It’s not that there is a double standard, it’s just that there are two different standards: one for men, one for women – and the standards for each are simply based on what they each brought to the table by virtue of the formerly accepted and widely understood division of labor, which was based onThat suggests the ultimate response to a woman complaining about "a double-standard". "Wow, math IS hard, Barbie!"gendersex. This was the essential paradigm of the institution we now refer to as marriage 1.0.
There cannot be this so-called sexual double-standard, because a man’s contribution to the nuclear family unit was his capacity to be a provider, not his sexual purity. A woman could find a willing virgin who has no provider capacity to marry her…but her own hypergamous instincts would cause her to view him as less than adequate in terms of marriage material, his sexual purity notwithstanding.
Women complaining about this mythical double-standard, would be the equivalent to men complaining that more marriages should have the women be the providers while the men stay home, keep house and raise the kids.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Two standards are not a double-standard
Keoni Galt explains the very difficult math of sexual dynamics, namely, 1+1!=1.
You should write: 1 + 1 ≠ 1. At first I thought you had written "one plus one factorial equals one," which is not true.
Gil, really?
"Bullshit" is the only response to such a complaint. As an ex once disclosed (and subsequently demonstrated), most women are well aware of the rules of the game and have few reserves about exploiting them. They only make a fuss about it because doing so scores social points.
This was true prior to the 20th Century, but it's no longer valid now that women are insisting on (purported) "equality".
The majority expects their coffee hot and orange juice cold. End this double-standard breakfast bigotry now!
"In other words, the only real double-standard that is in effect today in our declining civilization, is the one in which Women have no obligation or social pressure to live up to their marital vows, while men are forced to, even when the marriage is over."
Pretty much nails it. And yet the tradcucks still insist that men get married.
"Gil really?"
That's how it appears on my phone too. I had to really look at it before I realized.
Gilbert - you've obviously never done a lick of programming in your life.
Uh...I was told there would be no math.
This all sounds very Catholic to me!! Good job.
I am fully aware that != is the programming equivalent of ≠. But ! is also the notation for "factorial" (e.g. 5! = 5*4*3*2*1). When you insert the programming notation != in an equation, as our host has here, you create ambiguity.
A woman complaining about a double standard is actually telling us about her marriageability. She can't or won't step up to expectations. Of course, men must "man up" and marry those sluts.
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