Confirming that the average boyfriend’s thoughts immediately turn to the subject during any period of silence, a study released Thursday by the University of North Carolina found that whenever a boyfriend isn’t speaking, he is, on 90 percent of occasions, thinking about ending the relationship. “By studying hundreds of couples we were able to determine that, nine times out of 10, if a boyfriend trails off in conversation or hesitates before answering a question, it’s because he’s currently contemplating how to break things off,” said the study’s author, Paul Hagerty, who added that even seemingly innocuous gaps in conversation caused by failing to hear something that was said or taking a lengthy pause between sentences are all-but-certain indicators that a boyfriend is mulling over how best to let his girlfriend down easy.Sometimes, it's best to simply keep your mouth shut and let the hamster spin.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Silence is Dread Game
I'll bet you didn't know that.
Mix and match. I don't know, I spoke when I wanted to, didn't when I didn't want to, had little to do with her unless it was business related, social, or such. And I was almost always looking for a way out, but when I saw it I just left. I didn't yammer about it, I think? I think that is a silly study, by the way. It is trying to frame an exact thing without taking much into account. How many married men think about leaving, often? How many men are in it for the long haul now anyway? Do women even really expect, or want, long term with most guys? Bleh. I'm not buying it.
The Onion: fake but accurate.
Silence or quiet works either way, for good or for the goodbye.
I figured it was the other way around based off what I've experienced. Women love to talk all the time if they like you. The minute they don't is when there is trouble in paradise. I on the other hand would be fine with periods of silence.
This could be another example of projection.
And then I saw it was an Onion article. So it definitely is satirical projection.
It may be the onion, but as Marshall Mathers said, "a lot of truth is said in jest."
Oh yeah, women HATE the silent treatment. Learned that trick many years ago! Shut up, say nothing, and let them stew for an hour or (better yet) more. They'll do anything to get you to talk to them again, because they know they're on thin ice!
"I love you" - but I'm not in love with you.
If you want your woman to be quiet, say what you know she despises and dare her to cross the line in the sand you have drawn. You will either get your quiet, urhm eventually, maybe a good fight, and then some divine sex. Just do not surrender if you go that way. You may never be able to change a woman's mind, but you can tinker with... other parts. If you do it rightly, getting rid of her can become a bitch. So, be careful when playing with fire. Good for schmores, too!
Thank you for this effort
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