This is a perfect portrayal of how Gammas get intersexual relations so terribly wrong. They have literal anti-Game. What this poor gamma male is trying to do is take his Nice Guy Game to the next level; being the nice guy hasn't gotten him anywhere, so now he's playing the Penitent Nice Guy in the hopes that self-flagellating supplication will achieve what mere supplication could not.
Don't be that guy. He would attract more women if he were to stop showering and spit in the face of every woman he met. He would do better to hold up a sign saying "I need femnism cuz after I Nock a bitch up, she going 2 tha clinic cuz I ain't paying 4 no kidz."
My wife and I have a family friend who is gamma-11. He's a feminist and active in the local chapter of Planned Parenthood. My wife friendzoned him 8th grade. He almost broke out of gammahood several years ago when he inadvertently assisted in the commission of a felony, but he had no idea how to make the bad boy thing work for him. It could be argued that he did it to himself, but he has no idea how to escape and he won't listen to me. It's sort of like arguing with someone with dementia.
This young man is the Chuck Yeager of self-abasement. He has broken the Groveling Barrier!
One of your readers should post what you suggest on whatever website that is and see if it works. I bet hilarity will ensue.
This young man is the Chuck Yeager of self-abasement. He has broken the Groveling Barrier!
But his ribs aren't broken, only his heart...
His white knighting here is contributing to benevolent sexism.
Aside from that, feminists want and also need benevolent sexism to survive.
White-pawning. En passant.
Perhaps we need to add "epsilon". His shirt is blue but he resembles the obamacare pajamaguy.
He's an engineer--you can tell because his sign is written on a square ruled engineering pad.
Unfortunately, people love discussing under-representation of women in engineering, and those discussions quickly turn into a white-knighting contest. The computer field is particularly bad. For example, Hacker News' discussion of Julie Ann Horvath's resignation from Github for essentially chick drama. *facepalm*
Poor bastard. Girls will befriend him and tell him what a nice guy he is and how they appreciate his respect, and he'll think he's doing everything right and now he just has to wait for lightning to strike and one to fall for him, not realizing that their skin would crawl at the idea and the only reason they hang around him now is that they can tell he'd never try anything.
It's not like he's ugly; if he lost the nerd glasses and turned that smirk in the right direction, he could do fine.
I've seen a lot of these "I need feminism because..." photos and the one thing they have in common is that smug, self-satisfied look on their face.
What a doof! Feminism is for ugly chicks who would make bad mothers and no one wants to put up with any ways. This guy is a major loser. I'd rather be single the rest of my life than put up with feminist BS. Man up and grow a set!
And in a similar vein, but with a boatload of more meaningless words:
I dunno. Looking at the guy, does he even have an option to "act more alpha"? Could he even do a remotely convincing imitation? If you're a skinny dork with glasses, who's going to believe you're a badass?
Yeah, he could act less pathetic and abject, but nonetheless it seems like beta provider is the most he can aspire to.
just let it die....its the kindest thing to do.
Looks like a guy who will marry a husband-beater to me. If he manages to get married.
If he was a wise-ass nerd who negged women for not keeping up I could see him doing ok. He looks a little like a cousin of ours who isn't quite classically handsome but who is actually one of the more badass, interesting guys you'll meet. Eagle scout, amazing dancer (we're talking teaches ballroom dancing on the side), fencing, chess, plays at least two instruments, funny, etc. The guy has the goods, and I've never seen at a loss for a girlfriend :)
"[S]kinny dork with glasses" is easily remedied with strength training, diet and contact lenses.
It feels like natural justice that guys like him will pretty much never get laid.
The smirk some of you guys are seeing is not the expression you might imagine, it is not the kind of smirk a man uses. That's a girl smirk on his face, he likely learned that expression from his Mother. There is a crap load of insecurity and emotional weakness in that expression. It's pleading for the viewer to like him. It is supplication.
I don't care what's on the sign. The message written on his face says it all. He isn't a man, he's still a child.
I dunno. Looking at the guy, does he even have an option to "act more alpha"?
Absolutely. Look at the guy who plays Leonard on The Big Bang Theory. Think he has trouble getting dates?
No, this guy's never going to pull supermodels like George Clooney, but so what? He could easily blaze a trail through the girls at his company's HR department or the ones hanging out at the local bookstore, and they're probably the kind of girls he prefers anyway. All he needs is a complete attitude transplant.
"I need femnism cuz after I Nock a bitch up, she going 2 tha clinic cuz I ain't paying 4 no kidz."
I am appalled at this comment, yet, I laughed out loud when I read it.
The smirk some of you guys are seeing is not the expression you might imagine, it is not the kind of smirk a man uses.
Right. That's what I meant by turning the smirk in a different direction. Smirking is good if it comes from the right attitude.
It feels like natural justice that guys like him will pretty much never get laid
No, natural justice would be the women who taught him these things never finding a good man.
~ Stingray
Look at the guy who plays Leonard on The Big Bang Theory. Think he has trouble getting dates?
I'm just going by all the numerous dorks I used to know in undergrad science / math, who definitely never got laid, ever.
Some of them are married now and are beta providers, yay!
Eh, this guy doesn't look like he's all that interested in getting laid anyway. At least, not with girls.
"The smirk some of you guys are seeing is not the expression you might imagine, it is not the kind of smirk a man uses. That's a girl smirk on his face, he likely learned that expression from his Mother. There is a crap load of insecurity and emotional weakness in that expression. It's pleading for the viewer to like him. It is supplication."
Indeed. For me the most disconcerting thing about this photo is the young man's eyes: begging, socially clueless, eager to please. I see those eyes staring back at me in my own junior high and high school photos. Looking back on my gamma/delta days, it's now clear that I internalized some typically feminine behavioral traits (e.g., validation seeking, excessive verbosity, rising vocal inflection). That was part of the price paid for being a social misfit who had an excellent rapport with my mother.
I had it out with one of these uber-feminist boys once. (note: they are not men). They try the same "argument" tactics as women. Denial, subject change, my-feelings-are-more-important-than-and-can-change-facts, etc. You know the drill. McRapey-esque.
Except, of course, it's still WAY more socially acceptable for a man to beat up another man than to beat up a woman. That's a trump card.
We were in a bar, the argument started, and he tried all the female tactics. He actually tried the bitchy-woman-2-inches-from-your-face routine. It was both funny and maddening at the same time. But I'd had enough. Time to assert some masculine rationality here.
I asked him: "Are you gay?"
He obfuscated, so I asked again:"No, in all seriousness, are you gay?"
"No, but I'm straight, but not NARROW like YOU!" He smiled like he'd won. He looked for crowd approval.
I waited a moment for him to calm down, grabbed his arm, and held him in place. "You're hurting me!" he whined.
I ignored that, looked at him steadily in the eye, and lowered my voice, speaking slowly. "It's good you're not gay. Because, when I beat the shit out of you and knock you unconscious-- after I finish my drink-- it won't be a hate crime."
He left the bar before my whiskey was drained.
Masculinity rape!
Play Nice!
Ladies, stop complaining about the sheep when you’re looking for a wolf.
For me the most disconcerting thing about this photo is the young man's eyes: begging, socially clueless, eager to please. I see those eyes staring back at me in my own junior high and high school photos.
Precisely. That's the first thing I noticed too. The eyes are the windows to the soul.
@ Cail
A lot of guys don't really get that the friend zone is in fact a rejection -- a complete, total, absolute rejection. Friend zoned guys think they're getting tackled on the opponents one yard line, ever so close to the goal, when the truth is they're getting sacked in their own end zones, as far from the goal as they could possibly be.
There is a subset of men for whom women burn with real lust and desire. Not the men they give duty sex to once a week, or the men they friend zone, or the men they marry and use as ATMs while using Facebook to flirt with the men who banged them in college – but the men they truly enjoy getting fucked by.
And it would behoove the men who are not in this group, but want to be, to find out what the men in this group have, so they can get it, so that women will want them too.
We talk a lot about women giving men dishonest feedback, saying that they want 'nice guys' before jumping into bed with scumbags, etc. And yeah, that's true, women do this all the time. But at some point, a frustrated man has to take responsibility for his own well-being, and look around, and learn what the men that women want have that he does not have.
As far as possible, he needs to look like them, talk like them, act like them, and treat women the same way they treat women. If he does this, then he will get laid just as they do.
Clearly, a Thought Leader. That's a kind of Alpha male.
Maybe I've grown soft in my old age, but when I look at Gammas like him and the laughter has died down I only feel pity. I used to be him. I hate to think that he'll have to take the red pill the hard way after going through the divorce grinder, if he marries at all that is.
I need femnism cuz.....
I like living in my parents basement,
I like porn and hate talking to real girls,
I don't want to get a job where I have to deal with men.
The list could go on and on.
While I still sometimes have regret and anger over my early training to be a good beta provider (until I catch myself and remember that the lost years had their moments and it wasn't all beta)......
.....I need to send a heartfelt prayer to the Lord God in Heaven that I wasn't rasied to be a gamma. I don't think it could have possibly taken, I was too observant of reality and even struggled against the beta brainwashing....but man that has to suck big time to have only gammas as your role models growing up.
"[S]kinny dork with glasses" is easily remedied with strength training, diet and contact lenses.
He doesn't even need contacts, just some glasses that don't like he stole them from one of the Golden Girls.
But frankly, the weight training is critical. He's got to do something to up his testosterone. His face is androgynous.
need to send a heartfelt prayer to the Lord God in Heaven that I wasn't rasied to be a gamma. I don't think it could have possibly taken, I was too observant of reality and even struggled against the beta brainwashing....but man that has to suck big time to have only gammas as your role models growing up.
JC, my theory is that Gamma isn't a matter of conditioning. I think it's the hardware. I suspect that during some vital stage of brain development, there wasn't enough testosterone, or too much estrogen (or too much ersatz estrogen like BPA or soy-based formula) and particular structures developed along a feminine pathway instead of a masculine one. We know men and women think differently, and Gamma behavior strikes me as highly feminine. Solipsistic, passive-aggressive confrontational style, aversion to open competition, cliquishness...
Look at this guy. Look at how feminine his face is.
I think he has a hardware problem, not a software problem. Alpha vs Beta is a software issue. Gamma may be more fundamental.
Posted this at VP but thought people here might want to see it.
Does Title IX cover this?
Sigh. I would never have abased myself like that, but other than that he's pretty much me at that age. I hope for his sake he grows up faster than I did, though to be fair the information he needs is at the end of a mouse click and it wasn't in my day.
He's not going to click it Eric. He has been trained since childhood not to click it. This sad man-child is the product of forty years of indoctrination.
It was in fact exactly forty years ago this month, that the war for the male soul began. When I and every Gen X male was first subjected to Marlo Thomas' propagantastic Free to be You and Me.
Here's fun clip from that, it's called "William Wants a Doll" It is what he has been trained to click on. I warn you now, this link will significantly lower your testosterone, while it raises your blood pressure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lshobg1Wt2M
Reminds me of a forced confession.
They're eating their own.
He might as well hold up a piece of paper that reads "Kick Me".
The real irony of attempts like this guy's are that they only encourage women to find more fault. You just know some harpies are already screeching "BENEVOLENT sexism??? OMFG WOWOWJUSTWOW..." or they are accusing him of being some douchebag out to manipulate women in some way. Just check out these responses to other such attempts (slightly NSFW).
Supplicating men should face up to a simple, terrible fact about the SMP: Women shoot the wounded.
Goodness. Even the less discriminating companion, Rosie Palms, would turn that down. He's not ugly, but his mug just screams "beat me, I'm a wuss". No father in his life to teach him to be a man, I guess.
haha rycamor, that fucking minataur in the second one.
Fuck me, do these women actually think they're being attractive when being like that?
Yeah those blokes are being bloody stupid, but it's not even a polite response, just pure bitch and snark, blergh they make me sick.
Pretty obvious that he is an engineer college student who only wrote that sign because it was required for his feminist studies requirement.
If there are a lot of these showing up on the internet, it is because someone is making them do it. Guys just don't wake up thinking, "Hey, I think I'll make a self effacing pro-feminist screed today that will lower my SMV among women AND humiliate be in front of men too.
Poor person, this is awful. And how many other men are brainwashed like this? Or misinformed or just not in reality....I am sure he is harmless but the gamma is a bad scene
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