Women were put to the USMC field test and the head of the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force
speaks out:
“The best women in the GCEITF as a group in regard to infantry
operations were equal or below, in most cases, to the lowest 5 percent
of men as a group in this test study. They are slower on all accounts in
almost every technical and tactical aspect and physically weaker in
every aspect across the range of military operations.”
So much for the kickass female protagonist. Your science fiction and fantasy are lying to you.
My ex-wife, whom I had led to the Lord myself and even baptised in Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria whilexwe were serving in the military, me in the Air Force and she in the Army, never gave up her belief that she should was 100% the equal of any man and should be allowed to serve in combat. She used to say, ""How much strength does it take to pull a trigger?"* I used to only chuckle at this fatuous nonsense and being a good, culturally sensitive Christian I never strangled this mutant baby demon in its crib.
Not did I maintain nor cultivate my dominant masculine my frame aftercl we married because I was taught by Dr. Dobson and Gary Smalley and Steve Chapman and every preacher I listened to that she was a precioudls flower given to me by God and it was my responsibility to listen to her and learn from her how to best serve God by serving her as Christ loves the church (whoops! Missed that switcheroo!)
Did I mention she's my EX-wife?
If the world is telling women they are strong enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, they don't need a man, maybe we need to be telling them the exact opposite! You know, the truth!
I'm remarried and my wife and I are if the generation where she imbibed the whole " A and man NEEDS a man/fish/bicycle" Meme with her corn flakes. Same as my first wife. But this time I nipped that hemlock in the bud almost immediately. And guess what? If he got a woman who's a lot more pleasant to be around. She KNOWS what she can't do.
Is there any doubt that Obunghole is gay? Everything he does has a gay slant to it- homo marriage, women in the military, bouncing the soldier out of the military that tried to save the boys being molested in Afghanistan, throwing out the first pitch at the Nats game that was pathetic, his riding a bicycle with the helmet etc. He is the most effeminate politician I've ever seen. The media used to call George H W Bush a wimp? Really? Obunghole loves himself some cock!
Reggie Love is salivating over BHO as he reads your comment!
A kick into the ass of feminist activists! The truth is so hard so swallow.
Actually, Obama (please forgive my swearing) will probably use the information to press even harder for females in combat roles.
Women are fine in some support roles as long as it's understood they'll be slutting around. You just don't need them in a live combat zone.
Societally, they should be trained to be hardened targets, but I don't know that that's mentally possible for most women.
So say 95th percentile in the female distribution being about the equal of 5th percentile in the male distribution. This in a population that's probably shifted a sigma or so from the mean already. That's consistent with the 3 sigma or so delta between men and women that we see in the real world. To come up to the level of 50th percentile male marine, a woman may be pushing into the lower Olympic levels among women.
If you're implying that 50% of male marines couldn't win the women's olympics.... you're probably right. Still funny.
To win the women's Olympics you usually need a really good high school or moderate college level male athlete. +3 sigma on the male distribution will generally do the trick. A fair number of high schools have records in track & field better than the woman's world record. People with decently sized social circles usually know someone at the +3 sigma level or two (e.g., low end college football player who never really had a shot at the NFL)
Women are fine in some support roles as long as it's understood they'll be slutting around.
Women are fine in some support roles as long as it's understood they'll be supporting the man who is lying on top of them pumping away. =)
never gave up her belief that she should was 100% the equal of any man and should be allowed to serve in combat. She used to say, ""How much strength does it take to pull a trigger?"
That's when you flop on the ground and say, "I'm wounded in action. Carry me to the aid station. If we aren't there in a few minutes, I died. Go!"
The military today has the worst civilian leadership in our nations history.
The SecDef's office may as well have had a revolving door on it. Obama has had four Defense Secretaries in eight years. Which I think maybe a record. No one decent wants the job at this point and it shows.
The Service Secretaries have been selected solely on the basis of giving Obama Good Feelz. Hence our first openly gay Secretary of the Army (FABULOUS!!!
I have never seen this much contempt for the Service Cultures by any civilian leadership.
And now the Secretary of Defense that Obama pulled out of the scratch and dent bin is basing the United States Military policy on reruns of Xena.
Trump needs to come out with an "I'll save women from the draft" meme, against Obama's "war on women" forcing them into the military. Done right it'll be a winner.
I can almost guarantee you that Top LeHew said what he said because he's put in his papers to retire and has no more fear of speaking truth to power (I honestly can't picture any self-respecting Marine who values the mission WANTING to stay on active duty in this cesspool of an age, defending this cesspool of a nation as it collapses).
If he is not planning on imminently retiring, I can almost guarantee a month's retirement pay that he will soon be informed that he's retiring - or else.
As for the Olympics, the mod at Max Velocity's forum wrote this week that he was a good 400m runner that placed well in the State meet, but no scholarship offer and still his time was faster than women Olympians. I'll take his word for it he was a Marine after all.
Actually sci fi and fantasy kick ass women are the only realistic ones because they are aliens, godesses and cyborgs.
It's the other genres, paricularly mystery and action/adventurd that screw the pool.
Actually sci fi and fantasy kick ass women are the only realistic ones because they are aliens, godesses and cyborgs.
It's the other genres, paricularly mystery and action/adventurd that screw the pool.
"Obama has had four Defense Secretaries in eight years. Which I think maybe a record."
Truman had four in five years (position wasn't created until 1947).
Nixon/Ford had five.
@Manicprovost - there are several groups and website/fb groups aimed at helping women not be victims. I have two young children, so I've been reading up and trying to get better. I'll say it doesn't come naturally to me. I'm not a type A detailed/organized person. Hopefully as I work on my awareness it will become second nature to be scanning and assessing, but it's not there yet.
Hence the reason I can't take most military sci-fi written today seriously. Terms of Enlistment and the Empire's Corps series both have the major flaw of super tough wymen in combat assignments (ToE has the 2-3 toughest soldiers as women in the book). Kratman is the only current author (I have found) producing military scif-fi that seems to have any recognition of biology 101 - female humans are not as physically strong as male humans - and recognizes how it applies to the military. Sorry, Nuttal's writing is decent but he may as well add unicorns and pink elephants to his Empire's Corps to watch the back of the tough women. Kloos' story had a decent start but the unicorns go double for him (and he served in the military).
All you really need to do is go through mixed sex military physical training to get the point rammed home. The standards women have to struggle to meet are ones that a man would get washed out if they were his peak performance (I wouldn't have looked on a man at that level as one I could count on in combat). Out of the mix of women I met in the military training I would have counted myself dead or a prisoner if wounded and depending on them.
The military today has the worst military leadership as well.
It won't make a difference until they mandate they fill combat arms in the same overall percentage they represent in the army. Illusion shattered. Of course they never will.
The military today has the worst military leadership as well.
Today's military has leadership? Sure could've fooled me. Back during my last years on active duty (late 90s) they were doing everything possible to get rid of anybody and everybody who demonstrated any real leadership inclinations. I find it hard to believe that they've allowed anybody to remain on active duty who isn't a PC milquetoast puppet.
It won't make a difference until they mandate they fill combat arms in the same overall percentage they represent in the army. Illusion shattered. Of course they never will.
I'm waiting for some Pentagon dimwit to announce that women in combat will only ever be permitted to fight other women in a combat situation.
I would say for the Army and Marines they have good leadership up to the E7/ O3 level.
Some E8's and a few E9's are decent, some O4/O5's are too
once they get to O6 its all about being politically reliable
I say Marines because I did some work with them. Their mid level leaders are decent, their staff work, planning, execution etc sucks so much ass the internet net would be required to describe how bad a job they do. When I was in Iraq as an observe with the USMC I though it was criminally bad and all staff officers should have been shot for dereliction of duty. The Marines on the line deserve much better. Still pisses me off at how poor a job they did/ let down the Marines at the operational level.
To be clear, I cannot rate the AF or Navy very well, mission set is too different but mostly what I saw was say 10% of the people have jobs that are about killing the bad guy, the other 90% seem to get paid to reduce combat effectiveness. That seemed to be true at all ranks
Also, I only know the infantry/ SOCOM stuff. I have no idea what leadership is like in a maintenance battalion or what have you. Second hand stories seem to say it sucks ass too.
What's it like? A nightmare. They don't call the USMC Comm battalions 7/8/9th Crime for nothing.
@tonsplace: which is why I don't get all sappy when a "soldier comes home". A friend's husband volunteered to get combat pay. Didn't do anything but lift weights and watch pirated DVDs w/ AC blowing on him 24/7. Never saw combat, never had danger of combat, and could Facetime with his wife and friends back home.
I'd never say he was 100% safe going over there... but that sounds like total bullshit to me.
Seems like women can only be at the best guerilla light infantry or snipers. Where physical strength and speed does not play such a big role. Like the YPJ branch of the YPG in Syria.
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