“Women are coping daily with a threat of rape which men aren’t,” says Elvines. “I don’t think it’s nice for anyone to be just judged on their appearance - no one likes to feel they’re just being judged on that. But while men might find [sexual objectification] annoying, it doesn’t have that scary meaning.How old are these women that they think there is "real power" in women saying they like sex? And how little do they like sex that they think it is necessary to state it out loud? But once more, we see that "equality" is a complete myth and does not exist in anything but the fevered imaginations of pinkshirts and innocents.
“It’s nice to think, when you live in an equal society what will it look like, but we don’t yet.”
This ‘fear factor’ is ultimately why no one has spoken up about being offended by Young’s words, but why we would be up in arms if a hapless male BBC presenter had said the same. It is highly unlikely that a young Tom Jones would have been in any danger from Young had he walked into her studio 30 years ago. But if a young female singer had walked into a male BBC presenter’s studio 30 years ago, well, who knows what would have happened?
Until we live in a truly equal world, we’re going to have to deal with the fact that there is this strange grey area, where we will react differently to a man and woman saying the same thing. It isn't the nicest solution, but right now it's the only one we have.
It would be dangerous to encourage men to make jokes about 'responsibility' and 'sex' - even in the name of equality - because it would send out a negative message. But, it isn't fair to say it's OK for a woman to make those some comments.
Young, in my opinion, could have done with thinking more about the wording she used, and she should be reminded of this just as a man would be. But, at the same time, when we look at the context of the world we live in, it's clear she was joshing about. So, it would be a shame to focus too much on that and lose the real power of her words: that women do like sex, they think about it, and shock horror, they even desire it.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Because afraid
That's how women who favor "equality" attempt to justify women sexually objectifying men and making the sort of public comments that would put a man's career in jeopardy:
What a bunch of despicable turds. Any attempt at reasoning with these shitsicles is to give them too much credit. In this case, I agree with Dick Dawkins' strategy.
I like to think of the scene in The Running Man when Arnold is led past Maria Conchita Alonso and her MILFy friend, and the friend literally has an organ fantasizing about Arnold raping then killing her, or killing her then raping her.
Men only get paid more than women because they take more dangerous jobs and work longer hours.
"But that's not equal!"
If you don't want to be sexually objectified, don't sexually objectify others.
"See, but that's different when I do it."
Equality for me, but not for thee.
From the article:
...Young was speaking out about women, sex and pleasure – a trinity that frankly doesn’t get enough air time.
She's saying that "women, sex and pleasure" DON'T get enough airtime? Does she live on Mars?
As a feminist, I hate the idea of saying that something is more acceptable for one gender and not for the other. It goes against all my beliefs of equality. But the problem is that right now, we don’t live in an equal world.
"It goes against all my beliefs, but it's true. I will somehow avoid drawing the obvious conclusion about the accuracy of my beliefs."
Looking at this article... Why, you'd almost think that there were some sort of... IMPERATIVE of some kind... a FEMININE kind of IMPERATIVE preselecting her conclusions without regard for her professed principles or for logic or common sense.
By the way, if you want to know what the fuss was about, listen to this: Tom Jones - "Sex Bomb".
Gee, one could almost draw the conclusion from this that females are, by nature, fear-driven, whereas men aren't. Women encounter sexual interest from men, and they often cower in fear. Men encounter sexual interest from women, and they usually don't.
Underscoring the irrationality of women's fear is the fact that rape is a fairly rare occurrence. Even if it weren't, men get raped about as often as women do. By the current standards defining rape, men ought to have just as much reason to be afraid as women do. And yet they aren't. So are men irrational because they aren't afraid, even though they get raped as often as women? Or are women irrational because rape is rare, and yet they are afraid of it? Or do women simply have a lot more to lose biologically, socially, emotionally, and otherwise from unwanted sex, and so nature has instilled in them a fear factor as a protective mechanism?
Hmmm...how could we possibly explain this fear? Whatever the explanation, it doesn't come out well for the equalitarians.
"Until we live in a truly equal world, we’re going to have to deal with the fact that there is this strange grey area, where we will react differently to a man and woman saying the same thing. It isn't the nicest solution, but right now it's the only one we have."
Headline for her article should read- "Female Journalist Says Only Solution to Inequality is to Accept It."
Apparently Kirsty Young isn't responsible for how she handles extreme sexual desire, and Radhika Sanghani has no control over her sexist thoughts. It's almost like they think women don't have agency...
Gee, one could almost draw the conclusion from this that females are, by nature, fear-driven, whereas men aren't. Women encounter sexual interest from men, and they often cower in fear. Men encounter sexual interest from women, and they usually don't.
If a man is ALPHA, the women are afraid -- and turned on.
If the man is BETA, they're afraid -- and creeped out.
Needless to say, this article should be Example #2241 why learning Game is absolutely essential for any man's survival in this screwed-up society.
“He pulsates sexuality in a way that is probably unfair...I can only imagine he is a killer in the sack.”
It should be noted that Tom Jones is 74 and his idea of afternoon delight at this point is probably a nice cuppa after his nap.
“Women are coping daily with a threat of rape which men aren’t,”
Even blind monkey occasionally finds banana.
Something for men to keep in mind during ice-breaking. Women are in fact of afraid of rape on a daily basis.
Which is why the Alpha is way more desirable, than the guy who is just standing there smiling at her and creeping her out because he can't think of anything to say.
A man who can just walk away from her...a man with other options, is not a threat.
Something for men to keep in mind during ice-breaking. Women are in fact of afraid of rape on a daily basis.
They certainly don't behave like they're afraid of rape. If I were afraid of rape there's no way you'd find me alone in a strange place drunk off my ass.
"They don't *behave* like they're afraid of rape."
Because I like to tie contemporaneous social issues together, I've noticed the exact same thing regarding firearms carry, especially open carry--some folks will see an open carrier and make a huge issue of it, even calling 911... but their behavior completely contradicts their statements. Instead of being intimidated or frightened by the presence of the firearm (which if it were true would lead them to withdraw while calling 911), the common situation is that they go confront the person with the firearm.
The obvious conclusion is that they don't actually fear the obviously non-threatening carrier... rather they are offended.
they think there is "real power" in women saying they like sex
This is perhaps feminism's greatest flaw. Throughout history, women have had power over men because they didn't want sex as much as men did, and could therefore demand something--be it a cheap trinket or a lifetime of support and protection--in return for giving sex. Once she wants it as much as he does, and makes that known, there goes her leverage.
You could say that feminism is the attempt to let women give away sex for free and still get all the stuff they want from men that they used to trade sex for. The key is that feminism means it doesn't have to be the same man on both sides of the trade.
The risk of rape is something that is inherent to being the sex where internal conception occurs. It is something that is inherent to being the female sex in our species.
The whole point of equality was treating people the same regardless of their inherent differences.
You could say that feminism is the attempt to let women give away sex for free and still get all the stuff they want from men that they used to trade sex for. The key is that feminism means it doesn't have to be the same man on both sides of the trade.
Yep. Sleep with the sexiest guys who will bed her and have the state force the rest of us to pay her bills.
Cataline makes a good point if you recognize that what's being called "rape" is closer to post-sex feel-bad than an actual assault. Women do seem to put themselves in these situations regularly so it doesn't seem that they are as afraid of the act so much as what happens after, especially in their own heads.
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