My mother who was young in the 70's told me once that one time when she was out with her friends, some guy blatantly suggested her an one night stand. Not even harassment, just a 70's free-love-pick up line. She told this to me like it was something shocking.If feminists think Western civilization is "Rape Culture", just wait until they discover what post-Christian culture is like. Outside of Western civilization, the a woman's right to choose will be reduced to the brothel or the burqah.
Well, every time I go out here in 21st century London, I get harassed, grabbed and often groped. And I always go out with my husband, these things happen when he has to go to restroom and is gone for five minutes. And it's always Arab guys who do the harassment. Nothing works for those guys. When you say you are married, they answer "All white women cheat their husbands" or something like that.
If this is progress, I hate it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
LL commented at VP concerning how men's behavior has changed with immigration and women's sexual liberation:
Arab guy speaks truth, and she hates it.
Of course in Arab countries if some man gropes my wife, I can cut his hand off, and if he calls my wife a whore, I can cut out his tongue. Such consequences tend to keep the men behaving a bit better.
Then again, I generally take "every time" for once or twice, or perhaps "I think this is what really attractive women deal with all the time and I am attractive so its a problem I have even if it hasn't happened to me yet". It always seems to me that the group of girls that are most likely to fall victim to groping are the 4s through 6s.
I watched the first few seasons of The Amazing Race, a reality show where teams of two people race around the world. Every time they'd get to India and have to take public transport -- which would be so crowded you couldn't ship cattle like that in this country -- the women would get groped like crazy. It seems there are women-only trains in India that the women use, so a woman who gets on the regular train is seen as fair game for whatever man is within arm's reach.
Yay, diversity! Maybe someday our women will have their own trains too!
Well, every time I go out here in 21st century London, I get harassed, grabbed and often groped. And I always go out with my husband, these things happen when he has to go to restroom and is gone for five minutes. And it's always Arab guys who do the harassment. Nothing works for those guys. When you say you are married, they answer "All white women cheat their husbands" or something like that.
If this is progress, I hate it.
More proof (as if any more is needed) of just how hopelessly clueless women are when it comes to cause and effect.
Here's a little bit of free reality, dearie: not only Arab men, but men in Latin America and some parts of east Asia consider ALL western English-speaking women to be unrepentant and unabashed whores. And why wouldn't they? Not only are they bombarded with media and advertising from the Anglosphere in which women flaunt their sexuality, they also have plenty of contact with these creatures as tourists/long-term visitors to their homelands, where they blatantly disrespect local cultural and religious norms by putting their arrogant, rude, and slutty behavior on full display for all to be offended by.
Bottom line: as long as western woman insist on being StrongandIndependent[TM], to include indulging in sexual licence on their own terms, the rest of the world is going to continue to apply the broadbrush stereotype to ALL of them (Just as large numbers of western women apply the "misogynistic, murdering terrorist extremist" label to Arab men in general, so Arab men apply the "amoral promiscuous whore" label to western women in general. What's sauce for the gander ...
Of course in Arab countries if some man gropes my wife, I can cut his hand off, and if he calls my wife a whore, I can cut out his tongue. Such consequences tend to keep the men behaving a bit better.
Sounds like the Arabs want all the perks of Islam without the responsibilities.
Just like modern women.
If feminists think Western civilization is "Rape Culture"
To be fair, the feminists who prate about Rape Culture say it's worldwide.
Women are so funny. On a certain level of course they like the attention, particularly if it comes from the "right" kind of man.
I bet if the man in question had been a tall, suave, handsome, debonair, public school-educated English gent (preferably with a private jet and title), she would have welcomed the "harassment".
On a related note, we should examine the motives behind white female support for third world immigration. What we'd find, I'd wager, isn't pretty.
Reminds me of a great little saying by Mark Steyn:
When the Sharia folk come to the Western world, I'll just have to stop trimming my beard and grab a few more wives, it's the feminist and gays who are going to be in REAL trouble.
> Nothing works for those guys.
How about hubby coming back from the restroom and beating the crap out of the guy?
Its unfortunate that Western men failed the massive shit test called Equality.
As Laguna Beach Fogey has noted, often "Rape Culture" and especially "Creepy Behavior" do not pass the George Cluney test. If the behavior were directed at her by George Cluny, would she object?
There are no creepy acts; there are only creepy actors.
Islam is not for white people. Such a simple and brutal religion works only on the stupid and impulsive - many blacks, many Arabs. And this is one reason, out of many, why multiculturalism does not work.
Hitler had wished that Tours had been lost and the Germanic peoples become Islamic. He believed that the Germanic peoples were superior enough that they would have used an aggressive, robust religion such as Islam (he also wished maybe the Shinto religion as well) to become the leaders of the Islamic world and eventually the leaders of the known world.
It's okay, we have to love this:
"How about hubby coming back from the restroom and beating the crap out of the guy?"
Ever seen a fight between a white dude and someone from the arab / Pakistani cultures? He'll fight with one, and then another 20 of them will turn up. They fight in groups. Be careful what you wish for, thinking you'll be allowed to integrate. It won't be as simple as letting your beard grow, you MUST follow their religion and culture too, even in your own country.
Over in the U.K there's frequent fights between ethnics, and even between themselves for simple disputes it's never one-on-one, it ends up being all out street warfare with literally hundreds of them running into the streets, ripping up fence posts etc to beat eachother with, along with shooting and stabbing eachother too:
Notice no mention of race in the article too, other than the names heh. Whenever it mentions hundreds fighting in the street, we all know what race they are. That's pretty much implied though with it being in Birmingham anyway. That, along with Bradford, London, and a load of other cities are practically fully taken over now.
White English are actually a minority in London, our capital now (in numerical terms). "Muslim patrols" walk the streets, beating anyone they find with alcohol or pork etc. Here's a single American student getting beaten (and ending up in critical condition in hospital, with his eye socket caved in) by a group of muslims for the audacity to drink a bottle of beer in London. Authorities pretend it doesn't happen or it's an "isolated case" of course:
In other words when it comes to attractiveness vs. unwanted attention, "Be Tom Brady. Don't not be Tom Brady".
Shouldn't all of you valiant heroes be out there on patrol saving us from lusty Arab men, instead of here on the internet fretting about some Arab guy's failed attempt at a pickup line?
High Arka: "Shouldn't all of you valiant heroes be out there on patrol saving us from lusty Arab men, "
Ah ..? No! Empirically we know, what a woman says is almost always at variance with what she wants. She may say she hates those places where Arabs pinch her bottom, but she just keeps going back for another grope.
Shouldn't all of you valiant heroes be out there on patrol saving us from lusty Arab men, instead of here on the internet fretting about some Arab guy's failed attempt at a pickup line?
I think you have this place confused for a nest of White Knights. Not so much. She's neither our problem nor our concern. Let her husband handle it.
Laguna Beach Fogey: "What we'd find, I'd wager, isn't pretty. "
A while ago, I read a post comparing male choice vacations in Thailand or the Philippines (BAD!!) With 'post wall' or just plain ugly female choice vacations in Turkey, Spain or Morocco (Empowering!).
Let her husband handle it.
And when her husband tries to handle it and gets hauled off by the nanny state's diversity police, so she finds herself without a protector the next time some vibrants decide to enjoy her, perhaps she'll stop voting for and funding such policies.
Probably not, but we can always hope.
she would have welcomed the "harassment"
Are you seriously complaining about her purportedly being more welcoming of an Englishman's touch than a Muslim's? Isn't that actually indicative of ethnic loyalty, from her side?
If a German guy gropes me, I smack him and tell him off. If a Muslim were to do it, I'd run screaming in the other direction. I don't see this as a personal flaw.
How about hubby coming back from the restroom and beating the crap out of the guy?
With what army? Those guys always travel in packs. That's why they're so bold.
Sorry, this is Alte. Login is wonky here.
At any rate, the only thing her husband can do is stay away from those places.
Muslims stare at me, but they mostly leave me alone because you don't get jihad points for women who look vibrant.
Wait; brothel, burca or your car in the woods! Then again, you won't have a car or a license in our coming nofuture!
Thanks to the dying lying feminism and multi-culti, if the women can lay down in their mud hut, that will be nice feature.
Thanks baby boomers for the feminism, god is dead rebellion and banking.
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