Sunday, August 11, 2013

Desperate for attention

Dalrock nails an important aspect of intersexual relations:
Feminists desperately crave to be accepted as one of the guys in a mostly futile effort to experience manly pride.  This obsession is core to our integration of the military and is a staple in feminist fiction.  In The Last Psychiatrist’s brilliant review of the Hunger Games he describes the unlikely scene in the movie which has feminists so enthralled:
There’s a banquet and the contestants have to show off their skills, but the overlords are eating a roast pig and bored with Katniss (because she misses a target) so Katniss turns her arrow towards them and shoots an apple.  Katniss says, “you better recognize, mothafuckas!”, flashes a gang sign, and the audience swoons.  That’s when she’s a badass. Yes, she was wonderful in the Games, I’m sure, but what got your adrenaline going, what made her a badass, is showing off her abilities– to men.
TLP goes on to assert that to the delighted female viewers Badass = showing she can compete on a male level, but if you watch the scene it is very obviously not about competing on a male level but instead a plea for attention and acceptance from the men.  The look on Katniss’ face screams:
Notice me!  Take me seriously!
This is exactly how Entertainment Tonight characterized the same scene:
While in the training area getting prepared to enter the arena for the Hunger Games, a literal fight to the death, Jennifer’s character Katniss Everdeen shows her skill with a bow and arrow. But when the game makers seem more interested in a pig that just arrived, an angry Katniss gets their attention.
This is why women like Feisty Women and FeministX are constantly showing up at the leading Game blogs and address direct messages to Roosh, Roissy, and I.  It's not because they disagree with us anymore than they disagree with the average Game blogger, it is because we represent the ultimate currency they crave, which is status male respect.

You're not going to see actresses or female athletes here doing that, because the status is situational.  If a woman is interested in intersexual relations, then the big dogs of Game have status in her eyes and she craves that male attention.

The same thing is true of politics.  When my WND column was nationally syndicated, I used to get long emails telling me how wrong and terrible I was, not infrequently accompanied by pictures.  At the time, I didn't understand it.  Now, of course, the answer is obvious. The same mechanic is at work in the book world; being a real author publishing actual can bring status in the local coffee shop to even the saddest little gamma male.

So, if a woman is angrily attempting to get your attention, relax and enjoy her performance.  She's admitting that she views you as higher status, so if it amuses you, throw her a bone and give her a little of the attention she is seeking.  And remember, the competition in which women engage with each other is largely for male benefit; it's no different than the way a pair of dogs won't wrestle and play-fight with each other without a human audience.


crazyivan498 said...

Gamma's do the same thing frequently

Revelation Means Hope said...

Also why pastors/preachers who don't display female supplicating and gamma behaviors had better watch out. The females WILL be vying for his attention, whether his wife is standing right there or not.

Weouro said...

I saw that even writing for a small-town newspaper. Women would send emails challenging me or demanding apologies for columns and would receive a palpable sense of pleasure from getting stripped and whipped by me in response. One woman wrote a scathing demand for an apology when I critiqued a church's architecture, so I told her her tone was unacceptable and never to communicate with me again except through her husband. Later I had to interview her for something and she was so full of positive nervous energy she was practically quivering. It was weird but kind of fun. One of them brought me homemade bread and canned fruit at the office one time. Women are weird.

bootyshakingneuron said...

So, if a woman is angrily attempting to get your attention, relax and enjoy her performance.

Brilliant. It's a shame women don't redirect their energies toward being, feeling, and acting high value. The age-old dance of courtship is probably far more engaging than a literal debate to most men, but turn on a tv or read a book and you will see young women in our country being taught the exact opposite. :/

Anonymous said...

So, if a woman is angrily attempting to get your attention

Erm, it's not always angrily . . . . heh, heh.

~ Stingray

Unknown said...

"I saw that even writing for a small-town newspaper."

I was the editor of a small town newspaper for two years. The only people who thought the paper should do as they wanted were women. One thought her "poem" should be run on the front page. I told a few of them if they could not be polite never to contact me again. After that they were polite. These were not normal women. These were the ones who tried to create drama to give their lives some meaning and excitement.

tz said...

And remember, the competition in which women engage with each other is largely for male benefit;

Perhaps they will post videos of mud or jello wrestling?

The difficulty is more that many who would crave attention are on the wrong side of the sexual marketplace value bell curve.

Unknown said...

Hmm, or perhaps, there is status to be gained for females who go into the perceived lions den and talk some nonsense?

A sort of "..see..we bitch to each other, and to those beta guys who hang around , at least I have a the courage to mewl at them in their social media presence!..Am I not brave?"

If anything to me it is merely more passive aggressive female merde'.

Les chiens aboient, la caravanne passe'

Bob said...
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Bob said...

"These were not normal women. These were the ones who tried to create drama to give their lives some meaning and excitement."
That sounds contradictory. From my experience that type ARE normal women. :P

(Pity that is the "normal", and they've no desire to change that /sigh).

Anonymous said...

Dude, you might be flattering yourself a little with this post because I don't recall ever posting on this blog before. I have made a total of 2 comments on Roosh's blog (and I despise Roosh. I think he is disgusting). I only constantly show up on Roissy's blog. I have no interest in game bloggers. I am just someone who likes Roissy's blog.

I found this post by googling my handle, not because I read this blog.

Revelation Means Hope said...

To believe that someone googles their handle....boggles the mind.

To find that they do so frequently enough to see a blog post and respond that same day, is quite illustrative of EXACTLY what this post was about.

VD said...

Dude, you might be flattering yourself a little with this post because I don't recall ever posting on this blog before.

No, you've posted at VP. So, not so much autoflattering.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Why FiestyWhatevertheF posted her picture. It's female currency.

Anonymous said...

Please Vox, will you teach men the language of seduction? It's an ancient and powerful language that's being so lost in the world.

Even an ugly toll of a man can hold a girl spellbound with one, "you are not worthy of me, wench." It simply melts us, as you already well know from all the girls that seem drawn to renaissance fairs and sci/fi events.

That is a girl's real currency. Not our pictures, not our words, our ability to synchronize with you.

Anonymous said...

Feministx is indian, explains everything ...

Typical indian deranged chick.

Go get yourself an arranged marriage already, you retarded bimbo.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

I found this post by googling my handle, not because I read this blog.

In other words, you've proven his point.

Anonymous said...

Me googling my handle has nothing to do with this post. And I googled it because someone commented on my blog that he wanted me to go to another blog where people were commenting about me, so I googled my handle to try and find the post that commenter was referencing.

VD is not a game blog, first of all. Second, I am not a regular commenter on VD. The reason I don't contribute to the intellectual debate on VD is because I am not interested in dealing with the pro Christian perspective there.

Anonymous said...

The reason I don't contribute to the intellectual debate on VD is because

Bzzt. Keep digging; the hole you're in can still get deeper.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that I have posted on VD in a couple of months and I don't think I posted on Alpha game before yesterday, when a post chose to single out me of all people. Yet, there has been one OP on VD and one OP on this blog that references me. In total, I may have commented on 4 or 5 posts on VD a few months ago, and that is my entire interaction with that blog. And I am being accused of constantly showing up on leading game blogs. Ridiculous. I am not interested in game blogs in general. I only read heartiste, yet Rollo and VD have referenced me in OPs. Perhaps it is you guys who want my attention.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Me googling my handle has nothing to do with this post. And I googled it because someone commented on my blog that he wanted me to go to another blog where people were commenting about me, so I googled my handle to try and find the post that commenter was referencing.

Again, you've proven his point. You are still seeking his validation.

If you were a man, we'd say you have thin skin.

Anonymous said...

"I am not interested in game blogs in general."

Shhh, me neither...that's why I am not even here.

Anonymous said...

no, I am not proving his point. His point was that anytime a woman says anything on a game blog, she is trying to vie for male validation. Therefore, according to his logic, anytime I say anything here, I seek approval from a male figure. However, his premise is not correct. I am not interested in VD's validation. If I write that I think VD is an ugly stupid coward, then it just might be possible that I don't like the guy. Does not necessarily mean that I want his approval.

As with any woman, Ive done a lot of rejecting in my life. Sometimes you are practically beating the guy over the head with a frying pan like " i don't like you! I don't want you!" and he still comes after you like, "you want me baby, you're just playing hard to get." That is what this thread feels like.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Lady, you're just an example, not the focus of this blog entry. You are here because you wish to validate with Vox or the people here that you don't post on his sites.

But he didn't mention solely his sites. He mentioned others as well. He also mentioned other people in his example.

You're proving his point.

Anonymous said...

Maybe every time you post anything here, you are seeking validation from Vox.

Anyway, I like Vox. If I saw him, i would give him a big squeeze.

I don't just seek validation or attention from random dudes. I have long been a poster in the HBD community, and I do have an intellectual interest in evo psych and how that affects behavioral observed in contemporary society.

I am only partially interested in the blogs that also incorporate general ideas of HBD. I like blogs that focus on dating and relationships and personal observation and not just current events or studies as it is more intuitive and practical to think about dating and relationships than to think about where mutations came from or something purely academic like that.

I post on HBD blogs because i am interested in the truth of human nature first of all. My interest in seeking male attention is secondary to that.

mina smith said...
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mina smith said...

Here's what today's crop of ladies really mean to say:

"You know, here's the thing: I'm not like that!!"

Weouro said...

This could be one of the uncomfortable truths people don't want to believe about themselves.

"I post on HBD blogs because i am interested in the truth of human nature first of all. My interest in seeking male attention is secondary to that."

If the principle is true then those two motivations are really inseparable. But seeking male attention would probably be a more primary motivation and the particulars of your interests secondary. Actresses or female athletes, for example, would seek male attention/approval in other areas, but there's still a common denominator.

Anonymous said...

I think FX has aspberger's or something. THere is really something odd in how she communicates and how she lets everyone else lead the dance and talk about whatever they want. She has no real thoughts of her own that are worth a shit. Plus she's a broke ass sucubus and soon-to-be unfaithful ho to a married man as best I can tell on her blog.

Desert Cat said...

Let's cut to the chase femmyx: do you or do you not crave the respect of Roissy? Would it not make your whole being shine if he were to say to you, "I like you Feministx, I really do. You're one cool woman."?

That was the point.

Ben said...
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Anonymous said...

Why does anyone respond to this cunt flapping indian?

It craves your attention. Don't feed it.

Anonymous said...

Something to think about:

"The enemy is like a woman, weak in face of opposition, but correspondingly strong when not opposed. In a quarrel with a man, it is natural for a woman to lose heart and run away when he faces up to her; on the other hand, if the man begins to be afraid and to give ground, her rage, vindictiveness and fury overflow and know no limit."

--St. Ignatius Loyola

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