Over Christmas, the Daughter returned from college in New York, steeped in identity politics and brandishing her PC views like a cat o’ nine tails. Boy, were we in trouble. “Every time I say something, she says it’s offensive or racist,” complained her brother, who wanted his funny, irreverent sister back.For me, the amusing part is that the mother doesn't even realize that her daughter didn't do anything to help the man; apparently yelling demands at the very police whose actions she is protesting is the full extent of her moral responsibility. So much for the pretense of equality.
I asked her if there might be something wrong with a nation which jails one in three black males, whilst obsessing over precisely how they should be referred to. She then admitted that she had recently gone on a New York march against the killing of young Michael Brown in Ferguson. The police, she noticed, were arresting only black people. When an elderly black man fell over, Evie had shouted at the police to please help him, but they turned away. Whether we call him a black man, a coloured man, an African-American, or a person of colour is not the issue. The issue is that, as far as the cops were concerned, he was barely a person at all.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
College: what is it good for?
Why would anyone want to send his daughter to an American university in light of stories such as this:
I won't allow that PC crap in my house. I say math is math. If there are statistics on races, then it's math not racism.
How Cumberbatch should have responded:
"Oh, I hadn't been apprised as to how blacks wished to be referred to on that particular afternoon."
Absolutely nothing uhhhhhh
I've seen this happen to contemporaries and to the children of my parents' friends for decades.
It almost makes one ask, why have daughters (and sons) in this country in the first place when they'll only be captured and transformed into PC-spouting, race-mixing consumer units and fuel-pellets for the System?
Starve the Beast.
"The issue is that, as far as the cops were concerned, he was barely a person at all."
Fucking cunt.
Seriously, I am apalled by the bizarro world like chutzpah of these vermin to pretend it is DARKIES that are treated worse in America. If this Mike Brown fella had been a YT, none of us would#ve heard of him.
Does it make me evil that I wish a "white girl bleed alot" moment on these shrikes?
Girls should be groomed and prepared to be good wives, not human resource employees following years of protesting "the Man" and riding the carousel.
@Tommy Hass
That study proving that cops actually shoot white suspects far more often than black ones should be passed around further, methinks.
I won't allow that PC crap in my house. I say math is math. If there are statistics on races, then it's math not racism.
But they aren't interested in reality or truth. Remember, they actually consider that if you mutilate yourself and take different hormones, you can change your gender. Never mind that genetic science says otherwise.
" The issue is that, as far as the cops were concerned, he was barely a person at all."
... by both ignoring blacks and shooting/arresting blacks. What a contradiction. The cops should arrest more whites. I'm for more equality. I found it interesting that whites can just order cops around like their own personal body guards. How often does that happen? Whites are a priviledged bunch.
Interestingly, the malignancy is often hilariously less penetrative than you would think.
My wife's little cousin "Amy" was raised in a republican household. Her father is a good man in every way but he really wasn't able to construct logical arguments to support his beliefs.
Consequently "Amy" swallowed the college PC programming like a toilet swallows sewage. Voted for Obama, climbed onto the whole Obamabot band wagon. Typical single female, age 18-35 years old. The life of Julia sounded idyllic to her
She did however maintain her quite attractive good looks. Consequently she landed a husband at 22. She remained a good progressive of course.
Until she was presented with her first joint 1040 form and what they as a couple were going to be paying that year. Suddenly instead of receiving resources extracted from others, others were extracting resources from her own little soon to be expanding little nest.
Bitter angry tears, a mighty wailing and a gnashing of teeth. Completely, absolutely and in all ways utterly intolerable.
"Amy," with the loving support of her extended family, is well on the road to right wing recovery.
(General) College Rules:
1. Unless you went to a top-10 Ivy League school, nobody cares where you went to school.
2. Unless you're applying to grad-school, nobody cares what your GPA was.
3. Unless you're applying for a STEM job, nobody cares what your major was.
4. A degree earned online is no different than a degree earned in a 'bricks and mortar' setting.
5. The student is not in college to get an education, but rather to pursue a 'degree program'
6. Any child that does not have the self-discipline to earn a degree online shouldn't be sent 'away' to college.
7. Many state university systems have degrees available online that never require attendance.
8. The only real value of an Ivy League 'education' is the opportunity to network and make contacts.
9. A university degree can be obtained in 2-3 years online, living at home, without student loans.
10. Sales are the sine qua non of any business, but colleges don't teach how to sell.
The world has devolved to credentialism to a point of ridiculous stupidity. Jobs that hardly require a high school education now require a bachelors degree just to get in the door. The old system said that if one studied hard, kept their nose clean and got the degree, the job would follow. There was also this idea that having a college degree meant one was more 'upper class' than the 'blue collar' worker. None of that applies today. Businesses hire people for one of three reasons:
They can lead/manage/sell
They produce a product or service
They satisfy some form of EEOC-type government mandate
That's fairly easy one to resolve. Tell her since she's learning shit like that at school you won't pay for it. If she wants to "learn" stupidity like that it can be on her own dime.
Plus I like VD's point that she's protesting the police but when something happens, she wants them to help. Dumb ass, you can't have it both ways bimbo.
Consequently she landed a husband at 22. She remained a good progressive of course.
Until she was presented with her first joint 1040 form and what they as a couple were going to be paying that year. [....]
"Amy," with the loving support of her extended family, is well on the road to right wing recovery.
Getting girls married off by 22 (at the latest) could solve a lot of modern ills. Hence the massive effort by the left to prevent it. Few notions have been as thoroughly baked into society, on both sides of the political isle, throughout all media, academia, and mainstream religions, as the idea that marriage should wait until about 10 years into what passes for adulthood these days.
10. Sales are the sine qua non of any business, but colleges don't teach how to sell.
Well, imagine if a college actually taught salesmanship.
If remotely effective, students would quit after a year and start selling.
Well, imagine if a college actually taught salesmanship.
And have then recognize how they were sold a bill of goods from the college?
Same reason people who learn to do a cost benefit analysis in an MBA program never apply a cost benefit analysis to their MBA.
"Same reason people who learn to do a cost benefit analysis in an MBA program never apply a cost benefit analysis to their MBA"
exactly. high school friend posted on FB about wanting to get a PhD in business after her MBA. Through FB, I told her to run an ROI on it before making such a big commitment while running a charitable business as a single mom.
"I would, but I'm afraid the ROI would be negative. I've always wanted to be called "doctor"."
so there you have it. Credentialism, solipsism, feminism, in a nutshell.
Getting girls married off by 22 (at the latest) could solve a lot of modern ills. Hence the massive effort by the left to prevent it.
I know plenty of women that got married at 22, that bleed for the DNC. Ruddy Catholics. And now thanks to their new pope they don't even have the guilt they did about a number of their positions a couple years ago.
I'm so tired of hearing about black people. I want to go an entire day without being lectured by some SJW about how it's my fault black people take drugs, have babies at 15, and drop out of school.
"The world has devolved to credentialism to a point of ridiculous stupidity."
That's because women have taken over the HR departments, and women are UTTERLY INCAPABLE OF EVALUATING TALENT OR POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH.
This is why the successful tech nerd in his 30's who is desired by most every woman he meets was utterly ignored in high school... Because NOW HE HAS $$$, but females are too incompetent to even evaluate the ABILITY TO LEARN TO EAARN MONEY IN THE FUTURE OR THE ABILITY TO LEARN HOW TO DO SO.
Listen to women talk about their 10th or 20th year high school reunion, and how they completely ignore the jocks they chased then, and practically melt for the same guys who they utterly ignored when they weren't cruelly tormenting them. I've even heard female radio hosts admit this sort of thing on the air.
Ever notice how when you're not dating a woman, almost all women treat you like you're invisible.
But as soon as you start dating, women who wouldn't give the time of day if you begged to know what time it was suddenly want you as if you're the last man on earth.
Why? Because the only thing that the vast majority of women recognize is someone else's stamp of approval. They are positively terrified of evaluating anything for themselves (the sole exception being the exact sort of man who they should have nothing to do with... in those circumstances only do they suddenly feel confident enough to make an evaluation not only without help, but in direct defiance of all advice).
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