Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Be wary of the gamma

I always knew that Hitler was a psychosexual freak, but I didn't know that he was an unmitigated gamma male. Heartiste provides a masterful examination of these recent revelations of Hitler's first big infatuation; keep in mind that his "beta" in this case is the Alpha Game BETA:Gamma.
“For such extraordinary human beings as himself and Stefanie,” he told Kubizek, “there was no need for the usual communication by word of mouth: extraordinary human beings would understand each other by intuition.” Moreover, Hitler convinced himself not only that Stefanie knew what his views and ideas were, but also that she shared them enthusiastically. Such was the power of his crush on this unwitting girl that he even believed her capable of telepathy.
The young beta, before time and painful lessons have turned him bitter, is prone to these flights of ego-soothing fancy, whereby amorphous “connections” of the most tenuous nature with his love object become rationalizations for inaction and unrealistic expectations of a future together.
When Kubizek expressed doubt that Hitler could possibly know what Stefanie thought about anything, considering they hadn’t yet spoken, “he became furious and shouted at me: ‘You simply don’t understand, because you can’t understand the true meaning of extraordinary love’.”
Can’t you just imagine an American teenage boy, with little understanding of the nature of women, saying these exact words to his street smart buddy, or his patient father?
Hitler also somehow convinced himself that Stefanie was feigning interest in other men “as a sort of deliberate diversion to conceal her own tempestuous feelings for him”.
Nonetheless, “this attitude often gave way to fits of raging jealousy”.
We’re veering into almost omega male territory here. Can a school shooting be far behind?
This goes well past the romantic delta pedestalization and deep into gamma male delusion territory.  Hitler became the leader of a powerful state, but his actions were deeply influenced by the gamma delusions about people that had been formulated in his youth; his own constant exaggeration and bluffing led him to make dreadful military errors because he never stopped to think that England, the Soviet Union, or the USA were not paper tigers like he knew his own military forces to have been at the time he ordered the initial German invasions.

The rapid fall of France confirmed his belief about others being conflict-avoidant, thus encouraging him to launch one of the most poorly considered invasions in history, opening a second front by invading the Soviet Union.

The four main characteristics of the gamma male are as follows:
  1. Overly romantic (dramatic self-narrative)
  2. Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)
  3. Delusion (exaggeration and posturing)
  4. Lack of success with women
Hitler clearly qualified on all four counts.


tz said...

... Gammas with guns ... as I've noted many times.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Gammas run this country. They're in the court system where they routinely take the woman's side in family court. They run the bureaucracy where they issue policies and procedures that I refer to as the Second Set of Books. They're in the military leadership.

Gammas are prone to become workers for the State because they are Utopians and believe that this time, paradise will happen.

They are amusing to watch, but give them any kind of power and the bodies will stack up rather quickly.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

It's easy to kick a man when he's down (or dead).

How very brave of you.


Anonymous said...

Your statement "The rapid fall of France confirmed his belief about others being conflict-avoidant" and "2. Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)" are mutually exclusive.

Vox, you really should read Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny by R. H. S. Stolfi, for a realistic appraisal of Hitler.

For the military side Deathride: Hitler vs. Stalin - The Eastern Front, 1941-1945 by John Mosier.

These will get you beyond the 2 dimensional crap that is usually pedaled about the man.

Anonymous said...


keep in mind that his "beta" is the Alpha Game BETA.


Res Ipsa said...

The real question is: "did the little moustache help him get more pussy?".

On one hand it looks cheesy, on the other hand girls might think it tickles in a good way.

While Hitler may have been a gamma, the leaders of his armies were not. They were well trained and highly disciplined professionals. His success was earned by some of the strongest Alpha's Europe had to offer.

Anonymous said...

Res Ipsa "The real question is: "did the little moustache help him get more pussy?"."

Ever look at the women swooning around him. Definitely alpha.

Look at his life. In WWI he won the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class - the equivalent of 2 awards of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Survived 4 years of trench warfare as a runner - with a very short life expectancy.

Gen. Ludendorff, second only to Gen. Hindenburg, was willing to follow his lead in his new political party, the NSDAP.

By force of will, he won the electorate of Germany.

Definitely not a beta, nor a gamma. Alpha (or maybe sigma) all the way.

Stolfi in Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny well documents the man's iron will. And that pussy had a low priority compared to his drive save and rebuild a defeated and shattered Germany.

Anonymous said...

I believe your commentary and Heartiste's commentary is flawed because it focuses on Hitlers romantic success as the measure of Hitler the man.

Hitler the womanizer was certainly a Gamma. Hitler the statesman, the soldier, the artist, not so much.

It is not black and white.


Anonymous said...

The four main characteristics of the gamma male are as follows:

Overly romantic (dramatic self-narrative)
Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)
Delusion (exaggeration and posturing)
Lack of success with women

Ouch if thats gamma I'm right there. Any links to how to reduce or overcome gamma tendencies?

Dexter said...

I am reminded of a memoir I read by some Army Ranger dude who fought in Afghanistan. Leader of men, brave in battle, decorated hero, 100% alpha as far as that goes...

But a nauseating, pedestalizing, one-itis-affected beta in his relations with his girlfriend. Totally painful to read.

Anonymous said...

Where is the line between Gamma and Omega? I thought that Gamma males were basically man boobed nerds. Stalking and delusional fantasies seems firmly Omega.

Chris M said...

Hitler's military mistakes were small and fatal:

Diverting air-bombings in the summer of 1940 from military targets to cities, thus giving life to the RAF.

Postponing the invasion of Russia by 6 weeks, and thus deprivin them of vital summer months needed to finish the Russians off.

And finally, not forcing the Japanese to invade Hawaii, thus giving the Americans an easy outpost to launch their campaign

Chris M said...

Hitler's military mistakes were small and fatal:

Diverting air-bombings in the summer of 1940 from military targets to cities, thus giving life to the RAF.

Postponing the invasion of Russia by 6 weeks, and thus deprivin them of vital summer months needed to finish the Russians off.

And finally, not forcing the Japanese to invade Hawaii, thus giving the Americans an easy outpost to launch their campaign

fantompowa said...

I'm not so sure Hitler really meets all these metrics or that the last one is reasonably applicalbe..

"The four main characteristics of the gamma male are as follows:"

-"Overly romantic (dramatic self-narrative)"
Check, that I'll agree with.

-"Conflict-avoidance (passive-aggressivene and plausible deniability)"

I'd say Hitler reveled in conflict, not shirked from it. He seemed to enjoy giving speeches in beer halls and rousing the opposition into fights with the brownshirts, where people regularly threw bottles, chairs, and fatal punches. I don't see anything particularly passive about his aggression.

-"Delusion (exaggeration and posturing)"


-"Lack of success with women"

If success means reaching your desired goal, I'm not so sure he didn't. When he was in Landsberg prison for his failed Putsch he had two cells, on was for him, and the other was filled with flowers and love letters from women all over Germany. I've never come across any evidence that he didn't die a virgin, but it wasn't from a lack of opportunity. From reading accounts of his interactions with Geli Raubal, Eva Braun, and women in general I get the impression he wasn't even that interested physically escalating and trying to bone them. My money's on him being asexual. The average alpha in Germany in say, 1940 after the fall of France would certainly have had a much higher N than Mr. Hitler, but he wouldn't have is a noteworthy percentage of a country of 70 million fantasizing about him from afar. I have a higher than Hitler and I'm pretty sure people won't be posting things like this on the internet after I'm dead:


I've met an asexual guy before, he has an attractive wife (and she complains to my gf frequently about their lack of sex, and they married a few months ago so it's not like he's just bored). I thought it was funny because usually the shoe is on the other foot, and this would be a male complaint, and it really took awhile to grok the idea of a guy who genuinely has no libido. But she really does have to struggle to get it even once a week, and married him hoping he'd change. Is that guy unsuccessful? In the long term he will be, (women are always having sex, the question is just with whom) and his wife has expressed an interest in an open relationship or divorce (can't say I blame her), but in the interim he did sort of accomplish his goal, and all systems/human organizations dissolve eventually anyway. Was Hitler "unsuccessful" with women if his goals were (I would argue) very different than most guys and all he wants from them is a more platonic companionship or just distant adoration? I don't think the answer is as clear cut as a simple yes or no.

Nathan said...

The more I read about Game, the more it seems like sex-Calvinism. Can't change who you are in the Alpha-omega hierarchy, and your Alpha-ness will be known by your deeds after the fact.

Anonymous said...

...And finally, not forcing the Japanese to invade Hawaii, thus giving the Americans an easy outpost to launch their campaign

Or California.

Dexter said...

Hitler had no ability to "force" Japan to do anything.

- He asked them not to attack China in 1937 so they could focus on the Soviets. Then afterward he tried to broker a peace between China and Japan. But Japan wouldn't play ball.
- He asked them repeatedly to attack Singapore in early 1941, but they wouldn't do it for another year.
- He asked them repeatedly to attack the USSR in 1941 and 1942, but they wouldn't play ball.
- He asked them repeatedly to attack the British in the Indian Ocean in early 1942, but they wouldn't play ball.

It wasn't really Hitler's "mistake" that Japan wouldn't do what he asked them to do - and his requests were all very sound.

Acksiom said...

>Ouch if thats gamma I'm right there. Any links to how to reduce or overcome gamma tendencies?

No, but I can tell you straight off that Vox's list is more about reinforcing the male-exploitation model in you -- and others -- than it is about liberating let alone actually improving yourself.

So don't just take it at face value. Question the narrative. Much of what Vox points at there is just as reliably the result of exactly the kind of Irrational Confidence that makes Alphas, Sigmas, and greater Betas.

Athor Pel said...

"Nathan said...

The more I read about Game, the more it seems like sex-Calvinism. Can't change who you are in the Alpha-omega hierarchy, and your Alpha-ness will be known by your deeds after the fact.
August 27, 2013 at 4:37 PM "

Then you haven't been reading long enough. The whole point of game is attainable change. That you aren't seeing it is more your fault than any blogger's fault.

Nathan said...

"That you aren't seeing it is more your fault than any blogger's fault."

Yeah, that's my point. Obviously it isn't anyone's fault but mine, nevertheless, I'll never be an Alpha and some people are so far gone that it won't matter what they learn. This seems to fit with my general observation that the world is cruel and depressing.

Athor Pel said...

"Nathan said...

"That you aren't seeing it is more your fault than any blogger's fault."

Yeah, that's my point. Obviously it isn't anyone's fault but mine, nevertheless, I'll never be an Alpha and some people are so far gone that it won't matter what they learn. This seems to fit with my general observation that the world is cruel and depressing.
August 28, 2013 at 5:01 PM "

Damn, you're still not getting it. Genetics is not destiny, neither is your past environment. You decide what you do, where you go, what you become and you do it on a daily, minute by minute basis. It all comes down to desire. You have free will. Use it.

Alpha, Beta, Gamma.... they are not purely mutually exclusive categories. They are not boxes. They all overlap. No man is all alpha all the time. Nor is he all omega all the time. Everybody has some of each inside. Even of those traits you don't feel like you possess, they can be grasped, if you want them. And like many things in life, if you are willing to pay the price in time and effort you will attain them.

All the game blogs do is characterize the categories through description of observable behaviors and correlate those behaviors to how other people react to them. It's a very simple thing. It's repeatable.

For the sites that end up going beyond pick up, beyond the management of women, they realize something very important. The underlying principles of game for men, abundance mentality, outcome independence, and frame control. These things apply to other areas of life. Any time you talk to another person these things apply, they are powerful and they are all about mental outlook.

Decide who you want to be and then set out to become that person. Christians have an advantage here because we have a book and the Holy Spirit to guide us. Everybody else is on their own, adrift on a sea of limited human perception. In any case, you can become someone better than you are today. And that is worth the toil, for you and all the family and friends in your life.

Once you get on that path the desire to please other people, specifically women, goes away. What I mean by please people, to please them because it's expected when it really isn't warranted or deserved, or just to avoid conflict or follow the robot rules of society even if it turns you into a sucker.

Before I finish I want to make one thing clear. Notice I did not say, "you can become an alpha." I said, "you can become someone better than you are today."

Families need someone to lead them. People don't get on a train that doesn't know where it's going. Neither do women in regards to the men in their lives. Even if they consciously disavow it, women define themselves by the man in their life. It's why we have hypergamy. And the alpha in her life is completely situational. You can be alpha enough for her.

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