Chrissie Hynde has committed the ultimate sin for a former feminist icon: she has offended the Sisterhood. The Pretenders singer, whose sultry looks graced a million teenagers’ bedroom walls in the 1980s, has perpetrated the terrible crime of speaking her mind about rape and sexual assualt.Interesting, is it not, that feminists won't even hesitate to go after a rape victim who dares to defy their Narrative. Keep that in mind in the unlikely event you ever find yourself inclined to show them any mercy.
For that she must now pay the price and be cast out of the Sisterhood.
The exact details of her transgression have been angrily spelt out by professional feministas who lined up to attack Miss Hynde for daring to talk about her own personal experience of sexual violence.
So what did the 63-year-old say that was so wrong?
Miss Hynde said that she took "full responsibility" for being sexually assaulted by an Ohio biker gang when she was 21, while she was drunk, high on drugs and had chosen to get on the back of a gang member’s motorcycle.
She then compounded her sin by saying that women who dress provocatively while walking down the street while drunk were also to blame if they were attacked. “If I’m walking around in my underwear and I’m drunk? Who else’s fault can it be?” she said. "You know if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him.”
Monday, August 31, 2015
The outrageous idea of female agency
Chrissie Hynde is the latest feminist punching bag:
I may have the legal right to walk down the street at 3a in a suit counting a stack of $100 dollar bills, but that would still be staggeringly foolish. I'd definitely be begging to get mugged, and I doubt "teaching men not to mug" would work. Any femdolt could see this.
No one is saying a man has the right to rape a woman just because she's drunk and dressed like a bimbo. We're just saying her behavior is risky and foolish.
These same feminists say a man should have kept it in his pants when he's a victim of paternity or maternity fraud. Funny how blaming the victim is A-OK when the consequences are male and the benefits flow to women.
And yet, Hynde is herself a rape victim. As the Sisterhood is always quick to remind us, rape victims possess the ultimate moral authority an all things rape. Amanda Marcotte comes to mind.
Yes, I do agree that Hynde was raped and is legitimately a victim, and the rapists are responsible for their crimes. But Hynde likelu would not be a vicitm had she behaved responsibly.
Just like my cash counting after dark in a bad neighborhood example, the mugger would be the criminal, but still could have prevented it if not a fool.
If we really want out daughters to not be victims, we cannot depend on "teaching" rapists not to rape.
Maybe if you wear a "No Rape" bracelet.
The average slutwalker can walk down the street in her underwear and face no risk of being raped.
I get a bit passionate about this, as the dad of two drop dead gorgeous blondes. I never want them to be a victim, but that's EXACTLY what they will be if I teach them this idiocy that they can prance around wearing whatever, whenever, wherever, with whoever.
What sort of idiot bases a young woman's safety on trusting that predators can be taught not to rape?
I was brought up on my dad's regular "joke" (one of the few things at which my mother smiled): "Woman with dress up can run faster than man with pants down." Of course, we were on the brink of massive social change then. Women were about to wear pants more than dresses. My father. So wise.
Good for her. Loved her music back in the day.
It's all about preserving the Narrative at all costs.
It's funny, but I remember making this same argument in a seminar at university in the early '90s. This was pre-SJW era, lots of dropped jaws.
Funny, the juxtaposition of feminist dogma. All men are inherently bad and potential rapists and women are naturally morally superior, yet the way to end rape is by trusting men not to be predators (while encouraging women to act like prey).
But they don't have the brainpower to see the contradiction.
"It's all about preserving the Narrative at all costs."
Yep. And to do so they have to play both roles. They want the protection that they think a victim deserves, but they want to exercise the power to ruin the lives of others. It's all about wielding power with impunity.
"I know exactly what I am doing when I dress provocatively, I love the attention, I love the power, and you're the perverted maniac if you give me the attention I'm asking for and enjoy (depending on who's paying attention and how, of course). I am also the one who determines if that attention is wanted or unwanted. Either way, I'll make sure you're on the losing end every single time."
Dave Chappelle had a great take on this. Paraphrasing, "If a woman is dressed like a whore she does not deserve to be raped. But if she was, she IS wearing a whore's uniform. If some person walked around dressed like a cop and acted indignant when people came up to them for help, how would people respond?"
I am also the one who determines if that attention is wanted or unwanted.
And which children live or die. Eve Empowered.
I find it hilarious to juxtapose the lyrics of her "I'll stand by you" and the fact that she had three husbands lined up already, if my memory serves.
The average slutwalker can walk down the street in her underwear and face no risk of being raped.
Slutwalkers = human baitcars?
Chrissie has called the professional haters out before. She ain't too skeered. Wouldn't surprise me if she's enjoying the latest screechfest from the Estrogen Establishment.
But I'll die as I stand here today
Knowing that deep in my heart
They'll fall to ruin one day
For making us part
(Back on the Chain Gang)
Slutwalkers = human baitcars?
I don't know what a baitcar is, but if it's fat, tattooed, looks like it has mange, and makes a lot of loud, unpleasant bellowing sounds, then yes.
@Jack Amok:
I don't know what a baitcar is, but if it's fat, tattooed, looks like it has mange, and makes a lot of loud, unpleasant bellowing sounds, then yes.
Pretty much what it sounds like, bait for car thieves. Landwhales don't count.
Pretty much what it sounds like, bait for car thieves. Landwhales don't count.
Nope. Unless car thieves are into stealing old, beat up Hyundais over Beemers and Jags, that's a good analogy.
Animals require zookeepers to keep the peace between them.
Some females have agency. Here in WY, the Grizzlies and such manage to grant Darwin awards to women who move to "The Equality State", but wish to dumb down equality. Those who survive tend to be far more sensible about such matters. Those who don't break the "do not feed the bears" laws.
Although U of WY apparently has some policy discouraging guns, CCW seems to be our version of "don't ask, don't tell". Cowboy hat, check. Boots, check. Sidearm, check. Gun Free School Zone - lets just say no one pays attention though I fear some psycho might attempt something assuming the school is actually "gun free", at least until legislation fixes this. I live across from the Middle school that has the "One Nation, Under God". Starbucks here doesn't ban guns. Wyoming Catholic College encourages constitutional carry. Trigger warnings? Safe Spaces? Sam Colt did more for equality than Susie B. And WYmen understand. (I'd add BYU over in Utah). Somehow there is no worry about the rape culture here. Perhaps libertarianism is a problem since UW has "gender studies", though I suspect it is a side-show or freak-show that everyone who is not within the school realizes is a sick but quite funny joke.
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