Colorado College has suspended and banned a student from campus for nearly two years in response to a comment intended as a joke on the anonymous social media application Yik Yak.Remember, if THEY can ban speech, WE can ban speech. So ban harder. Ban better.
In November 2015, Thaddeus Pryor sent an anonymous reply to the comment “#blackwomenmatter” on Yik Yak. Pryor’s response read, “They matter, they’re just not hot.” On November 20, Colorado College found that Pryor’s post violated its “Abusive Behavior” and “Disruption of College Activities” policies and suspended him from the college until August 28, 2017. In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit. Pryor has appealed his suspension.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Freedom of speech in America
Remember, all black lives matter and all black women are hot:
In the meantime, the college has banned Pryor from setting foot on campus and has forbidden him from taking classes at other institutions for academic credit.
Wait, isn't access to education a constitutional (or other legally binding-) right in the US?
Rules only matter when you are the right kind of student, fan, citizen, etc.
From another source He felt that his suspension period was unjust, and he should have been given a lesser punishment because he owned up his mistakes and apologized.
Goes to show that nothing is truly anonymous online.
he should transfer out of there. money talks
>all black women are hot
No they aren't, not to most men. Even blue-pilled Aeoli in 10th grade had figured this out after hearing many times, in hushed voices: "You know, I'm just not attracted to black girls."
I think it's probably because we generally aren't as fertile with them.
That said, I saw some exceptions to this rule at the strip club I worked at. But generally speaking, black skin lowers female SMV by a solid 3-4 points.
I believe this is unfortunate but it is true nonetheless.
There is no way they can ban him from attending other institutions. SJWs gone wild.
There is no way they can ban him from attending other institutions. SJWs gone wild.
Presumably they just aren't going to accept transfer credits.
It's also possible that they're refusing to release his transcripts (which would effectively bar admission to another college, IIRC), but I think he'd have grounds to sue for damages so that's probably not the case.
But generally speaking, black skin lowers female SMV by a solid 3-4 points.
What usually lowers a black woman's attractiveness far more than her skin tone is what comes out of her mouth when she opens it and foolishly decides to exercise her tongue.
I dated a black woman for a number of years. I did so because a sweet woman was single. And as great as it was while it lasted, I really doubt I will ever do so again. Blacks are incredibly, greatly and reflexively tribal and oversensitive. And they're very blind about themselves being so.
Adding the thought of breeding and having my spawn look nothing like me, and it adds up to me excluding the most exemplary black women out of my dating circle.
And that's leaving OUT the idea of most black women being VERY rude, facially ugly and obese.
I'm reminded of Steve Sailer's First Law of Female Journalism, just more totalitarian.
Keep in mind, the guy didn't say, "They're ugly" or even, "I'm not attracted to them."
All he said was that they weren't "hot."
I pity that guy because the RP movement likely didn't reach him and it's highly unlikely the protocol to combat SJWs reached him.
So, like many before him (myself included via Churchian marriage/inevitable frivorce), he did what he was told to do to assuage their feel bads.
It's a hard lesson. Hopefully, he learns from it and doesn't double down on the groveling the next time it happens, because running afoul of SJWs will happen again if he's a normal guy leading a normal life.
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That is some classy spam.
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