And Gammas wonder why higher-status men despise them so deeply. Don't EVER feel bad about kicking a Gamma when he's down. If you do, kick him again by way of penance. It may be the only chance he gets to learn better.
Fortunately, most of these submen are doomed to be dead ends anyhow.
I had a fascinating encounter with a Gamma male yesterday. He was deeply concerned about the possibility that mildly insulting people would be counterproductive in a certain circumstance. When I criticized the notion, he reacted in an angry, over-the-top manner with a long response replete with serious insults that ended with a self-pitying posture of martyrdom. It was remarkable. It was HILARIOUS. As I subsequently observed on Twitter, a moderate is someone who would rather shoot at his allies than at his enemies.

To the right, the complete opposite.
Ah yes an important point in debate.
Criticism...disagreeing or counterpointing the topic at hand.
Insulting...calling someone names, putting them down, verbally attacking them etc.
That's the difference.
Some guys don't separate the idea from the person. This attacking or criticizing their ideas you are attacking them.
What do you make if Italians? Is the gamma sickness as rampant?
Even his beard is ashamed of him.
Is it possible the photo is a black knighting attempt, but done too subtly?
It's the look on his face. Even without the idiotic placard, it reeks of weakness and wretchedness.
Don't EVER feel bad about kicking a Gamma when he's down. If you do, kick him again by way of penance.
In fact, kick him for making you feel bad. After all, that's what they do -- see the woman who chose to get a guy fired over a joke she overheard, and then blamed him for everything that followed that act. They've well established that people are responsible for the emotions they cause in others, so punish the gamma for the disgust he causes you.
These fools would rather die than be seen to be critical of women, non-whites, sexual deviants. Where does this martyrdom complex comes from? Christianity?
Not that martyrdom complex.
Vestiges of Christianity, I suspect.
White politicians are more than willing to sacrifice their own lives and those of their own constituents than do anything that might be construed as harmful to non-whites. The refusal of Italian authorities to sink the vessels ferrying African invaders into Italy is a case in point. Madness.
So if this guy's opinion doesn't matter, WHY THE HELL IS HE POSTING IT ONLINE?
It matters all right, it just matters less--as he claims--than those of women, non-whites, and various kinds of sexual deviants.
By making this gesture online, he's engaging in moral one-upmanship with less-enlightened white people.
Where does this martyrdom complex comes from? Christianity?
Nah, just look at that guy; he might as well be wearing a sign that says "asspie atheist."
What a fucking pussy! Disgusting!
a moderate is someone who would rather shoot at his allies than at his enemies
The moderate Right, anyway. The moderate Left follows the "no enemies on the Left" rule.
These pictures remind me of the dog shaming pictures where owners put signs around the guilty dogs neck telling his bad deed. But the dogs are adorable and forgivable.
Does queer still mean homosexual? With his emaciated stature and delicate hands I would've thought...
The term manlet has never been more appropriate. He's like a 10 year old with a beard.
"The moderate Left follows the "no enemies on the Left" rule."
That's why they're known as "useful idiots"
Kid ranks up there with Pajama Boy as a role model for millenials!
That's the great thing about these pictures, you really don't need any words (although they invariably provide a 1000).
The beseeching half-smile (Oh Lor', Oh Crikey, Pleeeease don't KICK ME!), the vestigial beard (to imply at least a gramme of testosterone), the weak chin, effeminate demeanour, it's all there. Have you noticed the fingers? With better nails, he could be a Vogue hand-model.
You're right schlub; your opinion matters less than anyones.
HULK HATE GAMMAS! And Gamma radiation, of course.
I'm a delta. My first inclination is to punch this thing. Not out of anger but more like squashing an insect scurrying around where people live.
There needs to be more schoolyard fights in high school.
Look how narrow his shoulders are compared to the size of his head. Twisted neoteny.
Where did you find this picture? Are you sure the subject isn't being ironic? (That was my initial impression.)
AmyJ and Cail,
"it reeks of weakness and wretchedness/wearing a sign that says "asspie atheist."
I live among these people. I believe you're both mistaken. He is likely quite self-satisfied and comfortable with himself and his position in life. Those like him often enjoy power over men far better than himself. Though likely an atheist of the fashionable sort, he's not exactly an aspie, more just a little behind the cutting edge in cultural trends. That's is where the money and power are though - second-mover advantage.
We live in decadent times. Being ruled by men like these is why such times are bad.
Vestiges of Christianity, I suspect.
Christian virtues isolated from each other, in Chesterton's view. "Thus some scientists care for truth; and their truth is pitiless. Thus some humanitarians only care for pity; and their pity (I am sorry to say) is often untruthful."
“And Gammas wonder why higher-status men despise them so deeply.”
Well, the mewling, simpering means of interaction and the approval-seeking facial cues are part of it. The other part of why higher status men hate Gammas is because Gammas truly believe they’re better, more intelligent and more “worthy” than higher status men, and try to broadcast that “superiority” overtly and (mostly) passive-aggressively. They’re afraid to stand up for themselves and afraid to pursue what they want, while calling out other men as “inferior” for standing up for themselves and pursuing what they want.
“Don't EVER feel bad about kicking a Gamma when he's down. If you do, kick him again by way of penance. It may be the only chance he gets to learn better.”
Yeah. Gammas need to be shown where they really are in the hierarchy. They believe they’re higher up in the food chain than they really are. What they really need is for some Beta or Alpha to tell them to STFD and STFU, watch, listen, and learn, and above all stop lying to themselves about themselves.
That may be, but as a female looking at just his face, not even reading the sign, I assure you, he gives off a weak and wretched vibe.
Though likely an atheist of the fashionable sort, he's not exactly an aspie, more just a little behind the cutting edge in cultural trends. That's is where the money and power are though - second-mover advantage.
I read what Cail wrote as literally "asspie" (ass + pie), not "aspie".
That may be, but as a female looking at just his face, not even reading the sign, I assure you, he gives off a weak and wretched vibe.
Something primal in me wants to break his glasses, give him an atomic wedgie, and steal his lunch money.
Is there a single woman of the 3.5 billion on the planet who looks at that and says "mmmm, I want to get naked on all fours and have HIM ride me like a caffeine-crazed rodeo pony"?
I tend to doubt it.
"That may be, but as a female looking at just his face, not even reading the sign, I assure you, he gives off a weak and wretched vibe."
I don't doubt it. It's his sublimated sexual frustration that drives him to undermine other men. Those with an interest in seeing those men undermined are taking advantage of that drive and putting unmen like him in positions of power in which they can effectively do so. It's not unlike the eunuchs of the late Ming dynasty.
Gammas are not very teachable. They tend not to figure it out until someone or something pounds it into them. Sort of like "kicking the Gamma when he's down". Gammas are the very men who need this the most.
He doesn't need feminism...he needs Jesus, the gym, some animal protein, and competition.
Paging Stingray...
On first reading this post I didn't notice the photo of the bald bearded guy with the cute blonde with her arms around him. Note his shit-eating grin. This.
I've come to believe that part of the problem with these individuals is that they no masculine role models... The only guys they see being successful with women or in social settings are the true-asshole young alpha types, and they're either unwilling or unable to be that kind of person.
Statham for the win.
The contrast could not be greater.
Note his shit-eating grin.
That's not a "shit-eating" grin. It's almost the exact opposite of one. That's a smirk. A shit-eating grin is a broad and goofy self-satified smile. For some reason, as with inflammable, a lot of people think it means the opposite of what it actually means.
Most women will look at this guy and dry heave at the thought of being touched by him. I can't emphasize how much he makes my skin crawl.
Yes, SD?
Is that Jason Statham? When you click on him it looks like it could be someone else.
Regarless. . . . MMMMMMMMM, to the Jason Statham looking man. To the effete, grow a pair. Please.
~ Stingray
We got it the first time you said that, Amy
You should know, you've provided many a Jason Statham clicking opportunities here over the years ;) I didn't know for sure either but when I googled him and saw all of his other pics with the taller-than-him, gorgeous blonde I figured it had to be him.
Sorry, it's a visceral reaction.
It's the one eye being half closed throwing me off. It's got to be him.
As I said, regardless, MMMMMM. The suit, the hands, the beard, the facial expression . . . all of it.
~ Stingray
To Dystopic (from yesterday),
This man, Jason Statham, is 13 years older than you. I say that to encourage you that the benefit you have as a man is that your SMV can accelerate, you are no where near middle age at 34. Height does not matter, hair on the top of your head does not matter, big ears don't matter. Virtually everything Jason Statham has going for him, aesthetically, can be achieved by a 34-year-old man (my husband enlisted in the Army at your age...I'm lying if I say that wasn't very exciting - even after being married 10 years at the time).
Whatever you do - don't ever settle for looking like the man in the first picture. He could even shave that god awful hair, get rid of the glasses, gain some muscle, put down the sign and there would be hope.
I read what Cail wrote as literally "asspie" (ass + pie), not "aspie".
Yes. I didn't invent the term; I just think it's excellently descriptive of the type, while distinguishing them from legitimate aspies with a medical condition. To quote the ED page on the subject (not at all safe for work):
Such losers believe that having Asperger's Syndrome excuses all forms of social retardation, attention whoring and shitty self-absorbed bullshit, while also allowing them to lay claim to its supposed symptom of "higher than average levels of intelligence".
So let's analyze:
Social retardation -- in spades; he has no idea how people view him.
Attention whoring -- boy howdy.
Self-absorbed -- yep, though you have to recognize the humble-bragging here to see it: he's so awesome that he recognizes and appreciates his second-class existence while most men do not.
And you know from the glasses that he thinks he's smart. Now just imagine him quoting Dawkins on religion.
"Christian virtues isolated from each other, in Chesterton's view. 'Thus some scientists care for truth; and their truth is pitiless. Thus some humanitarians only care for pity; and their pity (I am sorry to say) is often untruthful.'"
Hadn't heard that one before. Remarkable how little has changed since Chesterton's time.
"I've come to believe that part of the problem with these individuals is that they no masculine role models... The only guys they see being successful with women or in social settings are the true-asshole young alpha types, and they're either unwilling or unable to be that kind of person."
He's being strongly socialized into identifying as "gay", which may sound great to his gamma ears now, but won't seem so hot when he's a grown man wondering why he doesn't have grandchildren to enjoy like the other men he's grown over the years to respect.
Dang it!
That is it. My resolve to remain MRA/anti feminist is solidified in gold. I am utterly tired of this same look in the eyes, the same signage, I am done!
"Social retardation -- in spades; he has no idea how people view him."
"People" is a large category. The Hillary Clinton/Sally Kohn types with a death-grip on HR/admissions see things far differently than you or AmyJ or I. Might doesn't make right, but it does need accounting for.
The Hillary Clinton/Sally Kohn types with a death-grip on HR/admissions see things far differently
I don't think that's true. They see him as a useful tool to manipulate and laugh at when he walks away with his sign. When he's no longer useful to them, he'll go the way of the White Knight Vox wrote about on VP yesterday.
Hillary certainly didn't marry someone like that and Sally keeps herself more masculinely attractive than this guy does.
They see him as a useful tool to manipulate and laugh at when he walks away with his sign
Exactly. These types of men are necessary but they don't see them differently. Just look at Lindy West with the whole elevator debacle. I'm sure she found that men and the men like her very useful during that day, but if those men want something more, than the truth is revealed.
~ Stingray
"smirk" I realized that just as I clicked publish button.
"shit-eating smirk"
I also told myself that someone here would be quick to point it out.
Too funny.
The eyebrows on the feminist kid in the first photo are ever so slightly elevated in a sort of helpless, lost puppy-dog way. How irritating.
Hadn't heard that one before. Remarkable how little has changed since Chesterton's time.
Indeed. Here's another:
"The new community which the capitalists are now constructing will be a very complete and absolute community; and one which will tolerate nothing really independent of itself."
~What I Saw in America (1922)
This "I need feminism because..." meme has been entirely hijacked by people who don't like feminists. The sign holder is being sarcastic, not serious.
"To Dystopic (from yesterday),
This man, Jason Statham, is 13 years older than you... Whatever you do - don't ever settle for looking like the man in the first picture."
Thank you for that reminder. Vox is always telling us that about SMV, but I do sometimes forget. When you have Gamma traits, there's a tendency to over-focus on the bad, internally. There's a sort of death-spiral that occurs which I can't really describe (other Gammas will understand what I mean).
That being said, I would sooner eat a bullet than display the pithy ignorance of that guy holding the sign. And I too want to see my fist impacting that smug little face. Preferably in slo-mo. Even at my lowest point, I wasn't that low. I knew something was wrong with me.
When I was in High School I called it "booger dangling from the nose syndrome." When you see someone walking down the hallway with a booger dangling from his nose, do you point and laugh? Or do you tell him about the booger? Almost nobody would tell you. It was too funny. If you're the booger-dangler, and you see all these people laughing, do you think they are laughing with you or at you? So there's something wrong with you, but nobody will say anything, either out of embarrassment or amusement (or in the case of the sign-holder, because he's a useful idiot to somebody).
Vox and other Game Theorists had the intellectual and moral courage to tell the booger-dangler what was wrong with him, and for that I am eternally grateful. If some idiots choose to ignore him, strutting down the hallways with their boogers, holding up inane SocJus signage, then they are idiots and not worth saving anyway.
Top photo looks like a mugshot for Quaker prison. What's his shirt made of, lint?
This "I need feminism because..." meme has been entirely hijacked by people who don't like feminists. The sign holder is being sarcastic, not serious.
Are you sure about that? Or are you making an assumption based on anti-feminists mocking the meme?
At this point, as the body language suggests he is serious, I'm considering it genuine.
@Daniel ~ Not lint, hair.
Actually I think I've found the perfect girl for him.
If there is one thing that I can advise any man wanting to improve and empower himself, it would be to leave his comfort zone. One of the first things that I did is come up with a list of 100 things to push me, from shooting a gun and singing karaoke to going at a swingers' party or practice orgasmic meditation (look it up; it's full on feminist crap, but it is very different to what I was used to routinely experience). I also had to approach 100 women during the day. In essence, you should just do and be instead of think and imagine.
Also, nothing was off limits (except real physical danger or anything that could endanger my health). If you are going to reinvent yourself get rid off your values, get rid of everything. And as you go along find out from experience what is really meaningful. I would almost advice gamma christians to drop their faith, sin and reconnect with God along their purging ritual. I am thinking about sleeping with another man's wife. See some gammas, most gamma Christians that is, believe in God, by default. But what good is it to have faith, if you are not going to vehemently defend Christ.
I am not finished with my list, I still got a few challenges to face and a few to come up with. But it is changing me ever so much. I am not even sure I know what I want and who I am, but I am willing to lose myself to find myself.
I went from gamma to beta (minus), as I still struggle with unresponsiveness at times and expressing raw masculine energy. In terms of personality, general behavior, energy level, game style and transformation I most resemble a guy like Julien Blanc, while being quite far from his success with women.
So there is much hope, Dystopic. Life is short, start today.
Actually I think I've found the perfect girl for him.
What is homestuck? Is that where your obesity precludes you from moving by your own volition?
I would almost advice gamma christians to drop their faith, sin and reconnect with God along their purging ritual.
Sounds pretty foolish to trade Christ for anything else. You're not even brave enough to actually advise them to do what you're saying, stopping at "almost". As if weasel wording is enough to absolve you were someone to take your words seriously.
For the Christian, Christ is enough. Die to self and take up the cross to follow Him. Remain in Him and bear much fruit. Put on the new self, which is made new in the image of Christ, who is the Alpha and the Omega.
What the hell are you even talking about, Rek.? Nothing in that rambling response came even close to a coherent answer. Everyone reading this blog is now dumber having read your words. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
SD and verus,
Obv as Vox noted, no woman is going to feel attraction for that type of man, but that's not what Cail was talking about. You're right that butch dykes were a poor example of his likely crowd, but there are a lot of less masculine women who like having pretty-boy gay flatterers around to do their bidding. The corporate culture is pushing this type pretty hard (he's not socially inept, he's picking up malicious social cues).
He looks exactly one of the dudes in this ad:
Yay cultural Marxism!
Or not.
Yay cultural Marxism!
Or not.
@Rek ~ You make some good points--the part about shooting guns, singing karaoke, partying with swingers, and meditating orgasmically made me LOL--but if you haven't been in jail and rehab, then STFU.
Caption for the photo lower right should be, "I own this."
-- Noah B.
I have surrender my hatred, it's too heavy. I don't even have apathy, though I tried. I have worked at... teaching. But worms cannot be taught. They can be put on a hook and used for bait, however. And I am a capitalist. It's as much as I can do, for me. Nothing can be done for them. I suppose I pray that, one day, their ball drop. I just don't have a lot of hope.
Rosie huntington-whiteley is a butterface. A butter manface
She is the most unattractive supermodel I've ever seen.
@ Laguna
Getting hooked up on drugs and alcohol is of no interest to me. I care too much about my health, mental and physical to risk it for some reckless behavior. My health was and still is my sole compass in my transformation. Plus, I don't need artificial courage.
Jail and rehab? Hardly, an accomplishment. Quite foolish, honestly.
@ Hamster
"You're not even brave enough to actually advise them to do what you're saying, stopping at "almost". As if weasel wording is enough to absolve you were someone to take your words seriously."
Almost. Yes. Because it's not a decision that I can make for anybody else but me.
Am I a Sinner? Yes. But what good was I to Christ, since I couldn't even defend my faith. I was born a Catholic in a country (Belgium) where being one means going to church once a year and having sex out of wedlock. Was I a good person? Am I a good person? Yes. I can also say that I was a better practising Christian than most people that I knew. But challenged by an atheist, I almost wished, at the time, I was one. As for the rest of them, closet agnostics.
Don't mistake my treading lightly with a desire to be absolved for my words. I take full responsability for what I said. But as I can in no certain words say that what I am doing with my life is right, I couldn't encourage anyone to follow my path with any more certainty.
"For the Christian, Christ is enough. Die to self and take up the cross to follow Him. Remain in Him and bear much fruit. Put on the new self, which is made new in the image of Christ, who is the Alpha and the Omega."
You do realize that most people are half-assing it. And we are entering a period where you either or are not. A soldier of Christ or the Enemy.
@ CR
"What the hell are you even talking about, Rek.? Nothing in that rambling response came even close to a coherent answer. Everyone reading this blog is now dumber having read your words. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
Don't get on your fucking moral high horse. And don't judge the value of a position you can not understand since you are not me. It's a proposition. So either defend and explain yours or abstain from sharing your opinion.
When I most needed the help of my Christian brothers and sisters, nobody was there to be found.
And as for sleeping with another man's wife, they are not of the Christian faith, so it's technically not a problem.
Rek., I judge no one. But the intentional sinning to get back to God makes no sense.
I think he is being sarcastic. The sign is just too over the top to be real.
I saw this kid on TV, his name is Reek.
How did you not pick up the Billy Madison reference?
How did you not pick up the Billy Madison reference?
Probably because I make it a point to not watch movies by unfunny "comedians".
Show us on the doll where Billy touched you.
"Rek., I judge no one. But the intentional sinning to get back to God makes no sense."
"I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." sounds pretty judgmental.
If someone is so weak that he will abandon his faith at the slightest temptation (having sex out of wedlock, sleeping with another man's wife is the type of sin I am talking about), he might as well renounce it. Lying to oneself and hiding behind one's faith will accomplish nothing. 100% Integrity. And if not, lose yourself and find your way back to Christ. That's the only thing that makes sense.
See I wouldn't have been this way, if society at large had been more accepting. When I was a "nice guy" people used and abused my niceness, including "fake" Christians. Now that I am firm, strong and discerning people respect me. Rebel or submit. If that makes sense.
It's an American cultural reference that you're obviously not familiar with.
@Fek ~ You sound like a dilettante.
Probably because I make it a point to not watch movies by unfunny "comedians".
Fair enough, but it's been clipped and referenced a lot, because it's a thorough beatdown on stupidity.
@ Laguna
On the basis of me questioning my faith? So a dilettante, no really. A lazy, underachieving fogey, much more. Conservative, traditionalist and nationalist is where I stand.
unfunny "comedians"
Right. Sandler is another one whose talent never really justified his popularity. I never found him particularly funny, although I understood why he had been seemingly plucked out of nowhere and promoted in this way by TJPTB. It was made even more ludicrous when they attempted to portray him as a romantic lead. WTF?! Perhaps it's just me, but whenever I see or hear the guy I just can't stop thinking: "Jew-boy."
@Fek ~ What are you going on about?
@Bogey ~ Get your reading glasses, old sport
So says the amateur.
Am I a Sinner? Yes. But what good was I to Christ, since I couldn't even defend my faith. I was born a Catholic in a country (Belgium) where being one means going to church once a year and having sex out of wedlock. Was I a good person? Am I a good person? Yes. I can also say that I was a better practising Christian than most people that I knew. But challenged by an atheist, I almost wished, at the time, I was one. As for the rest of them, closet agnostics.
I'm with CR on this one.
After Vatican II, the Catholic clergy all essentially stopped telling people about the devil, evil, and hell, which means of course that everybody sluts it up now and otherwise doesn't give a f***. What we have here is Pink "Catholicism" -- a toxic humanitarianism that urges people to be nice to each other -- which naturally encourages Gamma behavior and SJW crap, as well as hypocrisy.
I always found it strange that people's instincts under these conditions is to dump the Faith rather than figure that the clergy is full of SJWs now and to be more self-sufficient about it, but whatever. But I have news for you: Dumping the Faith won't help people get out of Gamma. An attitude change is required, and it doesn't involve any sort of massive experimentation with hedonism to pull it off. The fact that whores charge more for making out than for anal is a clue that full-on debauchery is unnecessary for getting out of Gamma.
Rek -
How can you call yourself "good," while claiming it is a Christian attitude?
Don't mistake my treading lightly with a desire to be absolved for my words. I take full responsability for what I said. But as I can in no certain words say that what I am doing with my life is right, I couldn't encourage anyone to follow my path with any more certainty.
If you take responsibility for your words, then repent.
"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"
"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
References intentionally not provided. Either you know the Bible well enough to know where to find them, or you don't know the Bible well enough and you have remedial studying to do.
You do realize that most people are half-assing it. And we are entering a period where you either or are not. A soldier of Christ or the Enemy.
Half-assing is a sin. Christ never told anyone, "Sin a little more so you can repent properly."
He told them, "Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more." As a Christian, do you think there is a better teacher than Christ? Is there some other method that will lead more to righteousness?
No one needs more sin in their life. On the other hand, we all need to repent of the sins we already have and love. Including half-assing the faith. Tell them to repent, not to add on sin and spit upon the work of Christ.
If you love Christ, just the thought should grieve you.
I dont know Eric. Bro looks serious and the sign is too detailed to be cynical or sarcastic. I think serious in the mind control manner, a person. Wait, a man and woman in Post American times have 20 type casts, he seems to fit one of the 20.
Marissa posted:
Look how narrow his shoulders are compared to the size of his head. Twisted neoteny.
Marissa, what sort of helpful advice would you give our fellow with the 'twisted neoteny' ? Should he work out in order to compensate for his 'twisted neoteny'? Speaking as someone who has a bit of a 'twisted neoteny' myself, I'm not very partial to the heavy weight, bulked-up look on myself. And...I wouldn't change that for any woman. If it meant being more true to myself, I'd rather have the 'twisted neoteny' than the pin-head Michelin Man/'Roid-man look.
Re: Jason Statham -
To those who would use him as a 'yardstick' for Alpha: The dude has some accomplishments, no doubt. about someone more real-life down-to-earth, as a role model? Is the mark of a true 'Alpha' guys having a man-crush on Jason Statham? The same sort of guys that proverbially speaking 'believe in their own brand of dog food', but also need others to acknowledge and believe in in it as well (I'm not talking about Statham here, but his 'fans')?
To which a Sigma must say: why should I care to emulate him? By all means, don't be the guy in the op, but don't be Statham either.
edit to last post:
but don't be Statham either....unless you ARE Statham
Mangrove, there is a middle to the spectrum. Look at Bruce Lee, a slight man but very strong and no one's idea of a roided-up bro. The guy above also needs to cut his hair to make his head look smaller.
This dude is totally wearing a cape of some sort.
This dude is totally wearing a cape of some sort.
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