After watching a low-Delta/Gamma say that no woman likes a jerk, and another co-worker pointing out that his son put a beating on his baby-mamma while pregnant, and she still can’t get enough of the tattooed meth user, and the Gamma just getting quiet and shaking his head, I got thinking about the denial of the Gamma that women can and do like men who treat them badly.It's really not that hard. What women say they like, what women think they want, and what women actually find sexually attractive are usually three different things. This shouldn't be that hard for men to understand, because what genuinely turns us on and what we want in an actual mate are often contradictory as well. If you are capable of understanding the Madonna/Whore dichotomy, you are capable of understanding the ALPHA/BETA dichotomy as well.
At first glance it would seem that a Gamma would readily agree that a lot or perhaps most women like “jerks” as it gets them off the hook, but not so. This all goes back to the Gamma wanting to avoid competition at all cost and always winning. By constantly inserting themselves into women’s lives as the “friend” and white-knighting they are able to always take the high road in their heads (We’ll leave out the part about it being a technique to try to actually snag a woman and the dishonesty of their real motives). If a woman rejects the advances of a friendly Gamma it’s not because the Gamma did anything wrong, but rather that the woman didn’t clearly see the Gamma’s wonderful traits. Even worse of course are those pesky dude-bros who “manipulate” women into liking them more than the Gamma. You see the Gamma always has the noblest of intentions with women and only ever loses because the other side cheats! That is why in their heads they could have had 5 different girlfriends last year if the playing field was level, but the cheaters deny them what is rightfully theirs.
Hence no girl in her secret of secret hearts that a Gamma always knows so well would ever truly want a man who treats her badly. Women always want nice guys, but somehow lose their agency as a person around dude-bros who use their awful manipulate power like Saruman or something to take away their free wills and blind them to the awesomeness of the Gamma!
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Alpha Mail: the noblest of intentions
A recovering Gamma attempts to explain why Gamma males always insist that women really, truly, and secretly want nice Gamma males:
Excellent way to articulate the point.
The only big difference being that a man can turn a Madonna into his (personal) whore and they'll both be content.
It's kind of sad. Some men live their whole lives waiting for that moment women realise how good they are and how deep down they're the best option for a partner. This moment usually arrives (in the men's head) when a midle aged women 'falls' for them.
One needs to understand that it's not just the jerk boy attitude that women find attractive. It's the physical,fiscal or situational dominance that creates the cocky attitude that they find attractive. Which is a long way of saying women are attracted to the alpha male, ergo status. It doesn't really matter the alpha's attitude, as long as it is perfectly clear that he's the apex predator in his environment. Channing Tatum can act however the hell he wants because he's rich, good-looking and physically imposing. His only real competition is other good-looking actors. The regular ugly Gamma can't get away with that, because he has none of that. He has to compete with literally half of the earth's population, most of whom are either just as good or better than him.
It sucks. And I know this because I was a Gamma for the entirety of my formative years, but it's the way it is. I got my first girlfriend only after I realised the truth that there is only place for one vagina in any relationship.
This is "The Abolition of Woman".
The theme of the first part of CS Lewis book is the passions must be trained to desire good (virtuous) things, usually from a young age. The heart moderates the head - reason - and the appetites.
It is not that women find it any better to go with instinct. Back when Dr. Laura was doing call ins, there would be several "I don't care for my great provider gamma", and "My sexy alpha is abusing me" calls each day.
It is not that they don't know what they want. There is instinct with the sex-drive advocating one thing, and reason advocating something else, and they can't have both, so they choose unwisely. Reason speak, but instinct acts. They know what they should want and say it, but their passions want something else.
And men are no different. When given the choice between perfect wife and mommy material, and a vain "10", men want the "10". Applied game in most of the manosphere is NOT how to find a good wife, but how to serial bang 10s. CH's measure of alphatude is the number of different women you can get into your bed.
We give into the smallest hunger or craving and wonder at obesity. Perhaps we are eating the wrong things. But we desire the wrong things.
The passions are unruly. They must be broken like a wild horse. Then passions serve reason by confirming right choices instead of reason through rationalization serving the passions by justifying wrong ones.
Feminism "liberates" from right reason and self control, only to enslave to instinct. And instinct is a very cruel master.
Reason and passion need to be and will be aligned, either with discipline and virtue were the passions desire the right things, or by rationalizing our desire for the wrong things.
Very depressing for them to be considerate to a mistreated slut and rejected. The first step of gammas is at least make sure the woman is not in a relationship. Why waste time with a taken woman. His motives are suspect if he is trying to steal a babe even if he is absolutely no competition. The three date rule still applies. If she shows no interest, move on, but he is likely to be in the friendzone so he'll never be her boyfriend.
“One needs to understand that it's not just the jerk boy attitude that women find attractive. It's the physical,fiscal or situational dominance that creates the cocky attitude that they find attractive.”
the "jerk" also makes it more or less clear to a particular target that he is there to fuck and is interested in fucking, and he makes no apologies for it. If the girl doesn’t want to fuck, that’s fine – there’ll be others who do, says the jerkboy.
The gamma/delta, by contrast, doesn't talk about fucking or make his intentions clear even though that's what he wants too. The gamma/delta wants to fuck as much as the alpha/sigma gets to fuck. The former can't execute mostly because he won't be clear in his own mind and with her about what he wants.
TZ: "Feminism "liberates" from right reason and self control, only to enslave to instinct. And instinct is a very cruel master."
Sure, sex-positive feminism liberates women from a rationally-constrained sexuality. They can do it like rabbits and still get the feminist Advanced Promiscuity merit badge.
However, feminism provides "rational" cover to this, as for most of its objectives. Feminist apologetics (equalitarian v. complementarian relationships, equal pay for less work, retirement (stay at home mom) on demand, rape as a social construct, rape as a "feeling", rape as an awkward look, men as cute accessories in the drama of A Woman) provide prosaic cover to all manner of objectives.
So I would advise any man, who interacts with feminist women at work or at play, to do some thinking about the constructs used by feminists to justify the ways of women ... to other women.
The good news is that these constructs are really talking points, which is why they are repeated with that annoying, every-increasing decibel level combined with ever-more-apocalyptic rhetoric; they have to raise the noise and fear level to maintain anyone's attention. But no feminist *ever* justifies her ideology with an appeal to capricious feeling. They use 50 years of misandric argument. One must confront the arguments in order to reveal that, actually, feminist priorities often *are* disastrous appeal to capricious feeling.
If one wishes to be didactic, that is. I prefer to "show" and not "tell." But that's another topic.
--Buena Vista
This is why alphas/sigmas are lauded, because, well, "he knows what he wants and goes after it". The gamma/delta is derided as a NiceGuy (TM) and "creepy" because he conceals what everyone knows he truly wants.
A major problem, though, with gammas/deltas is that women (mostly their mothers and teachers) are spending years instructing them to act exactly like this with women -- "be nice, be her friend, do things for her, then she will love you when she sees what a great guy you are." They see it in romcoms and Disney teen TV movies -- the message that girls will fall in love at the end with their Best Boy Friend, the One Twue Wuv, who was right there all the time.
So true. There are more than a few Churchian/tradcon commentators at this website, still in denial, who need to read this post over and over again until its truth sinks in,
Ok, don't think I am defending the gamma levels here.
I think it is a characterization to say that gammas have the same motive of getting sex, or snagging a woman but they are just using a different method. This would signify some active deception on their part, and I just don't see it. I was gamma-ish once and while I never felt the need to defend a woman's honor, I did feel like the best way to get that unicorn, or at least the girl that made my parts move when I looked at her, was to be the best friend possible.
Kind of makes you want to puke when you write it down like that.
Media, movies, TV, books, video games (and of course women themselves) - they all reflect woman saying things like, "I am marrying my best friend!" Or they use terms like "soul-mate" or "deep connection" and by doing so, they reinforce the ideas that if you have that kind of connection, then you can have your white picket fence with June Clever. I say this to say this: The friend thing is not an act to get sex. I believe (from personal experience) that gammas are gammas because they fully believe (but only because that is how they are taught) that it is the first, best, woman-hood endorsed, proper-lad stamped way of living your life and reaching the goal of the nuclear family with the woman that you choose.
"See?!?!? They only want sex!!" Yes, sex will be part of the shinning, sterile, Clever household. Any man, even gammas, will expect sex to be part of his Utopian future. And yes, any man will fully expect to be surprised that his delicate flower turned out to be a sexual pink-hurricane-meets-lioness-meets-Olympic-gymnist, but it is honestly thought to be part of the being the "totes bestie."
Which makes it no less wrong and still plugged into the matrix, but hopefully explains that gammas are completely brainwashed into "doing the right thing."
It's really not that hard. What women say they like, what women think they want, and what women actually find sexually attractive are usually three different things.
God, yes.
It's always good for a sad and bitter chuckle, when you google for, "What does a woman want in a man."
You get a stream of traits, that Delta/Gammas can only look at with confused longing. Honesty, Loyalty, Romance, Generosity, Attentiveness, Caring, Humble, Security, Dependability. Emotionally involved, Listens to my problems, Respectful.
'But I'm all those things,' they wail hopelessly.
These traits are indeed a fitness test. Demonstrate them upon command and you have failed the test.
These lists will usually contain a few things that the author just happens to like; Eye Contact, Cooking, Good with his Hands, etcetera. These are slightly more useful if you know what you are doing.
Finally these lists will include a few flakes of gold like Confidence, Sense of Humor, Creativity, Assertiveness. Sadly the Delta/Gammas really have no idea what to do with them. It's like watching Dilbert, trying to manfully 'take charge.'
What women really want of course, is to sense the calm assertive dominant energy of a natural Alpha male because in a state of nature, the Alpha can provide resources.
A woman's main drive is to acquire resources for themselves. Don't hold that against them. This drive is necessary to the survival of our race.
The end result is that, woman are holistically sexual. As such they can not really analyze, why they find one man the attentions of one man desirable and another abhorrent. Its a not being able to see the forest for the trees situation.
Bottom line don't bother with what they say they are looking for in a man. They don't really know. Observe what they desire.
"A woman's main drive is to acquire resources for themselves. Don't hold that against them. This drive is necessary to the survival of our race."
Huh? Agree with sentence one. Disagree with the second. LOL at the third. The survival of the race depends on women having babies. This is not happening. Women are certainly having lots of unproductive sex and acquiring resources for more birth control and abortions.
“The friend thing is not an act to get sex. I believe (from personal experience) that gammas are gammas because they fully believe (but only because that is how they are taught) that it is the first, best, woman-hood endorsed, proper-lad stamped way of living your life and reaching the goal of the nuclear family with the woman that you choose.”
I agree with this, actually. The “NiceGuy ™” canard is just that – it’s a false accusation against good natured, well intentioned men. The anger and resentment that often arises in the gamma/delta is usually extreme frustration at repeated failure after doing exactly what everyone has been telling him to do. What he does isn’t working and he cannot figure out why – he’s doing what his mom, his teachers, the media, and the girls he orbits tell him to do. He’s doing what they tell him they like, and he still fails. When he fails, they tell him to do more of the same; that he’s obviously not doing it well enough.
The irony is that the women who complain about NiceGuys ™ are the very ones who created them.
Yes, it's frustrating...but what causes more is the accusation that you are creepy because you are doing it just because you have the same goal of the a-hole jerks. At this point gamma is only thinking of his delicate flower recognizing his value and committing her virtue and love to only him. When you are accused of being creepy for doing the right thing your delicate flower ends up turning into that African plant that smells like poop.
Enough frustration is its own red pill.
It's as if human beings are fundamentally broken in some way, like we inherited some kind of original sin from our ancestors. Gammas and white knights believe that only applies to men.
As a recovered Gamma I can add that while I was in darkness I had literally no idea how I treated women was a turn-off, and every breakup baffled me to no end until Vox starting sharing The Chateau's writing and posting about Game. Only then did it become clear, but it still took years to shake off the old niceness, especially when you're hitting your mid-late-twenties and the women your age begin to talk more about wanting to settle down with a nice guy (beta-provider), for the Gamma who didn't already learn about the wall and b-provider status this is a godsend, especially if he's had 0-2 partners. I think if a Gamma ends up in his 30s without ever hearing about The Red Pill or figuring it out on his own he becomes Scalizied and doubles down into feminist territory in a desperate bid for acceptance and poon.
“It's really not that hard. What women say they like, what women think they want, and what women actually find sexually attractive are usually three different things. This shouldn't be that hard for men to understand, because what genuinely turns us on and what we want in an actual mate are often contradictory as well.”
You’d think that would be easy to understand. It isn’t, when you have the whole world telling you not to believe your lying eyes. Even the very women rejecting you don’t tell you the real reasons why, because they themselves don’t know or are too afraid to face up themselves to the real reasons.
There are those who say “Couldn’t you see what was going on all around you? Couldn’t you just figure it out?” Well, no, not when you have everyone else, even the women rejecting you, saying “It’s not you, it’s me” and “You’re a really niiiiiice guuyyyy” and “You just keep on being nice nice nice and you’ll succeed someday.” And everything else but the truth.
The truth?
It IS you. Or, more accurately, it is YOU. You’re a pussy. You don’t make her panties wet. She found someone else who DOES make her panties wet. You’re a fat out of shape fuck. You don’t pursue what you want. You don’t make your intentions known. You don’t stand up for yourself. You put up with way too much shit from everyone around you.
It's as if human beings are fundamentally broken in some way, like we inherited some kind of original sin from our ancestors. Gammas and white knights believe that only applies to men.
But this is more or less what a lot of American churches teach implicitly, and occasionally say explicitly.
If I hear a pastor say of his wife "this is my better half, she's so much closer to Jesus than me" one more time...
The friend thing is not an act to get sex.
True, most nice guys really do want more than sex. They want the whole package with the cottage and the white picket fence and kids playing in the yard, and they believe that starts with friendship.
But they do want the sex. Maybe not immediately the way the bad boy wants it, but the sex is an essential part of the goal. If a guy, even a Nice Guy, doesn't want to have sex with a woman, he won't pursue friendship with her.
I think part of the problem, from the girl's side, is that girls don't realize men can be that romantic, or they don't value that kind of thinking in men. They just know that all guys who show an interest want sex, and they don't really see a difference between what the Bad Boy wants and what the Nice Guy wants. So the Nice Guy's attempts to put friendship first and pretend sex isn't on his mind just look like cowardice and/or deceit.
and here in lies the crux.
gamma thinks that the proper way includes sex, but is not the main goal. His idea is the fairy-tale, ride-of-into-the-sunset, happily-ever-after, bed-of-roses, life-long commitment, pedestalized, as-you-wish, swooning, dopey, ignorant, fool-hearty, sex. Where after a hard days work, wifey is waiting with cool lemonade and his kids run out to greet him and the are all well adjusted.
Bad Boy chokes her out bent over in the toilet at the club.
Gammas fault lies not
with pretending he does not want sex, it is completely missing the fact that women don't want the fairy tale. Even post wall, n to the 30th power, spinsters who say they do pine for the toilet routine. He has bought the charade. Fool me once.
Females that say that both Gama and Alpha want the same thing are fooling themselves (which is how they live, Mr. Gamma) because they do not want the fairy tale sex even when they beg for it.
So true. There are more than a few Churchian/tradcon commentators at this website, still in denial, who need to read this post over and over again until its truth sinks in,
Gammas seem to come in two major varieties in the United States: the tradcon Gamma, and the more common libtard/male feminist Gamma. My father is a tradcon Gamma. There are important differences between the two, but neither will admit that Game is necessary for a man. The libtard variety, of course, uses feminist arguments to trash Game, whereas the tradcon variety attacks Game using a misinterpretation of Christianity.
There's even a slight difference between Protestant and Catholic tradcon Gammas. The former tilt more toward feminist arguments and pedestalization of women, whereas Catholics may try to imitate saints. The only problem is, the saints that the Catholic Church canonized over the centuries were disproportionately priests, monks, and nuns -- i.e., reproductive losers. If the Catholic Church had canonized more (biological) fathers, perhaps at least the Catholic variety of tradcon Gamma wouldn't be quite as common.
Read Nancy Friday's books on women's sexual fantasies, and then ignore her comments about how they are just fantasies and the women don't REALLY want them to happen, it's just fun to imagine.
And then realize that even the most down and dirty fantasies from those books are not the most graphic ones out there with a significant portion of the female populace. One thing her book helps you realize is that women start these fantasies at a young age.
It's enough to make a gamma's fragile worldview of the perfumed pedestalized princesses shatter into a thousand jagged pieces.
Last comment and I'll shut up. If we boil down anyone's actions to "humans perpetuate through sex, ergo all interactions are aimed at sex," then we are ignoring the factual logic that sets the 'sphere apart from huffpro/jezebel/etc. Women do not generally use logic, so when they say gammas/betas are after sex but are being cowardly and deceptive, we can ignore that. Gamma is not being deceptive. He is that far down the rabbit hole. While sex MAY happen before marriage, it will only be when she feels safe and secure with him, he has spent 6 months pay on roses, 4 months pay on dinners, and he has met all of her expectations and shown himself to be the champion that will kneel at her feet, knuckles to the ground, head reverently bowed and say, "forgive me, my lady, for not deserving thine splendor..." Otherwise it will be after he carries her across the threshold.
BUT IF IT DON'T HAPPEN BEFORE MARRIAGE HE IS OK WITH IT. CUZ SHE IS SOOOOO SPECIAL. This is why he is not deceiving, if he does not get it for the year long engagement, he is ok with that. As any proper lad should be.
The reason they are not the same is gamma thinks waiting for marriage is what that special lady wants, so he make what he thinks is the perfect life which includes sex but only because that is how he helps fulfill her majesty's wishes of the perfect family.
Bad Boy really does not care what she says she wants, because he knows her actions prove otherwise. Bad Boy is not looking to fulfill any fairy tale because he knows that whatever they say, they do not want the fairy tale.
I think one of the bitterest pills for me has been the one swallowed last.
It finally occurred to me that of all the women I've dated I didn't like most of them as people. To realize that if it wasn't for the potential or the actual sex I wouldn't have wasted my time with them was somewhat unsettling. I saw myself as a nice guy. It's not supposed to be this way.
This goes beyond taking women off the pedastal and seeing them as sinners just like every other human. This is newly discovered genuine dislike of personality and character or at best complete disinterest other than the sex. Nothing like realizing you're probably a misanthrope. My joy, it is full.
There has literally only been one that I liked having around and she did an amazing job disqualifying herself for marriage.
Remember all you ladies out there, these are all women I've actually dated, not just met. This means there are lots and lots that I have not dated and those could be quite personable and pleasant. So I'm sure you're just peachy keen. -snort-
Corvinus, the Catholic ones wouldn't be a problem if they'd go ahead and BE priests and religious, instead of trying to get married men to imitate them by settling for near-celibacy, so they won't feel left out. Although many of them are effeminate, and we don't need any more effeminate priests; we're still trying to recover from the last batch.
Yeah, Jesus said the "effeminate" won't enter the Kingdom of God, but people tend to forget that includes effeminate heterosexuals too. I understand with the canonizations that they were trying to promote the religious life to people, since it involved giving up any chance of having sex, but it did leave the Church with a relative dearth of high-SMV role models for men who don't have a vocation. I mean, I don't know of any male saints who could serve as examples of "this is how you should behave with the opposite sex if you want to get married", as opposed to the usual "give up the opposite sex entirely and become a priest/monk/nun" type.
As for evangelicals / Protestants... they just seem to be libtards with a Christian veneer, especially nowadays.
And speaking scientifically, based on the personal observation of the men I know, dysfunctional or broken families with abusive or neglectful fathers tend to produce Gammas, whereas boys in intact families will more likely end up as Deltas, or otherwise take after the father. (I'm an introverted Delta with a Sigma streak that I've developed in the past couple of years and am nourishing.)
And I was a Gamma myself, until a bad case of one-itis that crashed and burned finally drove me to snap out of it. I now look upon my former behavior with disgust and loathing. I'll take being a Delta any day. Hat tip to whoever e-mailed Vox on this subject.
The friend thing is not an act to get sex.
True, most nice guys really do want more than sex. They want the whole package with the cottage and the white picket fence and kids playing in the yard, and they believe that starts with friendship.
But they do want the sex. Maybe not immediately the way the bad boy wants it, but the sex is an essential part of the goal. If a guy, even a Nice Guy, doesn't want to have sex with a woman, he won't pursue friendship with her.
Yup. Reminds me of back in college when my buddy and I were shaking our heads over a third guy who was a pathetic, abject beta orbiter. My buddy said about this other guy, "his intentions are honorable" -- he really did want the whole thing. What made the whole thing extra sad was that the object of all his efforts was at most plain, and that's in a good light with a charitable eye.
The irony is that the women who complain about NiceGuys ™ are the very ones who created them.
Yes, and one shouldn't rule out the possibility of malicious intent on the women's part behind mote than a few of those creations.
I've said before: Gammas look up the sociosexual hierarchy and think they're looking down. The excerpt from your correspondent elaborates this point nicely.
(Deltas, by contrast, don't delude themselves that they're morally superior to the alphas and betas. They play their part on the team, and they recognize there's some justice in their lower positions.)
@En-sigma: Everything you described in your multiple comments is common to deltas as well. Deltas often pursue "friends first" too, more or less sincerely. (They are repressing the fear of going more directly for what they want, but they often don't consciously know that's what they're doing.) Are you sure you were "gamma-ish once"?
Last point, and then probably no one will be reading comments by now, but I think a lot of churchian gammas, as I was, stay that way because they don't know what boundaries one pushes when gaming women. In fact, how do you game a woman at all if sex is not the goal until you're married? A lot of gammas, myself included, are so inexperienced with seducing a woman, or even being prepared mentally to follow through with sex that sex remains a fantasy, an untouchable realm, pedestalized by the church. I get how you can use the principles of game to keep a woman attracted to you, or at least get her to stop nagging and bothering you, but to the churchian gamma the dance remains difficult because courtship requires getting rid of an abundance mentality, right? Marriage implies an extinction of the abundance mentality, which is probably why so many beta-males struggle to keep their marriage solid. Vox's posts sound like he hasn't lost his own abundance mentality, that he's ready to leave his wife if she ever crossed him, but it seems doubtful that she would anyway because, well, Vox. How would a beta/gamma do this? I imagine it would take a lot of hard work and consistency on the same level as going from a slightly flabby person to having a rippling six-pack.
The churchian gamma is afraid of sex. He still feels like its wrong after he's married simply because of a lifetime of brainwashing even though married sex is sanctified (but almost never talked about, because awkward or something). It's a very Sisphean task for the church-gamma, especially when he achieves his white whale (and it has to be a white whale for the church-gamma, who only gets one shot at sexual satisfaction in marriage) and chances are that the white whale, in our culture, has already had multiple partners and will judge the gamma according to past alphas and thus statistically endanger the health of the marriage before it has begun.
"how do you game a woman at all if sex is not the goal until you're married?"
How about dating many women in a courtship as opposed to a hookup? See the difference? As long as your consider her as your subordinate and avoid putting her on a pedestal, you will make progress in breaking down a fearful, irrational perspective of women. Yes, sex will be feared if you never had it, but every day is a new thing in a marriage, or less frequent as sex will decline. Well, if you're afraid of being labeled a gamma by your wife, be a little wild and selfish and try to chart new territories that reach beyond her boundaries. She'll remember it.
" If you are capable of understanding the Madonna/Whore dichotomy...."
Don't we all want both in one woman?
"Don't we all want both in one woman?"
Just as women want a sensitive brute, a warrior poet, who can gut an orc with a sword then give a sensitive speech about hobbits, or William Wallace who can hack up the English or Maximus who can defeat the best gladiators while figuring out how to kill the Emperor for Scottish or Roman freedom, but the whole time he's really mainly thinking of his slain wife.
Nomennovum said... Don't we all want both in one woman? _________
True, but these traits aren't as mutually exclusive or as lopsided in women. A hot housewife is less contradictory than a nice asshole.
Look at the two pictures on this post:
The right side girl may be sexier on appearance, but no man in his right mind would be disappointed in the one on the left by comparison.
To do a marry/f*ck pic for women, you'd have a much different dynamic and the marry guy would be less able to hold his own in the sexy category.
Interestingly enough, CH had a post recently detailing how prostitutes have bigger surcharges for makeouts than for anal:
Women take kissing very seriously. Kissing is a more intimate act for women than it is for men. If you want to kiss a whore you’ll pay more than if you want to poke her in the pooper. PUA haters who scoff at players getting “make-outs” that “don’t go anywhere”, take note.
I've found that premarital sex is definitely not required when Gaming women. In fact, if the man refuses premarital sex, it's much harder for the woman to use sex as a weapon later because she perceives him having a take-it-or-leave-it attitude toward it. As for the fear that she's "settling" for you, just consider her SMV. If it's low, she's probably settling.
And yes, some of the big things that Gammas have that Deltas don't include a fear and bewilderment about women, a fear of screwing up, and a lack of an abundance mentality. When I was a Gamma, even though I knew intellectually that there were multiple attractive girls around, I would still get one-itis which would kill my Game both with the one-itis, as well as with other girls whom I'd brush off. Now, as a Delta, I seem immune to one-itis and can fully appreciate the varying features of different attractive girls.
How all this impacts marriage should be obvious: adopt Vox' attitude. As a Gamma, just like you, I likewise didn't see how it could be done, but as a Delta, it actually now seems doable. The gap between Gamma and Delta is huge, much bigger than what one might think, and traversing it is likewise a huge feat. But I did it, and you can too. It may take some kind of nasty revolution such as a one-itis gone bad, as in my own case, but if you get through it, you'll feel thankful later.
I think it is a characterization to say that gammas have the same motive of getting sex, or snagging a woman but they are just using a different method.
A method taught to them by their mothers, and other women, who don't comprehend cause & effect, and are more concerned with popular-but-false notions of "women's feelings" rather than what actually attracts and keeps women, backed up by the plots of TV shows, movies, commercials, and simpering lyrics in songs...
"A woman's main drive is to acquire resources for themselves"
No, without male control a woman's main drive is to fuck everyone they can. Just look around you.
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