Thursday, December 10, 2015

Epic Narrative Fail

This single incident demonstrates the complete delusion required to subscribe to feminism and SJWism:
“I have heard from a reliable source that a police patrol was sent to the scene at Hennala after an outnumbered female police officer had been raped. The matter has not been made public in order to escape “a lynching mood”. Investigate it yourself, I can’t personally strew this around because I am closely involved with the police in a certain way, but among the police, this kind of incident can’t be allowed to be covered up.”

From the TT source who was notified about this: “Some police officers are pissed off with the cover-up. The person in question does not want to publish this with his own name because she regularly interacts with the police force in an (undescribed) capacity.”
So, not only are the police not going to protect you from immigrant rape culture, they can't even protect themselves.



Matamoros said...

If this begins occurring with regularity perhaps there will be some good come out of it. The women will begin exiting the police forces so men can do the job.

Hammerli 280 said...

This is what happens when your cops don't carry guns.

Anonymous said...

They don't need to exit the force. They just have to sit back and let the men handle it. Just like "fire watchers" in fire departments already do. The evidence that this is already happening is from the full story where police women are already refusing some tasks without male officers accompanying them. Thus, the women themselves are the redundant element. Enough men are being sent to accomplish the task. Women are just along for the ride, and the paycheck and promotion opportunities.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

The cops have to be supported and given what they need to do they job as they are supposed to. If they have to touch everybody with velvet-gloves there is not wonder that they cannot defend themselves, not to mention protecting you.

Terrific said...

Trump is the little boy they can't shut up! "The emperor has no clothes!" And the people broken from the trance are PISSED!

Anonymous said...

i like the fake "Reply Delete" buttons at the bottom of that porn spam ...

tricksy little hobbitses.

liberranter said...

Finland’s immigration service made an announcement stating that neither murdering nor raping in Finland would block a migrant’s chances of being granted asylum."

Countries that put up with this shit deserve to suffer much, MUCH more of it.

Harambe said...

That's some nice ascii art bro.

cecilhenry said...

Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians, White countries for Everyone IS White Genocide.

Period. Its evil. ITs a crime. Those doing it must be held accountable. NEver again.

My country was my home. NOW its a hotel. And they want me to be a waiter. #WhiteGenocide

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I read a snipet about a anon survey conducted by Rand Corp (probably the Rosalyn division) to 7000 special forces ops (all armed forces divions, i.e. Seals, Delta, Airborn, Air Force ect.) as to whether women should be working side-by-side. Most answered "Fuck No". Rand's part of the deep state so I don't care for them much...same folks who go across the pentagon shaped building and join in the MIC circle jerk. But, Ash Carter, supposedly a pretty smart guy is going down the PC rabbit hole and its sucks.

Anonymous said...

excuse typos

Matamoros said...

Not quite on topic. Liberals have trouble distinguishing what is a circle due to deviance. That's why they believe all those impossible things before breakfast.

Includes University Study - Differences in Sensitivity to Deviance Partly Explain Ideological Divides in Social Policy Support

Also: Scientists find link between people impressed by wise-sounding, 'profound' quotes and low intelligence

Gordon Scott said...


I was talking to a young man the other night. Sharp kid, wants to follow the family tradition and do his time in the infantry, including Ranger school if he can hack it. I wanted to warn him off, that he was walking into a viper's den of PC at best, and willful destruction of our fighting capability at worst. I settled for telling him I could not tolerate the changes since I served, but I wished the best for him.

He was telling me that he knew some kick-ass girls who would be really great soldiers. I said I didn't doubt their courage and determination, but biology usually trumps courage when it's one-on-one.

He'll learn, or he'll be like that poor sap up at Minot AFB who is being sacrificed to the "rape culture" demons who now run things.

MichaelJMaier said...

"He was telling me that he knew some kick-ass girls who would be really great soldiers."

If he said that... he ain't that sharp.

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