Being a fool and being politically-minded and curious about these manosphere commandeers, and with innocent kindred spirit, I approached a couple of these manosphere armchair generals on Twitter and ended up cutting off my own nose to spite my own face. I had the gumption to ask these self-proclaimed manosphere gods why they tend to frown upon women who are intelligent, based on this assessment I took on a very popular manosphere blog. Before I’d gotten any type of response from the manosphere-elect royal elite, a seemingly normal, well-adjusted non-manosphere supporting gentleman chimed in first:That's certainly an original approach by a female critic of Game, is it not? We've never heard that one before. Meanwhile, Roosh has published a library of books about the vast quantities of women he has banged from the southern tip of Chile to the sunless shores of Iceland. His mere entry into a country is now greeted with public alarm akin to the sort that the Irish monks once raised when Viking longboats were spotted off the coast. Roissy's capacity for seduction once so concerned a popular female blogger that she showed her daughter his picture and warned her not to speak to any man who even remotely resembled him on the off-chance of an encounter during a visit to his city of residence.
@Feisty_Woman @voxday @rooshv @heartiste Fear. Plain and simple. Alot of man equate intelligence with role reversal leading to emasculationIn a nutshell, there you have it. I could very well end this blog post here because the answer is right there in blood, written in stone by a man, no less. The manosphere is indeed as I suspected, a cockroach halfway house for discarded males who are threatened by intelligence of the female variety and have an irrational fear of amassing shriveled testicles.
— Radio Richard (@BlazerTalon) August 7, 2013
But I can’t end it here, people. It gets much better.
Soon after violently shaking the manosphere tree at the root, from atop leaked this gem of machismo volcanic diarrhea:
@Feisty_Woman @BlazerTalon @voxday @heartiste Girl, get off my nuts. I don't want to sleep w/ you. Your prattle has no meaning to me.I felt obligated to give him a pass. All I could do was offer an apology out of clemency that any swipe he could take at a woman, who happened to be me in the wrong place at the right time, was motivation to feed his unfillable ego. All I could do was feel sad for him and implore that the manosphere gods send him a woman to love. One that he could sleep with to his heart and dick’s content because if he did, he wouldn’t be living out his days being such a pent up indignant sexually frustrated buffoon.
— Roosh (@rooshv) August 7, 2013
As for me, well, I'm a three-time Billboard top forty recording artist married to a woman who walked away from a prospective career as an international fitness model. But all of this is beside the point. I merely mention our various socio-sexual successes in order to rub it in Feisty's face that all three of us are not only successful with women, but, as can be seen from her picture, all three of us are successful with women who are more attractive than she is. She's far from ugly, but she's nothing more than a 7 in her middle thirties who is about to hit The Wall.

So, why do we tend to downgrade the attractiveness of women who are intelligent? Because women who are intelligent are nearly as prone to lack honor, intellectual integrity, and genuinely intellectual interests as their less intelligent sisters, but due to their pride in their intelligence and their feelings of superiority, they are far more prone to foolishly challenge male intellectual authority in order to validate their self-perceptions and/or get their dominance buzz. In other words, intelligent women tend to be a massive pain in the ass without providing much to compensate for their disagreeableness.
By way of evidence, let's give Feisty Woman the benefit of the IQ doubt and consider her form of self-identification. She thinks being "feisty" makes her more attractive. It doesn't. Being "feisty" generally detracts from female attractiveness. To the sufficiently experienced man, a woman describing herself in this way is warning him that she is a dominance-seeker; combine that with the postulated above-average intelligence and one can see that by attacking Roosh, Roissy, and me, Feisty Woman is seeking the intellectual domination she is not currently receiving from her current male companion.
The irony is that midwitted Gamma males not only value female intelligence, they fetishize it. Unfortunately, they simply cannot provide the intellectual dominance that intelligent women crave, as that can only be provided by those possessing both sufficiently high intelligence and socio-sexual dominance, most of whom are men who couldn't possibly care less about the nominal difference between the 132 IQ "Mensa" girl and the 85 IQ "dumb" girl.
It never seems to occur to the +1.5SD crowd that they appear to be even dumber, from the perspective of the +3SD+ crowd, than those of average intelligence do to them. From the position of the highly intelligent male, who outnumbers equally intelligent women something like 12:1, the main difference is that the "smart" girl and the "dumb" girl are both going to say stupid things that are obviously incorrect, the main difference is that the "smart" girl is going to argue and try to defend an obviously incorrect point for hours without admitting that she is wrong, usually while engaging in a long series of intellectually dishonest behaviors.
Which is precisely the sort of behavior Feisty Woman has already exhibited on Twitter. She asked a question. She was answered, an answer she could have found by simply perusing this blog as it is a topic I addressed previously. And yet, she's still babbling and attacking and reinterpreting and insulting and refusing to accept the legitimacy of the answers she was provided.
This behavior tends to illustrate the observable veracity of my answer. Female intelligence is not a deal-breaker, but neither is it an attractant for most men, least of all highly intelligent men. It is mostly a red flag, which is one reason why intelligent women are statistically more likely to find themselves alone and childless than women of more moderate intelligence.
Discarded males
Shriveled testicles
Unfillable ego
Send him a woman to love
Pent up
Sexually frustrated buffoon
I guess even supposedly intelligent women only know one way to argue, in other words losers, losers, losers.....(yawn).
It must be hard being reasonably attractive but not hot and having the alpha males pass you up for the hot skinny girls.
I remember back in grad school listening to how inspirational this woman PhD in physics was...because she had turned her PhD into a writing career, writing "modern novels from a woman with a science PhD". The next sentence was the eunuch explaining how it was great that she would prattle on about how her research was hard and confusing for three pages, but then really connect with the reader with five to ten pages about how her personal life was a failure - forgot her keys, broke one off in a lock, laundry machine broken, third failed relationship that month, on her period, etc.
There is a sweet spot that isn't drooling dumb but isn't trying far too hard to seem smart but come across as insipid and annoying, but there is nothing new under the sun:
"Saddam was friendly toward his young guards and sometimes offered fatherly advice. When O'Shea told him he was not married, Saddam "started telling me what to do," recalled the soldier. "He was like, 'You gotta find a good woman. Not too smart, not too dumb. Not too old, not too young. One that can cook and clean."'
"The manosphere is indeed as I suspected, a cockroach halfway house for discarded males who are threatened by intelligence of the female variety.."
To all the numerous men here who have taught me that this is utter bunk, thank you so much. You have given me the best birthday ever. I am so blessed.
I have discovered that I am an alpha female and always have been. Duh kitty, duh. See there's this thing called biology... For some reason, smart women are even stupider about it. I am such a dominant alpha female, I didn't even realize women had a pecking order, because WTH cares, right? I can dispatch women with so little mercy, it isn't even funny. I've dispatched dozens just in the last week.
See, I've always had this huge capacity for self awareness and self acceptance, and that is disturbing to those who seek so desperately to deny the nature of themselves. Women don't like me very much, but I still seem to attract the foolish creatures like fruit flies. That gives me great power out in the world, because it is a vicious weapon. I'll try to be worthy of it and spread some of the things I learned like a virus.
So you see, the men here who have suffered through a woman's incessant solipsism, annoying tantrums, and hurled coffee cups, have served a much higher purpose. I will go out into the world and honor you because of the gifts you have given me. It is simply magical.
I'll shut up now before my fanciful girl-talk gives some man brain-hurt. I'll leave you with this FB conversation I had with second daughter in the hope it amuses somebody:
Kid: I need cuddles
Me: Men provide the cuddles, dear
Kid: I know, I think I'll get a cat!
Me:I have 13 cats, kid. There are simply not enough cats to make the truth go away. There are however, many crazy cat ladies. And but for the love of a good man, there go I. Stop resisting, see there's this thing called turns out it's really very pleasant after all.
I speak their language, gentlemen. It took me forever to learn how to speak yours. Game well played.
Thanks for delivering the required slap down to the twattering version of Big Red.
In the delusion Olympics, I think that an honourable mention should go to Sassy women as well. Where the cause of self-proclaimed fabulousness comes from even shakier, perhaps nebulous, foundations. If I had to name the source I'd probably have to go with narcissism.
It's another label that some women seize under the delusion that it is a male-attractant quality.
Feisty women are like irritating little sisters.
Sassy women are reality deficient loudmouths (some even have internal loudhailers).
Maybe one day more women will grasp that most men realize "feisty" is just a euphemism for "first rate bitch".
It's amusing when women try to lecture men on what they really ought to value in women. (Intelligence or independence or whatever.)
They would take incredible offense at the idea of men telling them what they're supposed to value in men.
A question, Vox. Is female intelligence necessary to gain intelligent male children - or to maintain intelligence in the children, grandchildren, etc.?
From what I have heard there are two viewpoints. The first is that yes, the more intelligent the woman (mother), the better to transmit intelligence from both father and mother as genes come from both father and mother.
The second is that female intelligence is basically a non-starter. Intelligence comes primarily from the father and the mother does not contribute much to the child's intelligence. So the mother is basically the carrier of the man's child without much input in the intelligence department.
Your thoughts?
She thinks being "feisty" makes her more attractive. It doesn't. Being "feisty" detracts from female attractiveness.
My husband and I were having dinner at a restaurant last week, and noticed two different tables of women. The one to our right was full of women who were in the 40-ish age range, and they were loud, cackling, and obnoxious. Periodically, they would erupt in deafening screeches of laughter, eliciting looks of alarm and irritation from the people around them. In high contrast was the table to the left of us, where four prettyish, wholesome-looking women in their early 20s quietly chatted, smiled winsomely at each other's witticisms, and just generally acted like civilized young ladies. It was rather charming. Undoubtedly, the feisty-40 women regarded themselves as lovably smart and sassy and a bunch of fun-lovin' gals, and were not even remotely aware of how obnoxious they were. I've seen this forced extraversion before with single 40-ish women in public, and it appears the tendency towards cultivated feistiness is a function of age, as though it compensates for getting older. The irony, of course, is that it only represents an additional barrier to attracting men.
A woman who is not a fool is dangerous.
-Nero Wolfe
I speak their language, gentlemen. It took me forever to learn how to speak yours. Game well played.
From my experience, women tend to not listen to men especially when it comes to relational advice. I don't know if this is because I come across as crass but I've noticed that to be trend. Perhaps other men have much more success because they are better at speaking the language of women.
Small example: when my wife demanded to know from me how you can tell if two people have a good marriage, I responded that it was how often the couple have sex. She literally did not believe me and believed it to be something more than that. However, the next day at a marriage conference, a speaker said this to the female only audience. My wife's friend advised her to not tell me, but she did anyway.
From my experience, women tend to not listen to men especially when it comes to relational advice.
The bad news is that men DO listen to women when it comes to relationship advice. Took me years to undo the goddamn sabotage inflicted on me by well-meaning female relatives.
The bad news is that men DO listen to women when it comes to relationship advice. Took me years to undo the goddamn sabotage inflicted on me by well-meaning female relatives.
The trick is to invert any advice they provide because a lot of women are delusional when it comes to what they seek in relationships.
Or they are liars.
As for me, well, I'm a three-time Billboard top forty recording artist married to a woman who walked away from a prospective career as an international fitness model. They've already covered this. Spacebunny doesn't exist and Roosh is obviously lying about visiting other countries. The video evidence is as factual as the moon landing.
I was part of this conversation on this blog last year.
I'm glad I kept an open mind, followed the logic trail and learned something.
Unlike feisty here.
But isn't that just the problem with being "feisty"? She's so invested in being "more, better smart" that she refuses to consider new information or even old information perceived in a new way.
Like many other things, it is a surface affectation which when in proper balance is attractive, made into a sole governing principle.
Personally, I find the right amount of 'feisty' fine, but just looking at the sneer in the picture makes me think that she has a case of Silver Bullet Syndrome.
"What is the solution to attracting the right kind of man? It can't be a subtle question involving the balance of potentially contradicting propensities with an eye for moral character. No, it must be the exaggeration of a single trait!"
It reminds me a lot of the thing where guys try to be 'funny' because they get Silver Bullet Syndrome about it. The result is a caricature, like this woman seems to be.
Intelligence is never enough, you have to have the humility to recognize and fix mistakes and you also have to not be crazy.
I think the whole Fiesty thing might relate to the fact that even men play the deceptive advice game... we can't tell women what really attracts us, so we list secondary characteristics that are 'nice to haves'.
"But isn't that just the problem with being "feisty"? She's so invested in being "more, better smart" that she refuses to consider new information or even old information perceived in a new way."
exactly. I had a close friend in college who like to see herself as the feisty Asian girl. She liked to joke about her talent for biting people's heads off with her temper tantrums. She got fired because her coworkers got sick of her feistiness and reported her for some otherwise common infractions. Feisty=tone deaf bitchiness from what I could tell.
P.S. giant hoop ear rings look trashy.
Small example: when my wife demanded to know from me how you can tell if two people have a good marriage, I responded that it was how often the couple have sex. She literally did not believe me and believed it to be something more than that.
She may have rejected the notion because she perceived it as a self-serving comment, like a wife who says that a good marriage is indicated by how often a husband buys his wife jewelry (hint hint, guilt guilt). Never mind that the former is a good measure of the health of a marriage, the problem is women have a tendency to project their own motivations onto other people. OTOH, if a woman hears the same thing from a person who's not likely to be perceived as motivated by self-interest, then it becomes plausible.
The standard response from such feisty women is: "Do you feel threatened by an intelligent woman?"
The brutally honest answer is:
"Yes, and so do you."
Because that is what it is, a threat. When a woman utters that phrase, that is a woman saying, "I am more intelligent than you, so you will have to accept my leadership." That is what that attitude is.
When women work with each other, the greater-credential/greater-intelligence threat comes out all the time. Female social structures form into communal not heirarchical structures. This has been aptly described before as a basket of crabs, because in a communal structure there's no collectively agreed upon method of distinguishing and hence advancing yourself above others. In an heirarchical structure, the method of distinguishing yourself for advancement is etched in stone, everyone agrees on it. That method is usually to better something, advance some goal, move and shake, etc.. (whatever the goal is) outside of the structure. In a communal structure, your only advancement tactic is to make yourself look better so that you can convince others to remain below you. This is where the greater-intelligence threat comes in, it's a crab-basket tactic used in an attempt at convincing someone else to submit.
It is a toothless threat that can be safely ignored. When someone says, "Do you feel threatened by an intelligent woman?" The proper (though less honest) response is likely silence. Transparent attempts to force a communal structure on what should be heirarchical should be ignored. If you answer that question, you may end up validating credentials over production. That is what measures of intelligence are, they are paper, nothing more. The ability to produce objectively positive results is all that should matter, so ignore the people who claim greater intelligence. Or better yet, challenge them to produce results. I've known a lot of PhD's who when the chips were down, just had no f-ing clue how to make their experiment work.
Didn't aunt susan have an article recently on "not pretty enough"?
You'd think the message would finally be sinking in that if you're NOT pretty enough, you must cultivate other attractive traits to snag a higher value man.
The irony is that even if you're pretty enough, while you can attractive a higher class of men, you'll be able to reach even higher if you emulate your less pretty sisters (the wiser ones)and cultivate the attractive inner qualities too.
A really pretty woman who is sweet? The apex of female attractiveness.
Not feistiness. Not sassiness. Not bitchiness. Not independence. Not high intelligence. Not high income.
Try this answer "Perhaps, if I ever meet one".
The brutally honest answer is:
"Yes, and so do you."
That completely depends upon how intelligent one is. At the highest levels, there are more than 10 men for every one woman.
So, the chance that the woman is more intelligent are nil. Also, they are total freaks that don't play those conventional girl games.
I am sure she'll love the comment I left on her blog - bet she doesn't approve/publish it.
Post said that despite her claim to be "more intelligent" what she did was typical average intelligence woman thing: Step 1. Reach conclusion Step 2. Try to force everyone to agree with conclusion
Rather than what truly intelligent (i.e. logical, rational people) do which is: Step 1. Gather data (all, even data you don't initially agree with) 2. Consider sources of data 3. Weigh data for relevance and accuracy 4. Analyze data 5. Reach conclusion.
She thinks she's feisty but really she's a typical close-minded woman of probably average intelligence and a huge chip on her shoulder. "Feisty" really is just a synonym for "bitch with a superiority complex" I think.
Anther possible answer:
"It depends on whether or not the woman threatening me is intelligent."
I doubt however that my molasses wit could form that retort fast enough to be serviceable.
That completely depends upon how intelligent one is. At the highest levels, there are more than 10 men for every one woman.
So, the chance that the woman is more intelligent are nil. Also, they are total freaks that don't play those conventional girl games
I would wager she is playing that exact game. She's playing it on a grander scale. She's pushing a social cue that women can and should be leaders of men in a crab-like effort to push down what she deems as unworthy men.
I honestly don't think any method of intelligence measurement is in any way something that the masculine should value to begin with, regardless of what the method may be. You might have a method betrothed to us by an all-knowing creator, it still creates more problems than it solves when you give the layman a meaningless yardstick. Why is this? Because it convinces the women who are with men of -3SD that they are worthy competitors, which is entirely false.
"Do you feel threatened by an intelligent woman?"
No, but if she's hot I'll feign interest in her idiotic opinions -- at least until the fruit has been plucked, heheheh.
"Do you feel threatened by an intelligent woman?"
An intelligent woman would never threaten me.
So, the chance that the woman is more intelligent are nil. Also, they are total freaks that don't play those conventional girl games.
Yes. All of the women I've met working as an engineer in offices in the cellular industry (site acquisition, legal, admin, accounting) clearly think that their jobs are merit based, sustainable in this pyramid scheme of an economy, and secure (indicated by their personal debts). They also clearly all think they possess very high intelligence (based on their demeanor and the way they talk to engineers). These positions are contradictory. The engineers' jobs are far more secure, yet we regularly acknowledge that the customers pay their monthly bills with credit cards, and we need to be planning for a very different economic situation, likely very soon.
The women probably think we are intimidated by their shoulder pads and BMWs as they pass us in our paid-for pickup trucks on the way home to our paid-for cabins (except the married/divorced debt slave guys of course).
This is a very strange society. Wonder how much time it has left?
I think the problem is that what men really value in women, when we find it is wisdom not intelligence. If "Fiesty" had any wisdom, she'd realize end goals actually have importance also. I regularly have to deal with people that have no understanding of what I do at work. Rather than concentrate on that, I work to communicate at a level they can understand in order to solve the issue. I've worked with people like "Feisty" before and noted that their intelligence had zero impact on their job in the end because they were to interested basking in the glow of their own self-esteem. Forgetting that in order to "communicate" both sides need to understand and listen.
Oh, and as a man, I find all large earrings ridiculous and distracting at best. Not just hoops.
As a clarification I deal with people smarter than me all the time. There have been many times when restraining my first impulse to question whether they were doing something wrong and looking more closely has paid off. That comes from age and wisdom in my book. There is an old saw that before you open your fool mouth to speak at least there is a question of whether you're a fool. After there is no question.
Sunshine Mary had a good post the other day about the difference between sassy (re: obnoxious, loud, domineering) and saucy (re: flirtation, warm, welcoming). The main difference was that sassiness is usually used to detract from men and male pride and sauciness is used to build up and encourage.
Feisty looks like she could be a lovely women if she dropped the prideful, sneering, "I'm too intelligent and enlightened for you" act.
"Males who are threatened by intelligence of the female variety" = Guys who are turned off when a woman's arrogance overshadows her supposed intelligence.
Funny how they attempt to shame us with their own weakness:
Threaten? Are they perhaps implying that real strong brave men would never feel threatened and therefore we're cowards? Yet the empowered grrrlls turn around and state that they feel threatened by male behavior and other manipulative language.
They're fierce, they're feminists, and they're in your fa-a-a-a-a-a-a-ace (except when it's against an actual manly opponent).
Also the whole "getting laid" insult thing. Oh how I wish I'd been wiser in my youth to accept the rampant illogic and stop trying to understand, and instead just use it as a design feature rather than a bug.
Interesting that a woman crowing about her intelligence and claiming men find female intelligence off-putting would post her pic for all the computer-viewing world to see. As VD notes, she seems to be crying out for someone (presumably a male) to best/dominate her by advertising she also thinks (hopes) she's hot (enough). The picture is just icing on the cake to effectively say she's more trouble than she's worth.
Weird...that's twice today I've seen the term "alpha female" being thrown out there by women who want to gain attention from men and influence the way we interact with other women. Can't even remember the last time I've heard it used as a term, but it's a complete turnoff. Makes me think of a few self-centered dyke and/or dominatrix types I've run into in the corporate world, that in their quest to climb the ladder and prove themselves superior, ended-up demanding more from their underlings than most male executives could get away with. Fortunately I've never worked under one of these prima donnas myself, but I've sympathized with those who have.
Yeah, keeping company with an "alpha female" appeals to most men about as much as babysitting an "alpha toddler" appeals to most women.
I completely agree with your statement, Doorstop, and apologize if I have ever been such a turn off. I think you are wise and there is a clue in here, "that in their quest to climb the ladder and prove themselves superior, ended-up demanding more from their underlings than most male executives could get away with." I now have the power to demand more from women then perhaps men do. More importantly, I have less to lose and therefore risk less than a man does. I can in fact, go out and do your light work for you and perhaps save you some misery.
Is the concept of an alpha female a real thing? I really have no idea, I never even knew women had a pecking order, but simply being able to frame it those terms gives me clarity as to what kind of a roll I can play in the world to try and make things better.
If you think I tend to seek male attention, well you're right. It's simply a part of my nature. I love men. I will try not to be too annoying about it.
I do not seek to influence the way men interact with women. God, no. Follow Vox, follow Roissy, use your own wisdom. It's all you need. Never listen to a woman...unless she is older and speaks of her own experiences regarding the Truth about game and that info is in some way helpful.
Vox, I'll have to disagree slightly on female intelligence.
It's not an attractant, but the lack of intelligence is a repellant. I've long suspected that it is very difficult to make a long-term relationship work across an IQ differential more than ~15 points (about 1 SD).
Simply because you can't stand to be around the empty-headed.
The only way it could work out is for the less intelligent person to smile, be charming, and let her husband do the heavy thinking for the family.
"I do not seek to influence the way men interact with women."
You don't strike me as particularly self-aware yttik, but surely you're at least aware of the purpose of Vox's posts, and of the sounding board he graciously fosters here in the comments section?
"Never listen to a woman"
"but surely you're at least aware of the purpose of Vox's posts, and of the sounding board he graciously fosters here in the comments section?"
Yes, I am aware of that, but I even still managed to make a mess of it and stepped on many toes here. I am trying to apologize. I am trying to let you know that I won't do it anymore, because I now realize I can take that whirling dervish of insanity and direct it at those who actually deserve it.
apandopoeia is a concept and a word I have never heard of, but I rather gracelessly fell right into it. Stupid, stupid girl.
I hope I can still visit you, but I really do promise to STFU more often.
Great! start now.
"I've long suspected that it is very difficult to make a long-term relationship work across an IQ differential more than ~15 points (about 1 SD)."
Oh, I know this one. Communication is most effective when two people are within 1 SD of each other. Between 1 and 2 SD, problems start arising, as the lower IQ person cannot begin to grasp the concepts or understand the language being used.
Once you reach 2 SD difference, true communication becomes impossible. If the higher IQ person talks at their natural level, about concepts they fully understand, in the language that comes freely to them, the dumber person literally hears nonsense.
They will think the smarter person is absolutely insane because what they're saying makes no sense to them, as the thought processes involved are beyond their capability. Conversely, most of what they say will strike the smarter person as clear evidence of mental retardation.
If you think i'm exaggerating, 2 standard deviations is the difference between normal intelligence and whatever the current politically-correct term for mental retardation is.
My particular hate is the woman who thinks she's educated because she has been to university, failing to realise modern education is largely a student loan scam, in subjects with no real world application, where classes have been dumbed down to accomodate the lower IQ's of those offered positions purely in the name of diversity, and where people are shuffled through beyond their capability as massive failure rates would put educators at risk of losing tenure.
They believe a piece of paper proves that they're smart, and grow arrogant because of it. Whereas truly smart people are secure in the knowledge of their intelligence, and find little stimulation or challenge within the educational system, as they are capable of educating themselves.
This arrogance, from my observation, seems to occur in women sitting around 110-120. They immediately think their intelligence is validated, so then immediately turn solipistic: "Look at what I've achieved! How special I am! Wait! If I'm so special, why am I single?"
The reality is their toxic, haughty, arrogant personalities are a complete turn off to men, but the bleak introspection required to accept an uncomfortable truth is beyond them, so they immediately settle for the flattering comfort of Cognitive Dissonance: "I'm single because of my intelligence!"
Feisty Woman is following a predictable script that I've seen play out multiple times. What a unique, intelligent snowflake she is.
Since I rest on the cusp of +3 SD from average, and given that the intelligence curve for women is far narrower for women, with fewer at the extremes, I have honestly yet to meet a woman who hasn't struck me as mentally-retarded, to the extent I hide my intelligence from them entirely. True communication with a woman, for me, is unlikely, so I don't bother.
I do a very good impersonation of mundane 100 IQ: always a bit slow, searching for words, not getting things. I'm just the big dumb biker. Not one supposedly 'intelligent, educated' woman has ever picked up on my act in her quest for the thrill of bad boy rough trade.
I always laugh when I read '1984' and Orwell describes Julia as unintersted in the ideology of the party; shows her filtering her rebellion through petty acts and sexual deviance; and then, once Winston finally has his hands on the book describing the truth behind the structure of Oceanic society, promptly falls asleep as he reads it to her. Orwell knew women.
Mina: I don't know who you are, but I love you.
I don't feel threatened by intelligent women, they are just boring in bed.
Lemme explain....
Intelligent women are almost always far more concerned with image and reputation, since intelligence equates to considering consequences and long term effects of one's actions. As such, they are much more reluctant to be bold, expressive, and/or enthusiastic in bed. Even deep into a long term relationship, there's just no energy. Too shy.
Smart girls are boring.
She has been married for 10 years to a man who was a major collage defensive lineman and is now a mechanical engineer. IN other words she landed an aggressive top dog. I really doubt she can walk over that guy. She is a mother, she hates feminism, promotes tradition, and is politically conservative. And as you admit she 30+ years old with a child and she is still a 7. Reading her site I would say she calls herself "Feisty" because she is blunt, not out of being proud of her inner bitch. Her other fights all seem to be feminists. You are picking a strange enemy
You are picking a strange enemy
Enemy? Who said anything about an enemy? She asked a question. I answered it. Then she said some dumb and obviously inaccurate things about a number of people.
It takes a lot more than that for me to regard someone as an enemy. That's not even a gadfly.
I like this new word, apandopoeia. Definitely keeping it around, near its conceptual cousin, autologic. Nicely done.
Smarter women command a marriage mating premium bc of higher time preference and less cheating risk. This is true high iq not a credential. Also life marriage equals trading off sexiness for companionship.
Alpha female? Matriarch in Dowton Abbey.
I sometimes wonder whether intelligence levels negatively correlate with reponses to blogs. Oh no what have I done this possibly feisty woman is losing the argument . Aaarrggggh . l
The problem with most women is they lack intelligence, or are unable to live by intelligence.
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