At least, not about
what they sexually prefer:
A new study says women prefer men with big bellies.
Three out of four women say they'd rather have a man with love handles than a six pack. Almost 100 percent of the women surveyed said men with beer bellies have better personalities than those with a good body.
They also say guys in shape prioritize the gym over spending quality time with their significant others.
Yes, this is precisely why most female-oriented erotica features men with beer bellies on the cover rather than ripped abdominals.
Every reduction in man's dignity allows a corresponding reduction in woman's.
Basically this is is out-of-shape women looking for an excuse to not exercise.
I lost 30lbs and my gf tells me she liked me better fat. Never really made much sense to me. She also thinks Zac Efron and his ripped muscles are gorgeous so it's not like she isn't attracted to muscles.
Heh... literally a "fitness test", per Athol Kay's terminology. Watch as millions of gammas and deltas oblige by eating that extra donut in the morning, waiting for the babes at the office to notice them.
She's telling you that because she's afraid of losing you, or at least afraid of losing control in the relationship. Women tend to freak out a bit when the relationship dynamics change. Just keep on keeping on.
Vox is right for once! yeah. don't listen to this. This is just beta food.
Guts are dangerous:
Womens advice isn't completely useless. Listen to them carefully, then do the exact opposite and they'll punish you with tons of sex.
Hey, this could be a publishing opportunity for new Romance fiction and erotica:
Ripped Bodices in the Beer Hall
Ravaged on the Barstool
Seduction in Amber Bock
The Pilsnering of Penelope
A Guinness Guzzler for Lady Harrington
I'll leave the covers to your imagination. But I think Calista House should get right on this...
The study says women prefer to “have” fat, out of shape guys, and be in relationships with out of shape guys. Fat guys are nicer to them than fit guys.
Notice what the study doesn’t say?
It does NOT say that women prefer to have sex with fat, out of shape guys It does NOT say that women are sexually attracted to fat, out of shape guys. It does NOT say that a woman, once in a relationship with a fat guy, will stay in that relationship with that fat guy because he’s nice and spends time with her.
Here. Let me fix this so it’s accurate and says what it really means.
A new study says women prefer to be married to men with big bellies, mostly because those are the men who are actually willing to marry those women. The surveyed women are hamsterizing their inability to marry fit, in-shape men. .
Three out of four women say they'd rather be married to a man with love handles than a six pack, because in large part such men can and are willing to support those women, and will give her access to his resources. .
Almost 100 percent of the women surveyed said men with beer bellies are easier to control and manipulate, unlike those with a good body. Such men with good bodies take control of the relationship and pump and dump those women, and those women know it from personal experience. .
They also say guys in shape prioritize the gym over spending quality time with their significant others. In other words, in shape guys prioritize themselves, which the women find attractive but cannot control to their benefit. Guys who spend quality time with their women yield more easily to their women’s demands.
I guess this is why James Van Der Beek struggled, because all the girls bought Billy Bob and Angus posters.
Is this the secret to Ron Jeremy's staying power? Is this what women really want?
Damn man, I've been doing it wrong.
Uh, no, what women really want is about six inches below Ron's ever-growing gut.
(*Gearshift!!!*) There may be something to this and I'm not joking.
The Fat Player.
The big guy with a much bigger personality.
At least once in our lives, we've all met him. The Fat Albert who bellows his way into a room, long before his gut has hit the door. The Fun-Boy with the gigantic smile and the deafening laugh. The guy who is James Earl Jones and Jackie Gleason all rolled into a very fat one.
Don't knock it. It works.
Remember, women operate on genetic list of instructions 80,000 years old. Attach yourself to the man who can gather the most resources for your children. The Big Chief can do that for them, no problem.
Trust me on this point, that guy is very definitely and in all ways; an Alpha.
I lost 30lbs and my gf tells me she liked me better fat. Never really made much sense to me.
That's called Dread. She senses that you're becoming more attractive, and odds are she's not -- and can't, since she can't reverse time.
These women probably do think fat men have better personalities. But they're making the assumption that women are attracted to those good personalities, and that's the part that's false.
Right. But the fat player has game. The big guy with big personality has game.
We've all heard the stories of the good looking guy who cant ever get past date two with a girl. Because he has no game.
A fat guy with game will probably do better than a fit guy with no game.
Fat guys may actually have more money, but maybe not. Many young slim guys have no money, yet manage to have great sex lives.
yeah, but we've all known plenty of young slim guys who have no money, no lives, no personality, and no confidence; thus no girls.
But we've also known many young slim guys who have no money, but make up for it in swagger, confidence, savvy and attitude. They have "IT", whatever "IT" is. For example, I'd bet the rapper Eminem did OK despite growing up poor as a young up-and-comer in Detroit, one of the roughest, poorest and most crime-ridden cities in the entire nation.
Yes, enough game can make a fat guy attractive to women. But a fat guy who attracts women could attract more and higher quality ones if he lost weight. Game (attitude) is the most important thing, but looks do count for something.
A friend once told me he used a line in a gym when he saw a fit guy flexing around a worker: Girls like a six ack, but they love a part keg. Irked the fit guy, maybe got him a laugh, doubt it go him the girl (he didn't say).
six pack...
Somehow this comes to mind....from Da Yoopers....
Ladies, try to control yourselves.
I'm not sure he would. I think Fat Guy Game is it's own thing and might not work anywhere near as well on a diet. It is Game based on volume and to a degree intimidation.
Today we view a fat man, as a man with poor personal discipline. That clouds our judgement because it wasn't always the case. Many cultures (and not all that long ago) viewed the man with a weight problem as a man with very high status. Nobody who wasn't rich could afford to eat that much. Call it a variant on Middle-Aged Man's Game.
In the modern world those measures don't' really apply...except when they are backed up by the right kind of roaring, bellowing, self-indulgent, unreasonable child-king mentality.
It still works under those circumstances.
Cataline, you could be right. I'm thinking of a guy like Sam Kinison (who fits your description pretty well), who was swimming in tail, so it's hard to say he could have gotten more if he'd been in better shape, since he wouldn't have stood out as much. But of course he not only had tremendous game, but fame and money to go with it.
It's also true that one thing that intrigues women is contradiction -- when a man isn't what they expect, they want to know more. So when a guy who shouldn't be confident because of his looks is anyway, that gets their attention. Doesn't necessarily guarantee success, but it does give him a foot in the door.
For the average heavy-set guy who doesn't have that knack, though, I think losing weight is going to help. If nothing else, it'll improve his own view of himself and make it easier for him to approach with the right attitude.
Still waiting for some gal to link me to the online dating service that caters to average / fit women's fetish for overweight men (BBM, Big Beautiful Men).
I found one for affluent executives earning 6 and 7 figures (, but still no BBM introductions. Perhaps I should consider a startup for this glaringly underserved demographic? Lucrative, yes?
Just got off a 30 pound challenge, now naturally tapering back to fighting weight (240, i'm 6'2").
Had WAYYYYY more interest heavier across all age ranges. Feedback was that it made my unique personality seem more approachable. A DQ.
Interesting anyway.
"Three out of four women say they'd rather have a man with love handles than a six pack. "
Three out of four? That'd be the proportion of post menopausal or over the hill fast approaching the wall women, expressing the desire for Beta Man. Still, she wouldn't turn down Alpha stud if he propositioned her.
Next study: three out of four women prefer short, bald men with bad complexions, speech impediments, and body odor.
I think the reason is far simpler. Remember that most people are fat. So, one, women want to justify their being with an overweight man. Two, they want to excuse their own obesity by projecting onto men. Three, they want to be kind to their significant other. Mostly, I think the reasons are the first two. Why would a woman want to be kind to anyone in an anonymous survey?
I'm surprised someone who writes a game blog would think the OP study is surprising in any way. Then again someone who knows game AND has an athletic physique might end up giving the latter more credit than it deserves. Women have no problem openly admitting they're shallow when it comes to tall men so I don't see why they'd lie about this in such huge numbers. The idea that women like gym rats is just the male hamster at work. Kinda like women who think men like strong, intelligent, independent women in charge of their own lives. Most weight lifters I personally know are borderline autistic beta nerds. For them the weight lifting is probably an improvement but for the average man I wouldn't be surprised if it was in fact detrimental, particularly if they get conflated with the former due to the current sexual market meta.
except when they are backed up by the right kind of roaring, bellowing, self-indulgent, unreasonable child-king mentality.
It still works under those circumstances.
Call it Falstaff game...
My weight often fluctuates about 7 or 8 pounds.
The slightest drop (and I mean the slightest!) elicites a huge -- HUGE -- increase in the amount of female attention that I get.
Nobody's going to tell me any different.
"Womens advice isn't completely useless. Listen to them carefully, then do the exact opposite and they'll punish you with tons of sex."
If I had a stone I'd carve this quote into it.
@de ti -- that's what I was thinking. Saying they would rather "have" a guy with a belly does not mean they are more sexually attracted to that guy.
There are a few things to note about this.
* you can't trust self-reporting. People often don't even know what they want, and even when they do they lie about it.
* women's desires change based on where they are in their cycle. Were these women ovulating?
* you can't trust the reporter to get the story right, and you can't trust "news" sources to prefer accuracy over click-bait.
There is important information in what a woman says. The survey responses indicate how a woman's idealized self would respond. She's acting as the person she aspires to be. A woman wants other people to perceive her as being substantive and not shallow but the truth is indicated by her behavior and romance novels sell because of a woman's actual self not the idealized version. Some women are naturally (or become more) honest and consistent with their actual desires. These are good women to pursue - it begins with a realization of the gap between their actual and ideal selves. They are not reality-averse.
This just means we like the man we have. But as others have said love handles are not what we dream of. My man has a six pack :-)
I lost 30lbs and my gf tells me she liked me better fat. Never really made much sense to me. She also thinks Zac Efron and his ripped muscles are gorgeous so it's not like she isn't attracted to muscles.
Zac Ephron won't tell her that a half-gallon container of ice cream is NOT a single serving. Zac Ephron won't tell her to put the 3rd slice of cake back. And she knows it.
On the other hand, if you have any sort of a spine, you will. She fears that if you have enough self-control to lose 30 pounds, that you'll have no difficulty telling her to get her lazy ass up off the couch and do the same whenever she lays out some lame excuse for why she's put on weight. ["Oh, but I had a baaaaaaaaaybeee!" -- a 7 pound baby is no reason to put on 40 pounds of fat.]
Cataline Sergius said...
Is this the secret to Ron Jeremy's staying power? Is this what women really want?
Damn man, I've been doing it wrong.
de ti said...
Uh, no, what women really want is about six inches below Ron's ever-growing gut.
Uh no, what women really want is the check being written by the porn producer. Having sex with a fat shlub is just a means to an end.
My wife made a point of discussing this post with me. She seriously doesn't think sixpacks are sexy, or a lack of chest hair (related). But she is kind of a snowflake as she does read this blog and Vox Day and thinks logically a lot more often than 99.99% of women and a lot of men, too. To clarify, for her fit = good, defined abs = bad. Beer belly? Not so much.
I am wondering if there's a generational thing about that, too. I do not believe the modern under 35 woman is more attracted to a beer belly or some such thing. From the things I see, they're told to be attracted to hairless metro with defined muscles/abs and they are. But I am wondering what the 40+ crowd thinks...
Remember Star Trek? I heard the FCC made Shatner shave his chest every time he got his shirt torn (every episode, IIRC) because his hairy chest might be too stimulating to women... Just positing...
"Almost 100 percent of the women surveyed said men with beer bellies have better personalities"
Once you go fat, you never go back.
Vox you remember Nate's 'Sigma in the wild' about the fat guy on the cruise ship playing trivia by himself that shows up with a 10 later on? This just reminded me of that.
Chest hair (and facial hair) seems to be a cultural fashion thing that comes and goes. Watch old episodes of Magnum p.i.; they weren't shy about getting Selleck's shirt off, and he was a pretty hairy guy. Nowadays they'd probably want him to shave it, or he wouldn't get the part in the first place. While individual women probably do have a preference about that, as a group they seem pretty easily swayed one way or the other by fashion.
As I said before, they're told they should like X and so they do = fashion. Academically speaking, just wondering if the natural condition is to like hairy chested men.
Further discussion with wife reveals she isn't looking at the gut (not that it doesn't matter at all, just not first thing she's looking to) but rather the shoulders, chest. Muscular shoulders and chest show strength = attractiveness. But like Athol Kay says, there is a limit. Too much gym time (or looking like it) translates into coming off as vain and muscle bound guys are the turn off. Fit = good. Small or flat gut = good. Defined abs = eww (my wife's response). So she says... :-)
Chest hair (and facial hair) seems to be a cultural fashion thing that comes and goes. Watch old episodes of Magnum p.i.; they weren't shy about getting Selleck's shirt off, and he was a pretty hairy guy. Nowadays they'd probably want him to shave it, or he wouldn't get the part in the first place. While individual women probably do have a preference about that, as a group they seem pretty easily swayed one way or the other by fashion.
Everything is being slanted towards the gays. Gays are into shaving their chests. so Hollywood is trying to normalize this.
I'm not as skeptical because most women are not 20 something hard-bodies on the high end of the hot scale.
If they only interviewed women alpha hunks with 6 packs would likely be interested in the results would likely be different.
Hmmm..... on further reflection of the meanings of "have" and "better personalities" ; assumptions they mean preferences for beer bellies all naked and sweaty in bed could be wrong.
And having a "great personality" is like being cute, or sweet, or getting and affectionate "ah" response: you're likely not getting anything else.
I am a fit woman and prefer fit men. Not exactly SIX PACKS but no fat tummies for me, thank you.
And yes, I prefer no chest hair. Chest hair is such a big turn-off, so big I can see myself getting up and leaving an otherwise gorgeous guy only because I really, really loathe it. I prefer no armpits or legs hair as well, in fact I prefer no hair at all anywhere on the body (and I'm no hypocrite, as I also shave my whole body) but that is not a deal breaker. That is all about fashion in the end, as humans are naturally hairy and have accepted their hair for a long time.
That is just natural liking fit, gorgeous males. That is what happens in all nature. in over 98% of all species, including all primates, females will choose mates by their beauty/fitness. Fitness show how young (best sperm) and beauty shows how healthy (best genetics) they are. In most species, females do not depend on a male to rise their offspring; in fact, in most species females take care of them by themselves, and that is also what happens in almost all primate species - including humans. But then again, even in monogamous species the females will cheat on their mates just to have the young sperm which is much more valuable. Just instinct. The female fertility is viewed as sacred by nature, that is why almost all females always have multiple partners to choose - and why most females will never choose only one, but the strongest to copulate with FIRTS, but still accept many other not that strong males to make a line and copulate with after, as no female should ever waste their egg. As long as a female is capable of popping babies she will be valued by nature and will be getting the strong, fit and young(er) males to fertilize her. The fitness and youthfulness of the male is what determines most of the healthy and value of the offspring. Older females who can still get pregnant have almost the same value as younger ones, and that goes for most species - including humans and researches just prove that for thousands of years humans have been born by mother who, most of the times, have been impregnated by younger (more fit/stronger/best sperm) males. Humans are only animals after all. And that makes me really sad basic and REAL biology is something most people nowdays know nothing about.
If female humans today are so socially repressed or even lie to themselves about not wanting fit, strong and young males to procreate with, that is a problem. And they are doing a great disservice, as much as older males sickly seeking young females to marry/have babies with. All humans of both genders, all animals, will seek the young ones, even when older, that is nature - but females, even older but still fertile females, having babies of old (old enough, after their 30's) males? That is decadence.
That is the reason why males over their 35 should NEVER procreate. Their sperm is just TRASH now. And that is not being cold, that is being realistic. That is for the best of our species. And no, women over 40 or 45 should not be having babies anymore as well, as eggs also decay, even if not in the same way. But women, please: if you are 30 and want babies, go and seek a young male. Go for the sperm bank if you have to. Do not destroy our species even more. And 35y/o+ males, just get a vasectomy and stop believing your sperm does not stink - it does and is worthless now.
Personality is cool and I care for it, absolutely. But only after looks standards are met. No sweet and kind but ugly and unhealthy man will touch my beautiful and healthy body, sorry. I hope fit, handsome men do the same to sweet but ugly and unhealthy women.
"That is the reason why males over their 35 should NEVER procreate. Their sperm is just TRASH now. And that is not being cold, that is being realistic."
What you are missing here Luc is the trade off. If a male MAKES it to 35 in the face of trials and tribulations, he has demonstrated a higher quality than the umbesmirched male at 18. Ever hear of the phrase: A woman IS, a man must BECOME"? So, yes, a male at 35 may have been subject to physical and or genetic damage, but a female has FAR more data points with which to evaluate his fitness. Let's use a high school class of 200 (so 100 males) to choose from for your typical 28 year old female looking to get fertilized. If she chooses the class of 1994, she may find only 25 or so of the resultant 38 year olds to be successful enough for their sperm to be desirable (NAVY seal, Businessman, Up and coming local politician, EX-sports star etc) but she will have much less competition from the 100 38 year old females in that group. Or she can choose from the class of 2014, 100 males that she knows NOTHING about as far as thier accomplishments (only their potential) other than their youth/strength AND she has to compete with 100 18 year old girls.... now, if you are ms 28 year old, where will you go sperm shopping?
see it
Do not destroy our species even more. And 35y/o+ males, just get a vasectomy and stop believing your sperm does not stink - it does and is worthless now.
Woman, get thee to a scientarium!
Male sperm doesn't "go bad" as men age.
I know you really, really want it to be so, because goose/gander, but there's no proof. Just the rant of a woman who likes her men like hairless women with penises.
Fit = good. Small or flat gut = good. Defined abs = eww (my wife's response). So she says... :-)
Y'all are missing the important bit here:
Do the man's muscles look useful?
That is: so his muscles appear as though they could be used for lifting and hauling heavy things, or do they look purely decorative?
If they look useful, they are attractive.
I call bullshit on this study. Clearly, everyone has forgotten about Taylor Lautner in Twilight, or Magic Mike.
Women love men with fit chests. Not flab.
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