Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris 13.11.2015

Some things go beyond Game. This is one of them. As the Bible says, there is a time for peace and a time for war. We have evidently entered the latter season. As a Man of the West, it is time to begin preparing yourself accordingly.

War is upon you whether you will or no. It takes two to tango, but only one to war.


Hammerli 280 said...

Amen. I'm in the dojo twice a week, will be stepping up my shooting to five sessions per week.

Anonymous said...

Let's prey the French find their balls and expel the foreign invaders

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should have the feminists do something useful for a change, and go teach Muslims not to murder.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Well said. It's coming.

Anonymous said...

A nation is soil protected by borders.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

In the eyes of Islam, you are a Christian whether you like it or not. Doesn't matter if you are a fat, worthless gamma atheist neckbeard. The enemy sees you as Christians, and that is the important factor.

cecilhenry said...


That is the crime. Muslim violence is but one aspect. If Muslims were peaceful the issue would NOT change. Politicians past and present must be held accountable. 'Just obeying orders' is not an excuse.

The West including the US and Canada is a culture created by a specific people and it will be destroyed if that people is dispossessed. Europeans everywhere have the self-evident right to secure their homelands for themselves, without regard to the claims others make upon it.

Freedom now from this enforced, coercive, parasitic, anti-white, genocidal diversity.

CostelloM said...

I pray that France and the rest of Europe will rise up and drive out the evil menace that has invaded and the demonic leaders that allowed for it.

Trust said...

Two to tango applies to any relationship. Getting along takes two, conflict takes one.

Unknown said...

Two to tango applies to any relationship. Getting along takes two, conflict takes one.
Quoted for emphasis.

Anonymous said...

You best start believing in Holy Wars....

Anonymous said...

So the rule of military operations is not to count on opponents not coming, but to rely on having ways of dealing with them; not to count on opponents not attacking, but to rely on having what cannot be attacked. Sun Tzu - The Art of War

Trust said...

@ White Devil said... Quoted for emphasis.

I basically just expanded what VD posted.

This mistakes is made from the small to the large. Unfortunately, it is almost always the wrongdoers which are best prepared for conflict since it doesn't start until they are ready, usually when the target is not.

Many assume they won't need a prenup or that anti-male laws won't affect them bc they typically have no intent of not fulfilling their duties. Women assume the need protection and third party force in case they are unhaaapppyyy.

France assumed they were safe bc they were nice, and compared those war mongering Americans to Nazi Germany and their president to Hitler. The Jihadists saw them was weak infidels and ripe targets. Now France will probably expect help from the USA.

Trust said...

I'm in Peoria Illinois right now, And there are people marching with signs with naive slogans.

" War is terrorism with a bigger budget"

" Stop war junkies"

Why don't these fools go over to the Middle East with their signs, if the dare. Much easier to protest among people who won't hurt them.@@@

Unknown said...

This is all well and good and I am in complete agreement. But where do I sign up? Who is leading us to the Reconquista? You see, if I decide to take up the banner and fight, no one joins in, I simply rot in a nagger prison while my family pays the price. We need leadership and the ok to unleash. That is all that is holding this in he bottle. In the U.S. there is nothing yet to greenlight us. Nothing extreme enough that is. But if I were French, I would find others like me quickly and torches would be lit....

Student in Blue said...

I'm in Peoria Illinois right now, And there are people marching with signs with naive slogans.

" War is terrorism with a bigger budget"

Well, the reverse is true at least. Terrorism is war on a shoestring budget.

liberranter said...

I can already hear the Hungarians saying "we told you so!" How many other European nations will get smart and encircle themselves with barbed wire and armed guards (after driving the barbarians already there out, of course)?

Anonymous said...

You can take a look over on my site at the graphic I created. It is a takeoff on the Eiffel Tower / peace sign icon people are posting everywhere.


Mavari said...

If this attack is your wake up moment, and all the rest of your life has been one of fear and weakness, where do you start to prepare?

tweell said...

Preparation starts and finishes in the mental realm. Are you willing to take someone's life if they are trying to take yours? What are you willing to do to prepare? What laws are you willing to break in order to protect yourself? How threatening must the situation be before you act? Decide now, because later there will be no time.

Take your answers and fund them. Will you get a firearm, a concealed carry license and training? Will you get pepper spray? What will you get for your family? How about food and water? Is there a place you can go to if where you are becomes too dangerous to stay? How would you get there (with alternative routes)? What can you store there?

Next, change your way of thinking. Will you avoid areas that do not allow self-defense ('gun free zones', otherwise known as terrorist protection zones), or will you carry in defiance of those laws? Will you carry on with your life in the 'white zone' of thinking no danger exists, or will you move some of your behavior into 'yellow zone', examining people and places for possible threats and planning on the spot what to do if needed?

Choose wisely.

Jeff said...

Mavari, beyond what tweel said, begin to understand the root cause of all of these problems. Why are Syrians in Europe? I'll say it's because their country is being bombed and terrorized. Who is doing the bombing and who is supporting the terrorists? I'll say that's the US. Now obviously it's not all of the US, so one needs to figure out who benefits as those are typically the ones pulling the strings.

Eventually you'll see that the source of much of these evil acts are either Tel Aviv or Riyadh. The mainstream media will never say this - look who owns/runs the media.

I don't know how to fix it or stop it, but at least I understand who is truly to blame.

MichaelJMaier said...

"...will be stepping up my shooting to five sessions per week."

Dang... wish I had the money to afford ammo like that.

Hammerli 280 said...

To be honest, most of it will be air pistol. I've a full 10 meter range laid out in my home. But I usually manage two trips to the pistol range with the firearms per week. OTOH, I shoot competitively at a very high level.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

It was a wake up call for the ones who were still sleeping. Pray for Paris.

Anonymous said...

Between 15-64 years 27 000 000 Germans are male.
We can assume that for 15-32 the numbers would be 13.5 million.
If Germany adds 1 million 90% male migrants that is 10% of this groups demographic and if they had 10 million by 2020 that's over half.
This would change the sex ratio for this demographic from 1.04 to 1.11 and 1.71 respectively for this age group.
1.11 and 1.71 is worse than China's and India's sex ratios.
1.71 means there will be almost 2 men for every one women in this age group, and that is supposed to be fine.
The media goes into consternations and theorising over how China's sex ratios and India's sex ratios cause unrest in their populations and they don't even make a peep about this?!?!
That just goes to show the media's cards. Nothing they say is true.
Redpill people about this sex ratio and the scientific studies surrounding it.
Maybe start a hashtag abou the #Barebranches theory of gender ratios.
"What happens to a society that has too many men? In this provocative book, Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer argue that, historically, high male-to-female ratios often trigger domestic and international violence. "

Matamoros said...

French police arrest five Russians suspected of planning an attack

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

...and Chechens are white Muslims.

Tommy Hass said...

Why don't you go ahead and speak openly what exactly you want the "Men of the West" to do?

Also, if you think this is war, you are very spoiled. My country had multiple attacks like this ocurring in it and I don't count it as a real war.

Tommy Hass said...

"Eventually you'll see that the source of much of these evil acts are either Tel Aviv or Riyadh. The mainstream media will never say this - look who owns/runs the media."

Sounds about right. It's not just Jooooos that are to blame but the House of Saud too. The Mullahs in Iran seem to be nice by comparison.

Tommy Hass said...

How sad, that even I, a foreign person, would do a better job of saving Yurop than the current "leaders" along with a huge chunk of it's idiot population.

Tommy Hass said...

Why does nobody go after the relatives of terrorists? It's supremely deterring and much easier to pull of politically than large scale genocide/deportation.

frenchy said...

@ Tommy Hass.

"Corruption of blood" is bad route to take. If you can't do it, neither can the state. And if you give the state this power, and lay all of the laws flat, what do you do when you're accused? Once you give the state this power, how do you restrain it? To where does it NOT apply?

Unless you are complicit in what your relative did, you cannot, and should not, be held accountable. Their sins are their sins alone.

Trust said...

@ Tommy Hass said... Why does nobody go after the relatives of terrorists? It's supremely deterring and much easier to pull of politically than large scale genocide/deportation.

Because it's evil, obviously. Children of terrorists are not culpable for the acts of their fathers.

Mindstorm said...

Most terrorists are single.

Anonymous said...

It takes two to tango, but only one to war.

As my tango teacher said, “Tango is like life. When something goes wrong, it is always the woman’s fault."

Trust said...


Fair enough. But Tommy's idea assumed they do and I responded to that.

Robert said...

Don't I remember accurately that the Russians, in one of the numberless Syria/Lebanon Muslim atrocity campaigns, went after the relatives of terrorists who captured a Russian citizen? They sent a couple of fingers of their relatives to the terrorists. The Russian was immediately released.

Anonymous said...

The moral high ground is were ever you place your artillery


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

OT: Vox, did you see this?

'Man Caves Perpetuate Patriarchy'

No safe spaces for men!

Anchorman said...

I thought that was the PLO.

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