Thursday, February 16, 2012

Highly educated whores

It would appear that America is going the way of La Serenissima in creating a class of educated courtesans:
People who are looking for the perfect match, both men and women, go online seeking a certain kind of arrangement. A “sugar baby” is typically younger and eager for adventure. A “sugar daddy” is usually an older, financially established provider. A website called helps the two meet.

So what is the ratio for these consenting adults? Well, most dating websites have more men than women. But at, it’s the opposite. The ratio is 20 sugar babies to every one sugar daddy.
The interesting thing is that this clearly shows the common feminist claim that women are "forced" into prostitution to be false, at least in the USA. The statistics here serve as evidence that women are between 30 and 40 times more interested in providing prostitution services at the "sugar" rates than men are in making use of them. Contra the Platinum Vagina assumptions of women who place an improbably high value on their sexual services, sex has a relatively high price-elasticity. And if the one million users reported is an accurate number, (I tend to doubt it myself), that would indicate around 28,500 men and 970,000 college-age hookers willing to consider transactions in this price range.

That's a substantial quantity, considering that there are only 2.1 million women in the average U.S. school class. I don't know what the age limit of the web site is, but if we assume it accepts women between the ages of 18 to 28, that means that at least 5 percent of all the women that age, and a higher percentage of all the women in college, are literal whores. Do you feel lucky, punk?

Remember, this is the attitude with which you may, unbeknownst to you, be dealing. "[A]nother pretty, young Miami college girl, who does not want to be identified, is more direct, asking specifically for 10 to 20-thousand dollars monthly. The 22-year old claims to be looking for someone who will never say ”NO” to her needs."

So much for the idea that all women want is for a man to be nice and confident with a sense of humor.

I don't know if it is more amusing or appalling that the feminist focus on education may have had the unintended effect of turning more young women into willing prostitutes than heroin and pedophiles combined. And the effect of these little sugar hookers finding it easier to pay college than the average woman means that the hypergamous female college graduate is going to be facing even stiffer, more ruthless competition for the declining number of college-educated men.

Question du jour: As a college man, would you prefer to enter into a long-term relationship with a typical college slut (N=15+) or with a sugar hooker with N<6?


ROI said...

Neither. I would rather go on safari to Tanzania and climb Mount Kilimanjaro and then head to Southeast Asia for a few years and do some diving and hiking there. After that, maybe South America...

Spectator said...

I'll take a swing at the question: since neither would be long term relationship potential, the N=15+ girl would be the better bet since the base cost/lay would be far less than the sugar baby who is spoiled to expecting a man to literally pay for her company. And the sugar babies wouldn't necessarily have the edge in attractiveness, because you would honestly be amazed the girls who think they are attractive enough that a man should pay for them to be around.

Giraffe said...

10-20 thousand monthly. Wow. She must be really hot.

20 prostitutes to one man. I don't think that price level can be supported.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't the price drop considering the over-abundance of supply? Only a fool would pay $10k to $20k per month under these circumstances...

While I suspect the actual number to be inflated (it's in the interests of the site in question to vastly inflate the 'supply' side), I don't doubt the actual percentage of women willing to exchance 'services' for $$. Many women do this anyway...the fee simply comes in the form of gifts/food/wine. Except that the service is not guaranteed.

- Apollyon

Anonymous said...

"We've already established what you are. Now we're just negotiating price."

Country Lawyer said...

"Wouldn't the price drop considering the over-abundance of supply? Only a fool would pay $10k to $20k per month under these circumstances..."

Not necessarily. There are lots of people that would do things they normally wouldn't (such as sell a family heirloom) when a certain price threshold is reached.

Obviously, the idea of a sugar daddy has a certain threshold level of $$$ attached to it.

As for Vox's question. If said college man has enough pimp hand then it is better to be with the sugar baby and reap the benefits of her cash flow.

Versus a girl with a higher notch count and debt.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this why hookers have pimps who set the rates? Cause I highly doubt any woman would understand the market enough to say, "I'm worth every penny, but for the sake of competition I need to lower my rate."

Mike M. said...

$10K to $20K per month? I don't know what they're smoking, but it's NOT legal.

That's a base of $120K/year...the kind of money an experienced engineer makes. These women have an absurdly optimistic view of their worth.

Der Hahn said...

Heh. I ONS'ed an 27 yo (I'm 49) about six months ago but didn't have enough Game to keep her. She pinged me about a month ago with an offer to be my 'sugar baby'. I flirted with her a bit but basically blew her off since I'd found a pretty low-maintenance FWB girl by them. We never got around to establishing a 'maintenance fee'. We meet up on an adult dating site so I suspect she's found some chump willing to fork over for what she thinks is gold-plated pussy (though in her case it's got considerable tarnish).

indyguy77@work said...

At least the honesty from these whores is refreshing.

Bassoon said...

I have experience with a girl (I won't say young lady) using that site.

Go back 18 months and I find myself sleeping with a 22 year old college senior. She lost her job and had some student debt she wanted to retire. She also complained to me about being broke . . . I told her to go get a sugar daddy if that was such a problem.

So she did - and went on 6 first dates in one weekend (lunch and dinner, Fri/Sat/Sun). Total earnings delivered on the first dates - $3800 cash and a $100 gift card to a clothing boutique. She met these men in public and had dinner or coffee with them. She said she planned on getting the upfront cash and then not calling them again . . . I don't really care if she was telling the truth or not, I wasn't really using her for her honesty.

She offered to buy me a motorcycle with the money, which I refused. I'll also add we went out frequently and I never paid for anything . . . ah, the whole experience was mostly interesting for (a) learning how desperate some rich men are and (b) confirming that she was an incredibly vicious whore.

I knocked her up. Her beta-boyfriend (who had previously attempted suicide after seeing the two of us together in a bar the month before) did not know about this - I'm not sure if that would have stopped him from stalking her and pummeling her in a rage. As it was we all found out about the pregnancy via a trauma-induced miscarriage, and while she talked about filing charges under our state's fetal homicide laws I considered sending him a fruit basket.

That's not the only girl I've known to use that website.

VD said...

So she did - and went on 6 first dates in one weekend (lunch and dinner, Fri/Sat/Sun). Total earnings delivered on the first dates - $3800 cash and a $100 gift card to a clothing boutique. She met these men in public and had dinner or coffee with them.

That would appear to belie the 20-to-one female/male ratio. $650 per date, no wonder it is popular among the college set.

Susan Walsh said...

After viewing the video I wondered to what extent this "opportunity" is being explored by women who have immigrated to the U.S. The three largest markets for the site are FL, NY and CA.

The woman in the video speaks in heavily accented English, proclaiming "My dream came true." When asked what she tells herself, she said, "Good job for asking money to do something that will get you far in life."

Obviously, at $10-20K per month, this is about a lot more than paying for college, which is how the story was spun. So I wonder if there's a piece of this that is attributable to cultural differences.

I did some additional research and found a story from last summer about the same site in Boston. The founder, Brandon Wade, says that 35% of the sugar babies are college students. He also claims that among prestigious schools, Harvard comes in at #9. Obviously, that means little when we don't know the size of that pool. How many Harvard students would really risk their future on this kind of illegal arrangement?

HuffPo ran a story on this:

The featured student is a young woman who grew up poor in Harlem and attends Hunter College. She received $350 for having sex with a man in Westchester one time, which she did to help pay off a debt.

Of course, there are plenty of college students providing free and unfettered access to their bodies. Once they've reached a certain "number," I can imagine their deciding they might as well get paid. Only now they're not with the hot lax player (see Karen Owen), but some old guy who's paying for sex.

Tangentially, it seems like further proof of the declining value, and increasing cost, of a college education. Student loans have now outstripped credit card debt in this country. Combine that with female promiscuity and narcissism, and you've created the necessary conditions for this kind of site. There are others too, by the way: Millionaire for Me, Millionaire Dates, Sugar Daddy, etc.

There's no telling where it will end. It's a continued breakdown of the moral fabric. FWIW, I believe this is also quite common in the UK.

Zorro said...

Huh. And here was me thinking there was this great "rise of women" going on, and yet more evidence that this country is churning out the most filthy wave of STD-ridden, materialistic, predacious, liberal-arts-stupid and debt-ridden whores Western Civilization has ever seen.

This is the End of Women.

Zorro said...

Even Roissy agrees:

stg58 said...

"Wouldn't the price drop considering the over-abundance of supply? Only a fool would pay $10k to $20k per month under these circumstances..."

These aren't Austrian school economists we are discussing here.

@Susan Walsh, On the Harvard graduates risking their futures, I think as many Harvard graduates as there are naval officers willing to be part of Deborah Jean Palfrey's stable and pose nude for Playboy.

Anonymous said...

"That's a base of $120K/year...the kind of money an experienced engineer makes. These women have an absurdly optimistic view of their worth."

Maybe if she is a young Selma Hayek, Adriana Lima, or a young Natasha Henstridge it would work.

Other than that, no way.

Anonymous said...

"I knocked her up. Her beta-boyfriend (who had previously attempted suicide after seeing the two of us together in a bar the month before) did not know about this - I'm not sure if that would have stopped him from stalking her and pummeling her in a rage. As it was we all found out about the pregnancy via a trauma-induced miscarriage, and while she talked about filing charges under our state's fetal homicide laws I considered sending him a fruit basket."

As Roissy said: Game saves lives.

Anonymous said...

"state's fetal homicide laws" ?

I thought a fetus was just a lump of undifferentiated tissue? Or at least it is when a women Rotor-Routers it. How is that also not homicide?

Oh, right. It's just a lump of tissue/a person on a case by case basis. I get it now. Schrodinger's Fetus.

Stickwick said...

This is the End of Women.

Strange way to put it. Presumably women will continue to exist. But it's certainly not boding well for the continuation of marriage and the family.

My one consolation is that women have been quite degenerate during certain periods in the past, and it was never a perpetual state. In fact, it can't be. The previous period of great degeneracy was cured by an economic depression and world war. The impending collapse will likely have a similar effect.

stg58 said...

In other words, Stickwick, those of us men who are single need to get while the getting's good, right?

Laguna Beach Fogey said...


Sugar hookers are way more common than any of you chaps can imagine, at least here in Southern California.

I'm currently in negotiations with a hot 31-year old blonde for such an arrangement (on the side). I'll let you know how it works out.

But $10-20K/month? That's bullshit.

Just find a hottie who needs some help with the rent and/or dinner once in a while.

Stickwick said...

@stg58: I guess. But Heinlein once said TANSTAAFL, and that seems to be the governing principle of existence. You end up paying for it one way or another, and the price is often more than you anticipated.

DrRansom said...

Neither is always an option, and the one I'd take.

stg58 said...

@Stickwick everything costs either time, energy or money.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Bravo even though this is very, very sad.

I am dying for the feminist backlash, can you imagine the hilarious and shrieking?!

Stickwick said...

Not what I meant, stg58. To put it another way, a very wise Irishman once observed, "Every moment of pleasure in life must be purchased with an equal moment of pain."

Anonymous said...

Only way I'd take a high count woman is if I saw real contrition, real painful repentance, begging God to forgive her.

She would need to display a need for forgiveness bordering on the obsessive.

Athor Pel

Boogeyman said...

Sounds like way to much money and the sugar daddy types sound like they are wanting to spend actual time with their hookers. Real pro's dont expect you to provide for their every need, they are supposed to treat you like a king, not the other way around. Prostitution is, after all, a service industry. If you want a snotty 20 something to be a bitch towards you while you shell out the $$ you should just put on the assless chaps and go to an S&M club and find a leather goddess to worship.

Remember guys, ya don't pay her to screw ya, ya pay her to go away!

mmaier2112 said...

That's a good point, Boogeyman.

I wonder how many of these "johns" are still tolerating bitchy behavior?

Anonymous said...

As an experienced strip club hobbyist I have had 8 women off Seeking Arrangement for sex in the $100-150 range. I can have strippers in VIP at an extras friendly club where I am VIP. I usually offer the SA whores $120 per session at motel. Some like to meet first for drinks, etc and I might give them gas money but that is it. I have never encountered one who wants more or see them. Currently I am rotating 3 SA gals paying $120-$140 per session. They range in age from 30-39.

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mm_frapp said...

All of you are fucking ridiculous. If you're white and male, which by the way most of you are speaking you probably are, then you really don't have much of a challenge making it in this world. Well, that's unless you're a complete fucking dumbass who wastes time on blogs ranting about how some chicks are making money. Who gives a fuck? You use girls for sex anyway. All guys do unless they're wifing up, which nowadays is almost nonexistent because most of this generation of males are gay or becoming women. Most men between 18-30 have become demasculated for whatever reason.

Why don't all of you go jerk your dicks off to 70s porn with mayonnaise since that's all your good for anyway.And if it's the end of women, then it'll be the end of you boys too.

Good Luck!
<3 said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

the best is how these whores disclaim whoredom. they're better than that, see? they're feminism professor told them so.

how fucked up this whole Obama generation is. It's going to come crashing down and the results will not be nearly as pretty as the photoshopped selfies on SA

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