Sunday, May 26, 2013

Women commit most domestic violence

Even the studies cited by feminists to blame men for domestic violence reveal as much:
Take domestic violence, for example. It is almost universally portrayed as though the perpetrators are men. Indeed, in 1989 the Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science published the results of a survey that was celebrated as a classic exposé of ‘battered wives’, and was taken up as proof of typical male perfidy.

However, two years later the Journal acknowledged a different side to the story after the data had been re-analysed. While 10.8 per cent of the men surveyed had pushed, grabbed or thrown objects at their spouses, 12.4 per cent of women had done so too. And although 2.5 per cent of men used serious violence, so did 4.7 per cent of women.

Marilyn Kwong, who carried out the new analysis, also examined eight other studies and found the pattern was universal. Inconvenient facts had been cut out.
I would go so far as to argue that given the redefinition of sexual assault to mean "sexual contact to which express consent has not been given", women also commit the majority of sexual assaults.  I have been groped, on the chest, posterior, or genitals, without giving express consent, by at least 10x more women than I have ever touched myself.

When facing spurious feminist assertions, punch back twice as hard.  When you hear an appeal to domestic violence justifying one form or another of the Female Imperative, remind your interlocutor that as per the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, women commit nearly two-thirds, (65.3 percent), of serious domestic violence.


VD said...

No more Anonymous comments, TSK. Use Name/URL. It looks too much like spam otherwise.

Red said...

Growing up I knew a women who would get hit from time to time by her husband. She always attacked him verbally/physically repeatably first before he struck back. One time he really pissed her so she put a live rattlesnake in his bed. Could have easily killed him but she didn't view it as a big deal.

Herman the German said...

Interesting story, Red. My experiences in married life were quite similar, though knives were the preferred thing to be thrown at Mr. German. But, having only been married to females of the Colombian/S.American variety, I'm sure my personal view is horribly skewed.

But, despite my obvious bias, I am confident in the statistics provided by the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science. Truth is good.

BC said...

Cue: Monty Python Fish Dance.

sconzey said...

I can't for the life of me find that paper the Mail article refers to.

earl said...

Now those are fitness test of insane proportions.

Jeigh Di said...

No surprise there. I remember reading several years ago that the group with the highest incidence of spouse abuse was lesbians.

Nate said...

Not to mention... if you make her leave the rodeo before she's ready... he just might bite you on the pecker.

Anonymous said...


Such women should be charged with attempted murder.

the league of baldheaded men said...

By all means lets point out that women aren't the moral paragons feminism would make them out to be. But keep in mind that this particular feminist impulse to "make men the bad guys" is just the age old female psychology asserting itself, except now enabled and "empowered" by technology, its economic and social consequences, and the collapse of men as a countervailing force. It's but a short step from truthtelling to tit-for-tat, mom-she-hit-me-first whining. So if we're going this road, let's keep it in the spirit of amused mastery.

Joe Blow said...

It's only because most women are pathetically weak (fantasy flicks involving women beating ex-boyfriends' asses notwithstanding) that we don't take this seriously.

Which is a mistake. There's no such thing as a dangerous weapon, but there is such a thing as a dangerous person. A pissed off man with his fists or an angry woman with a knife or the stereotypical iron skillet pose a comparable threat. The legal system and society are tilted in women's favor, but if you observe cops responding to a domestic disturbance, they treat *everybody* as equally dangerous... They know.

Ioweenie said...

Joe Blow said: ". . . if you observe cops responding to a domestic disturbance, they treat *everybody* as equally dangerous... They know."

An interesting conundrum. When you ARE the weaker sex and have been taught you ARE the weaker sex (I was reared by pre-feminist/pro-male woman and got the message), you learn to avoid/avert danger or duck. Many other women who learn similarly also learn to strike first - that the strongest defense is offense. As one who has accepted passivity and making nice as a more workable strategy, it makes no sense to me to invite trouble to someone who could knock one on one's arse with the back of one's hand. But then, some women don't think before acting, or, they've witnessed/experienced that aggression is to be expected. It makes no sense to invite trouble, but there comes a breaking point for these women, I suppose.

Since men understand they are naturally stronger (99.9% of the time) than the strongest woman, the more cognitive and self-regulating manage their behavior and may even tolerate too much nonsense from a female as her violent behavior escalates. This, again, seems a situation where the stronger sex has to make a decision to assert his more dominant nature in a pre-emptory fashion.

My husband has never raised a hand to me, but he certainly has raised his voice. Having seen the escalation of his temper, and knowing he is by design far stronger and far more willful than I, I've understood not to push. How do men here believe this cautionary line is most effectively drawn?

The Shadowed Knight said...

Well, gentlemen, in the name of equality, it is time we man up and do our duty. We are callously leaving women to shove, grab, or throw things at their spouses because we are not stepping up. It is not right that we leave the burden of serious domestic violence on their shoulders because we are not lifting our weight. Time to join the fight for equality.

VD, I was typing that while you changed the commenting policy. Once it posted, I saw that and winced.
Sorry about that.

The Shadowed Knight

jm said...

The subsequent comments are the best thing about the article. Just an open, outright refusal to accept the facts. From a credible source, no less.

NOTHING gets in the way of the FI.

mmaier2112 said...

"Not to mention... if you make her leave the rodeo before she's ready... he just might bite you on the pecker."


Will Best said...

@ Joe use the bigger cast iron pots and skillets, most women can barely lift it let alone swing it.

How do men here believe this cautionary line is most effectively drawn?

Well if you did a proper job selecting a wife and leading your family this won't happen. I guess people make mistakes, at which point you probably have to get creative with the "punishment" because involving the law is a lose-lose proposition.

The problem being that she has to recognize she did wrong by attacking you, which won't happen because she will have justified it already.

In our house we channel our rage out harmlessly. I have a punching bag in the basement that does wonders for defusing built up rage, and even my wife has used it a couple times.

mmaier2112 said...

Assuming Nate meant "SHE just might bite you on the pecker." .... what do you do? Certainly a punch to the face wouldn't help.

Stickwick said...

I've known a few physically abusive women. They generally offer two justifications for what they do. One is that they feel contempt for the man who takes it and does not defend himself, so in a way he deserves it. The second is that they do not see themselves as doing anything morally wrong; when you believe your status is axiomatically that of victim, anything you do to your oppressor is by definition righteous.

I would go so far as to argue that given the redefinition of sexual assault to mean "sexual contact to which express consent has not been given", women also commit the majority of sexual assaults. I have been groped, on the chest, posterior, or genitals, without giving express consent, by at least 10x more women than I have ever touched myself.

And their comeback would be, "Oh, whatever, you liked it." But if you want to elicit shrieks of indignation, just suggest that any woman who has received unsolicited sexual attention from a man is unjustified in complaining, because she enjoyed it.

Jack Amok said...

I guess people make mistakes, at which point you probably have to get creative with the "punishment" because involving the law is a lose-lose proposition.

One of the biggest problems our society has is that it tries to insulate people from consequences for their mistakes. Which just makes it harder for them to learn from their mistakes. Little mistakes go unrecognized and the behaviors that produced them continue and the mistakes get bigger and bigger until they can't be ignored.

HanSolo said...

Abortion in western countries is another area where women are causing much more violence than men, especially 2nd term or later, where the fetus/baby is quite developed.

In western countries, where women have the freedom to choose, they are who decides whether the fetus/baby dies or not. In the US, there are roughly 50 abortions for every murder and there are roughly 3x as many abortions of fetuses over 16 weeks as there are murders.

There are roughly 10,000 abortions of fetuses/babies over 21 weeks. (This compares with roughly 16,000 homicides in 2010.) This is the age where some fetuses begin to be viable outside the womb and with improving technology this will only improve over time.

xelon said...

Your beta species is both brutish and primitive, your arguments thick with thinly veiled rhetoric. you make a mockery of the universe and our interplanetary alliances- your simplistic dichotomies are laughable, your male crumudgeonry obvious, your cockshrivillary a result. your mastery of self touch is perhaps your only trait. bow down to our mastery.
Intergalatic Alpha females and Alpha males

xelon said...

after much study our superior species have come to a truth …that after several decades of self touch being the only sex these inferior beta men have, it leaves them confused, angry, lashing out like a blind man in a strip joint…or a hungry man in a little Debbie’s plant. your simple minds must understand this logic.
Intergalatic A’s

xelon said...

our superior species have revealed another truth, these angry submen are hiding something, they are angry, they secretly hate themselves and blame women for their own psychosis. these are not men that want relationships with women, nor do they want to "hook up," as you humans say, they loathe women and their own true identities... they make excuses for why they cannot get laid, the reason is obvious, they are not seeking women subconsciously they are seeking something else.

xelon said...

we have come in contact with one of your Superior species: he has the following to say.. please listen, this is important:

you are all bitter old crones- plain and simple, but pick up your chins and look on the bright side – all those virgins you roofie and bed don’t know the difference between good and bad lays- so you have nothing to worry about, being an obvious bad lay.(and a pervert to boot). now get out of the way so us studs with 6 figures get your girls, again- oh and yes, we do marry and marry well- you wish you had the girls we do and you are SO bitter that you have to settle for riding the high hard one yourself-or maybe with one of your buddies, while we are wining and dining women, like a gentleman.

mikey said...

You, vox (hahaha, shit cant say that without laughing- deluded narcissist) need an exorcism, perhaps the kind that only a catholic priest can perform..

Desert Cat said...

Whatsa matta mikey? Can't handle reality?

Ivan Poland said...

Desert Cat, Mikey must be new here. He made fun of Vox's name right out of the gate so he's just confused. Next he'll not want to have sex with Vox (or threaten to have his boyfriend beat him up).

Peregrine John said...

Any time - every time in my experience, actually, that these statistics come up, the invariable, absolutely predictable response is some dimwitted statement that women are less likely to do any serious injury.

thehap said...


Pinch her nose closed.

Adsignatos D. said...

Of course, the ONLY reason women commit 65.3 percent of serious domestic violence is because a man forced her hand.

You know, patriarchy...and shit.

the league of baldheaded men said...

@thehap.....that works well when they won't take their pills, too.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

My wife once hit her older brother, who in turn hit her back with full strength. So when I told her that if she ever stuck me, I was going to strike back, she took it seriously.

Boys should not be afraid to strike back at their sisters. It teaches their sisters that men are physically dominant and that they shouldn't agitate them.

mmaier2112 said...

Swiftfoxmark, my girl cousin was rather a bully and older than my older brother and me by 1 and two years, respectively.

She learned the hard way a few times when we got sick of her crap. And I think we were good at holding back. If I had daughters and sons, I'd probably let fights sort itself out. If a girl gets a bloody nose or a black eye a few times, she'll get the picture. Better to learn from her brother that loves her than some stranger that doesn't.

TimP said...

Similar results are available elsewhere as well (though these are the higher range numbers). The One in Three Campaign here in Australia has a survey of various results that indicate between 1/3 (hence their name) and 2/3 of all domestic violence victims are male.

Also on that page they have a break-down of the types of injuries, which shows that "more serious" injuries are not significantly less likely for male victims.

The only significant difference in injury type was that males where more likely to end up with lacerations and bleeding, and females where more likely to end up with swelling and bruising.

Emma said...

"And their comeback would be, "Oh, whatever, you liked it." But if you want to elicit shrieks of indignation, just suggest that any woman who has received unsolicited sexual attention from a man is unjustified in complaining, because she enjoyed it. "

And this is where equality simply doesn't work. One of the reasons sexual harassment laws are even a thing, is cuz what men see as flattering attention, women see as harassment. Men enjoy "sexual harassment" considerably more than women (not saying they always like it, but there is a difference). I'd rather the outrage around compliments and even groping went down, rather than amping it up for the male sex to make it "equal" (trust me, it never will be).

Domestic violence, on the other hand, is an equal issue and being hit hurts pretty much the same.

Anonymous said...

yes its true that Women commit most domestic violence because all understands that womens are more week than others and she can not do anything for their selfs.

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Anonymous said...

he just might bite you on the pecker.
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Anonymous said...

I am confident in the statistics provided by the Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science.
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Anonymous said...

I'm sure my personal view is horribly skewed.
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