Anastasia Steele's biggest defeat may not have been submitting to her abuser's sexual desires, but convincing other women that the behavior was okay. At least that's the finding of a new study in the Journal of Women's Health, which claims young adult women who read Fifty Shades of Grey are more likely to replicate the behaviors of people in abusive relationships.Of course, for the purposes of a Mr. Grey stand-in, it doesn't really matter if they started doing so before or after. And frankly, just on literary grounds, anyone, male or female, who actually reads 50 Shades of Grey of their own free will and volition fully merits any subsequent abuse that might happen to come their way.
In the book series, Anastasia 'Ana' Steele is constantly afraid; not only of her abusive partner, Christian Grey, but of the realization that she is losing her sense of self. Though Ana's behavior is initially survivalist, it eventually become engrained as she automatically responds to her partner's abuse. Though fictional, the storyline is a chillingly accurate portrayal of very real life relationships.
The study: In a sample of 650 women aged 18-24, researchers at Michigan State University found that Fifty Shades of Grey readers were 25% more likely to have a partner who yelled or swore at them. Readers were also 34% more likely to have a partner who displayed stalking tendencies and 75% more likely to have fasted for more than 24 hours or used a diet aid. Worse still, women who read all three books in the series were more likely to regularly binge drink and have multiple sex partners, both of which are recognized risk factors for intimate partner violence.
One thing the study couldn't determine was whether women who engaged in risky behaviors started doing so before or after reading the books.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
A victim tell
If one is looking to treat a woman in an abusive manner, apparently one has only to find a woman who loves, loves, loves 50 Shades of Grey:
Then there's the Gilbert Gottfried version, which merely exposes the rot: (yep, just as family friendly as the original --NOT AT ALL).
Am I the only one that finds it funny that they listed "used a diet aid" along with these other damaging behaviors? So apparently trying to lose weight is as harmful as domestic violence and binge drinking?
"Margaret have you heard about what's going on with your sister Lilly?"
"Oh no Mom, what is it? Is she, is she drinking again?"
"No, it's even worse than that."
"Is her new boyfriend beating her like Ted used to?"
"No, I shutter to even say it..."
"What is it?!"
"She's trying to lose weight!"
Margaret collapses, weeping in despair.
I like how 50 shades has made it acceptable for women to talk about their porn habits openly and in mixed company. But if you try to interject into such a conversation how you like wavy golden locks down to the middle of the back, a tear drop shaped rear, pert full B cup, with a tight stomach, people look at you like you are trying to light your farts on fire.
And frankly, just on literary grounds, anyone, male or female, who actually reads 50 Shades of Grey of their own free will and volition fully merits any subsequent abuse that might happen to come their way.
No joke.
I remember seeing dumb young professional women (most likely just starbucks downing receptionists) reading it on the subway. It was incrediblw to me. How the hell do you read or watch porn on the damn subway? ? I remembered of course it was to put on a show, to be seen reading it, but it was still ridiculous.
Before I comment here is a sample of Fifty Shades, Don't worry The Voice of Duke Nukem is reading it which takes all horrible out of it. Although the actor Jon Saint John could barely stumble through the grammar.
Enjoyed that? Good.
'In the book series, Anastasia 'Ana' Steele is constantly afraid; not only of her abusive partner, Christian Grey, but of the realization that she is losing her sense of self.'
Welcome to feminism 101.
Here down South, you don't see any 50 shades paperbacks anywhere. Women read them on their Kindles or phones.
Like they know they should be ashamed.
Doesn't it seem like you could simply dress up a long version of the "Aristocrats" as some period piece fluff, put a fancy cover on it, have a woman who looks like Helen Mirran say she wrote it, and make a billion dollars?
I'm not even sure I'm exaggerating. You could pay a whole lot of select women to be seen with it. Generate some controversy with a few loud mouth Churches and bam. Money.
At the risk of sounding too Stormfront - The coach of Jewteam West left the playbook exposed on national tv perhaps. Or perhaps he's a version of Bellichek and simply doesn't care if you know it or not.
It is a supreme un-irony to students of Game that the women who read (and write for) Jezebel, love Fifty Shades.
Now the why of it is interesting from a clinical stand point.
The thing to remember about a BDSM Dominant is that he is basically a well disciplined rapist. That is the pathology you are dealing with. According to John Ringo author of Ghost, a lot of Doms have contacted him saying that Ghost really spoke to them, that they struggle with this desire everyday.
There are always going to be a certain number of men who are wired wrong and that number thankfully has not risen.
But the number of female Submissives has risen drastically in last fifteen years. Mostly with urban Millennial girls. They are the ones driving this fantasy of a high Dark Triad, Apex Alpha Male.
Do they sense dark times coming, I can't help but wonder.
According to the latest issue of Ladies Home BSM, 50 Shades is "sooo 90's".
Amy, you're partially right about women in the South in regards to this book. What you don't see is that the reason you don't see books is because people mostly don't read and for certain when a woman does read something on Kindle, EVERYONE has to know about it.
The local theatre here has posters saying something to the effect of "we know you're curious!!?" Women secretly read it(South) yet bash it or deny it to polite company. Seriously women are now at like 1910s level male pornography, yet they think they can compete with us in perversion and disgustingness. As if this equalist goal is some badge of awesomeness.
Next time a female friend goes on about how empowering this is and how hot it is etc. simply send her an Xvideo link with extreme interracial gangbang anal/bukkake with bsdm elements. Tell her this is what Christian Grey actually thinks of and wants to do. Tell her your average man think about allsorts of filth many times a day. Often about you. We can't wait for you to join the team! Heck look what happens to reststops and gay cruises when both sides of the equation want it equally bad and equally filthy....."Good job skank, now grab some popcorn and come watch with me.!!"
Cat --
I think you are right about the number of subs rising. In my experience they are always damaged and have had some level of trauma that conflates early pubescent lust with abnormal violent/sexual events experienced at that age. I see MORE trauma and damage so more subs. You are also partially correct I believe on male doms being stable, however I believe the percentage is much higher due to active or inactive doms. For instance most men with this "desire" never get to engage, never have the balls to ask, or simply don't think about it. Those few that do can find it in spades now.
The problem you are going to find is that this will begin to slowly convert inactives to actives and as a result of this spillover in culture MORE damaged women will be created exacerbating the cycle.
This cycle is simply reversion back to barbarism. Like what much of everything else is headed. This leads to strong warlords and patriarchs after a period of chaos. Which leads to these men "protecting" their female property. Which leads to Kings, ladies, civilization, and then you guessed it democracy and rot again.
This is genetic and a syntax error in humanity. We should not be surprised at this.
Considering predictive programming and the ease to brainwash women, 50 shades of whatever is still low qual emo porn.
Grabbing a girl by the throat always came natural to me especially with an obviously submissive girl. Frankly Im surprised by men who find it extreme. How boring and without passion their sex lives must be. Spanking, etc and bondage..this is nothing.
I can report from the field that, yes, young women do indeed love Shades of Grey and are into the same sort of sexual behaviors that occur in the book.
I wrote about a recent experience with a 20-year old hottie here:
I didn't exactly abuse her, but rough sex was definitely on the agenda.
Thank you, Christian Grey!
Read the first book on my Kindle about three years ago after seeing women openly read bound copies (no pun intended) in public. From both literary and spiritual standpoints it's absolute garbage, But if you want to disabuse a man of his blue pill, gamma, white knight tendencies, tell him how popular the Twilight series and this X-rated derivative are with women here in the post-feminism West, then make him watch the first two Twilight movies (with their normalization of stalking and dark obsession) to soften him up, and finally, force him to read the Fifty Shades.
If he's not completely in denial, then a certain red pill rage will take over. He might notice that the protagonist, the woman that the solipsistic female readers are fantasizing about being, isn't some bored middle-class thirty-something housewife who falls for a fit young bricklayer. She's a broke 19 year-old virgin who falls for an older, worldly, controlling, obsessive, abusive billionaire (millionaires aren't alpha enough) who has plenty of prior sexual experience. A gamma might realize how much he's been lied to about what many women want, and he might find this very hard to ignore given that so many women having been enjoying this porn OPENLY.
An ad for the movie came on during a superbowl party last week. A mother with two young kids was there, a woman who recently blew up her marriage to chase her boss and later tried to justify it by claiming her husband was abusive. I heard her ask another woman if she'd read the books, and then tell her they were "really hot"...
The study: In a sample of 650 women aged 18-24, researchers at Michigan State University found that Fifty Shades of Grey readers were 25% more likely to have a partner who yelled or swore at them.
So "abuse" has gone from black eyes and fat lips to getting yelled at. Y'know, perhaps the increase in female interest in BDSM has something to do with the fact that's about the only situation where it's still socially acceptable for a woman to let a man be unquestionably in charge.
"He ties you up and spanks you? Ohhhhhh, sounds fun!"
"You cook him dinner? What's wrong with you, girl?"
'But the number of female Submissives has risen drastically in last fifteen years. Mostly with urban Millennial girls. They are the ones driving this fantasy of a high Dark Triad, Apex Alpha Male.'
Makes sense they would be the group that has had the femininity beaten out of them the last fifteen years.
Somebody yelled or swore at a Holy Female? In THIS cuntry? Clearly an abusive patriarchal perpetrator. Belongs in a cage. After visiting the Lady Judge.
50 Shades of Grey is women and enabling men doing their own wills, reveling in and profiting from romanticist apostasy, instead of trying to do the will of the God they pretend to worship. God's not going to reward their rebellion, so if the world REALLY does abuse them, whose problem is that? They didn't want Christ they wanted to get their own way. So they get it.
'A gamma might realize how much he's been lied to about what many women want, and he might find this very hard to ignore given that so many women having been enjoying this porn OPENLY.'
Perhaps women have been lied to as to what they want. Mostly from older single spinsters who went through that lifestyle and are envious the younger more beautiful ones have more power than they do.
The diet aid thing . . . yes, it is listed because "fat is a feminist issue" and a woman not loving herself fat and all is a product of the Evil Repressive/Suppressive Patriarchy, blah, blah, blah - but use of a diet aid is also sometimes indicative of desperation and eating disorders common to woman with emotional and mental health problems; I think that's the larger point.
The fad has passed, hasn't it? I wish the fad of adults gushing over badly-written fiction would pass. I feel like women are reading Nancy Drew and expected to be taken seriously as readers.
The "50" movie is going to crash and burn. The transgressive nature of the sex scenes cannot be show and still get a rated R. Guys will not be able to be dragged to it after the first weekend. The sequels will be direct to video IF they've already been filmed.
The best thing about the movie is the Spongebob poster it inspired.
"The study: In a sample of 650 women aged 18-24, researchers at Michigan State University found that Fifty Shades of Grey readers were 25% more likely to have a partner who yelled or swore at them."
"75% more likely to have fasted for more than 24 hours or used a diet aid."
Fasting is bad? I think the last time I intentionally fasted for a whole day, I had to remind myself to eat the next day.
So stupid... though if I get off my ass and go get a woman, dominant sex is absolutely a must.
One woman I know told me women can be "doms". I didn't bother to try and explain since men have the dick, they're they're always the dom. (She acts like she's a huge sex freak but I think she just likes shocking people.)
The thought of never yelling or swearing at your woman sounds absolutely preposterous to me. The chance that she never does anything to which the proper response is those two, is precisely zero.
One woman I know told me women can be "doms". I didn't bother to try and explain since men have the dick, they're they're always the dom.
John Scalzi.
'nuff said.
OK, virtually always. Better?
If the book is about an abusive relationship rather than simple kinky sex, and women claim to have loved it, does that mean they're weird or that they haven't actually read it?
It just means that women on the whole emotionally thrive in abusive relationships.
There were three books? I had no idea. Were any of them bought by men?
Women who are in abusive relationships are more likely to be abusive to their partner. Women are actually slightly more likely to initiate domestic violence too. Most domestic violence is bi-directional. I'm not surprised the survey didn't ask any of the women about their own propensity to violence as that would counter the whole victim narrative.
Normal femininity and masculinity has been trashed and now sociopathic femininity and masculinity have taken their places.
"were any of them bought by men?"
Women at work raved about it and said I HAD to read it but none had the paper copies. So I held out and borrowed digital copies from the local library. The wait list moved very quickly and I soon speed-read all three.
As books: They're awful. The plot starts ridiculous and gets progressively worse through each book. Worse, the author often conspicuously spit out obscure literary references (obscure like maybe 1% of target readers would get it, IF that many). If your reader needs Google and/or a bad Lit class to understand references you include in your book written at a pre-teen literacy level, you're a really bad writer. Worse, I can just imagine her being smugly satisfied at writing over her readers' heads too. "I'm so clever! Tee-Hee!!!!" I'm still shocked any editor would not reject that crap.
For myself: Only one arousing scene out of the three books. (3rd book, car scene) For all the gushing about how "graphic" and "transgressive" the book is, I was very disappointed. Maybe it was inflated expectations but the sex came off very lame.
The disturbing thing was that he wanted to hurt her for the sake of hurting her. He got off on inflicting pain and not because his target got off on being hurt. That's the twisted soul part of the garbage. Now that gets hand-waved away in parts 2 & 3 but to have the books inspire women to ignore that and continue with the other books? That's fucked up.
The only appeal for women I could detect was Anna's "being taken" and feeling helpless in her victimization. A quasi-rape fantasy, except the abuse was desired in advance rather than a post-rape rationalization.
A friend of mine guessed that every female he knew that liked the books had a really bad sex life. I would tend to agree.
That they read the 2nd and 3rd books only proves that the following statement is true:
"Women don't think like people."
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