According to new research presented to the American Sociological Association this week, female sexuality is more likely to be influenced by a woman’s surroundings and romantic opportunities than is the case with men.TL;DR: The Wall turns women gay.
The study’s author, Elizabeth Aura McClintock, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, said "This indicates that women's sexuality may be more flexible and adaptive than men's".
The study tracked 5,018 women and 4,191 men as they progressed from adolescence to young adulthood and asked them to identify as 100 per cent heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, mostly homosexual, or 100 percent homosexual at four different stages of their life. Dr McClintock insists she does not believe same sex relationships are considered 'less than' heterosexual ones- just that sexual identity is not fixed
Dr McClintock said certain factors such as greater education, physical attractiveness and delaying childbirth until later in life made women more likely to report being completely heterosexual because they received more romantic attention from men.
It builds on previous research that suggested women are more likely to report being bisexual and were more likely to change their sexual identity in later life.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Not born that way
Unless, of course, you count being born ugly and female:
It's just another form of validation. If they can't get it from men then they'll get it somewhere.
Like purple hair.
~ Stingray
"Greater education" resulted in women receiving more romantic attention from men?
"Wow, check out the set of credentials on that chick!"...said no man ever.
"Greater education" means more time spent with and attraction from marriage potential males. So, higher income male attention versus lower income male attention. It has nothing to do with making the woman more attractive.
Lesbian, not gay.
More soft science supporting the traditional Christian (or pagan) stance of marrying off women in their young adulthood.
This explains the fat ugly lesbian phenomenon.
Gotta love how they've garnished the article with slideshows of "inspirational LGBT moments", photos of neatly-appointed female models and the blatherings of random social media users.
most bi-girls turn bi because they are tired of being pumped & dumped by men so they turn to girls hoping it won't keep happening. but it does, because they just aren't attractive.
Makes sense, part of sexuality is a form of bonding. Women who are resource dependent would bond sexually with other females in the even that they could not secure a male provider.
All of the lesbians I've met who had previously been married to men and had children had let themselves go and divorced their respective husbands.
I've always wondered if they always were lesbians and were just using the guys for children (and the child support that comes with) or if they dumped their husband's, couldn't get any other male attention and turned lesbian due to lack of male interest.
I'll never know because if you ask them that I find them to get very angry over the question, for some unknown reason...
A Game guru whose name I forget said, "All women are bisexual. Some are just stuck." I'd say that's basically true. That doesn't mean they're equally attracted to men and women, or attracted to both in the same way. But generally there's at least willingness to make smiles with another woman if there's a good reason. Straight women -- women who desire men and aren't turned on by women in everyday circumstances -- aren't repelled by the idea the way straight men are.
Given all that, it's no surprise that a woman who had always considered herself straight and acted that way might settle for a woman if she couldn't have an attractive man anymore, either because she hit the Wall too hard or because she's developed some sort of aversion to men. The first type is more likely to end up with a Gamma provider she lets touch her as rarely as possible, while the second type may "turn" lesbian, but the process is pretty much the same. Considering the stories of lesbian bed death, it sounds like the result in the bedroom is generally the same too.
Paging Nate...
A 58 year old former lesbian I worked with who'd been with the same partner for 24 years (she got to 50 and realized there was no future in it, but then all she could attract were older, alcoholic men), told me, "Any time you see two middle-aged lesbians living together you can be sure of one thing: it's not for the sex."
A 58 year old former lesbian I worked with who'd been with the same partner for 24 years (she got to 50 and realized there was no future in it, but then all she could attract were older, alcoholic men), told me, "Any time you see two middle-aged lesbians living together you can be sure of one thing: it's not for the sex."
@Tom K
In other words, they are in a status of: Who cares?
I can't even take any pleasure in the suffering of their irrelevence. It's just a pointless mindless waste.
"Any time you see two middle-aged lesbians living together you can be sure of one thing: it's not for the sex."
Yep. I'd argue it's not that different for younger lesbians either, and straight women once children are not a driving factor. Women are just not that motivated by sex.
As for the bi-sexual thing or "turning" lesbian, etc., I think it boils down to safety/security again. Some women cannot stand to be alone, need the financial foundation, and fear the sound of their own crazy heads; so, the companionship they seek is reinforcement for their own familiar brand of insanity. Sex is low on most women's totem poles, but over-eating and indulging weakness pretty high up there. Who better than someone else wired for these things and who keeps the bar low? Regardless, one will no doubt "challenge" the other enough to spark the energy of the relationship: the desire to change/control the other.
"Greater education" means more time spent with and attraction from marriage potential males. So, higher income male attention versus lower income male attention. It has nothing to do with making the woman more attractive.
If this were true, marriage rates would rise as female college education rates rise, which is clearly not the case. Somehow, miracle of miracles, men and women married in large numbers before women ever "needed" a college education to find a mate.
One wonders how much of lesbian relationships are really mommy/daughter type relationships - girls with mommy issues.
I've only known a few lesbians; most had pretty decent relationships with mom, but less than stellar with dad. Then again, is there anything we don't pin on men?
Men are kind of at the top of the food chain (not talking about legal status but about how society actually works) so unfortunately a lot of issues can be traced back to some man somewhere who may or may not have had the legal authority, training, or interest required to fulfill his role well.
I'm also curious whether the lesbian phenomena is also an issue of adult women being expected to (often) live alone? I know a lot of women have room mates and things, but you don't hear about straight female besties just flat out planning to be platonic companions since through interest or opportunity neither of them plans on getting married. Back when women were expected to have some sort of chaperonage they had built in companionship, but now it seems different. Heck, if girls behaved now like they did in Anne of Green Gables it would probably be considered lesbian behavior of some variety. When you start putting an intense need for non-sexual female companionship in the same box as same sex attraction - well don't be surprised if you get more lesbians.
Matamoros, food for thought. In my experience as one, girl with mommy issues = daughter.
Matamoros, food for thought. In my experience as one, girl with mommy issues = daughter.
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