she let herself in to talk about a fight she had with her husband. Of course this required taking her wedding rings off but it wasn't his fault that she was mentally off a bit and misunderstood their relationship. It was all innocent and plausible you see. A few years later he dumped her for another woman he was cheating on her with.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Keep digging that hole, Bubba. You aren't making yourself look pathetic in the process, no sirree.

Anchorman said...

Maybe aliens were involved.

It's just as plausible as a woman with a lifetime treatment of being good looking and getting her way decided to booze, coke, and sex it up to show "she still got it."

Just as plausible...

Bike Bubba said...

Gentlemen, semen and pubic hair are evidence of sexual assault.

For, ahem, obvious reasons. So if the NYPD was being honest, she hadn't "gotten lucky" yet, or at least hadn't gotten done. For that matter, are we really to assume someone was stoned to the point of being unconscious and soon to die, and had the presence of mind while disrobing for sex to put her panties in her purse? Seriously?

Again, she may have been a long term stoner who was stepping out on her husband (perhaps even routinely) as well with extras from "Planet of the Apes" who couldn't get their costumes off, but the evidence simply doesn't prove that yet. That's why the police do investigations, after all.

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