- In the past year you can’t recall a single serious online discussion you were wrong about anything.
- In the past two years you can’t recall one discussion with any friends or family in which you were wrong about anything.
- When you are having an argument with someone and it appears you are wrong, the most common belief and defense is the other person simply doesn’t understand what you are saying.
- When discussing matters with someone and you think you are maybe, possibly being shown to be wrong you start to get snarky, crack lame jokes, and immediately try to change the subject.
- If someone holds an opinion contrary to yours, and you don’t think you have a good defense immediately to hand you start to look for unrelated ways to disqualify the other person as at least knowledgeable about the subject, and even going so far as to disqualify them as a good person or even a person at all.
- Definitions are tenuous for you and words can be redefined at leisure during a discussion. If someone quotes the dictionary and it disagrees with your definition they are arguing unfairly and the dictionary is wrong.
- When finally shown you are wrong about something it is devastating, you remember it for months or years, avoid that place or people, and consider your time there a failure as a person.
- You can’t even take a mild ribbing about anything outside of a few harmless topics from other guys, and immediately fly into a barely controlled rage and seek some sort of vengeance if you are lampooned by anyone. This isn’t upping the competition, but hatred of the other and you will avoid that person or speak badly of them.
- In contrast you’ll sit idly by as a woman openly mocks you as you are just being “nice”.
- Now that you think about it, in this last year or two you can recall several women cracking jokes at your expense, mocking you, degrading you to their friends, and otherwise holding you in low regard without any fear of consequences.
- The thought of being at the center of a comedy roast fills you with dread.
- You think width of knowledge is more important than depth of knowledge.
- You are an expert on everything and always ready to give your opinion even when you aren’t sure—then again a Gamma is always sure of his knowledge so you probably give your opinion on most everything all of the time.
- If someone says they aren’t interested in your opinion you take it as a personal slight, they aren’t interested in you, and probably hate you as well.
- If someone tells a story you immediately have to follow up that story with one of your own, which may or may not be related to the topic, and of course is more interesting, more important and longer. If you don’t have a good story you’ll say something snarky afterwards to diminish the other story.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Are you Gamma? 1 of 2
The author of Graduating Gamma has composed a helpful list to permit Gamma males to identify themselves:
Describes most men really.
If that's half the list...then we must all be gammas.
This list could apply to most women, too.
These are common traits to mostly immature people. I would expect that as people grow up and learn better to interact with peers and superiors, they learn to exhibit other traits. Im not an expert in such things as these category assignments, but it seems that there is room for quite a bit of overlap and migration from one category to another during one's life.
These are common traits to mostly immature people. I would expect that as people grow up and learn better to interact with peers and superiors, they learn to exhibit other traits.
Except when they don't. When I read gamma SJWs online, I sometimes think, "You know, I might have written something like that when I was 15 and was convinced I knew everything." It's like they hit that emotional, adolescent know-it-all stage, and never grew out of it. Even their manner of speech reflects it, as they sprinkle their posts with teen girl-speak like "Whatevs" and "Wow."
Ive ticked most of those boxes! In keeping with the gamma tendency of "snark and lame jokes" l'll add an upside down smiley :(
The voice/sense in back of my head knows these things, partially self-aware gamma? So does this mean that these "views", me being right, are ways to keep me above water so to speak? I feel this dread that if I face myself Ill fall even further down, I'll just crumble inside. Public crumbling would feel like a disaster.
I think thats what has to happen to me, I need to crumble. Heard it called ego death before. I think the problem for me is its too easy not to change and unless my circumstances change significantly this is a track I'm not likely to get off.
Your blog has more truths than most of the others I read put together. Its easy to read the truth from the comfort of my computer screen. I'll avoid these truths like the plague in a real setting where eye contact and all the other senses are buzzing. I need the shield of drink as well, I'm like two different people got no guts without it. I say to people who do u want "me" or "willers", willers only comes out with beer inside. Not sure what that means.
Saying that I don't buy into any of this SJW nonsense. I'm not sure whether I live like an SJW, ruled by feelings etc, but when its written down in a safe setting I can see what makes sense and doesn't make sense. But unless you act on truth/wisdom you can't really have properly learned it?
Best way for ego death...humility. It is a virtue you can ask God for.
Plus C.S. Lewis sums it up pretty well.
'Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.'
What is the difference between a gamma's snark and something like that from an alpha/sigma? Is the motivation important?
Wouldn't MPAI (most people are idiots) lead to a certainty that many do not understand what you are saying?
It seems to me that the response to the thoughts/ideas is more important than just thinking them.
I must be a gamma to my ex-wife. I never win an argument, never.
@Brad Andrews
I am gamma. I feel a very strong tension between the desire for affirmation and the desire not to be rejected. Affirmation requires that I do things, while avoiding rejection requires that I not do anything risky. So sticking to small, inconsequential actions and inflating their importance in my mind is pretty much how I operate.
I said that to say this: snark comes from projecting this onto others. If someone else does something worthwhile, my gamma instinct is to think they were stupid to do it because of the risk they had incurred. Further, their achievements throw my uselessness into sharper relief. So my snark arises from a crab-bucket mentality of wanting to keep others down so that I can safely maintain my own fearfulness and inaction without being criticized for it.
You know what this article is about? You. Yes, you reading this. That you.
So, this would be the right time to get defensive.
Damn. A list of habits that I've worked on (with some success) of outgrowing. That used to be me to a "T"
Formal public apology.
Sin births death and punishment.
I had a terrible falling out with a local orbiting gamma after fully consenting to relations with his best bro, not realizing who or what each family was about. I am sorry - there were continual fall outs between the 3 of us. I did not know what level my own weaknesses would land me in. I am far past sorry, I repent. The damages are done, my defense or my actual story of the events do not matter, stupidity and sin birth death/drama.
I will be alone for the rest of my life and so be it.
Ok, Linda, time to speak up now. Almost nobody knows any of the context of any of those things you are saying. It's just stream of consciousness that they skip, because it makes no sense to them.
This is not the right place.
I will be alone for the rest of my life and so be it.
Or, you could pack up and move to Finland. Seems someone there would know perfectly well how to protect you from your weaknesses... ;)
"A list of habits that I've worked on (with some success) of outgrowing."
It is my realisation that faking certain behaviors can initally be helpful when going through metamorphosis but is never enough. Internalizing new beliefs, developing new standards is the only way to fully transform. One should worry less about acting differently and much more about being differently. The gamma's self-preceived/self-pedestalised image of the self is often what stands in their way. Unresponsiveness comes from a place of humility and factual acceptance of reality.
What is the difference between a gamma's snark and something like that from an alpha/sigma? Is the motivation important?
Yes. One is defensive, the other is dismissive. Yes, motivation is dismissive. The alpha/sigma is indicating that he does not care. The gamma is trying to hide the fact that he cares very much indeed.
Imagine someone trying to tease you about being straight. Or being highly intelligent. Or your girlfriend being super hot. How upset is that going to make you. Now understand that the ALPHA cares even less about you attacking what you think are his insecurities.
All the Alpha cares about is if you are challenging his position or not. He doesn't give a damn about you claiming he is insecure, it wouldn't even occur to him to pay attention to it. As for Sigmas, who knows what they care about? It varies from one to another. All you can be confident of is that it will probably be something the average Delta or Gamma would consider rather strange.
Wouldn't MPAI (most people are idiots) lead to a certainty that many do not understand what you are saying?
See the quote at the bottom of the page.
snark comes from projecting this onto others. If someone else does something worthwhile, my gamma instinct is to think they were stupid to do it because of the risk they had incurred. Further, their achievements throw my uselessness into sharper relief. So my snark arises from a crab-bucket mentality of wanting to keep others down so that I can safely maintain my own fearfulness and inaction without being criticized for it.
Fascinating. Thanks for explaining that. I've heard something to that effect before, but you articulated it in a way that was easy to understand.
I think thats what has to happen to me, I need to crumble.
You need to crumble and then discover that it didn't harm you at all. Above all, you have to learn to be more committed to the truth than to protecting your self-image. Try to AGGRESSIVELY admit you were wrong, in public, when you know so.
This list could apply to most women, too.
Gamma is a man who behaves in large part like a woman, so....
If that's half the list...then we must all be gammas.
I think the key is response. Many things on that list have an uderlying emotion that applies to all men, but it matters how you respond. I don't like losing an argument, but if I do, I blame myself and not the other guy.
Dang... this is "1 of 2"?
At any rate, the common thread I see running through the list is a complete lack of humility among Gammas.
These are common traits to mostly immature people.
@genericviews @cailcorishev
There is certainly that. I suspect when women complain about "immature men", they generally mean Gammas. (Omegas can certainly be an immature stage of asocial men, but they don't grate on women like Gammas do.)
If that's half the list...then we must all be gammas.
Remember that these are ranges of behavior with large overlaps. It might be that 90% of men at times display some of these tendencies, but that doesn't mean 90% of men are Gammas.
If your response to recognizing some of your own behaviors on the list is, "Yeah, I do that too much; I need to work on that," you're probably a Delta or Beta with some Gamma tendencies. If your response is, "No way, point #6 isn't Gamma, and here's a 500-word argument why not," you're probably a Gamma.
My gamma dragon was insecurity. I was literally afraid to be wrong. This didn't translate into a fear of opening my mouth though. I was very much like a scared little dog, I'd snap (snark) at someone first out of fear and cause the very confrontation I was afraid of.
Learning to keep my mouth shut was probably my single biggest fix. When I learned when to shut up, people stopped loathing me, then started liking me. Eventually my insecurity faded as I was more comfortable with myself and others. Didn't happen overnight.
So it sounds like everybody has those traits but gammas lack the self-awareness about them.
And if you recognize you have these weaknesses and work on them you are already ahead of the curve.
Remember that these are ranges of behavior with large overlaps. It might be that 90% of men at times display some of these tendencies, but that doesn't mean 90% of men are Gammas.
Also, some of these Gamma tells are weaker than others. The first three would also apply to laconic men who don't say anything unless they're sure they know what they're talking about, although they'll probably be rarer than Gamma. Arguing with a dictionary isn't necessarily Gamma; he may just be a lawyer, or simply enjoy arguing. And liking width of knowledge over depth also seems to be a trait of certain low Deltas and Omegas, although admittedly a DLV either way.
Incidentally, I think #8 and #11 help explain why hazing is a tradition in fraternities. There's an instinctive need for a group of men to weed out Gammas, and hazing has arisen as one method of doing so.
Gammas can't stand to be wrong because it means they no longer belong. Because they cannot compete with other men in the tactical virtues (strength, courage, mastery, honor), they have to prove that they have the correct thoughts; that their opinions conform to the tribe's. They feel fear and pain when their beliefs are challenged because that is all they have to keep them as a member of the tribe. The only other members of the tribe that do this are women. So among men Gammas are at the bottom. Omegas, Lambdas, and Sigmas are special cases, they do not belong to the tribe at all, either by inability, flamboyant dishonor, or choice, respectively. It seems to me that to be rid of this mindset, first I must seek to belong to the tribe by developing the tactical virtues, second I must separate the truth from my feelings. Once I belong based on my value as a man, I can rest assured that a disagreement, or being wrong, will not get me kicked out. I find that when I started saying "I don't know" I felt a great deal of relief. At first embracing the truth can feel like getting kicked in the nuts. After some practice it stops hurting and it becomes empowering. In fact a Dialectical Behavior Therapy suggests something called Radical Acceptance. In short accepting the truth and embracing it with fervor minimizes the pain. Greeting truth and the accompanying discomfort eventually results in strength.
Jack Donovan on the tactical virtues: http://www.amazon.com/Way-Men-Jack-Donovan/dp/0985452307/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424368004&sr=8-1&keywords=Jack+Donovan
"Now that you think about it, in this last year or two you can recall several women cracking jokes at your expense, mocking you, degrading you to their friends, and otherwise holding you in low regard without any fear of consequences."
If you're talking to a girl for the first time then it's a good thing if she mocks you or shit-tests you. She wouldn't bother if she felt absolutely nothing about you.
If you walk up to a girl like "uh.. hey.. you're kinda cute.. do you uh, have a boyfriend?" She won't mock you, just like she wouldn't bother to shit-test a hobo or a retarded person. In fact she'll almost certainly be very nice. As you get better they actually get meaner, if you roll up to a group of girls like "LADIES! How we doin, where we going?" and loudly and confidently engage the group you will get shit-tested, especially if you don't look like a GQ model. If you don't look like someone who should naturally be that confident, they need to know to it's not and act, and you really do believe you're as much of a boss as you project yourself to be.
I've had girls shit test me in relationships too.
We were driving with some friends and I forgot what I said, but my gf at the time replied "yea?? I'll make your dick feel something" (like she was gonna punch me in the junk)
"Well, you're my girlfriend, that's your job." Everyone in the car laughed at her.
Another time:
"What do you think I am, your whore?"
"Nope, whores get paid"
Everyone laughed at her
After sex one time, a girl made a joke about me having a small dick
"even a 747 looks small when you land it in the grand canyon"
"?! What it's not really that big is it"
"lol no baby, I'm fuckin with you"
Best response to this sort of behavior, either have a GENUINE laugh about yourself to show you're not an insecure little bitch, or have a good comeback. And if everyone in earshot laughs at her, that is pure catnip.
This subject reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine while we were driving somewhere. We passed a very large field of vegetables. I had never seen these particular plants before and was fascinated. They were pretty weird looking.
We proceeded to speculate as to what they were. They were quite far away and we were going 80 miles an hour so we didn't get a close look.
I can't remember what vegetable I settled on in that 10 minutes but it ended up being wrong. When informed of what they were later I was happy to then be in possession of the truth and found the whole thing somewhat funny.
My demeanor flabbergasted my friend. He made a point of telling me that my apparent certainty while being wrong and being unperturbed after proof of being wrong was very disturbing to him. I didn't really understand where he was coming from at the time. Now I think I do.
"Now that you think about it, in this last year or two you can recall several women cracking jokes at your expense, mocking you, degrading you to their friends, and otherwise holding you in low regard without any fear of consequences."
If you're talking to a girl for the first time then it's a good thing if she mocks you or shit-tests you. She wouldn't bother if she felt absolutely nothing about you.
He's referring to girls making mocking remarks about the Gamma to someone else, not to the Gamma directly. They usually act nice, or at least stiffly polite, to the Gammas themselves, because they don't want any delicious sexual tension starting.
"If someone else does something worthwhile, my gamma instinct is to think they were stupid to do it because of the risk they had incurred."
This. You see it in arguments against self-defense, etc..
"Further, their achievements throw my uselessness into sharper relief. So my snark arises from a crab-bucket mentality of wanting to keep others down so that I can safely maintain my own fearfulness and inaction without being criticized for it."
We're seeing this a lot, too. It's how we end up with Marie Harfs in leadership positions. It's akin to Justinian's envy and undermining of Belisarius. See also the Paterno takedown.
"I've heard something to that effect before, but you articulated it in a way that was easy to understand.'
Likewise. He nailed it. It's effects are like cultural Alzheimer's.
I can relate with a few.
There's an instinctive need for a group of men to weed out Gammas, and hazing has arisen as one method of doing so.
Does hazing actually function this way; that is, do the Gammas subjected to it get driven out of the group? I ask this honestly, not rhetorically; I have no experience with hazing, either on the giving end or the receiving.
I am really in awe of the honesty of the commentors here. Well, at least I know I'm not the only reader going through this.
•You think width of knowledge is more important than depth of knowledge.
This is the premise behind America's Liberal Arts college and secondary education system. Knowing a little bit about everything is the education establishments goal.
Does hazing actually function this way; that is, do the Gammas subjected to it get driven out of the group? I ask this honestly, not rhetorically; I have no experience with hazing, either on the giving end or the receiving.
They either get driven out in tears, cursing the group and calling them a bunch of losers and insecure people, or never bother joining in the first place. OTOH, if it's a compulsory group (say, if they get drafted into the Army), then they might be "cured" by the hazing -- in this case, provided by the drill sergeants.
Three words:
"I don't know"
The three most liberating words in the English language. My quality of life took a dramatic upswing when I installed that phrase into my lexicon - whereas before, the gaps in my store of knowledge and skill-sets were cause for insecurity. Bur rather than adjusting my self-regard downwards, I became more confident and realistic about my knowledge and abilities because I clearly saw where the boundaries lied. I also found that the quantity and quality of my interpersonal and professional relationships increased in direct proportion to my humility.
- Cliftonb
My demeanor flabbergasted my friend. He made a point of telling me that my apparent certainty while being wrong and being unperturbed after proof of being wrong was very disturbing to him.
That's another way that gammas are like women. I made a woman (ok, my ex-wife) absolutely spitting-furious one time, by being too confident that I was right about something. (It was along the lines of "(her) Bob's new car is white." "(me) No, it's red.") As it turned out, I was right, but she was angry because I was too certain. Apparently I was supposed to say something like, "I'm sorry to contradict you, dear, but it seems to me that it might be red, though I could be wrong." Who talks like that about simple statements of fact?
I pointed out to her that A) I don't make bald statements of fact unless I'm very sure of something, and B) if I turn out to be wrong, I'll smile and eat all the crow anyone wants to serve me. That's just life, isn't it? If you want people to pay attention when you're right, you have to cheerfully swallow your pride and take a beating when you're wrong.
But that kind of logic and fair-play was irrelevant to her. The problem was I didn't sneak up on saying, "You're wrong on this," so she automatically took, "You're wrong on this," to mean, "I'm smarter than you and you're stupid and ugly and I'm always right and you're always wrong and you're bad in bed and...." Gammas do the same thing; so any criticism, even of gammas in general, becomes a personal attack.
@ Res Ipsa: "This is the premise behind America's Liberal Arts college and secondary education system. Knowing a little bit about everything is the education establishments goal."
Making people THINK they know a little bit about everything is the education establishment's goal. The only things that come out of our schools with any sort of consistency is unfettered ignorance with the occasional arrogance to match.
Scratch the surface just a bit and you'll find today that very few "educated" people not only know very little about any specific thing in depth, they're altogether unfamiliar with damn near anything that isn't directly related to their own lives (and all too often not even then).
But they're absolutely certain they know everything because they've been taught that how they feel about something is more important than what that something actually is in and of itself. Moreover, they're also ignorant of the nuances of those very feelings that are ostensibly their guide to wisdom, but they're too damn arrogant to admit any of it.
Cail brought up something that's paradoxically related to what I said about modern intellectual arrogance.
It's almost as if the more obvious something is, the more you're supposed to doubt it. We can be beyond certain that Christianity is the cause of innumerable oppressions worldwide, but being too certain about the color of a car is verboten.
Be certain of nothing except that which you're supposed to accept without question on our authority.
Three words:
"I don't know"
The three most liberating words in the English language
I find myself telling folks " 'I don't know' is AN ANSWER and much preferable to silence."
I'm rather glad most of this list doesn't apply to me. Life is much easier when you admit ignorance is nothing about which to be embarrassed.
Though I must admit, I have to start tearing into the bitches at work more effectively. They are tiresome.
as a gamma trying to recover, i really appreciate this series of posts. even though i've pissed away the last decade of my life, by wasting it in idle self deception, i hope to do better and improve myself. an honest self improvement and work is better than a fantasy of coulda woulda should have...
i think the classis gamma in movies is "on the waterfront" = i could have been a contender. i coulda!!!
thank you for these posts.
the most important thing for me was to understand and let go the wasted and dead past. holding onto things - resentments, past failures and slights, things that you think were done to you unjustly, your parents or your friends or school or whatever bull shit you are telling yourself now - that is probably the defining trait of gamma. you can't let go of shit. also you suffer from shame that is close to toxic. i believe ricky raw wrote about the grandiosity gap and toxic shame. the gamma's pathological fear is the ideal self image being shattered - he is always cocky and handsome and talented and says the right thing at the right time, in the fantasy movie inside his head. he also has no real self or moral center, i think.
i believe a type 4 enneagram personality is the perfect gamma archetype - if you are a failure. if you are a success, i wonder how that would play out.
the important part is to hold onto hope and keep crawling towards the future. you may never be what you thought you could, but you can be someone. who knows - you may succeed well enough that you become alpha or sigma or greater beta.
A gamma could never have true enjoyment in success. He'd be constantly morbidly afraid of making that one mistake that he can't cover up, and that would supposedly cause his life to collapse into nothing. The gamma feels like his social and sexual failures are just ever so slightly compensated by holding a perfect record in the grand sport of being right. If that turns into less than perfect record, then the balance is no longer held, and he perceives himself to become a genuine failure as a human being. Like those omegas he has seen.
In case someone is wondering, or "wondering", yes, I am talking about my own past.
very true. a gamma is a perfectionist taken to insane levels. nothing is ever enough for him. so he does nothing, since nothing can ever be worthwhile. i wonder how much intersection there is between gamma and nihilism/atheism.
So it sounds like everybody has those traits but gammas lack the self-awareness about them.
Gammas are pretty self-aware. I suspect Gammas just think these traits are strengths, not weaknesses. They are, after all, aiming for a peanut-butterish smear of society, with no winners or losers, just a bunch of interchangable cogs.
i wonder how much intersection there is between gamma and nihilism/atheism.
Apparently, quite a bit. Read this.
Gamma. Or, at least I was gamma once. I don't know. What I do know is taking the red pill doesn't cloak you in some sort of automatic pussy magnet. Being gamma sucks. Leaving the warren is no small thing. No more hugboxes, no more folks telling you how special you are or how good of a job you've done. You suddenly realize everything you thought you were good at is a mediocre skill at best.
You're not the smartest guy in the room. You're closer to the dumbest. Some years ago an author whose name escape me at the moment wrote that dumbass book Who Moved My Cheese. The whole thing could have been replaced with a single sentence. Change can be good sometimes. But the story of the mice bumbling around the maze searching for purpose after they've been forced out of their comfort zone is basically the story of every enlightened gamma. Once you've taken the red pill, the other gammas instinctively know you are no longer their man. You're not welcome anymore. Out you go, whether you like it or not.
Of course, the real men aren't going to welcome you either. You haven't earned their respect yet. You are beneath their notice, just another lost rabbit bumbling around. There are no hot 10s lining up to dispense blow jobs, no multimillions floating around your bank account. Did I mention being gamma sucks?
There are positives. I remember standing up for myself for the first time. I thought I was going to get my ass kicked, but for the first time, I just didn't fucking care anymore. Bring on the pain. My opponent backed off. Maybe he knew I had nothing left to lose. Maybe I was just lucky. Who knows? But it felt good. To any of you Alphas, Sigmas, etc... it sounds like a mere trifle, a nothing. But to the recovering gamma, it's hope. You know that you don't have to be this way forever.
It's like your first good cigar, your first taste of Scotch, the first time you speared a vagina that wasn't attached to a blubbering land whale. You'll remember that shit until you die. Being gamma sucks, but humans define their existence through misery, or at least Agent Smith said so in The Matrix. So those little pleasures are huge to the recovering gamma. Enjoy them. They never come again. The second cigar is never the same as the first. Good, but not the same.
Next week, I'm starting on weights. I don't know if that'll be like any of the other pleasures I've described, but I'm hopeful. John C. Wright is on my reading list, right next to Plato. The old Star Trek books are gathering dust. What a waste of pulp. The pleasures of the warren are so much more mundane.
Am I still gamma? Probably. I didn't even have to read this list to know that. But when I see the inhabitants of the warren, I feel pity for them. Their lives suck and the tragedy is... they don't even know it. They'll always be gamma. Me? Maybe I'll be something better.
A gamma could never have true enjoyment in success. He'd be constantly morbidly afraid of making that one mistake
Pure and simple truth. A Gamma is afraid. Afraid of screwing up, of looking stupid.Any success is tenuous because somehow, some way, you WILL screw it up, and nobody will like you.
The problem is not the "You WILL screw it up" - everybody does. It's being afraid of screwing up, instead of learning from it.
Flipping THAT switch was one of the hardest, and I still wrestle with it at times.
@Dystopic -
Good luck with the weights. It's SIMPLE. There are no cheats though - and it's HARD. It's good training for me to better deal with pain and stress, including emotional stress.
Thank you for this effort
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I fully agree that only a weak man isn't able to admit when he is (proven) wrong.
But on the other hand it's also a sign of a weak man to have another person instill insecurities in him and doubts about his own convictions when he recognized something as right.
So it's weak to claim being right all the time but it's also weak to admit fault all the time.
Maybe it would be a good topic for another post to draw this line clearer?
Thanks anyway for this blog and the valuable informations it contains.
I don't know where I would stand in life without the discovery of Red-Pill- and Alpha-philosophy but I guess it would be a lot worse. And without blogs like this one probably I would have never made the discovery in the first place.
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