ZQ filed and was granted an ex parte 209a order against Eron in mid September and on Tuesday it was extended for a year. Note that this is a physical abuse prevention order. It is meant to protect victims of physical abuse, not victims of internet harassment (you want a 258e for that).The US court system is an utter joke. It is, quite literally, an Injustice System and if the trend continues, vigilante violence will eventually become the only way to pursue actual justice in the future. It also demonstrates the importance of not warning people or giving them a chance to mend their ways, because doing so will only be spun as a "threat".
The reason you haven't heard anything about the case is that the order contains a written in PRIOR RESTRAINT ON FREE SPEECH, which is absolutely absurd (ZQ reported his participation in this KoP stream to the police as a violation of the ex-parte order, so now he also has to have a hearing for that). I however, have no such restraint, and thus it is entirely within my rights to discuss public court hearings and public court documents. And should any overly litigious public figures with questionable ethical principles think about changing that, I'd recommend they take a look at Nilan v. Valenti first.
My memory is mediocre, so take my version of events with a grain of salt.
Her: Eron posted personal information about me online. As a result, people online have threatened me with physical harm. Eron continues to engage with the mob that is harassing me with no regard to my personal safety. Specifically, Eron threatened to release more information on his gofundme page.
Eron's attorney: I will speak on my client's behalf, and then acquiesce to my client. Zoe Quinn is a public figure and criticism of public figures is protected free speech (with the specific example of criticism of her interaction with TFYC). ZQ was already receiving harassment before Eron's blog post. Eron has never threatened ZQ with violence and has never encouraged anyone to threaten ZQ with violence. The zoepost was a story about Eron's life experiences and did not even include ZQ's real name.
Eron: [Did not get to speak at all because the judge cut his attorney off to ask more questions of the plaintiff]
The judge didn't really say much and started writing half way through the arguments.
- He did not allow Eron's attorney to cross examine the plaintiff
- He did not allow admission of Eron's evidence
- He refused the Attorney's first amendment objection to the gag clause
- He mentioned nothing about his reasoning besides a vague reference to ‘intimidation’.
- Order extended until x/x/2015
Friday, October 3, 2014
The injustice system in action
#GamerGate continues as the notorious gamewhore Zoe Quinn continues to spread her self-serving lies, this time in court:
"Excuse me, dear, but for your information the Supreme Court has ROUNDLY REJECTED PRIOR RESTRAINT!
By Zoe Quinn's own standard, she raped Eron. I thought we had a consensus on the special status of rate victims in the eyes of the law. The judge is trying to silence a rape victim. Judge needs to resign.
Afterall, won't it defer future rape victims from speaking out if the legal system is going to twist such into 'intimidation'. If rapists suddenly feel threatened by public outrage, then suddenly it's a case of BLAMING THE VICTIM.
Can we start prefacing these types of people with the appellation "outlaw"? The Outlaw Zoe Quinn. A cop shoots an unarmed civilian without provocation: The Outlaw Turd Ferguson. Etc.
I swore an oath on more than one occasion to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."
Wasted my time again.
A lot of SJWs are now openly advocating scraping the constitution.
Why bother?
It's not like we use it anymore.
A beaucrate with a rubber stamp who thinks he's a judge.
Heh, I read "Zoe Quinn continues to spread her self-serving lies," as "Zoe Quinn continues to spread her self-serving legs"
I'm so going to hell....
"The US court system is an utter joke. It is, quite literally, an Injustice System"
This is the worst part. Our society is in fast decline and most don't even know it. Not much the common individual can do about it either.
We certainly live in "interesting times."
The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts. 'nuf said.
However,,. even in other jurisdictions it will be the same. Any female that asks for a protective order and can demonstrate *any* form of a relationship will be granted a protective order. Period. This is just the way it works. Protective orders don't protect, rather they are a tool of power and control to allow women to control men by using the coercive and police powers of the state. No judge will refuse to grant a woman a protective order because it costs him nothing to do so and if he refused to grant the order and later the guy actually did something his career is over and he is toast.
This is a societal problem that will not be reset until there is a cusp/cull event. It's coming.
"In a town where there is no law a man is obliged to make his own." - Myrl Redding, 'The Jack Bull'
In any case. Zoe Quin is a lying, slut and borderline sociopath but ultimately a pointless distraction. In fact that is her primary value to the SJWs. Very publicly keeping us out of her vagina.
Like any of us would be caught dead there.
#GamerGate needs to stay focused on the real mission.
If you are a man in the United States, avoid the Justsis Sistem at all costs. It is a rubber-stamp for female-supremacism. Whatever any female does to you, or accuses you of -- there is every likelihood that she will be upheld in court. A favorite tactic is use of 'restraining orders' as pre-emptive weaponry to intimidate men, and to pre-judge them as they are funneled into The Sistem. Females do evil, then have their law-firms arrange for 'protective' orders to ensure that their wickedness and malevolence cannot be challenged -- in those increasingly rare instances when a man can afford to defend himself before Lady Justis.
The Sisterhood LOVES beating down men in the courtrooms and smirking as they are led to the mancages for their crimes of Offending Almighty Woman. The benches and clerks' offices are packed with feminists and whiteknight scumbag punks. So are the State Bars.
Much of the 'random' violence in the U.S. the past couple decades is either directly or indirectly connected to the turning of law-making, law-enforcement, the courts, and the 'corrections' systems into profitable, careerist, male-destroying institutions of iniquity. American men and boys are intentionally being driven to frustration and rage, which inevitably leads to violence, which then can be used to grow the Homeland Security State, and to further disseminate the 'men are violent monsters that must be controlled' hatefest. Quite a profitable double-bind.
'However,,. even in other jurisdictions it will be the same. Any female that asks for a protective order and can demonstrate *any* form of a relationship will be granted a protective order. Period. This is just the way it works. Protective orders don't protect, rather they are a tool of power and control to allow women to control men by using the coercive and police powers of the state. No judge will refuse to grant a woman a protective order because it costs him nothing to do so and if he refused to grant the order and later the guy actually did something his career is over and he is toast. '
Good summary of the issue. Women know EXACTLY what they are doing, too. And love it. And will let you know they love it, to see if they can elicit any reaction that they can use to further destroy their targets.
The nation will pay a price for this. After which, each individual involved will held to answer. And not by some skank housewife in black robes, either.
One more judge to be put against the wall, and his house burned down while his family sleeps, once the nation-wide correction comes.
It is, quite literally, an Injustice System and if the trend continues, vigilante violence will eventually become the only way to pursue actual justice in the future.
Or worse.
" I understand. You found paradise in America, you had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. And you didn't need a friend like me. But uh, now you come to me and you say - 'Don Corleone, give me justice.' But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you, uh, ask me to do murder for money."
Much of the 'random' violence in the U.S. the past couple decades is either directly or indirectly connected to the turning of law-making, law-enforcement, the courts, and the 'corrections' systems into profitable, careerist, male-destroying institutions of iniquity. American men and boys are intentionally being driven to frustration and rage, which inevitably leads to violence, which then can be used to grow the Homeland Security State, and to further disseminate the 'men are violent monsters that must be controlled' hatefest. Quite a profitable double-bind.
The solution is to kill the judges, their families, and burn their houses to the ground, so that surviving family members have nothing left to sell than the bare land with a rubble-filled basement.
Much of the 'random' violence in the U.S. the past couple decades is either directly or indirectly connected to the turning of law-making, law-enforcement, the courts, and the 'corrections' systems into profitable, careerist, male-destroying institutions of iniquity. American men and boys are intentionally being driven to frustration and rage, which inevitably leads to violence, which then can be used to grow the Homeland Security State, and to further disseminate the 'men are violent monsters that must be controlled' hatefest. Quite a profitable double-bind.
ONLY because the victims of the injustice system don't direct their violence at the key people who can put a stop to all of it -- the judges who enable the whole rest of the game.
Once victims start wising up, and realize that the idiot on the bench is, regardless of what else is going on, committing criminal dereliction of duty by rubberstamping so much BS in their courtrooms, and permanently removing from the bench these corrupt officials, then, and only then will things improve.
Killing some idiot cop who started the ball rolling may provide some satisfaction, but all it really does is get the entire nation-wide police-gang after you. Kill a judge for being a corrupt destroyer of society, and the cops won't take nearly as much interest in you, and certainly won't take your vengeful ways as a personal attack on each and every one of them.
If enough corrupt judges are removed, then corrupt cops will start getting wrist-slaps, then jail time, then prison time, and then the rest will find something else to do, as there won't be much opportunity to be "bully with a badge and a uniform" any more.
A beaucrate with a rubber stamp who thinks he's a judge
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