Originally, the geeks of the world (or at least the Western world) were not so much on strike as they were being willfully excluded from polite society. A reciprocating circle of cause and effect meant that slightly-weird people were socially alienated, which resulted in an even deeper retreat into the things that made them slightly-weird to begin with. Yet, with any given one of them, they would have jumped at the chance to be "normal", to not be alienated, to have a girlfriend or wife, and so on. Alienation was a punishment that they all hoped in their secret heart would one day end.The longer that women delay marriage and ride the ALPHA carousel, the harder it is for BETA males to deny what their prospective mates have been doing and the longer they have to become accustomed to their alienation. So, it should be no surprise that they are becoming less and less interested in acting as a safe landing zone for the carousel jumpers.
More often, now, I see the socially alienated begin to shift toward the idea that even if they were to be invited back to "normal" society, and have their stigma erased or diminished, they see the cost of that to be too great to consider. They no longer want to be unalienated. They are increasingly resentful of their treatment and increasingly critical of the flaws of the society from which they were forced to retreat in the first place.
Used to be that any pretty girl could bat her eyelashes and any given nerd would jump to her will. There are still plenty of people like that, but more and more geeks are starting to laugh in their faces instead.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Post-relationship omegas
A commenter at Instapundit's explains his lack of interest in the opposite sex:
Omega: a gamma with dignity
More often, now, I see the socially alienated begin to shift toward the idea that even if they were to be invited back to "normal" society, and have their stigma erased or diminished, they see the cost of that to be too great to consider. They no longer want to be unalienated. They are increasingly resentful of their treatment and increasingly critical of the flaws of the society from which they were forced to retreat in the first place.
It's likely we're getting a rise in the numbers of Asocials relative to Socials.
Used to be that any pretty girl could bat her eyelashes and any given nerd would jump to her will. There are still plenty of people like that, but more and more geeks are starting to laugh in their faces instead.
If you change "pretty" to "ugly", you basically have GamerGate. And along with GG, it'd be interesting to see if there is a relative rise in the number of Sigmas happening, as Omegas and Asocial Deltas figure out that laughing at girls and otherwise not treating them seriously works far better than being their valets.
As if being frivorced weren't a misery in its own category, especially if including separation with children... More risk of suicide, for example.
it should be no surprise that they are becoming less and less interested in acting as a safe landing zone for the carousel jumpers
Of course they are a "safe landing zone" for the woman, not for the man. She can still leave whenever she wants and take his resources.
When the time comes -- if it ever comes -- that society realizes it needs to get men interested in marriage again, we will have to outlaw fornication (riding the carousel), adultery and easy divorce.
Crowhill, wouldn't eliminating frivorce, alimony, and the like be enough? I know that my biggest fear in getting married is losing half of everything at some point in the future...
When the time comes -- if it ever comes -- that society realizes it needs to get men interested in marriage again, we will have to outlaw fornication (riding the carousel), adultery and easy divorce.
Women are perfectly happy to share the top 20% of men, so they don't really care if the other 80% is willing to marry or not unless the "not marrying" deprives them of resources. They'll be perfectly happy to vote themselves bigger and bigger pieces of the resources those men produce.
I know lots of people believe this will just cause the average guy to become a slacker, but what if taxes were really high and the government only doled out benefits to women (for the children, of course)? The slacker option isn't there any more. You work hard to survive and most of your resources go to women raising someone else's kids.
Frivorce is part of the even if they were to be invited back to "normal" society, and have their stigma erased or diminished, they see the cost of that to be too great to consider.
"Normal" society is now the post-Christian, post-sanity, post-common-sense society. They perhaps don't look at a place like this or TradRight, but they do realize, if only in their heart, that they are leading a saner, better life.
Invite them to a "Traditional" society where they might be awkward upon entry, but in a society where men are true men and women are true women, and they can become one of those men - neither the alpha stud nor beta doormat, but the patriarch, and that might get one of those women who want the traditional man-woman relationship and don't find Islam attractive.
"The Abolition of Man" used "Man" in the sense of human, but the effect of "The Green Books" over the last generation was to abolish "Men" as in the gender. They don't have chests, but that is not the only thing missing. To quote a passage, "We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” "The Green Books" of today tell men to act as if they are gelded. Though if they don't, they get the girl. The effect on women has been worse. The entire point of the chapter is that the passions need to be subject to reason - there is a right reaction and a wrong reaction, a proper context, and an improper context. And those were the Tao (The Natural Law) - which includes Christian morality including sex. A trained reason in a woman will bend the attraction toward the head-provider, so that beta behaviors are desired. Untrained, it is seeking alpha on the carousel. Men, similarly need to subdue their passions with reason.
One thing which held things together before was the weakness of contraception and unavailability of abortion. Women would pay a penalty for out-of-wedlock births and were ostracized as bad or worse than the geeks in the article. Today, instead, they are celebrated, when they don't abort. With women now enabled to act badly, (and you can add frivorce here) they do. But they don't think they are doing anything wrong. The modern Eves present the fruit, but the modern Adams still have the choice. And many are making the right one even if it appears to be a strike. A strike against evil is righteousness.
Then men would just work off the books in an underground economy. Where taxes cannot be collected.
To summarize the article, "Be and stay a nice doormat and you can get a slut". Nerds tend to be very logical and would ask why they would want one.
Michael Shedlock often posts that robots will displace the bottom rung, especially as the minimum wage rises. There is something far, far, more important. Consider the talent of programmers and makers, most of whom are males and have their needs. 3d printing, Git repositories, Opensource hardware, and your Fembot will be everything you want (and nothing you don't!) in a woman except for actual humanity. (Castalia house tech division?) Lenore for all the Mr. Universes out there. Also see the original "Stepford Wives" (maybe a 4GW opportunity).
They may have feared "The Handmaid's Tale", but that is the result of feminism. Pure equality, until a womb is needed.
@Jeff, that may be enough. I don't know. It would certainly be a good start.
Pure equality, until a womb is needed.
Can't wait for axlotl tanks...
As if being frivorced weren't a misery in its own category, especially if including separation with children... More risk of suicide, for example.
I can believe that. In my upcoming separation, there are no kids involved, my wife is taking less money than she now spends, and the relationship has been dead for over ten years (we live in the same house, try to be civil, and that's about it). And yet I'm in a blue mood most of the time. I can easily see a guy being driven to suicide at the prospect of losing his kids, most of his money, and the woman he loved.
"Women are perfectly happy to share the top 20% of men"
Nope. The Manosphere is full of delusions. When women are completely free sexually, the screw anyone they find attractive. It is nothing to do with "hypergamy." Think of the average feral woman as a whore or porn actress. This is based on substantial personal experience.
You miss the point, Bob. Yes, women will screw anyone they find attractive--but what most of them find attractive is the top 20%.
" It is nothing to do with "hypergamy."
What is hypergamy, Bob?
"This is based on substantial personal experience. "
Why should we accord your argument from authority, any more weight than our own experience?
You miss the point, Bob. Yes, women will screw anyone they find attractive--but what most of them find attractive is the top 20%.
Crowhill, there's an easy way for haggard single mothers to get men interested in marriage again: Offer a two-for-one deal where he gets to shag her 13-year-old daughter e.g. three nights a week. We often see such couples on TV wearing orange suits and handcuffs, but I predict that when our economic situation gets truly desperate, such arrangements will be tolerated.
Naruto Sumo. I want to believe your irony was intentional, but it was probably not.
Corvinus is right. Gamergate started with some ugly girl cheating on a gamer. when other gamers saw that they couldn't even count on an ugly girl, they realized they had nothing to lose, so it didn't matter anymore if girls call us misogynists. the whole point of avoiding the label of misogynist was to get a girl, but when getting a girl is exposed as pointless, then so is avoiding the label. that's why gamergate was able to withstand those accusations. because the label lost it's power.
If your minimum requirements are a woman of average features who is not overweight, you're already talking 70th to 80th percentile minimum in the present day USA (things were way better in the 80s, where simply having average features and not being overweight might have gotten you to 60th percentile or so as a woman).
The payoff for Omegas going from say the 10th to the 40th percentile or so of attractiveness to women is just way smaller than it used to be.
Oh this game is perfect, buy the my little pony games online is my favorite
I can ditto every detail in the original comment.
>Omega: a gamma with dignity
This, on the other hand, is silly. Gammas seem to think that living as an Omega is somehow better, because Omegas aren't on the "bottom", despite the fact that it is usually accompanied by serious mental illnesses and continuous, overwhelming despair.
Behavior Sink in Calhoun's Mouse Utopia.
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