Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Alpha Mail: a malicious woman

GC asks how to counteract one:
I think the sister had it in for me because of all my past transgressions, and honestly, I think [ex-girlfriend] was just waiting until gala season is over to dump me because we were scheduled to go to a number of balls. Well, I told her that we're done and that we're not going to those events together, even though she suggested amicably attending these together as a goodbye to our relationship. But she's making it a point to go anyways, and she's already recruiting our mutual friends from the arts to be on her side. Yesterday she was having drinks with prominent figures in the arts world. Today she's scheduled to have dinner with a gay couple that also run an arts organization here.

At one point yesterday, while I was in my Italian language class, she texted me saying that she was going to all those events and that none of our acquaintances like me and that they won't talk to me. I'm currently part of a pilot program to get younger people on boards, and I'm worried that her contacts will block me when the time comes to nominate members.

None of this is the end of the world, I know. I'm a man, an engineer in the oil and gas industry, and something tells me that I shouldn't stress so much over all this foo foo stuff, but she can potentially derail everything that I've worked for over the past year simply because she's a scorned woman. And this means less business and social connections and less access to quality women.

Vox, you are a master of human dynamics and I think you are a sort of authority on military tactics. I thoroughly enjoy the way you tear apart every GamerGate and Pink Shirt SJW that even looks in your direction. I'm sure that you can give me some insight into my situation and I respectfully ask for your advice. What sort of social jujitsu can I use to counter an actively malicious person?
The best thing to do initially is to ignore them. When women say things like "nobody likes you" they are simply trying to get a rise out of you. Don't give it to them. Now, since GC wanted to go to the foo-foo events, he should have simply said "sure" when she suggested attending as mutual armpieces; that was his first mistake because he needlessly turned the ex-girlfriend into an opponent in addition to the sister.

So, what I would recommend is taking her out to dinner, offering an olive branch, and saying that he's thought it over and is happy to take her to the various events as a couple. If she rejects the idea, fine, he's no worse off than he was.

What so many men like GC don't understand is the whole "I've got my pride" thing is actually a display of weakness. It means you care. If you don't care, then you do what you want no matter what the other person does or says. All that "if you do x then that means y" is the way women and gammas. It's literally meaningless.

So, the first thing you do is turn those who don't really want to be enemies into allies, or at least neutrals. The persistently malicious, like the sister, you simply treat with cold contempt, and press their buttons without making a big deal of it. If you really want to set a woman off, let her go through her whole nasty spiel, then raise an eyebrow and comment that she looks like she's gained weight. Another tactic is to give her an unflattering nickname that plays off her size, appearance, or behavior, then use it when talking to her friends when they mention her. "Oh, so how is the Viper?"

Women are very, very sensitive about their weight, more so than men can really grasp, and you easily can send them into a week-long spiral with nothing more than a casual comment. But because of that, it's not a tactic you should use unless the woman is openly malicious, if she's merely being vicious because she's mad or her feelings are hurt, it's overkill.


Anonymous said...

let her go through her whole nasty spiel, then raise an eyebrow and comment that she looks like she's gained weight.

I've done it a little differently with single women. Give her a slow once-over, head to toe. Quizzical expression.

"Are you pregnant? You've put on a few pounds and your boobs look a little bigger. I thought you were the careful type." Pause a moment looking at her belly. "Just glad it isn't mine."

That throws slut shaming into the mix along with a rejection and the reasonable possibility she'll be instantly paranoid that she is pregnant. Follow-ups with questions about who the daddy is and whether it was intentional or an accident will cause a total meltdown.

With total denial of being pregnant it's "Oh. just a weight gain, huh? Well, at least you can lose that without getting a baby out of it. And look at the bright side- put on another 15 pounds and I bet you'll get those D-cups you've always wanted."

Noah B. said...

An oil & gas engineer voluntarily attending multiple arts-world galas... something doesn't quite add up. Was a plea bargain involved?

S. Thermite said...

"Women are very, very sensitive about their weight, more so than men can really grasp, and you easily can send them into a week-long spiral with nothing more than a casual comment."

Wouldn't have believed just how true this statement is if I hadn't witnessesed it for myself. A woman who posted a pic of herself sitting on a particular Big Ten mascot's lap, failed to see any humor whatsoever. when I commented that "Sparty must be stronger than he looks." She was of average weight and above average attractiveness for her age, and I was just throwing out a minor neg using elementary school level humor, but she could hardly have been more offended if I'd outright called her a c-nt.

Anonymous said...

Women are very, very sensitive about their weight, more so than men can really grasp, and you easily can send them into a week-long spiral with nothing more than a casual comment.

Casually dumping on fat chicks seems sufficient in most situations.

John Williams said...

An oil & gas engineer voluntarily attending multiple arts-world galas...
There's a lot of money in oil patch work. Money [leads to] rich [leads to] social foo foo. Makes sense to me.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Rule #1: Never turn the ex-girlfriend into an opponent.Treat ex-gfs like shit, if that's your style, but take care not to stick the shiv in too far.

Noah B. said...

It just strikes me as unusual for an engineer, that's all. Perhaps he's just more well rounded than most of us.

Unknown said...

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Revelation Means Hope said...

not to mention he turned down an excellent opportunity to use his armpiece ex-girlfriend as pre-selection.

Flirting with other women while attending with her, and is she giving them the stink eye? Wow, he must be something to inspire that level of jealousy and dread.

Focus on the mission. If attending these events is part of your mission because of connections, it doesn't matter if you attend with her. Remember that she is going to rewrite your history in her mind to turn you into a Beta, no need to do some of her work for you by acting butt hurt.

Hope you can turn the situation around GC.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Ah, connections in the absurdist art world.

Ignore the henhouse, in a year or two you'll be laughing or even sooner.

mmaier2112 said...

There's a certain female cow-worker (sic) that wears purple all the time. I've been so wanting to call her "Grimace" for a LONG TIME when she's obnoxious. But I haven't been quite irked enough to be that cruel.

The worst I've managed so far is "That's why I said it" when she said "Hay is for horses." And she got whiny about that for over a week.

liberranter said...

There's a certain female cow-worker (sic) that wears purple all the time. I've been so wanting to call her "Grimace" for a LONG TIME when she's obnoxious. But I haven't been quite irked enough to be that cruel.

Depending on her age, she probably wouldn't understand the reference.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

The art world--galleries, museums, etc.--can be superb places to meet and pick up girls. In an "arty" town like Laguna Beach, hot women flock to the art galleries and festivals. They tend to be super attractive, but--this being California--sometimes they can be a bit nutty.

Brad Andrews said...
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Brad Andrews said...

Why would you want to go on a date with someone you have next-ed?

Though I guess I would have little desire to be part of any crowd, so maybe some would find it worthwhile for political reasons.

Harambe said...

This sounds like the plot of that Frasier story arc when Niles and Maris were divorcing.

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Master Doh-San said...

"It is illegal to kill a woman who has wronged you. However, you can remind her that she is growing older by the minute. That way, you are avenged 1,440 times a day." -- Mark Twain

Dolarandgold said...

Thank you for this effort

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little dynamo said...

"Now, since GC wanted to go to the foo-foo events, he should have simply said "sure" when she suggested attending as mutual armpieces; that was his first mistake because he needlessly turned the ex-girlfriend into an opponent in addition to the sister."

Knowing their time together was over, she wanted to continue to use him for social capital at the snooty-snot events that fluff her raging ego . . . because to go alone would wound her pride -- which is exactly what she needs, and what our cultures refuse to provide.

Men weren't created to act as Social Hostages for the vanities of females. Her taking vengeance on him for not conforming to She Who Must Be Obeyed (Mighty Mighty Woman) is standard practice across cultural and interpersonal contexts in the western world. This command/vengeance response should be stamped-out just like any other feminist/SJW act of emotional terrorism.

The only thing worse than capitulating to her beforehand, would have been capitulating to her afterwards. Women are experts at turning their entire 'communities' into your enemy within the week ... often seeking vengeance at nothing more than a snub, or a social rejection. Encouraging this is madness, leading to America's feral-feminine.

This young man should be glad he is rid of her, because she would have used the same tactics to control him for the entire 'relationship'. And this is another reason why males should never become 'boyfriends' of females. You are either her husband (and thus leader, guardian, and boss) or you are . . . just another boy friend. And a potential target if you fail to please her in some way.

mmaier2112 said...

liberranter said...

Depending on her age, she probably wouldn't understand the reference.

I'm fairly sure she would get it.

The shiv would cut deep too, especially since she's lost a lot of weight, like maybe 1/3. A mutual friend hadn't seen her for over a year and freaked out. I'd forgotten how impressive her weight loss is, long term.

modsquad said...

I don't see a problem with the guy saying 'no' to accompanying her to the events. She needs him more than he needs her. The oil and gas business is awash with money, the very commodity most valued by the fine arts crowd. If he were to play his cards subtly and with intent, he can cut her off at the knees. If their mutual friends have to choose between his financial contacts and her ego, they're going to side with the money.

Kim said...

" I'm currently part of a pilot program to get younger people on boards, and I'm worried that her contacts will block me when the time comes to nominate members."

Alpha Rule: Never give people the power to use something against you; be prepared to walk away from anything.

So if she sabotages your nominations, shrug and walk away from the program altogether. Don't explain why, or do a "poor me" butt-hurt thing. Just walk away, with no explanation.

Apa yang anda cari said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, please. Don't pretend like "alphas" don't worry about pride. The "alpha" male is the biggest ball of insecurity on the planet. That's why he's always putting other people down. He's always worried about being the strongest, always worried about not showing weakness.

In truth, the person who is truly strong would not worry about this entire situation. Do whatever you want. Lose everything. Don't let someone walk all over your feelings. To Hell with impressing people like Vox who will try to shame you for daring to be human.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." (Tyler Durden, "Fight Club")

Anonymous said...

If you hide your emotions (in order to tolerate awkward social situations), then you have no reason to live. If you have no reason to live, then you can do whatever you want. Nothing matters anymore.

This is the fallacy the alpha male hides from you in order to control you. This is why the alpha male hates the gamma male, because the gamma male sees through the delusion. The gamma is the biggest threat to the system the alpha male relies on for his power base.

Anonymous said...

Now I realize why alpha males are always complaining about "false" rape accusations. You have no respect for a woman's "pride". You are all rapists in your cold hearts, who think you can do whatever you want with little regard for a person's feelings. Tyrants and bullies you are.


I found your "alpha" blog a long time ago, when I was surprised to find "men" who don't believe that marital rape is possible.


Marital rape doesn’t exist??? You people are demonic, animal-like monsters who live in the past, and God and the future of human evolution will destroy you.

Anonymous said...

Ending a relationship on a positive note, in a cordial way, is also gamma, by the way. It's called being "nice".

Unknown said...

'Marital rape doesn’t exist???'

It exists...it's called the divorce industry.

mmaier2112 said...

And yet, like the moth to the flame...

Noah B. said...

"You are all rapists in your cold hearts, who think you can do whatever you want with little regard for a person's feelings."

Once again demonstrating the self-parodying nature of SJW's.

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