If you asked a woman whether she would be wary of marrying a man who was a recovering alcoholic or a cleaned up heroin addict she’d probably disqualify him as a marriage prospect from the outset. And were she to go ahead and marry him anyway with full disclosure of his past addictions, would we be sympathetic with her if he were to relapse and she to bear the brunt of his past indiscretions?If you wouldn't marry a drug addict, why would you marry a cock addict?
Now suppose that woman married this former addict, but due to his being offended about her prying into his past, she was ignorant of his old addictions. She has her suspicions, but society tells her it’s not her purview to hold him accountable for anything that happened in his past.
He’s moved on and so should she, right? Any lingering consequences from his addictions (such as a DUI, criminal record or his unemployability) shouldn’t be held against him, nor should she judge him, nor should she consider those consequences whatsoever when she’s assessing his suitability for marriage now.
In fact, she should feel ashamed to even consider his past with regard to her feelings about who he is. Her judgementalism only points to her own character flaws.
Now, would we praise that woman for “following her heart” and marrying him? Would we hold her accountable for the decision to marry him if he relapses?
Reverse the genders and this scenario is precisely why women become so hostile when men even hint at ‘judging’ women’s past sexual decisions.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Don't marry cock addicts
Rollo explains the importance of the vetting process:
Part of it is because a ton of modern gammas and deltas are so hamstrung that they wish their partner will ask for sex, instead of doing the seducing themselves.
It's the only explanation I can come up with for the readers of fiction about "worldly girls". The girls do the seducing, the man doesn't have to do any badthoughtcrime, and the man hopes deep, deep down that it's only him she's going to put out for.
The visceral reaction when there's fiction of women cheating is proof enough. It seems bluepilled guys either go absolutely bonkers when it comes up in stories, or they go full cuck.
A group of guys are friends, like to party. A girl shows up and first one, then another, then another sleep with her until all five have slept with her (probably not the same night, but today? Who knows.) The fifth guy shortly marries her. True story. Don't be guy five.
Quite. Bang a cock addict, just don't marry her.
It seems as if these days girls aren't good for much.
I almost feel sorry for young Christians and tradcons who want to find a good one.
@ Laguna: i'd argue the opposite. As a father of a [real] good Christian girl, who got married at an early age, I feel sorry for guys out there looking for a good girl to marry. There aren't many, and there are about ZERO outside of one who was the result of a godly Christian upbringing.
Too many guys are too needy. No matter what makes sense or not - without control they are lost.
from http://freedompowerandwealth.com
@Student in Blue
There may be some truth to what you're saying, but I have anohter explanation. Those "deltas and gammas" simply desire to be desired. The problem is, it is unlikely to get such sexual reciprocity from a creature that is thoroughly self-centered, fidgety and hypergamous.
Women and cocks resemble Eve and the fruit. God has told her she can have as much as she wants from her husband, but nor from the carousel. So naturally, her husband's is the only one she doesn't want.
Remember, the serpent tempted Eve foe a reason.
So vetting means, "... you subtly, covertly and discretely pick up on the many cues and tells she will reveal that past with." Are there any more in-depth articles on this topic?
How many cocks make her a cock addict?
^ More than one, concurrently, for example?
Cock addiction (carousel riding) is an inherent trait of women , because of their hypergamy.
To find a good girl who does not think this way is sadly becoming a unicorn fantasy. If you know anything about the wanton way school age teenagers behave nowadays, sending vaginal pics to prospective sex partners, tattooing up and generally acting like drunken sailors, you'll see they will just grow up into the typical slut trailer trash bimbo which is so prevalent nowadays.
Reverse the genders...
I can almost guarantee you that this will soon be outlawed as "hate speech."
The more they ride now the worse they will be later on. They lose all their traditional feminine qualities and become bitter towards men. Before you make any big life decision, you need to research everything , its only common sense. Marriage contract is the most crucial contract a man can engage in! iI you don't do your homework it can ruin your life forever. If she has ridden the carousel don't walk away, RUN and don't look back. I married a playboy bunny who lied about her history. She was sweet before I married her and within a week of marrying her she changed.Later I found out about her abortions , biker sex parties,her Saudi customer that paid her car off in exchange for sex, ect. She was a manipulative bitch from hell, and still is. My promising life went to hell along with my happiness. I was too young and naive and believed women had good virtues . These women are desperate manipulative predators and know no good man would want to marry them so they lie about their lives. Be happy stay single.
.Later I found out about her abortions , biker sex parties,her Saudi customer that paid her car off in exchange for sex, ect.
Perhaps you should have tried actually talking to her. It doesn't sound as if you were paying any attention at all to her. It's not as if it's hard to get women to brag about their past experiences.
Vd , she never bragged about her sex life. Women who are looking to find someone to marry don't brag about their sex lives, especially if they think you are a good respectable prospect . They know most men would not consider them for anything more than a good time. Of course I talked to her about everything and she told me what she knew I would want to hear; shockingly she lied. A carousel rider looking to get married will always lie. When you are married to someone the truth always finds its way into the open.
Vd , she never bragged about her sex life. Women who are looking to find someone to marry don't brag about their sex lives, especially if they think you are a good respectable prospect . They know most men would not consider them for anything more than a good time. Of course I talked to her about everything and she told me what she knew I would want to hear; shockingly she lied. A carousel rider looking to get married will always lie. When you are married to someone the truth always finds its way into the open.
The common cited study demonstrates it only takes 2 prior partners to go from 20% divorce risk to 80%. That can be hid, such a woman won't necessarily have a bunch of slut tells. Frankly, many would consider such a low N a unicorn. Yet 80% is pretty bad.
So marry a virgin, yet I think it was Dalrock who listed a stat showing only 10% are virgins; there just aren't enough to go around.
I agree we need to marry and have kids to save Western Civ. But those stats, thats a suicide mission.
You say game can fix this? But I've yet to see even speculation on what affect it would have on marriage success rates, much less stats.
A woman will lie but only partially. Simply double her admissions and you will be close enough to know.
equating a drug addict with a cock addict is flawed logic and defeats and sense to the article
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