Saturday, September 13, 2014

White women prefer white men

Contra Whiskey, the incessant barrage of multiracial advertising, and Mandingo porn fetishists, the objective statistics demonstrate that Asians, Whites, and Latinos are actually becoming less inclined towards mudsharking and coalburning. In 2014, the cumulative OK Cupid average for non-black men rating black women was -18.3 percent compared to +10.3 for members of their own race, while for women it was -17 percent for black men compared to +20.3 for men of their own race.

This increased preference for one's own race is up from +9 and +12.6 in 2009. The reason for the myth of white women preferring black men stems in part from the media propaganda, and from the fact that both male and female whites are less strongly anti-black than Asians and Latinos. So much for the idea of immigration improving race relations.

Interestingly enough, the strongest negative preference measured in the last five years is Asian men rating Black women in 2011 (-30) and Asian women rating Black men in 2014 (-27). The strongest positive preference is Asian women rating White men in 2011 (+25, although only one point above White women rating White men at +24), which ties with Asian men rating Asian women (+25).

It would appear that the more the media throws interracial couples in the public's face, the less the public likes the look of the concept. And it has really risen to a fever pitch in recent months; last night I saw two fictional "white man black wife" couples in advertisements in succession, which in real life is only marginally more statistically common than "leprechaun man unicorn wife" marriages.


Anonymous said...

Yes, they've overdone it. You could make a party game called "Spot the Token," where people compete to be the first to spot the smart black guy/woman in each ad or TV show that comes on.

I also wonder if, by making black/white so common on TV, they've convinced the younger generation that it's no longer rebellious enough to be cool. Now the rebellious thing to do is to actively seek someone of your own race, and the young are always looking for risk-free ways to rebel. What's more win-win than finding out you can be "edgy" by only dating Nordic chicks?

Robert What? said...

I saw my first white male-black female married couple about thirty years ago when it was truly out of the ordinary. The number I've seen since I can probably count on both hands. Any speculation why the the WM-BF pairing is so much lower than BM-WF?

VD said...

why the the WM-BF pairing is so much lower than BM-WF?

Because "82% of non-black men on OkCupid show some bias against black women." White men show stronger anti-preference for black women (-17) than white women show for black men (-8). However, it's Asian women who REALLY disfavor black men at -27 vs +24 for white men.

Anonymous said...

Robert, I can think of a couple contributing factors. (To save time, I'll say up front that everything here is about the general traits of these groups, which is what matters when trying to understand group trends. Individual exceptions exist, and may be numerous, but they're irrelevant to the point.)

In general, women like men who are somewhat darker-skinned than them (tall, "dark," and handsome, though that "dark" also refers to personality) and men prefer women who are lighter-skinned (the "fairer" sex). Obviously there are exceptions: some white women look better with a tan (though not as many as think they do), and most women don't go so "dark" as to date black men, as the numbers show. But again, we're talking about a general trend that informs the extremes at the margins.

Some general traits of the black population -- short time preferences, impulsive behavior, violence -- are found attractive by women and not so much by men. Women like "bad boys," and some of them like really bad boys (see all the matchmaker web sites for meeting convicts), among whom black men are over-represented. White men, on the other hand, generally don't want to have to act like NFL players towards their women to keep them in line.

Whether it's true or not, black women are seen as less feminine than whites, and black men are seen as more masculine (with Asians on the other end of both spectrums).

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

"Any speculation why the the WM-BF pairing is so much lower than BM-WF?"

Because an overwhelming number of black women are, technically speaking, butt-ugly.

I can think of only one such pairing, and the female in said couple possesses considerable amount of European admixture.

What I've noticed in recent years is the increasing number of AM-WF couples, which I just find bizarre and implausible. Has anyone else seen this?

Unknown said...

"Any speculation why the the WM-BF pairing is so much lower than BM-WF?"

Nearly every black woman/ white man couple I've seen has a very good-looking black woman, and there's not a lot of those. It's as if they're thinking, "Why should I degrade myself with some worthless black man when I can get a white man like this?"

As for black men/white women, the women are usually the dregs who no white man would touch.

I've had black women after me. I knew the reason why. Blond hair and blue eyes. They even commented on it when they met me, especially the eye color.

hank.jim said...

I see more WM-AF than AM-WF, but this is a matter of numbers. Lesser availability of asian females forces asian males to consider white females since WF are in a larger pool. I think black urban culture is a turn-off in general, but asian females do date blacks on occasion.

Kyle said...

I've known plenty of Asian guy/white gal couples, but it's probably not irrelevant to point out that I know all of these people from church or missions organizations. Japanese Christians in particular seem to have absolutely no problems with this - but I think that it's probably also motivated by the fact that there are few Japanese Christians in comparison and thus it's easier to find a mate from the larger pool of non-Japanese Christians. Not sure about other places like Korea or China.

The only black guy/white gal couples I've personally known have been with black guys who were not very culturally black and generally run with a white crowd.

Dark Herald said...

"Any speculation why the the WM-BF pairing is so much lower than BM-WF?"

There are several factors for this.

1. Social pressure by other African-American women. Any black woman who hooks up with a white man is automatically a race traitor. I had a friend in college who hooked up with an Algerian girlfriend. She was mixed race and french was her first language. Not authentically part of the African American experience. When they went out the cat-calls of "nigga-ho" from black women became a constant background of their dating life.

2. Black women regard the sexual interest of whites as impersonal. They feel that white males are only interested in them for sex in a , "take one for a test drive" kind of way. The truth is, they are usually correct on this point and it is of course, a turn off.

3. Trouble on the home front. If a black woman has a father who is active and involved in her life, the last thing he wants to see is a white boy holding his daughter's hand.

buzzardist said...

Interesting. This mirrors almost perfectly other research I've read in recent years about marriage patterns showing strong preferences for one's own race among every demographic in the U.S. The only exception in that research, too, was among Asian women, who display equal preference for white men and Asian men.

In that study, too, by far the strongest preference of any demographic group was among black women. They will almost never marry outside of their race.

Among all other groups, however, there was a remarkably consistent pattern for preference. Some people married outside of their race, but they were rare. The vast majority of people married someone of the same race.

So why is it that black women show a stronger preference than any other group for someone of their own race, and why do Asian women display no negative preference toward white men? One can't say that Asian women don't have strong racial preferences because they don't go for Hispanic men or black men. All the other demographics seem to represent the norm for racial preference in coupling, so why do these two groups deviate, one showing a distinctly stronger preference for their own race and the other showing a decreased negative preference toward the opposite sex of just one other race? There must be some reasonable explanation of this, but I've seen none ventured in the research.

Glen Filthie said...

HAR HAR HAR! Racisssss!!!!!

That is something I have to agree with though. And who IS the racist anyways? Of the few real inter-racial couples I have seen personally...there have been whites with blacks, whites with Asians, and whites with pakies. I have NEVER seen a black with an Asian. If you want to talk about racism - REAL racism and not the politically correct flubdubbery practiced by the race whores - it is my conviction that the orientals are the WORST.

Anonymous said...

My impression is that white men who race-mix tend to be Gammas and low Deltas. Higher-SMV white men hardly ever do so, unless the woman is hot.

What I've noticed in recent years is the increasing number of AM-WF couples, which I just find bizarre and implausible. Has anyone else seen this?

Mostly taller Americanized Asian men who act like white American men. Short and FOB Asian men are still ignored.

Anonymous said...

So why is it that black women show a stronger preference than any other group for someone of their own race, and why do Asian women display no negative preference toward white men? One can't say that Asian women don't have strong racial preferences because they don't go for Hispanic men or black men.

I think a combination of IQ assortative mating and different T (testosterone) levels can explain a lot here.

Asian women don't mind white men because both races have high IQs, and white men in addition also have T levels higher than their own men, which apparently overpowers the normal reticence about marrying out.

Black women only get with black men because they have low IQs, and the men of other low-IQ races they may run into, such as Hispanics, and maybe some white trash, have lower T levels than black men. IOW, black women can only find low-IQ mates with the T levels they crave among the men of their own race. Hence, they hardly ever get with nonblack men.

Blaximus said...

Wow. Lol @ these posts. Guys that " never saw.. " this or that, so it doesn't exist.

Ok Cupid? Really?

On the ground experience, had lots of sex with all types of women. Asian chicks adverse to BM? Gtfoh. U gotta live where there is a good number in the population.

If believing this stuff makes you feel good..... More power to you. I'm not a hater.

Tommy Hass said...

Honestly, I think black people never marrying outside their race has more to do with other people not willing to marry THEM. Asian women are regarded more highly.

Tommy Hass said...

*black WOMEN ever marrying outside their race

VD said...

Ok Cupid? Really?

Yes. 25 million datapoints is of considerably more value than one, Ms Kael.

On the ground experience, had lots of sex with all types of women.

And I'm sure sometimes you didn't even have to pay. But it's rather remarkable that you clearly don't understand that even a strongly negative preference vs. the average does not preclude a particular Asian female being willing to go out with a particular black male.

If believing this stuff makes you feel good..... More power to you. I'm not a hater.

You're obviously not numerate either.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen a black with an Asian.

I actually know 2 BM- AF couples. Both AF are south east asians so I suspect that there if you were to subdivide Asians by NE and SE and Indian you would find substantially different racial bias.

Mostly taller Americanized Asian men who act like white American men. Short and FOB Asian men are still ignored.

This jives with my anecdotal knowledge. I do know a few AM-WF and in all cases the AM has no accent, and is at least 5'11".

My impression is that white men who race-mix tend to be Gammas and low Deltas. Higher-SMV white men hardly ever do so, unless the woman is hot.

I don't know any white gammas married to Asian Women, they are all deltas. I suspect that gamma is culturally more repulsive to asians than it is to white fatties drinking the feminism kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

Of course there are edge cases, where a white man was born to a hellbitch mother and bonded with the black 'help' that nannied him..

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see the regional data on this throughout the States. Having lived in 8 states including the furthermost east coast, the bottom of the mason-dixon line and now the leftest of the left coast. I would have to say some areas are going to be more heavily weighted than others. The west coast appears to be very black white friendly compared to other areas I have been in.

CarpeOro said...

"Contra Whiskey, the incessant barrage of multiracial advertising, and Mandingo porn fetishists, the objective statistics demonstrate that Asians, Whites, and Latinos have never seldom mudsharking and coalburning in less regard in recent years."

Really need to clean up the bit after the last comma.

Regarding preferences, as has been mentioned elsewhere in the thread there are elements of availability, and some may be cultural. A Korean girl that was adopted and raised by a white couple here (Chicago are) is married to a black guy at the church I attend. She is the most overweight young Asian female I have ever met or seen.
My wife's family (Mexican, 2nd-5th gen Americans) in small city of Saginaw (which still manages to have one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country). There is a Mexican community, left over from the Auto industry days, but the women almost all seem to be dating outside their race. Despite stories underlining the animosity between the black and Hispanic communities, three I know of have dated BM (no relationship ended well). One of those and almost all the rest have dated or married WM. Some of that is from the dating pool, part may be aversion to Hispanic males by example (jail time or long term jail for some, another has consistently cheated in his multiple marriages). Depending on the amount of overlap of living space and available choices, there will always be some mixing. The media blows it beyond proportion or reason, ignoring the root causes.

Dexter said...

the strongest negative preference measured in the last five years is Asian men rating Black women in 2011 (-30) and Asian women rating Black men in 2014 (-27).

LOL, yet more proof, if any were needed, that Asians aren't stupid.

Also, they are raciss and don't give a shit who knows it.

T.L. Ciottoli said...

So Blaximus and Tommy Hass walk into a bar...

Anonymous said...

I can concur with Sergius.

People are far less likely to comment in the negative on a bm-wf couple than wm-b couple. From my experience that experience most of that negative attention comes from black women and older black men. It is the "black community" trying to shame black women into dating their own, though when twice as many black women as black men have college degrees the women see it as dating down.

Hell just recently I was out of town with my gf and as she had her phone out for a photo some old black guy rode by on a bike and grumbled "yea, take a picture of the cracker". She was mad but I was laughing pretty hard. Usually when I get the stench eye from across the room I'll just look them right in the eye, give a liitle smirk and just nod my head.

Salt said...

Quite a bit of WW/BM around here. You see them in the trailer parks. Most of the WW are obese too.

Anonymous said...

Dubious that we're using OK Cupid preferences as data. You know, the same OK Cupid that's users are subject to superficial judgments based on things from the number of pets you own to your reaction to the notebook. Treating this like a hard and fast rule is comedic.

Nor is interracial marriage an invisible stat. There's an overrepresentation problem in the mdia to make something look more common than it is. But contrary to your belief, this is more to assuage the anger of the politically correct and less to "disgust" internet white supremacists.

But relax. It's just melanin, afterall. America will not be destroyed on account of Jack & Jill's mixed uninon.

Anonymous said...

What I've noticed in recent years is the increasing number of AM-WF couples, which I just find bizarre and implausible. Has anyone else seen this?

Yes, I saw a few of those at MSFT. Mostly 2nd or 3rd generation Asians who graduated from good schools and had high paying tech jobs. In behavior, they were indistinguishable from their White counterparts (both good and bad traits).

And just to head off the obvious trolls, an increase in mixed-race couples is not contradictory to an increase in preference for one's own race. Interracial relationships are a function of both preference and opportunity. If opportunity increases (e.g. races living in closer proximity) than numbers can increase even if preference is decreasing. Indeed, what does Vox say about increasing proximity? That it increases racial tension, and increases overall preference for one's own race.

Anonymous said...

Treating this like a hard and fast rule is comedic.

What's the hard-and-fast rule that we're basing on this data? And yes, it is "data." It may be skewed by various things, it may even be faulty, and you may not like it, but it's still data.

Nor is interracial marriage an invisible stat. There's an overrepresentation problem in the mdia to make something look more common than it is. But contrary to your belief, this is more to assuage the anger of the politically correct and less to "disgust" internet white supremacists.

Why can't it be both? Why can't it serve both of those purposes, plus a third: convincing middle-America, which is neither perfectly PC nor white-supremacist, that interracial marriage is a beautiful thing that always goes well?

Anonymous said...

Interracial relationships are a function of both preference and opportunity.

Exactly. It's possible that group A is super-hot for group B, but lack of opportunity and various social pressures -- or the simple fact that group B doesn't reciprocate -- make marriage between them rare. That's why it's worth looking at a source like OK Cupid. For all of its lack of scientific rigor, it gives us a glimpse of what women claim to want when they're at the privacy of their own keyboards and have a huge smorgasbord of men to choose from. Marriage stats, or even dating stats, can't tell us that.

Brenda said...

I am Caucasian. One uncle married a "war bride" from Japan. Loved her! Married close to 50 years (I was too young to know the actual dates and never asked as I got older). They had two boys. The youngest married a black women. That marriage lasted less than a year and they had known each other for years before they married. Another uncle married a Vietnamese gal. That was probably 25 to 30 years ago. They are still married but estranged. Never cared for her but didn't know her well. Don't know my cousins from that marriage either. My brother in law (white) married a great gal that is half Chinese and half Japanese. I don't know anything about her family but I thought the Japanese and Chinese didn't like each other. I work in a dental office in a city of close to one million and out of all our patients we have one couple that is black male/white female and one couple that is white male/black female. The kids of these two couple are absolutely gorgeous. I have no idea how those two marriages are doing though.

Unknown said...

Back in my club days, I had flings with Hispanic and black women, and I can say based on my personal expierences, black women are not suitable for much after you've gotten your sex fill. Most aren't smart and cannot engage in any conversation beyond pop culture crap, and to they're personalities are rotten. Hispanic women, while beautiful and exotic in the sack, are far too wrapped up being Hispanic. All the comparisons they make and the constant boosting about whatever rathole country they came from eventually shrunk my chubby.

Anonymous said...

plus a third: convincing middle-America, which is neither perfectly PC nor white-supremacist, that interracial marriage is a beautiful thing that always goes well?

Looks like this is less a race problem and more a marriage problem. Get off your conspiratorial horse.

Whiskey said...

Ate my last post. All I know is what I see. Lot of BM WF couples showing up where in ten years prior I would not have seen one. Doubt they were married though.

Whiskey said...

Let me add, media does not push things women don't like. Hot chick competition in beer and burger ads or beta males in other ads as ideal mates not butt of joke. So you have to say the media in ALL cases but unter racial caters to women. Last I checked women were far more liberal, pc, and faves included Oprah and the Help. Cuck stuff is oriented to women, that's the market.

Self repirting always iffy. Revealed pref higher. All my orofessional women acquaintances drool over NBA thugs. Fwiw.

I know, I should not notice things. Better the Whight Knight apprach.

Sorry stupid tablet keyboard.

Unknown said...

In my entire life, I have seen only two white male, black woman couples. Not buddies, but married or together with kids etc. And I've lived in the South for all but three years of my life. It really is unicorns and fairies.

The danger not discussed in this preference is that on the lower orders, the mutts are growing. Marriageable folk and middle class and up are less inclined to go black or even other, but the low class breeders are always carrying around 2 or 3 mutt kids.

I think the problem is clearly summed up in the last 30 years. Up until around 1995, the lower classes or white were the most racist and selective. These people wore confederate flag shirts to school and loved Metallica. The thought of blacks in the family was repugnant to them. If anything middle class white were experimenting then. Then all of a sudden when rap started replacing trash rock and country in the poorer schools, poor white girls with bad homes started flocking to black males. This has continued since then. Now middle class white women see it as low class to date black, rich whites won't stoop that low, but the breeder class (lower whites) all has mutts in tow before eventually settling for a super omega white guy to take care of her spawn.

So despite this observed trend from OK Cupid, we are still screwed.

Unknown said...

This post is true by and large, but not necessarily true in differing regions of the country. I've seen more Asian women with White men in my area then at any other time i can remember. And I personally know two black men with Asian women. The one, a long time friend, just married his Asian girlfriend three Sundays ago. The other, a co-worker, just had his Asian girlfriend relocate here from the Bay Area two months ago.

So it'd be interesting to see how these things are trending in various regions of the country, online dating notwithstanding.

Akulkis said...

It is the "black community" trying to shame black women into dating their own, though when twice as many black women as black men have college degrees the women see it as dating down.

But how many of those black women "with college degrees" majored in [Women's|Race] Studies?

Unknown said...

Whiskey, you are falling for the what women say vs. what they mean trap again...

How many times do you hear in a larger group of women, "oh such and such black guy or Asian guy is cute, etc." ?
But when you get down to it, they secretly have Gerrard Butler posters over the nightstands that hold their "toys".

Women ALWAYS want to appear to be correct thinking at all times. They can completely change identities depending on crowd or social situation. A girl that is with her friends at Chili's that plays along with Idris Elba being the hottest thing ever, will just as easily change into Miss 50s charm school racist when visiting the home of some rich guys parents. Their whole lives are an act.

This is why I brought up the CLASS dichotomy. When the middle class girls see it as super prole to date black guys and super prole isn't cool at that moment, they will not even consider it. When the proles are ardently anti-black and proud, then it becomes enlightened for them to date outside their race for show. It's a pendulum in the public sphere.

In private reality however, white girls want their own race for marriage and status and the lower class white girls are finding it harder and harder to get even a decent stable guy of her race to marry her, hence blacks. Of course their higher obesity levels and dysfunctional homes are helping push this, but lower class white males and this effeminate non-economy are not helping matters either.

The proles and upper elite though can often go more in lock stop than you think. As in other issues interestingly. I find it more likely to see a very rich woman with an ethnic partner, then a suburban white one. Again it's middle vs. the edges as the problem of our times.

Unknown said...

Basically for white women, it is far worse to be seen as low class than racist.

Unknown said...

Also, it strikes me how different the perspectives are of the posters here from different geographical areas. You can tell who lives on the West Coast (high Asian pop) or who lives in an all white bubble, etc. Sometimes as a Southerner who has lived abroad it seems as if most of the people here haven't a clue beyond what's in front of them.

Many have raised the question of why this group or that group like/dislikes that. It's simple consider women of America as never having left junior high. Whatever makes them appear cool or with it or not low class is where they will go if they are able. As for Asian women wanting white men, consider that white men can offer just as high a status and wealth as their families demand of Asian male suitors, while still being smart enough to engage them and big and pretty enough to please them more often than the standard Asian man. I don't mean to offend, I am just offering my observations and experience.

I went to high school at a boarding school. There were many Asians there. By the time I was done with school I had been asked out by 6 of them, fooled around with two of them, and co-dated one with her white roommate who was my girlfriend at that time. I'll leave it to you to imagine what co-date means in the context of 17-18 year olds living at a boarding school. The point being, as a 6'1 basketball/soccer playing blond guy that was also a National Merit Finalist, these Asian girls could have their cake and still save face in front of their families. When all of the Asian guys there were lovable goofuses with funny faces/hair/hygiene, I and quite a few other white guys were like crack to these chicks.

As to their negative association with black men, the opposite it true. They get none of the status, wealth, or intelligence they and their families crave, while being faced with dumber, more aggressive guys who are not even attractive to them. There is no upside for them to do this so they don't. White girls have been led to believe that they'll get a more masculine bump by going black, but Asian girls get all they could want by going up to white, while still retaining all the benefits they and their families require. It's not rocket science. And it isn't end of the world stuff for Asian men. Most Asian girls marry Asian after all.

The point is women will go where they can maximinze their status while cashing in on the best man they feel they can get. Hence why prole fatty whites go black, and middle class whites seldom do. Easy.

evilwhitemalempire said...

"The reason for the myth of white women preferring black men"
Sorry to spoil your 'white power' b.s. but this is NO MYTH.

I have seen more blonde 9's and 10's with black men than I can count.

They may prefer white men for marriage (duh, they're usually a bit richer.)

But there's no beating that black snake in bed.

I remember a factory I worked at one time.

There were always at least 3 layabout, do nothing black men on our shift.

No matter what they did, no matter how much they fucked around, they never got fired.

Guess who the shift supervisor was?

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

LOL @ the commentators ignoring the numbers in the links provided by Vox.

Also, lol @ the race hustlers still trying to convince us that BM-WF couples are common and that the children of these mixtures are somehow 'beautiful'.

On a related note, White women who pair with afro-males not only tend to be fat and prole, but also a lot of them seem to end up dead. Any studies on the spousal homicide rate in interracial / interspecies marriages?

tweell said...

I have personally known one BM-AF couple. Willie was very smart, good looks, game, had it all. His Korean wife was disowned by her family. Her mother told her that white blood washes out in a generation, so it was merely frowned upon, but black blood would not be allowed. They did okay together, but they are definitely an unusual couple. Black soldiers coming back from Korea aren't coming back with Korean wives, unlike the white soldiers.

buzzardist said...

Asian men marrying other races is not implausible. They tend to be intelligent, which translates into higher-paying jobs. If money raises SMV, then we should expect people with good jobs to be more attractive, which should translate, at least in some cases, to partnering with women of other races. Overcoming the own-race prejudice can take quite a lot, but enough money will usually do it.

Tommy Hass said...

"I have seen more blonde 9's and 10's with black men than I can count."

Seems more like bullshit.

It's entirely possible that darkies are better in bed. But that doesn't necessarily translate into white going gaga for them.

Anonymous said...

Let me add, media does not push things women don't like. Hot chick competition in beer and burger ads or beta males in other ads as ideal mates not butt of joke. So you have to say the media in ALL cases but unter racial caters to women. Last I checked women were far more liberal, pc, and faves included Oprah and the Help. Cuck stuff is oriented to women, that's the market.


You know, maybe you should at least consider the possibility that whoever makes those ads, or movies and sitcoms, and other entertainment, are leftoids and they're not picking subject matter based on its mass appeal. Or at least, not entirely. Rather, they're trying to appeal to the masses only to the extent that they can push their agenda, and influence the tastes of the lumpenproles ever further and further to the left.

For example, take your statement that mass media may not push stuff that "women" don't "like". You should rather say, mass media likes to appeal to women's baser instincts. IOW, it's another example of chick porn. And as we all should know, porn is unhealthy, no matter what form it takes. And catering to women's baser instincts is as well; it's how we got the Fall of Adam.

MichaelJMaier said...

Tommy Hass said...

"I have seen more blonde 9's and 10's with black men than I can count."

Seems more like bullshit.

Exactly. Black men will take any light meat they can find. It's well less than 10% of the inter-racial couples I see where I'm like "DAMN!" looking at the female.

Anonymous said...

"I have seen more blonde 9's and 10's with black men than I can count."

Seems more like bullshit.

He could be telling the truth Tommy. He might not be able to count very high.

Harambe said...

He's probably talking about black celebrities and their WAGS.

evilwhitemalempire said...

Allow me to reiterate as there appears to be some confusion with some of you.

White women don't date black men.

White women don't marry black men.

White women FUCK black men.


And don't think for one minute that I'm a fan of this.

They get half our women's sexuality but we pay for ALL of it ourselves (dating, marriage, alimony, child support, etc.).

Rek. said...

Black mandingo and white hottie, mostly in porn, US porn.

White U(M)C girls of where I am from don't hang with black dudes or Maghrebis. So yeah the occasional fuck might happen, occasionally. You don't even seen black dudes in the bars I hang at. Might be because we have the cute EspaƱol or Italiano.

Anonymous said...


I imagine part of that is due to the IQ disparity -- it doesn't affect SMV, but it does affect MMV.

The black race as a whole is more extroverted and has higher T levels than whites, who in turn have more than East Asians. So, blacks probably have relatively more Alphas and Betas than do whites, and East Asians fewer. East Asian men, with their combination of introversion with a collectivist, hive-mindish mentality and lower T levels, seem to be pretty much restricted to Delta, Gamma, and Omega. Sigma actually seems to be mainly a white thang, as blacks are just as collectivist and hive-mindish as Asians if you think about it.

CostelloM said...

"The reason for the myth of white women preferring black men"
Sorry to spoil your 'white power' b.s. but this is NO MYTH.

I have seen more blonde 9's and 10's with black men than I can count.

I'll bet you have... when you learn to count on your toes in addition to your digits on your front paws you may be disappointed though.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, what happened to "Don't believe a word they say"???

Unknown said...

I've known a few BM-WF couples, and they all followed the same pattern: guy constantly cheating, woman loses what looks she had due to verbal abuse, stress, and drama, and eventual divorce with wife getting the kids and a buttload of child support. After this, the BM finds another low SMV WF and repeats cycle.

Anonymous said...
see it

Anonymous said...

After this, the BM finds another low SMV WF and repeats cycle.

Incidentally, I wonder why the SJWs never bitch about the acronym "BM".

deti said...

In the Midwest, interracial pairings look mostly as Vincent Castrillo described them.

Most middle class and up white women do not fuck, date or marry black men. A few of the sluttier ones might kiss or make out with one at a bar for a while, while plastered, until her girlfriends pull her away. But most white women do not want relationships or sex with black men.

Most white women who get into relationships with black men fit into one of two categories:

1. Obese or very physically unattractive white women; or

2. White women in the lower middle class and down.

Also: most white women in relationships with black men are, or very soon become, baby mamas. Rarely have I seen a white woman stay with a black man for long unless she has a kid by him; and almost all of them do. Most of these women are low self esteem, or have few to no options.

Most of the WM/BW pairings (“swirling”) I’ve ever seen involve black women who are very physically attractive. But, like most attractive women, they have options, and so they can be quite selective about who they will date (i.e., have sex with). It looks to me like physically attractive black women who date white men do so for two reasons:

1. because said women believe white men will treat them better than black men will. Usually, it looks to me that this translates to “I can control and manipulate him more easily than I can a black man”.

2. Access to a white man’s resources and social status.

Someone wrote above that white men might be interested in black women for dating, but it really isn’t. Mostly it’s thirst and curiosity, really. I think that’s pretty much correct. A sizable cohort of American men are so thirsty they’ll have sex with whatever they can get. And a lot of men have a“take her for a test drive and see what she’s like in the sack” mentality toward dating/sexing black women.

Anchorman said...

It's entirely possible the WM/BW pairing (from BW) is a matter of status, perceived or other. Finding no BM of "high status" to meet her expectation as a beautiful woman, she goes to WM for a status pick, rather than settle for a lower status BM that she feels she is entitled to.

Anonymous said...

Here in Virginia, the trend I see, purely unscientific, is obese white women with mixed race children. No father in sight.

In High school/college the girls might date a black man just to prove she isn't racist but if she is too friendly with him it will lead to being cut off from dating white guys later.

Anonymous said...

Here in Virginia, the trend I see, purely unscientific, is obese white women with mixed race children. No father in sight.

In High school/college the girls might date a black man just to prove she isn't racist but if she is too friendly with him it will lead to being cut off from dating white guys later.

Unknown said...

I love my BW! Met her a year ago thru the internet. I would love her no matter her color, she is an amazing person, and that is all that really matters to me. Does she fit the stereotypes for BW? Some, but I fit some of the stereotypes for WM. Is she loud? yep, watch football with her, she screams. Is she more open about sex? Yep! She is also kind, courteous, caring, giving and in general a girl. She is very intelligent, has a great job, and can carry a conversation with anyone. She treats me very well, and I treat her the same way. Have we been "Harassed"? Been called a few slurs, mudshark and stuff, which we laugh about. WW are the worst for glares, BW for comments, BM a little of both, and WM's wanting to know how she is in bed, and how to date a BW. People are people, fuck it

Anonymous said...

I lived in VA for years, in a semi-rural lower class area that was about 30% black and 65% white, and 5% other (Asian and Hispanic). This is what I saw:

BM/WM Pairing: Fat woman almost all the time, sometimes the BM was actually of a higher status. This made BW very angry. If they weren't fat, there seemed to be something funk about her, almost like she was sickly or drugged. Sometimes she was not ugly, but that was not the rule. Many interracial children were born out of these unions, almost all of them bastards.

WM/BF: Female usually attractive, male less attractive than most white guys but not as big as a contrast as the other pairing. Not nearly as common. Children usually came after marriage.

Other mixing I saw was Hispanic/Mestizo men with WF. The women who went out with them were even funkier than the ones who dated black men. It was joked that they would take the women not even black men wanted. Lots of thirsty Honduranians and Guatemalans. Most wouldn't stick around if they got their girls pregnant. Hispanic men also would go out with Black women, even if they weren't their first choice, and treat them about the same as the white women.

I actually saw AM/BW pairings too. They do not make beautiful children, but like their white counterparts, they get better looking BW when they do decide to date Black. One of the guys was not unattractive, a cop, and his girlfriend was a stunner (she looked East African, with fine features).

Anyway, this is what I observed (unscientifically, naturally). I also observed a trend of younger white girls not really being as enthusiastic about black guys anymore. I think this may because in the late 90's and 00's, it was rumored that black guys were better in bed. I've talked to white sluts (40+ NC) and they've told me that this is untrue. I was told they are uncreative in bed. They tend to show up and expect to be awesome because they have big pennies.

Another reason for this is because the idea that mixed children are better looking than their pure race counterparts has waned somewhat. Some can be good looking, but there are an equal number that are either homely or downright ugly. Only black women under a certain age are still enamored by them, particularly because being part white themselves, they can have some rather exotic combinations. I've seen more than one mixed child with blond hair/blue eyes/green eyes/etc.

The last observation I am going to make has to do with the changing nature of race perception. I think that a lot of black racists who thought that mixing with white women to "increase our numbers" because of the one drop rule didn't take into account that the reason the one drop rule was so successful in the black community is because there were few mixed children to begin with. Now that there is a sizable number of mixed raced individuals, the vast majority of them are not identifying as black, but as mixed race and they're not being shamed into marching in line. This means that they have little reason to stick to their own kind with dating, especially with the mixed guys. They are much more likely to date white women, who seem more comfortable dating mixed guys as opposed to black guys. Think Tiger Woods vs. Obama. Obama represents the old way of thinking, and as such he married a black woman in order to cement his black identity despite the fact that there is evidence that he preferred white women. Tiger Woods, on the other hand, never identified as black so he felt no desire to 'prove' his authenticity with the black community and married a white woman, cheated on her with other white women (and one mulata), and is now dating another white woman.

That's my .02.


Unknown said...

Tiger Woods had a billion dollars and white women are the gold standard of women. Since women crave status and wealth over everything and Tiger is a man with a functioning penis, this really was the only realistic scenario. Welcome to reality.

These mutts are of no value and are most certainly not "leaning white". Fail.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say that they are "leaning white." Where did I even say that? I said that they're dating and marrying as they wish because they no longer feel the pressure to cement their black identity that came with the one drop rule. The one drop rule needs not just outward pressure to work, but also a small number of people that would qualify for it, otherwise they will form a separate identity of their own. This is not about "leaning white," this is about the beginning of a Mulato as a separate racial classification here in the US.

Culturally, they lean black since most of them come from BM/WF couples that tend to be lower class. Mulatos that "lean white" tend to come from more affluent homes and are generally products of WM/BF couples.

Mulato women tend to like going with whoever resembles their fathers. I've seen most of them with blacks or Mulatos. This should surprise exactly no one, since men prefer light women and women prefer light men. So it should be of absolutely no surprise that it carries over to Mulatos.


Anonymous said...

Normally, I really appreciate Vox's comments, but on this one, who gives a damn? Race-mixing? What, human and human? Who the hell cares if a black guy gets with a white girl or vice versa. People are attracted to what and who they are attracted to. Most often, people are attracted to people who look like them more than those who don't, it's as simple as that.

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Unknown said...

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YourHusband said...

keep in mind that you're talking about okcupid here, where the majority of female users are unattractive or plain looking at best. and it's a known fact that asian women prefer attractive asian man over any white or non-asian man. as for black men and women, it's quite strange how they do much more poorly in real life than the movies would suggest. there seems to be more positive portrayals of black women in entertainment than asian women, for example, yet asian women are still more desired on average (although most are still not attractive enough in eyes of asian men)

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