Firefighter who flunked physical injured 10 days into jobPersonally, I think we should go to all-female fire brigades and an all-female military. That would end both war and fire forever.
A firefighter who was allowed to graduate the Fire Academy despite failing physical tests has already gone out on medical leave — just 10 days into the job, The Post has learned.
Probationary firefighter Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder injured herself Monday while conducting a routine check of equipment at Queens’ Engine 308 in South Richmond Hill. Getting off the truck, Doirin-Holder missed a step and landed on her left foot, suffering a fracture, sources said. …
Sunday, November 29, 2015
The perils of female firewatching
In a development that no one could ever have possibly foreseen, FDNY is down one firefighter firewatcher:
That's only half of it. From the article:
"Doirin-Holder started another class in early 2014 but dropped out because of an injury. The FDNY then gave her a desk job and kept her on the payroll at top firefighter salary, $76,488…"
I would say, "Your tax dollars at work" but I seriously doubt much work was done. Let's go with "Your tax dollars on a two-hour lunch".
This is theft of my taxes. When is there going to be accountability. And payback???
She'll be out collecting Disability before you know it.
Glamorized urban blue collar work like firefighting has been under special scrutiny by the "system" over the decades, doing all it can to push women/blacks into its ranks.
That suggests a particular fear of White urban social capital among non-transient residents. Goes with Michael Jones's "The Slaughter of the Cities" thesis, about how WASP/Jewish upper class has made it a priority to break up Catholic/ethnic-White communities.
Affirmative Action on steroids.
Ain't nuffin' a woman wif sass can't do.
This is taking dindu nuffin' entirely too literally, IMO.
It's called "Take your daughter to work day" not let her try to do your job. See what happens?
Praetorian thanks for the picture - I guess her name needs to change from dindu nuffins to never donuffins.
Not quite a dime a dozen. I have some Camel (cigarette) coupons!
In Libertarian fora, I've noted I support legalization of prostitution iff (if an only if) the penalty for rape is the same for the theft of service.
$10 for a sex slave? Maybe a premium for actual "sealed for your protection" (hymen) virgins. But 72 virgins are cheap on that basis, even for less than practicing Christians.
Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder
That name alone didn't disqualify her?
I wouldn't give half a squirt of piss for these bitches.
Reduce the pointless fat safe-keeping within our system along with reveal muscular tissues disguised. Underneath. All of us do not need to stick to any distinct volume of a few minutes many of Power Precision us do our cardiovascular programs as each of all of us is not just in a different way designed nevertheless many of us also have unique metabolic rate, unique.
This part is awesome, too. No wonder NY state is broke.
Doirin-Holder started another class in early 2014 but dropped out because of an injury. The FDNY then gave her a desk job and kept her on the payroll at top firefighter salary, $76,488…
Since she was injured on duty, she is eligible for a disability pension that would pay three-quarters of her annual salary, tax-free, if deemed unfit to return.
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