An interracial cuckold fetishist has created a kids’ show in which the white girl has a black love interest and a white beta orbiter.Pretty soon, it's going to be hard to find a single white-white couple on television. On a recent string of television advertisements I saw, there was not a single racially matched couple. This is Soviet-level propaganda.
If you go to Jonathan Butler’s IMDB page, this is what you’ll see under his name:
I’m sorry, but you have an interracial cuckold fetishist who has a show about a white girl, her black boyfriend and a white beta orbiter and you want to tell me that’s a coincidence? This isn’t some harmless, subtle adult joke meant to go over kids’ heads and entertain the adults who might be watching with their kids. This is blatant, disgusting cultural poison.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Dysgenic propaganda
It's the Kardashians for the kiddies:
What next? A show about the blossoming "friendship" between a young, hairless boy and an older gentleman who just wants to introduce him to a different lifestyle? Call it Catamite.
You guys know nothing. It's the subliminal references that are utterly disgusting.
What is the likelihood that the self-loathing among us will start offing themselves en masse? I'm having a hard time not wanting to encourage this.
Offing themselves, and/or dumping their genes into the rising tide of low-grade brown sludge.
"What is the likelihood that the self-loathing among us will start offing themselves en masse? I'm having a hard time not wanting to encourage this."
Why not encourage it? They're a death cult. Suicide is what they want. Why don't you want them to be happy?
"On a recent string of television advertisements I saw, there was not a single racially matched couple. This is Soviet-level propaganda."
Curious about the national origin of the TV ads you're talking about.
Its kind of a funny trend all of sudden. Before now the entertainment industry was way too worried about what the Hill-People of fly-over country would think of such things.
Apparently they're feeling brave now. Not sure why.
Probably they are just following each others fashions. No one ever lost a job in Hollywood for making a low risk decision.
Although that is the big fashion all of a sudden now that I think of it. I just watched the first episode of show called Between, its a Netflix Original. The plot is that MacGuffinitis has killed everyone in a town over the age of 21 and the government has quarantined the town completely. The idea had a little potential but it was clearly not going to live up to it. The town is going to be a parade of stereotypes.
I can already tell that the minister's atheist daughter with the out-of-wedlock baby is going to fall hard for the son of the black dairy farmer, assuming she isn't first raped along the way by the town rich kid. I nearly went blind from eye rolling when I saw the black kid milking a hand.
"I just watched the first episode of show called Between..."
Ditched that after the milking scene. Not sure why I bother with Netflix. Couple of excellent movies I've found lately are an Argentinian film called Wild Tales and a Russian one called Leviathan. Fair warning, Leviathan is definitely not what you would call a feel-good movie.
Not sure why I bother with Netflix.
All Hail King Julian, has it's moments.
Clover: You're supposed to be brave...And attentive... And virile... And romantic and everything else I wrote in my self published romance novel. I mean look at those abs! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THOSE ABS!
There is nothing this country does not deserve. There is no punishment too extreme. There are no tortures too painful.
The most generous thing these people deserve is for the lights to go out forever so that they can curl up into insignificance and die of shame.
Perhaps they will not be that lucky. Perhaps they will get justice.
Its kind of a funny trend all of sudden. Before now the entertainment industry was way too worried about what the Hill-People of fly-over country would think of such things.
Apparently they're feeling brave now. Not sure why.
I'm surprised they didn't try earlier, but with the gay marriage thing and now Bruce Jenner, they figured nobody would care about a little silly thing like race-mixing any more.
Also, there are those Gallup polls stating that approval of race-mixing is up into the 90% range.
Well, I don't know how long the show can last since it's complete ass. Even my rather non-critical neices, bless their hearts, find it unappealing.
Surprised you didn't notice this one sooner, not only due to the racecuck aspect but the nauseating grrrlll powwerrr crap of the show's future drug addict becoming the jr. high skools QB (K/P is at least believable) because ''she didn't just want to be a cheerleader''. Oh, and sharing a locker room with teenage boys? Wait, what?
Who the f*#$ cares? I love your stuff, Vox, but all this black vs white, vibrant, breedist (as we are all the same race) crap is just tedious and distracts from reality.
You're a complete f*cking idiot. 'Nuff said.
Breed=race you dumbass. Races are natural, human breeds.
Yet another piece of feminist propaganda. Disney channel got so girl centric the boys stopped watching altogether. So Disney made a boy centric channel Disney xd. Maybe Nick will follow suit.
Just to be sure that everyone who has brought this wonderful show to us get's credit: the show's co creators are Johnathan Butler (black cuckold fetishist mentioned above) and Gabriel Garza, a Jew. A coincidence I'm sure but still, I'm sure both creators should be given proper credit for this wonderful production.
Going off-topic but speaking of Netflix, Daredevil's beta friend was annoying as hell. I don't know if that was by design, but they could not have picked a more appropriate looking actor to star opposite Charlie Cox.
@Dan in Tx
Not just those two. The child actors who play the three main white characters on the show are all either Jewish or could be: Brec Bassinger, Jackie Radinsky, and Buddy Handleson.
It's almost as if The Tribe is having Israel be their prime breeding stock, and American Jews be their throwaway degenerates, IOW, "suicide bombers" helping white gentiles destroy themselves.
Thought the Queen forbid you to comment on such things anymore?
The psych prep and symbolism is so ridiculous now that its just ridiculous now.
"Your future is miscegenation." No shit, Globalists, huh?
"What is the likelihood that the self-loathing among us will start offing themselves en masse? I'm having a hard time not wanting to encourage this."
This only gets better when people realize it's not themselves these people loathe, it's you.
Feel like doing anything about that?
I saw one ad on a bus of a middle aged black woman with braids and her ugly nerdy white boyfriend. Its just ridiculous. They cant even get the types right. No, the hot light skin mulatto with frizzy hair is not going to marry a nebbish. No that hot young white girl is not going to marry Noob Saibot and birth his spawn.
That's what I've noticed lately: it's not just random combinations of different races in ads; it's usually white man and black woman, even though that's pretty much the least common combination in real life, other than maybe Asian man and black woman. (Or maybe I should say, "because that's the least common combination in real life," and they're trying to change that?)
What, no comments from Whiskey yet?
My company's annual health enrollment information brochure had a photo of a white girl happily embracing a black guy. But next year it'll probably be a man kissing a man.
it's not just random combinations of different races in ads; it's usually white man and black woman, even though that's pretty much the least common combination in real life,
My theory/opinion is that WF-BM ads would turn off too many people, especially women. White women, despite their reputation for being liberal, are quite snobbish, even if subconsciously, and would find such ads insulting. And black women wouldn't like these ads either, for obvious reasons.
Therefore, companies that used too many WF-BM ads would find themselves losing a lot of white female and black female customers.
As for how to use WM-BF and not turn off white women, the answer, again, is to appeal to snobbery and make the white man into a dork, as with the ad Matt saw.
Corvinus, right. I actually remember exactly one episode of the Phil Donahue show -- I must have been home sick from school and watching TV while my mom was in the garden or something. He had two black/white couples on as guests, one of each type. All the black women in the audience absolutely hated the white woman who was with a black man, and loved the white man who was with a black woman. Rational self-interest, but completely hypocritical, and they didn't try to hide it a bit. (I'm not sure they even realized it.) The white woman was stealing their black men, but the white man was noble for looking beyond race.
So yes, WM-BW offends fewer people than BM-WW, plus the social engineers probably figure it'd be nice if some of the dateless white beta providers could pair off with black single mommas, solving two problems at once.
Yes but for all the propaganda race mixing is still at the fringes. I'm by no means the Love Inquisitor of Racial Purity, but I have a rather strong distaste of this awkward and evil social engineering, and yes I am a positive eugenicist. Would it upset my delicate constitution to have a country of tall fair people reaching for the stars? Nope.
Outlawing WM/ WW marriage and reproduction.
Think I'm kidding?
Just watch.
Wouldn't put it past the SJWs for at least wishing that. But actually enforcing it may be too much even for the modern Amerikwa to stomach. It'd be only slightly less outrageous than mandating everyone get a gay marriage.
Inter racial is nearly always white female and any "BAME", "PoC" male.
All mothers who seem a little "stay at homey" are usually psychologically damaged.
White male lead usually "performs" in order to qualify for approval from female and/or PoC.
Traditional family is rarely portrayed positively, at best dad is doofus character. Rule of thumb the further dad is away the more empowered strong and dynamic the mother is, the closer to home he is the weaker and more beaten/stupid she is.
Non-alpha white males are invariably idiotic dinosaurs in need of lessons off PoC and female betters (see Mad Men the male characters are utterly pathetic, the firm would go bust with that motely crew of losers)
Nothing seems to represent any reality I see around me. There was a time it was different, I remember old episodes of things like Champion the Wonder Horse, Lassie, The Waltons. The kid was proud of his dad, dad was somebody he looked up to, dad was his rock, thats what most dads do. Not in Hollyweird though. Dads an aberrant destructive force, be gone dad! Now I have 2 mommies, yay to diversity!!
Meanwhile back on planet earth social services in UK appropriate record numbers of children from chav families, the adoption industry grows greedily, and middle aged empowered women who find out their collective uteri are not timeless, that Doctor Clooney is either fat or foreign, and that IVF doesn't work that well can happily find themselves a new kid via the UK's new kid donor class. Its only a shame these empowered females wernt rich enough to get one of those foreign black babies that are all the rage.
Watched a bit of new Gotham tv series. Classical kick ass 6 stone soaking wet teen catwoman continually ball breaks and belittles young batman who amazingly doesn't just suck it up but seems to find her mysterious and he's drawn to her. At no point have I seen her show any real affection for him, her best responses are usually when he's being most submissive. Given he's a billionaire its far more likely she'd be sucking his dick in the first scene and then robbing him given she's a vagrant.
Played Halo Reach last few days. Noted that one of the lead characters was white but his voice seemed off to me. He's played by black guy named Kazzeem. I can imagine how that went down in casting.
How long until they show an Asian male-Black female couple on TV as if that were something that happens in real life?
But next year it'll probably be a man kissing a man.
My employer did just that last fall during open enrollment for health benefits. They issued literature showing two gay men in a semi-intimate pose.
This is a company heavily involved in federal government contracting, meaning that they're anxious to march in lockstep with the ideology of the current regime and curry political favor. They had organized an LGBT association within the company before such a thing ever became trendy/semi-mandatory..
Isn't encouraging all of this racial intermingling the epitome of obliterating genuine diversity?
I find it hilarious myself! All these "Whites" are jews. ALL. EVERY SINGLE ONE. EVEN INTERNET PORN. ALL ARE JEWS!
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