It has been almost a decade since I was sexually assaulted. It took me a long time to fully acknowledge what had happened and even longer to discuss it publicly, in the form of an essay in my book Not That Kind of Girl. When I finally decided to share my story, it had ambiguities and gray areas, because that’s what I experienced, because that’s what so many of us have experienced. As indicated in the beginning of the book, I made the choice to keep certain identities private, changing names and some descriptive details. To be very clear, “Barry” is a pseudonym, not the name of the man who assaulted me, and any resemblance to a person with this name is an unfortunate and surreal coincidence. I am sorry about all he has experienced.Well she is to blame what happened. She is a liar and a child molester. Who else is there to blame?
Speaking out was never about exposing the man who assaulted me. Rather, it was about exposing my shame, letting it dry out in the sun. I did not wish to be contacted by him or to open a criminal investigation. I am in a loving and peaceful place in my life and I am not willing to sacrifice any more of it for this person I do not know, aside from one night I will never forget. That is my choice....
I was not naïve enough to believe the essay in my book would be met with pure empathy or wild applause. The topic of sexual assault is far more inflammatory and divisive than it should be, with tension building around definitions of consent, and fear ruling the dialogue. But I hoped beyond hope that the sensitive nature of the event would be honored, and that no one would attempt to reopen these wounds or deepen my trauma.
But this did not prove to be the case. I have had my character and credibility questioned at every turn. I have been attacked online with violent and misogynistic language. Reporters have attempted to uncover the identity of my attacker despite my sincerest attempts to protect this information. My work has been torn apart in an attempt to prove I am a liar, or worse, a deviant myself. My friends and family have been contacted. Articles have heralded “Lena Dunham’s shocking confession.” I have been made to feel, on multiple occasions, as though I am to blame for what happened.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Dunham Horror sticks to her fake story
Why she chose to lie about being raped and falsely identify a fellow graduate:
"wah, why do my actions have consequences?" "i'm a victim"
On the very slight chance this woman is not completely full of shit, how can we not conclude that she cares nothing about other women who may have been abused by the same man. What misogyny - to profit off of your feminism and activism but cower when justice is requested so that those you purport to defend might be safe from harm.
I have been attacked online with violent and misogynistic language.
Translation: Stop hitting m, I'm a girl.
Do guy need to affirm misandry? No, they typically just say they were wronged. Whipping out "misogyny" is the dog whistle for "Team Woman" to get on the ball and start fighting her battles on behalf of all women who don't want to be accountable for writing stories for profit.
Reporters have attempted to uncover the identity of my attacker despite my sincerest attempts to protect this information.
By naming him, giving details about him, telling them where he went to school.
She's soooo protective of her rapist. Almost as if she doesn't think he did anything wrong. Think about the person who goes out of their way to protect the identity of a violent predator. It's either demented or she's a liar.
My work has been torn apart in an attempt to prove I am a liar, or worse, a deviant myself.
Says the child molester.
My friends and family have been contacted.
You write a "tell all" book about your friends and family, effectively making them part of public discourse...and now cry because people want to confirm details with the people you brought into public view?
I have been made to feel, on multiple occasions, as though I am to blame for what happened.
She could have excluded any detail of the rapist, but she painted a very vivid picture of him. If her point, as she claims, was to dry her own shame, then why give him any identity? Why not let him rest as a boogeymen?
Because her accusation was agenda driven. She spent a great deal of time on his politics because she wants to advance the narrative, "conservatives guys rape - don't be like them."
" was about exposing my shame"
She has no shame.
When will this stupid, fat cow fade into the horizon? Women should be pissed as hell about false claims of rape, molestation, sexual harrassment, etc. because, like the boy who cried wolf, it victimizes true victims.
What a dumb bitch.
This brings to mind another set of incredible claims made over 1900 years ago.
Some men wrote letters claiming that they witnessed Someone who rose from the dead, and then later over 500 witnesses saw Him ascend on a cloud up to heaven.
When they wrote these letters, almost all of those 500 witnesses were still around, available to ask questions, pick apart their story, compare and contrast witness statements, find holes in the eyewitness testimonies. It would be trivially easy to refute their outstanding claims of this miraculous event.
The localized brouhaha would quietly fade into the background, the original perpetrators of the story would die and be forgotten within a generation or two, and life would go on.....yet none of that happened, instead the story grew and grew, and within a few decades there were over 1,000,000 people willing to die rather than give up their belief in this story. And proved many times that willingness to die.
How do we know Dunham is a liar? Because she is unwilling to take any heat whatsoever for telling her version of "the truth". She is a despicable, pathetic travesty of a human being.
' Reporters have attempted to uncover the identity of my attacker despite my sincerest attempts to protect this information.'
Because little girl with attention issues...adults take rape seriously and seek to punish rapists. If you protect a rapist you are just as responsible for the hurt he unleashes on other women.
As children, we had it drummed into our head, "never judge a book by its cover". If Lena were just a heavy, out of shape woman, maybe that would apply. But, people tell you who they are and we should listen to them. That dull scowl that's always on her face speaks volumes as does that ugly tattoo. What she wrote, the accusation and falsehoods she made and now this all confirm what I suspected about her already.
'And proved many times that willingness to die.'
Look up how horrific some of the apostles and early martyrs died and tell me they didn't see the truth.
Dunham couldn't even take questioning from anonymous people on the internet.
"But I hoped beyond hope that the sensitive nature of the event would be honored, and that no one would attempt to reopen these wounds or deepen my trauma" so I put them in a book that would get published widely and pushed by the mainstream.
Earl, you make a good point. We are in a wimpish, effeminate era where "feel bad" is the same as suffering. I think it was G. Gordow Liddy that called the beginning of this trend as the wussification of America and Lena and her legions of SJWs are a whistlestop on that railroad.
Wussification is the cause not the result. When men decided that female acceptance was more important than honoring God or even respecting themselves and other men, we all boarded the train.
Just to be clear, Liddy merely named something that had been going on for sometime. This started with Carry Nation which then led to the suffragettes.
Earl Thomas"If you protect a rapist you are just as responsible for the hurt he unleashes on other women"
Do feminists ever recognise the incongruency in their professed aims and their actions?
'Do feminists ever recognise the incongruency in their professed aims and their actions?'
I wonder but given it's from mentally ill women I'd say no
I get that everybody is a hypocrite, but not everyone recongizes it.
Sticking to her story is all she has. Otherwise, she is nothing more than a privileged white girl who molested her sister.
Leftism is all about being a victim because if you are a victim, then you are morally superior to all other people.
So she was raped by the other Republican at Oberlin?
She just bought a $4 million house. No wonder she wants to keep the gravy train.
Good, bad or ugly; all actions have consequences.
With L.Dunham though, it seems the consequences are always ugly...
Well, if a Republican did cave in and looked upon her with lust, it would be just another cave in in a long series of cave ins for the GOP.
Misogyny (def): When a woman screws over another woman in the process of getting her attention-whore fix.
Sticking to her story is all she has. Otherwise, she is nothing more than a privileged white girl who molested her sister.
Keep in mind, she molested her sister more than a decade before the fake "rape."
She's a deviant, by her own admission.
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