Rom-com women promote the myth that even the most successful and self-actualized among the female gender require sex in order to be bearable human beings. Before they get the guy, they’re self-involved, anxious, jealous, unfulfilled, and, at times, neurotic. After they get laid they morph into modern day Donna Stones, pleasant and perfectly confident in their ability to face the world.Give them X, they'll demand Y. Give them Y, they'll demand Z. It's considerably less trouble to refuse to give any ground in the first place. Such women are seldom satisfied until they have complete control and have completely driven out every last vestige of male influence and involvement. Don't give them the initial inch and thereby prevent the eventual mile.
It could be argued that the stereotypical rom-com woman is so popular because, out of the top 200 grossing comedies from the past decade, women have directed only nine of them. Then again, seven out of those nine female-directed films happened to have been rom-coms that fit the stereotypical bill, leaving audiences to question when, exactly, feminism will begin “leaning in” to the silver screen.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Never satisfied
This article on the deficiencies of rom-coms, which are movies made expressly for women and which no man would give the time of day were it not for the money to be made in them, illustrates the total pointlessness of ever attempting to please feminists by giving them what they demand:
It would probably be a good thing if Hollywood crumbled in to feminist pressures. Short of California sinking into the ocean, nothing would destroy it quicker.
It would probably be a good thing if Hollywood crumbled in to feminist pressures.
I imagine it would be like going to a theatre where only two films are ever on offer: GI Jane or The Hours, with the occasional special feature like What Women Want.
The horror.
If you think about, the feminists and neckbearded manchildren already rule Hollywood - inane sequels, comic book movies, necrowereseal stories and romcoms are most of what's beingade now.
The problem with giving people what they want is that they don't always know what they want.
Such women are seldom satisfied until they have complete control and have completely driven out every last vestige of male influence and involvement.
They still wouldn't be satisfied
Give them X, they'll demand Y. Give them Y, they'll demand Z.
It is, in a way, its own punishment -- to always be unhappy, to never be satisfied no matter what someone does for you or gives you. To always want and need more, to never, EVER have enough... must be torture.
Hm. So the characters in these movies have everything a feminist could want, except a faithful and devoted man, which the non-feminists want, and people are complaining that this is a problem.
Because... they don't want the premise of the story to exist?
I can't claim to be enamored of romantic comedies (I find movies labeled as such to be neither), but without the woman's desire for a romantic relationship, there is no story, therefore no movie.
...On the other hand, let them have what they want. This particular genre of film can't die soon enough.
"Don't give them the initial inch and thereby prevent the eventual mile"
The problem being, if you fail to listen to women at all and close the world off to them, you will trigger a rebellion, hence the entire feminist movement, which has now taken on a life of it's own.
I often think of the disciples and those women at the tomb coming to report that the tomb is empty and He is risen. You just know those guys were like, sure it is, rolling their eyes, thinking, hysterical, crazy women again. Christ Himself told them what would happen and still they did not believe it, did not want to listen to what the women had to say.
God knows women have eyes to see things men cannot, that's why Christ revealed himself first to the woman at the well, and had women placed at the foot of the cross and at the tomb. Men who are wise, are humble enough to use women's eyes as a resource, as a tool for seeing the world in another way. Men who are arrogant and fearful close themselves off and it is men who suffer the most when they do this.
The article made it seems like romantic comedies are not feminist. I happen to think romcoms are feminist in their portrayals of the female protagonist. Every single woman is career driven. They all need a man. However, the problem is the woman doesn't know they need a man and need to be pursuaded in whatever situation is most expedient.
In the traditional romcom, the woman is the subordinate who manages to find love with an older and wiser male. I thought "When Harry Met Sally" was a modernization where the woman was a peer. In recent romcoms like "The Proposal", the woman is the boss and she pursuades her male assistant to pretend to be her fiance, even if it is a ruse at first. (The woman still can't ask a man on a date unless she is pushed into it.)
Despite romcoms going feminist, the movie industry already experienced a structural change that made romantic comedies a dying genre. These days, movie production is geared to the international marketplace. Comedies in general are less translatable and have less box office. Thus they are not being made much at all. We should all be thankful. Besides, few people are dating. Who needs to bring their dates to a romcom when they are already at homebase.
Single men should go to romcoms and have conversations with the screen as social sport. 1 point for every girlfriend who pokes their boyfriend to do something. 10 pts for every hapless boyfriend who has an existential crisis deciding whether to appease the dreaded angry girlfriend or confront the strange man in the dark.
If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the cellos!
Historically, female rebellion took place when life for females became better than ever, particularly as a result of labor-saving technological advances created by men. No good deed goes unpunished, and the surest way to make a woman lose control (and her respect for you) is to give her what she wants.
Adam: "Hey Eve, what do you think of the Garden of Eden? Here we have all of our material needs satisfied. We'll never die, never get sick, never grow old, never run out of food or clean water, and we will always be strong and healthy. And anything we want, God will give to us."
Eve: "I dunno... it just doesn't seem like enough to me..."
GG, you probably haven't noticed this in Scripture, because you aren't very observant, but have you noticed how men encounter God vs women?
The men almost always TEST the spirit of God who is contacting them to determine who it is. The women do not do this. This is not due to lack of faith in men, but rather a natural wisdom of discernment. It is rather clear that women do not have this natural skepticism and ability for discernment, otherwise they wouldn't get in to so much trouble as a result of following the wrong spirit.
Imagine if Eve had questioned who the Serpent was in the garden before obeying it. What you see as the greatest strength in women is used rountinely as their greatest weakness to the Enemy. Women trust their emotions/heart in matters of spirit, but the Heart is deceitful above all things.
"The problem being, if you fail to listen to women at all and close the world off to them, you will trigger a rebellion, hence the entire feminist movement, which has now taken on a life of it's own."
Translation: The problem of feminism is caused by men not listening to women (BLAME MEN).
"I often think of the disciples and those women at the tomb coming to report that the tomb is empty and He is risen. You just know those guys were like, sure it is, rolling their eyes, thinking, hysterical, crazy women again. Christ Himself told them what would happen and still they did not believe it, did not want to listen to what the women had to say."
Translation: Faith is not a work of God, it comes by believing what women have to say (WOMEN ARE GOD-LIKE).
"God knows women have eyes to see things men cannot, that's why Christ revealed himself first to the woman at the well, and had women placed at the foot of the cross and at the tomb."
Translation: Only women can see God.
Men who are wise, are humble enough to use women's eyes as a resource, as a tool for seeing the world in another way. Men who are arrogant and fearful close themselves off and it is men who suffer the most when they do this.
Translation: If men don't follow women, they will suffer (FEAR WOMEN).
I think the elephant in the room here hasn't been mentioned yet. Noticed maybe, but not mentioned.
Why didn't they check out ALLLLL Rom-coms made in the last 20 years? Why only the top 200 grossing ones?
I'm sure there have been many more rom-coms made which tanked at the box office which didn't follow this script. But they tanked primarily because hardly anyone except these screeching harpies want to see that type of movie, so they don't make much money. So fewer of them get made.
Ha. The market of women movie goers who see rom-coms are sexist.
GG is an eloquent argument for establishing Gor on Earth. She might not look beautiful in chains, but she'd be considerably more tolerable once gagged. Take her advice and you'll fully merit the Hell in which you find yourself.
I know she must try your patience, but I I'm learning lots about solipsism and the feminine imperative. It's like a defanged hamster for training purposes.
She is like a daily vitamin, or perhaps a laxative - a reminder of the solipsism on tap in today's world.
"Women trust their emotions/heart in matters of spirit, but the Heart is deceitful above all things."
That's actually a really interesting debate, women's hearts versus men's brains. However, you imply the truth can be found in one tiny scripture and you miss all the others like, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." or "For with the heart one believes and is justified" or "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good" or "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" or "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Men and women tend to perceive the world differently. That doesn't make one view better than the other, but if you insist on closing yourself off to what women's eyes can offer, it's a bit like cutting off your right hand.
Giraffe, Anne Morgan is your next lesson. Wow.
GG every time you post, it's like listening to some high school girl at 3AM on a saturday night at a party, babbling on and on, in some alcohol fueled level of reality distortion, pushing her idea that all men, should, at all times, make sure that ALL of their actions should always revolve, first and formost, around the WHIM of some woman (even if that whim directly contradicts and is actively harmful to her having her own needs met.)
And yet, you also claim to be a grandmother.
Please explain to me, and the rest of us, how it could be that you could achieve the age of 40, and yet, remain as utterly clueless and idiotic as a 12-year old girl still in the thralls of horse-fixation and absolute mania for the latest shitty boy-band.
Otherwise, learn when to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
The Remant - don't forget The Pill, and abortion on demand up to the moment of birth (D&X). Not sure women were at the helm of those "advances," though once acquainted and accustomed, willing consumers and advocates.
Retrenched - "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." Doesn't appear Adam put up much of a fight.
"... pushing her idea that all men, should, at all times, make sure that ALL of their actions should always revolve, first and formost, around the WHIM of some woman..."
Honestly Akulkis, it's your constant over reaction, projection, and knee jerk emotionalism, that would rival that of a high school girl at a party at 3 AM.
I said men and women perceive the world differently and you plunge into defensive hysteria mode, completely misreading and exaggerating what I said. I'm not the one who is clueless here, nor am I the one competing with 12 year old girls.
Just a personal theory of mine, but I suppose women who chase are not actually in the mood to enjoy anything they catch. I imagine dealing with the mixed drink of 14 different dominant hormone combinations is tricky business. End of chase/=fulfillment.
That isn't a tiny Scripture, but rather a verse that goes to the literal heart of humanity's nature.
If you are unable to use your intellect in order to determine where to direct the trust of your heart, you'll place it in anything. It doesn't say that your heart will guide you but rather God will when you give up your heart. You have to let go of your heart, not hold on to it.
"if you insist on closing yourself off to what women's eyes can offer, it's a bit like cutting off your right hand.
Funniest comment I've read all week. Pedestalizing women is a common affectation, as is the call to bow down at the alter of V, but the notion that a man should value a woman's point-of-view as much as he values his own dominate hand goes beyond absurdity.
Reminds me of the old joke where Adam could have had the perfect helpmate but it would have cost him his right hand and left nut, so he asked "What can I get for a rib?"
Honestly Akulkis, it's your constant over reaction, projection, and knee jerk emotionalism, that would rival that of a high school girl at a party at 3 AM.
Notice GG's unoriginality and incoherence. She can't think of any response but to try to accuse her accuser of her own behavior.
I said men and women perceive the world differently and you plunge into defensive hysteria mode, completely misreading and exaggerating what I said.
Notice also that she is a shameless liar despite her frequent appeals to Christianity. She's projecting, just as the accuser said, as she's obviously the one in "defensive hysteria mode", willing to say anything in order to try to redirect the criticism that is being aimed at her. And her claimed religious faith is observably less important to her than her need to lash out when being criticized.
See, that is pretty helpful, VD. I tend to focus on the literal of what she is saying rather than the context. I get caught up in the obfuscation. I suppose I am stuck in dialetic mode and she's always in rhetorical.
The problem with giving people what they want is that they don't always know what they want.
I find this to be more of a problem with the female sex than with males.
"Notice also that she is a shameless liar despite her frequent appeals to Christianity. She's projecting, just as the accuser said, as she's obviously the one in "defensive hysteria mode", willing to say anything in order to try to redirect the criticism that is being aimed at her. And her claimed religious faith is observably less important to her than her need to lash out when being criticized."
Actually when it comes to mirrors and projection Vox Day, you are so complicated, it's a bit like being trapped in a hall of mirrors, an infinity of projections and reflections, that makes it very difficult to see what's real and what's just a hologram. It's kind of fascinating to watch.
"...willing to say anything in order to try to redirect the criticism that is being aimed at her...."
Can I just ask a question? Why are you criticizing me as if I am responsible for all of womankind, as if I am representative of all the women in the world who have ever wounded men? I'm actually quite an outlier, typically female in some ways perhaps, but in ways my husband finds pleasing, so I really have no desire to change. My life pretty much revolves around pleasing him, so what anybody else thinks of me is kind of irrelevant.
I do not lie, Vox Day, and I do not project, and I do not need to deflect criticism towards me when it is not even about me in the first place.
you probably don't even realize when you deflect or shame or project. In sexual relations, our culture is either telling women how wonderful they are it how bad men are. This usually goes unchallenged or any deviation is quickly squashed.
Imagine for a moment if you made a general statement that "men are responsible for most violent crime." Then immediately I started accusing you of criticizing me, of being unable to love, of denying that women can be violent too, or projecting your violence onto me, then I quoted a scripture of a woman that promoted violence as support. Fact is, a general statement does not mean it is always true, doesn't not insult all in the group, and does not prove bigotry on the person saying it. The misbehavior of women, and the system that incentivizes it, are responsible for most of our family and marriage troubles today. That doesn't mean all women are bad it that men never are at fault, just like saying most serial killers are men doesn't mean all men are it that women inverse are.
None of this is personal. It is about a system, not an individual.
Sorry. Rushed on my android in a waiting room. Should have proofed.
Ah, a chance to test myself.
Actually when it comes to mirrors and projection Vox Day, you are so complicated, it's a bit like being trapped in a hall of mirrors, an infinity of projections and reflections, that makes it very difficult to see what's real and what's just a hologram. It's kind of fascinating to watch.
Blah Blah Blah, VD's accusing me of projection but it's really him projecting and I have to use all this imagery to avoid making a direct accusation because I need to maintain my victim status Blah Blah. TLDR: I know you are but what am I?
Can I just ask a question? Why are you criticizing me as if I am responsible for all of womankind, as if I am representative of all the women in the world who have ever wounded men? I'm actually quite an outlier, typically female in some ways perhaps, but in ways my husband finds pleasing, so I really have no desire to change. My life pretty much revolves around pleasing him, so what anybody else thinks of me is kind of irrelevant.
I do not lie, Vox Day, and I do not project, and I do not need to deflect criticism towards me when it is not even about me in the first place.
TLDR: I AM A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE!!!!! (And again with the solipsism, VD did not accuse her of representing all womankind. It's almost like she inserted herself into that status to make VD look like a bully.)
"None of this is personal. It is about a system, not an individual. "
Trust, when people are directly accusing me of things I haven't done without even knowing me, it's personal and it's an attack. I know it's ultimately about a system, not an individual, hence my question, why am I being attacked for the acts of all of wounding womankind ?
"TLDR: I AM A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE!!!!! (And again with the solipsism, VD did not accuse her of representing all womankind. It's almost like she inserted herself into that status to make VD look like a bully.)"
Uh, hello! Vox Day really is a bully. I didn't insert myself into any status to make him look like anything, Vox is what he is. Trust me, I got it loud and clear, bully.
Giraffe, aren't you the one claiming to want a defanged hamster? I don't even know what to say to a grown man who needs his hamster defanged. I don't know whether to cry over the brokenness hiding behind that comment or to offer to protect and kill spiders for you. I'm sorry, seriously
Women's viewpoints are often valuable and useful, but only in matters where female ego and self concern are not evident. Assessment of girlfriends, peer interactions, etc. where women have no direct but family interest (aunts, mothers, sisters, cousins) is of course useful thought not definitive and GG is correct that women can often pick up social cues and details that elude men.
For example, read Jane Austen and you get a minute detailing of social status, how it moves up and down, based not just on inheritance, wealth, etc. but general deportment, character, and intelligence. A woman wrote, cold-eyed, how flighty, overly emotional, and tingle-driven women trend downwards in status and life, while women who are "mistresses of their own domain" so to speak generally though not always trend up.
As for Rom-Coms, they speak to a female fantasy of having both social and economic power and that hot guy. What is interesting is that they have been failing of late, displaced by female-buddy-gross out comedies (Bridesmaids, the Heat) as women have itself rejected the fantasy of one guy.
Rom Coms have some fairly impressive talent behind them. Gerard Butler decided getting ultra buff for 300 was too hard, so he went full Rom Com. The writers generally are the same. The Directors the same. Why then the inflection point, of around 2006-2008, where Rom Coms just started to fail at the box office?
My guess is women are rejecting the entire premise, that they would want or need one guy who is Alpha above all devoted to them.
I don't know if this is true, but the failure of Rom Coms is suggestive. IF we are seeing a major shift in women's expectations, we can expect a shift in behavior fairly quickly, towards Black behavior. Not even the attempt at monogamy, single motherhood as far as you can imagine, multiple kids each by a different father, and zero paternal investment with an ultra premium on transient male sexiness and a huge penalty for provider beta faithfulness.
Lets not forget, women get entirely the men they crave. In my view, the failure of Rom Coms could well be an ominous signal indicating a big preference shift from women: all thug bad boy, all the time, not even the desire for a permanent Alpha mate.
Notice also that she is a shameless liar
The inability to retract or correct herself once caught in the blatant lie reminds me of an alcoholic I know. (See Michael Maier's comment in the "Female education is dysgenic" thread where he calls out her lies). I know you like to set her out as an example of the solipsistic woman, and I agree there is a bit of GG in all women, especially those who are not the least concerned with wisdom or logic, but this woman really seems to be on the edge of a medical mental condition.
"The inability to retract or correct herself once caught in the blatant lie reminds me of an alcoholic I know."
Sarah, I haven't been caught in any sort of lie. I also dislike your rather pathetic and strongly sexual desire to suck up to these men by telling them whatever they want to hear. You may not be aware of this, but I tend to dislike women quite a bit, even more than some of the men here do, and women like you are the reason why.
Rather then standing up for what's right, rather then engaging the clutch and applying some critical thinking skills, women like you are motivated by nothing more than a desire to eliminate the sexual competition and seek constant male approval. You Sarah, and women like you, have shown me a viciousness that rivals that of any man.
I suppose some of the men on here don't like women, but most of us do like them.
We don't necessarily trust them, nor expect much adult behavior from most modern American women, but they are what they are, and can be delightful as long as they aren't place upon a pedestal.
but most of us do like them
I have been fortunate to have many women in my association that I am very fond of. They are in agreement with their husbands and have a very clear understanding of what obedience to God is all about for a woman. Several of their husbands are in agreement with my husband on many issues, which of course makes associating with them all that much more pleasant.
In fact, there is little in this world more beautiful to me than a woman who submits to her husband (or father if she's young like my daughters), considers him in her conversations, is careful to not present herself as disrespectful, condescending, or authoritative, and honors him with her public interactions.
Rather then standing up for what's right...
That you consider what I stand for to be wrong tells us all we need to know about you. It is not right to elevate women above men. It is not right for a woman to attempt to teach men. It is not right for a married woman to concern herself with any man's opinion of her other than her husband's. Yet repeatedly you say things such as: "Why are you criticizing me" - as you did in this very thread. Why would it matter why Vox or anyone is criticizing you? If you are in agreement with your husband (and that opinion is contrary to most of the men here), you should know quite clearly why you are being criticized. If you are in agreement with your husband, it can't matter to you why you are being criticized here. Yet you continue to ask - "why don't you like me, Vox???" Which makes your comment towards me even more evidence of your projection.
Above all things, women need to be valued and accepted by others, which makes it hard for them to endure criticism or accept blame. It's their nature, and greatest weakness. They will almost always follow whatever path leads to validation and acceptance, and avoids criticism and blame. The nature of the path is usually irrelevant.
Uh, hello! Vox Day really is a bully. I didn't insert myself into any status to make him look like anything, Vox is what he is. Trust me, I got it loud and clear, bully.
Giraffe, aren't you the one claiming to want a defanged hamster? I don't even know what to say to a grown man who needs his hamster defanged. I don't know whether to cry over the brokenness hiding behind that comment or to offer to protect and kill spiders for you. I'm sorry, seriously
First, Vox mostly ignores you. He doesn't bully anyone on this blog. And he never starts things, he finishes them.
Secondly, I didn't claim I wanted a defanged hamster. I said you are like one. Because this is too easy.
Third, I'll be all right, I can kill my own varmints. I note how you complain about Vox bullying you and then immediately start questioning my manhood. Trying to bully me? That is called hypocrisy. And projection. Like I said, too easy.
"Trying to bully me? That is called hypocrisy. And projection. Like I said, too easy"
LOL! In all sincerity Giraffe, that was quite charming, but listen, I am completely incapable of bullying you. It's not even possible. All I have are little, harmless words. Also, I have no desire to bully you at all, but well done anyway.
"They will almost always follow whatever path leads to validation and acceptance, and avoids criticism and blame. The nature of the path is usually irrelevant."
That's actually quite true, Michael Orloff, of most women anyway. It's one of the things that drives me nuts about women, because they are so easily lead astray and played by their desire to fit in socially and to be accepted. I actually exist a bit outside of this norm, so I am not a good example of women in general, in that regard.
Vox is a bully, because of little, harmless, words, but you are not. Think before you type.
So GG... you're saying you're NOT a two-faced snake attempting to shame the use of shame itself and then using it as a cat-o-nine-tails when it suits your purpose?
(Thanks Sarah... I somehow overlooked her "overlooking" my comment the other day. In my favour, she isn't the least bit consistent or even much coherent anyways.)
Vox Day wrote: **Don't give them the initial inch and thereby prevent the eventual mile.**
Well, wouldn't that apply to Christian Men, as well? Since it has been specifically stated here that the long term goal is to deny women education, have women who are too ugly either locked away or forced to do menial labor for low wages, and for women with better looks to be forced to pop out babies and engage in sex on demand, even when she is in labor, a woman would have to be a complete fool to give Christians an inch of power, lest they get the inevitable mile.
I'm so glad I'm a white male.
Now I totally have the privilege of dominating ugly broads for my fun and profit!
Can you please try to be dummer? I'm totally wondering what that could look like.
**Can you please try to be dummer? I'm totally wondering what that could look like.**
Imagine looking down the barrel of a deer rifle. That would be a fairly close visual image.
"...and for women with better looks to be forced to pop out babies and engage in sex on demand, even when she is labor, a woman would have to be a complete fool to give Christians an inch of power..."
OMG, Christians SAID WHA??!
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