I don't want to have my boyfriend/future husband's children. DNA wise I find my side of the family more attractive and healthy than his side. What can I do? I do love him and he wants to have children with me, he's made it clear. I don't want to hurt him by telling him I don't find his family appealing and I want to give my children the best chance they can in life and I know it's shallow but we live in a world where good-looking people have an advantage.Now I wonder to what strategy she will resort? My guess is that it will be the one that involves having sex with good-looking strangers who appear to be healthy without telling her husband about it.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Thus spake hypergamy
Life is a series of hard decisions for the woman who settles for beta bucks:
What she's really saying:
I want to bang other guys and need to rationalize my adultery.
What a skank! Hopefully he finds out and dumps her shallow ass ASAP.
"In order to answer this question without too much judgement, I'm trying to think what I would do."
Hasn she never heard of "Regression to Mediocrity"? Or, as it's now more politely known, " Regression to the Mean"?
Of course not. She's a cock-riding slut.
Hasn she never heard of "Regression to Mediocrity"? Or, as it's now more politely known, " Regression to the Mean"?
Of course not. She's a cock-riding slut.
If this guy was an Alpha or Sigma, she'd be rationalizing the pending marriage as an opportunity to help improve his family's genes, rather than thinking of his genes bringing her bloodline down.
If this guy was an Alpha or Sigma, she'd be rationalizing the pending marriage as an opportunity to help improve his family's genes, rather than thinking of his genes bringing her bloodline down.
mejor la raza
"My guess is that it will be the one that involves having sex with good-looking strangers who appear to be healthy without telling her husband about it."
If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son . . . I got 99 problems and a bitch ain’t one.
"My guess is that it will be the one that involves having sex with good-looking strangers who appear to be healthy without telling her husband about it."
I'm pretty sure that was plan A to begin with.
"I'm only doing it for the sake of my children," is just the hamster on nitro.
"Honey, there's message on the machine. (*confused look*) "Who's Paulo?"
(*doesn't look up from doing her toes*) "Don't worry about it."
Heh whenever bitches come out with the "It's healthy to choose one man for genetics, and another for love / raising that child), I just say, well that legitimises males to spread their seed with many women.
He should be warned so that his future children won't be raised in the presence of her morality, or the lack thereof.
What can I do? I
Well, toots, the first and most important thing you can do is admit that if you and your family really were as hot as you think you are, you'd have bagged a better husband. But you landed what you deserved.
A woman is only as hot as the hottest man who will agree to marry her. Sorry ladies, you'll have to recalibrate your entitlement meters.
Vox, you really NEED like buttons on comments!
Vox, you really NEED like buttons on comments!
Of course the right thing to do would be to call the marriage off. I'm with Jack - it's likely she can't do better than this guy because otherwise they wouldn't be getting married.
This poor guy is going to be divorced in less than a decade and wondering what went wrong. Nothing "went" wrong - it's starting that way.
"A woman is only as hot as the hottest man who will agree to marry her."
Quote-of-the -Month right there. Even with the modern-day Sugar Daddy State to look after single moms, a woman measuring herself by the hottest man who will have sex with her without committing to marriage and provisioning is the equivalent of a man who measures himself by the hottest hooker/stripper he can lease for a week's wages. Monica Lewinsky had sex with the commander-in-chief of the most powerful nation in the world, at the risk of his own career and marriage, but her takaway in terms of long-term security, social status, and offspring were less than that of a small-town cheerleader who married and reproduced with the owner of a large local pig farm.
this answer further down....someone has had their epiphany after hitting the Wall....
"Quora User, Quora is my playground
My answer may assume a harsh tone, but that is not my intention as I do not know you to hold emotion in this matter. I do have perspective and experience to share.
Think about this, having physical attractiveness and not much else, can you imagine happiness in life? I did that mistake at a time in my life, quite a substantial portion of my life actually. I was never physically top notch, model level or close to it. I had a boyfriend who regarded my physical attractiveness highly though. It got to my head. Like you, I feared for physical attractiveness of potential offspring. In addition I was fresh out of high school, very naive. I thought I knew all I needed to know. Wrong. At 36, I know my mentality and emotional intelligence is still childlike. I ended the relationship. I used the cheap, pathetic excuse of attending college. I couldn't bring myself to tell the truth, but it would've hurt him unnecessarily. He cried, I felt awful. I also felt a bit annoyed, for I was feeling guilty. That day I lost a friend. Sometimes I reflect back after that on how my life would have been had I stayed. The conclusion is that I wouldn't have been happy. Even though I am still with much pain ever since, I did what is right for myself and eventually for him. He deserved a better life without me which he now has. We have our life experiences which shape us into the whole (in progress for me) adults.
All I offered him was an exterior he found attractive, but couldn't get the connection which is the ultimate joy gained from compatibility, found from within. We naively thought what we saw as the answer. He loved me for my appearence, tolerating my emptiness and entitlement with pleasure. It was as false as I was, and carried onward with that false impression of my exterior power that resulted in a series of painful rejection that I didn't understand for so long. Not so long back, I began to work on finding myself. It is a long process, one that I should have started many years ago. I may be incomplete as of myself, and my exterior is no longer prime, but I opened the hollowness in myself that was only mine to do so all along, and filled that void with love and belief in myself."
Wow, she was attractive, broke up with her beta boyfriend with the college excuse, rode the carousel (omitted from her dialogue), finds herself single in her 30's and no longer nearly as attractive. Post rationalizes how good it was that she broke up, but is now wondering if she made a mistake. But at least she's working on "finding herself". Ha ha! And she's filling the hollowness with love and belief in herself. The void that should have been filled with God, husband, and children.
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