I'm beginning to think her husband is up for the Gamma Fuck of the Year Award. She was probably hen pecking him the entire time they loading up.There is no escape for the Gamma. Not even into radical terrorism.
Tashfeen: Did you bring the Pipebombs?
Sayeed: Yes Dear.
Tashfeen: Remember to Tap, Rack, Bang if the gun misfires. This ammo YOU BOUGHT is pretty old.
Sayeed: Of course my love.
Tashfeen: Why is this ammo so old? Why can't we have new ammo? Why can't you get a better job so we can have proper, Deen ammo? Is this ammo Deen? It had better be Deen?
Sayeed: Naturally my flower.
Tashfeen: Did you remember to post your oath of Baya'a to our Caliph. You can't enter paradise and meet the rest of your SEVENTY TWO new wives if you haven't sworn the Baya'a to the Caliph.
Sayeed: Naturally my passion. (*Secretly and excitedly to himself. I did no such thing. I'm going to Hell. Finally I'll be free.*)
Friday, December 4, 2015
Alpha Mail: a dialogue
In which we are informed that the San Bernardino shooter pledged allegiance to the Caliph of the Islamic State. Someone who knows a lot more about Islamic culture and Arab women than I do wrote this.
The only thing I would add from my own observation would be an obsession by Sayeed for the latest in women's shoes, handbags, etc. The idea that muslim men, especially jihadis like Sayeed, are more masculine than western men is based on a lack of exposure to reality.
No words...perfect sir.
@Dalrock - Having been around a very good number of them, I agree. That said, it's also much more permissible in their culture to act in a masculine fashion, so those who do stand out in post-modern America.
The idea that muslim men, especially jihadis like Sayeed, are more masculine than western men is based on a lack of exposure to reality.
Until you've had to deal with Arabic children, you have no idea.
Both in my own dojo and when I was teaching for my sensei, we had a non-trivial number of Arabic children in our youth classes. Every single one I've ever dealt with has been one of the biggest pansy children I've ever met. See, the problem is that in Arabic cultures sons are princes of the house. They're basically treated like royalty from the time they're babies, and no woman (including mother) is allowed to discipline them. So they quickly become little spoiled brats, and they can't handle it the instant they hit any kind of real discipline or actual hardship.
Without fail, it's the mothers who bring them to class, hoping to instill a little bit of discipline that they know the fathers aren't giving them - and hoping to add a little bit of manliness to the kids that they know are little twerps. Give them a little discipline and the mothers just go nuts with how much they love it. Then the fathers come in and scowl.
This tends to be more of an Arabic cultural thing than a specifically Muslim one. I've had Egyptian and Persian Muslim students before who didn't exhibit this problem at all (in fact, they were quite well behaved). But it's definitely real.
Something I read, forgot where, is that honor killings are instigated by the older women. "Omar, you will cleanse the dishonor or everybody finds out that you're not quite the man you're strutting around like you are."
"Achmed bought Nafisha brand new FMJ ammo. And an Italian plate carrier. I have this crappy Chinese knock-off vest. It would probably give me cancer if I was going to live that long. I should have listened to my mother and married a Yemeni."
Great. There is nothing more to say.
"This tends to be more of an Arabic cultural thing than a specifically Muslim one. I've had Egyptian and Persian Muslim students before who didn't exhibit this problem at all (in fact, they were quite well behaved)."
That's an interesting observation. If it generalizes, we might just be able to move this away from being a religious conflict toward being a cultural one. Might well be easier to fight, especially since it offers the potential to peel off a lot of non-Arab Moslems.
Reminds me of the article about some girl egging her boyfriend into suicide I have read here before.
I have no shortage of experience with hajjis, from across the globe and over about 2 decades. None have come across as particularity masculine or alpha, unless its of the high strung like a woman variety. Women do like their hysterics. But as sad a shape as masculinity is in the usa, most of the world doesn't stack up.
This is exactly what was missing from the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan novels.
If you've seen the photo of her without the burqa, you may not be able to understand why he killed, but every man will understand why he wanted to die.
Have some eye bleach standing by...
Meanwhile, in Paris, a jihadi gets friendzoned for all eternity:
Meanwhile, in Paris, a jihadi gets friendzoned for all eternity:
So, I guess the negroid gang signs are pleasing to Allah...
Since early this year, Aitboulahcen had been placed on “triple surveillance” by the French authorities for drug crimes and terrorist links. Police say she attempted to join Islamic State in Syria, but failed to do so and “offered her services to commit terrorist attacks in France.”
TRIPLE surveillance! Because you can't just put the crazy bitch on a plane to Syria to be a comfort girl for the jihadis. That would be far too sane and sensible.
If you can't do anything but sit there and watch until they actually kill someone - and you can't stop them from doing that - then it hardly matters how many levels of surveillance there are.
If you've seen the photo of her without the burqa, you may not be able to understand why he killed, but every man will understand why he wanted to die.
Have some eye bleach standing by...
That's a man baby!
I recently shot 100 rounds of ammo that was manufactured in 1952. It all functioned perfectly after being stored in multiple locations over that 63 years. As long as you keep it dry and cool it will last a long time.
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