Friday, November 20, 2015

Equality is payback

Keep that in mind whenever you hear a feminist talking about equality.
    A kindergarten teacher in Bainbridge Island, Wash., actively denies her male students the opportunity to play with Lego blocks in order to encourage her female students to play with them.

    Karen Keller bars the boys in her class from playing with the colorful blocks, even going so far as to lie to them about their opportunity to play.

    “I always tell the boys, ‘You’re going to have a turn’ — and I’m like, ‘Yeah, when hell freezes over’ in my head,” Keller told the Bainbridge Island Review. “I tell them, ‘You’ll have a turn’ because I don’t want them to feel bad.”
On a larger scale, this is exactly what "women in STEM", "women in game development", and "girls who code" are expected to achieve. The purpose isn't to get the girls in, it is to drive the boys out.


Dark Herald said...

On a larger scale, this is exactly what "women in STEM", "women in game development", and "girls who code" are expected to achieve. The purpose isn't to get the girls in, it is to drive the boys out.

No denying it. It can be very effective. The MSU College Veterinary Medicine used to rank in the top 1 to 3 schools annually.

It is now ranked 13th in the nation.

All because ONE SJW got put in charge of the admissions office. She steps on the rope for women and minorities regardless of how unqualified they are and raises it over her head for cis-gendered whites no matter how good their qualifications are.

The large animal side of things in the meat and drink of a Vet College and it has absolutely gone to hell at MSU because SJW vets only want to play with puppies and kittens. Bluntly Michigan doesn't need more sub standard small animal vets, what it needs are pig docs and they aren't going to get them.

All because one female SJW got into the right place to ruin everything.

Zach said...

Aw hell. That was one huge reason to be proud of the place.

All right - thought experiment: how to fix it?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Pink slip, bitch.

Dark Herald said...

Being a STEM department destroying SJW is not grounds for dismissal at a modern university.

Any attempt to remove her would be met with campus martyrdom AND a raise.

Anonymous said...

So now American children are entrusted to their openly declared enemies. Those parents need to work together to get the sociopathic cunt fired.


Aeoli Pera said...

>So now American children are entrusted to their openly declared enemies. Those parents need to work together to get the sociopathic cunt fired.

If parents can't be bothered about all the teachers who are child molesters and uneducated savages, this isn't going to faze them.

Just face it: 95% of parents can't be bothered about what is done to their children as long as they don't have to see it.

Aeoli Pera said...

Related: “All girls are molested in the ghetto.” In the 3rd world, this is just the normal way children are treated. R-selection is a child-molesting bitch.

Unknown said...

People who want to change the World are usually completely insane. This crazy bitch believes that Big Lie that children are a blank slate that you can write anything on. Its the excuse child molesters use to set up fun places to get kids used to sex by abusing them and Marxists also use it as an excuse to lie to your kids in screwl and college looniveristy that Stone Age savages are just as smart as you and you should have retarded brown babies that are easier for idiots to control.
The Gods laugh. What fools these mortals be. The stupidest of all are the Atheists. They think they know more than God and will someday walk in the Heavens. There is a nice warm place for those delusions to disappear, even if it takes Forever.

tweell said...

Public education is child abuse. Homeschool your children!

Hammerli 280 said...

Sounds like a lawsuit to me... :-)

Rex Little said...

This teacher is the subject of the lead post at the blog, which is run by a woman whose views on feminism match Vox's. (In fact, her opinions line up with his on just about every subject except religion--she's an atheist.)

Terrific said...

Another thing that's kinda astounding is that this bitch is so deluded she thinks she can say this in a public publication and everyone will shower her with approbation.

Slap that bitch down.

PhantomZodak said...

where are these boys' fathers to get this awful teacher fired? how is this article not emailed to all of them & posted around the school for parents to see?

Anonymous said...

How would a parent go about getting her fired - speak with a labor laws attorney and take the matter to the board of education?


Anonymous said...

I didn't mention this at first because pimping your blog is bad form but I reconsidered because the subjects are so related. I wrote a post on my site last night, contrasting two snapshots, one from a society that values its boys and one from a society that doesnt.


little dynamo said...

"The purpose isn't to get the girls in, it is to drive the boys out."

Not merely drive the Little pre-Perpetrators out, but to punish them for being male. That's at the heart of Fundamentally Transformed Amerika.

Karen Keller should be fired for Discrimination and offenses against their Goddess of Equality. Why is she still 'teaching'? What do Karen and the Snack Room Sisterhood have cooked-up next for the Little Oppressors in their classes? Would you be comfortable sending your boy to spend all day, unsupervised, with Karen and her friends?

liberranter said...

If parents can't be bothered about all the teachers who are child molesters and uneducated savages, this isn't going to faze them.

Just face it: 95% of parents can't be bothered about what is done to their children as long as they don't have to see it.

You took the words right off of my fingertips (Tweell summed it up even more succinctly).

Dangerous SJW bitchtards like this indoctrinatrix would not exist if it weren't for lazy, neglectful excuses for parents who endanger their children by putting them in her charge. Bottom line: parents who put their children in gunvernment-run indoctrination centers have ZE-RO right to act surprised or complain when their children are abused, neglected, or otherwise mistreated. Unless they are profoundly mentally retarded or have been in a vegetative state for their entire adult lives, it is impossible for any Amerikan parent to NOT know what they are subjecting their children to.

@Aeoli Pera:

You're absolutely correct. Most parents, through their observable behavior and attitudes, don't give a damn about their children's wellbeing. "Me, Myself, and Mammon" is most definitely prioridad numero uno.

liberranter said...

Would you be comfortable sending your boy to spend all day, unsupervised, with Karen and her friends?

Most parents today wouldn't give it a second thought. Indeed, they'd think YOU were the crazy one for even bringing up an objection.

rumpole5 said...

My son saw the inside of the public school for just a few weeks of speech therapy sessions. Otherwise ALL of his private education was paid for, and supervised by me personally, through high school. I haven't had to pay much since, because academic scholarships, and now the US Army have picked up the tab. If you have young ones, you might want to consider that an early investment of time and money might yield considerable savings down the line. That "free" public education is a mirage and trap.

Matamoros said...

All this won't end until true pay back begins. Then the SJWs will be too afraid to stick their necks out.

Unknown said...

Rex Little, she seems to have gotten it from the Washington Examiner, which got it from the venerable Bainbridge Island Review. Vox Day is branching out from the Daily Mail! Still, it's a good bet this never happened, but his readers need to get their outrage on.

Kirk Parker said...

Violet: go away troll--the newspaper this was published in is a legit local paper, and other Western Washington news outlets have also picked up the story.

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm so glad I grew up when I did. Since then the SJWs have managed to poison the well for people, particularly men, who just want to succeed through discipline and hard work.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Women who deny their nature are perverts. Men who deny their's are perverts too.

Bill Henry said...

this is why I have my wife stay home and homeschool my children

Anonymous said...

Well, as an update to the story, both the cunt and her school district have started trying to back down. The cunt says she only did this for the first month of class to encourage the girls, and the comment about lying to the boys was just a casual remark and she didn't really mean it. The district insists the story is inaccurate and that they don't discriminate against boys, certainly not in any way that could get them sued or the principal fired.

Bainbridge Island has a lot of liberals, but it also has a lot of people with money and if one of them is pissed about this, it could get interesting. Or it could fizzle. But this would be a good scalp to claim if we can.

From the article was this quote: "When you have an axe to grind with 5yr old boys, maybe you shouldn't teach kindergarten."

Retrenched said...

"The cunt says she only did this for the first month of class to encourage the girls, and the comment about lying to the boys was just a casual remark and she didn't really mean it."

How often to SJWs lie, again? I forgot....

Retrenched said...

"The cunt says she only did this for the first month of class to encourage the girls, and the comment about lying to the boys was just a casual remark and she didn't really mean it."

How often to SJWs lie, again? I forgot....

Unknown said...

You know you could probably solve problems like this yourself by writing a message on her car windshield with a hammer. The cops aren't gonna waste manpower on something like that and she will see that these kind of things have real world consequences which could someday cost her more than just money.

The CronoLink said...

Fucking bitch....

Anonymous said...

liberranter said...
Most parents, through their observable behavior and attitudes, don't give a damn about their children's wellbeing. "Me, Myself, and Mammon" is most definitely prioridad numero uno.

most parents were groomed to accept Cluster B domination strategies. the majority of the rest either are Cluster Bs or learned to simulate Cluster B behaviors and consider them acceptable.

it's not so much that it's "me and money" that they're concerned about, it's that THEY were socialized to be this way in pub school.

Eric said...
I'm so glad I grew up when I did. Since then the SJWs have managed to poison the well for people, particularly men, who just want to succeed through discipline and hard work.

unless you attended school pre-WW2, there is almost zero chance that you didn't experience this grooming for yourself. it just wasn't so open and obvious as it is today.

i experienced it from the early 70s on, i had a friend who was treated the same way by the teachers in the 50s.

i'll give you a hint:
"Sticks and stones
can break my bones
but words will never hurt me"

is one of the most blatantly bullshit assertions ever. people used to fight duels and die over words. every 'Mean Girl' in junior high knows the destructive power of words, and far prefers them to a physical altercation.

this is an adage which was created by a Narcissist ( or other Cluster B ) for the express purpose of belittling the person whom they had offended, of creating a false social dynamic in which *they* are permitted to function without limits while any attempt by the victim to fight back ( even verbally ) is characterized as over reaction or excess sensitivity.
6. She makes you look crazy.
If you try to confront her about something she's done, she'll tell you that you have "a very vivid imagination" (this is a phrase commonly used by abusers of all sorts to invalidate your experience of their abuse) that you don't know what you're talking about, or that she has no idea what you're talking about. She will claim not to remember even very memorable events, flatly denying they ever happened, nor will she ever acknowledge any possibility that she might have forgotten. This is an extremely aggressive and exceptionally infuriating tactic called "gaslighting," common to abusers of all kinds.

Your perceptions of reality are continually undermined so that you end up without any confidence in your intuition, your memory or your powers of reasoning. This makes you a much better victim for the abuser.

MichaelJMaier said...

My kindergarten teacher was a black woman. I remember being convinced she hated boys but I don't recall why exactly. This has been almost 40 years ago now. But also I don't recall thinking that of any other teacher from my school days. I think she insisted on being "Ms. Williams" so her being a rabid feminist in the mid 70s would make sense. If I had to guess, I would say now that I was probably more observant than I "should have been".

liberranter said...

My kindergarten teacher was a black woman. I remember being convinced she hated boys but I don't recall why exactly.

You've answered your own question with your first sentence.

Poodle said...

I am a male kindergarten teacher. I am outnumbered in my workplace 15 to 1. That is true across the whole sector. Early childhood education is based on a dominant feminist paradigm in my opinion.
As for the teacher, she has already been shown she is prejudiced, a liar and completely unaware of modern educational theory.

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