Monday, September 19, 2011

A Date

1. Meet girl.
2. Rate her as a 7.
3. Establish rapport.
4. Get girl's number.
5. Set up date a few days later.
6. Pick her up.
7. Cancel original plans to go hiking due to rain.
8. Go to local indoor rock climbing venue, change mind due to excessive price.
9. Contrive to have car temporarily break down.
10. Decide to purchase food.
11. Walk to restaurant
12. Begin Kino, but tentatively.
13. Purchase food.
14. Receive IOI of deliberate full body contact.
15. Discuss family and religion (note need for better subject matter).
16. Note her good girl status.
17. Note improvement in the weather.
18. Succeed in starting your car.
19. Go to park.
20. During journey to the park, note that she playing with gear stick.
21. Wonder why she is playing with gear stick.
22. Retrieve her hand from gear stick.
23. Hold her hand for duration of the journey.
24. Learn later (from third party) that interest in gear stick is an IOI.
25. Reach park.
26. Walk with your arm around her waist (note and enjoy adrenaline due to desire to kiss).
27. Step off path
28. State that you want to try something.
29. In response to her curiosity, indicate your desire to kiss.
30. Move in for kiss.
31. Note her objection that she hardly knows you, respond that you do not know her either.
32. Kiss her.
33. Note her enjoyment.
34. Continue walk.
35. Find place to sit to continue kissing.
36. Attempt second kiss.
37. Note that she does not want to kiss again.
38. Fail to push past objections, find objections amusing.
39. Note that she questions your interest in getting to know her.
40. Talk.
41. Lay back to look at stars.
42. Cuddle.
43. Note proximity (if she were any closer she would be on top of you).
44. Note the novelty of cuddling.
45. Enjoy novelty and proximity.
46. Note the cold and your lack of insulation.
47. Get up to return to parking lot.
48. Joke about the difficulty of walking with your arm around her waist, due to disparity in height.
49. Pick her up to go faster.
50. Note the way she is looking at you.
51. Put her down.
52. Take advantage of the opportunity and kiss her again.
53. Note her enjoyment
54. Leave park.
55. Attempt to return date to her home.
56. Contrive to have car overheat.
57. Park.
58. Go on walk while car cools down.
59. Hold hands.
60. Note that she likes boating and other water sports.
61. Mention that you own a boat.
62. Contemplate possibility of future dates due to boat.
63. Imagine date in a bikini.
64. Enjoy mental image.
65. Return to car and replenish radiator with water.
66. Note need for new radiator.
67. Return date to house.
68. Get final goodnight kiss.
69. Be pleased with your lack of apology for the mishaps.
70. Be happy.
71. Text date the next day to indicate enjoyment of date and desire to repeat experience.
72. Wait.
73. Wait.
74. Repeat step 71 two days later in voice-mail form.
75. Wait.
76. Wait.
77. Wait.
78. Realize that she is not going to call back due to buyers remorse.
79. Note the need to calibrate horniness on first dates in order to achieve second date.
80. Note the need to calibrate aggressiveness in pursuit of kissing.
81. Be sad, but briefly.
82. Accept date as learning experience.
83. Note the overgrowth on the local salix discolor.
84. Soldier on.

Note: All notes are to self.


Acksiom said...

Wait, you deliberately arranged for your car to break down twice?


RM said...

Yeah, the car needs some work . . .

PermanentGuest said...

I laughed pretty hard a couple of times reading this (the car parts were the best). I'm sure the majority of guys can relate to this exact pattern. Good stuff.


Yohami said...

Dont do these:

71. Text date the next day to indicate enjoyment of date and desire to repeat experience.
72. Wait.
73. Wait.
74. Repeat step 71 two days later in voice-mail form.


Gareth said...

Do what instead then?

Smesko said...

100% prooved cannon

(I'm just reciting some obscure meme here, my spelling isn't really that bad)

Also, you should keep us up to date with your progress in the Game field. Have you had any more success after that date you described?

Anonymous said...

60. Note that she likes boating and other water sports.
61. Mention that yeah, you like motorboating, too.

Anonymous said... a certain point you just have to start looking at the world as your playground and other people as nothing but sacks of meat for you to tool with.

Then the rest just falls into place.

SarahsDaughter said...

Attempting to walk with someone's arm around you is always awkward, especially if there is a significant height difference. Walk a few steps in front of her, if there is something to walk over (a step or a puddle), turn around grab her hand, help her over the obstacle, then release it and keep walking.

Get your car fixed or express your ability to fix it yourself.

And, yeah, like Yohami said.

You didn't by any chance let her know that you weren't going rock climbing due to the price, did you?

When you drop her off, say, "I'll give you a call (not text)." Do so 3-5 days later. If she does not answer, do not leave a message, everyone has caller ID. Until you hear from her, do not call/text again.

redlegben said...

...and that is why men should masturbate before first dates. You can't be so distracted by sex that you forget how to present. In your case, you may not even know how to present and that is why you are here. Listen to the advice. As soon as you have one on the line, get another hook in the water. She needs to know it's a competition for you. Not the other way around.

Etaoin Shrdlu said...

"and that is why men should masturbate before first dates. You can't be so distracted by sex that you forget how to present. In your case, you may not even know how to present and that is why you are here. Listen to the advice. As soon as you have one on the line, get another hook in the water. She needs to know it's a competition for you. Not the other way around."

Is there something I'm missing here? There are plenty of IOIs, "full body contact" and #38, failure to overcome objections, even though they wind up cuddling.

Sounds like it was still doable, and I don't think masturbating first would have had anything to do with what came later.

As for having other hooks in the water, yes, but the advantage comes from what that does to the fisherman's attitude. Telling her about the other fish negates the advantage, does it not?

redlegben said...

Those IOIs were meager attempts by her to maintain interest on his part. Once she knew she had him, she was measuring other possibilities based on him. His car being a POS is not endearing to the female. If you can't take care of that, how are you going to provide for a wife and kids? Masturbating first is for the advanced understander of game. Those that understand game realize that their desires will overcome their logic if not properly checked. (Exception to genuine Alphas) You don't need to tell her about the other fish. She will know from your attitude. If all she can think about is you, you win, even if she hates you while thinking about you. She will find out about the other fish as you propose meeting somewhere that the other fish are.

Etaoin Shrdlu said...

"Those IOIs were meager attempts by her to maintain interest on his part."

In other words, you're saying she's a cock tease. That's what full body contact suggests to me. Other than that, I don't see the point.

I wouldn't say "masturbation first" is a sign of advanced, I would say it is a sign of desperate.

The first problem this guy had, though, was planning an outdoor date, and not looking at the weather report and having a Plan B.

VD said...

Three mistakes I noticed:

1. The price thing at the climbing place. That's a signal of weakness. If price is a concern, do your homework first. Saying "I have no money" is similar to saying "I have a small penis and I don't know how to work it." It's fine to be poor, you can still have success with women, but you can't ADVERTISE it.

2. The car breakdown BS. Never do this. Same reason.

3. I would recommend avoiding texting altogether.

RM said...

Thanks guys. Points taken. Lessons learned.

Booch Paradise said...

From what you've written on both dates, it sounds like your mixing up the order. It's attraction, comfort, and seduction. You've got the first and third down, but missing the second will result in flakes.

Susan Walsh said...

This was very enjoyable and witty. I was utterly charmed by the kisses, especially moves #31 and #49.

The POS car really is a problem - even though it's the car that is inept, you're the one who looks it.

Overall I'd say it's her loss. I would have gone for a second date.

King said...

Is this a list of things not to do on a date?

The author is omega but aspiring, right? He should be his own worst critic: having laid out in detail all of his steps, the missteps should be glaring if he is a student of game. He certainly has the analytic capacity (maybe too much) to be a better student.

I see this postmortem and weep for my sex. I also see why women have that dead-bored look in their eyes -- it's a zombie plague out there -- and why their responsiveness to the proper stimuli borders on desperation leading to relief, giddiness, and loss of control.

This author could use a gigantic dose of asshole to gain a feel for cockiness and command, which later might be refined into rakish charm through infusions of grace.

Too much inner monologue going on, like Rain Man. Too much micro-analysis, too much wondering about actions, too much second-guessing, too much mind-reading. Too much cutesy clever, not enough borderline dangerous and fuck-what-she-thinks.

Women want to be yanked along on an adventure. This play-by-play is like watching a cub scout trying to molest his teddy bear -- and failing.

indyguy77@work said...

I'm a bit vague on how one "contrives" to have car break down? Is that just driving it without fixing it and letting chance have its way with you?

24. Learn later (from third party) that interest in gear stick is an IOI.

So if she's mouthing the end of a water bottle in your presence, does that mean anything?

NateM said...

28. State that you want to try something.
29. Unzip Pants

ithuriel said...

never date a 7. only 9's and 10's

Anonymous said...

The plague of blogs and forums that look at the bio-mechanics of attraction are folks like ithuriel and King.

The former sure is some kind of awesome internet bad ass, isn't he? I don't doubt it's of importance to ithuriel, but who reading the comments section of this blog cares if he's sleeping with morbidly obese octogenarians, page three girls or no one at all?

Folks like King are prevalent as well. Every answer they give, every bit of advice, even when solicited, is just a delivery method for their sort of subtle boasting. And again, to whom? Strangers on the internet? Why?

A good parallel for what I'd love to see would be sites like Put This On, that have done a lot of good for guys. But they're also tied into a sub culture that spawned the whole #menswear scene on tumblr and resulted in a bunch of guys dressing for other guys on the internet (it's even weirder than it sounds as most aren't gay). If only there were a Nice try, bro. of bio-mechanics...

You've got doods more interested in bigging themselves up to other doods on the internet they'll never encounter in person than actually wooing some attractive gals.

M said...

84. profit

(just kidding)

I think this takes too much time. Many betas think girls usually fall for games which takes long time. But it's the opposite. I believe you should do what you want to in a day, or maybe few days, but it shouldn't take 83 days, seriously.

But It's like, umm. You need to find a beautiful woman first, lol. Worst part is first part. Meeting and getting attention from that woman. And in most dating apps, beautiful women receive hundreads of "Hey" messages from many random dudes, so it's not easy to make her pay attention to you. Only a few dating apps like Tinder or Watme eliminates those random dudes so you can meet and date a beautiful woman.

I am leaving links here, it isn't like I am advertising those huge companies by including their links on comments, so don't think this as a spam please :)



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