According to a recent study from the University of Missouri, published by the American Psychological Association, male victims of sexual assault are often victimized by women: "A total of 43% of high school boys and young college men reported they had an unwanted sexual experience and of those, 95% said a female acquaintance was the aggressor, according to a study published online in the APA journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity."In modern American rape culture, we are all victims. Stay strong, my poor victimized brothers. Be brave. It's not your fault. It's NOT your fault. It's not YOUR fault!
This shouldn't be so surprising. Back in the old days, when talk of "rape" or "sexual assault" generally meant forcible penetration at the hands of a stranger, rape was unsurprisingly pretty much a male-committed crime.
But feminists pushed for a broader definition of rape, going beyond what Susan Estrich, in a very influential book, derisively called Real Rape, to encompass other forms of sexual coercion and intimidation. And so now the term "rape" as it is commonly used encompasses things like "date rape," sex while a partner is intoxicated, sex without prior verbal consent and even — at Ohio State University, at least — sex where both partners consent, but for different reasons.
Unsurprisingly, when the definition of rape — or, as it's often now called in order to provide less clarity, "sexual assault" — expands to include a lot more than behavior distinguished by superior physical strength, the incidence of rape goes up, and behavior engaged in by women is more likely to be included in the definition.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Teach women not to rape 2
Glenn Reynolds observes the unintended consequences of expanding the definitions of rape and sexual assault:
I'm amazed at how no one in the media has pointed at Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney in How I Met Your Mother as a rapist: he tricks women into bed with him by making up wild stories.
That, by the new definition, is rape.
Oz, NPH is a cute B+ list actor, as such the rules do not apply at this stage of his come on, quit diddling and get with the female imperative program.....
NPH is also gay, so it is utterly impossible that he rape women, even fictionally rape them when playing a fictional character.
But I will say that these expanded definitions of rape give men so much power to torpedo feminist baloney that I have to welcome it. Yes, of course, the expanded definitions of rape are nonsense. But they are based on feminist theory, and when people start seeing the nonsense of men getting thousands of women tossed from universities and from jobs and even locked up on prison, the underlying idiocy of the feminist theory will be exposed for what it is.
Tolkien had it right (and this is one of those things that Peter Jackson really screwed up)--in the end, evil destroys itself. We must battle it to the ends of the earth. When it comes to casting evil into the abyss, we can't do it. But evil will invariably find a way in the end, when finally exhausted and cornered, to slip and fall to its own ruin.
Actually it *is* our fault. I lived in the U.S. for 38 years and didn't go burn down a courthouse or start shooting when this cancer was growing and now its here. I share in the blame for this but whatever the damage to the Titanic and whatever role I played I am rather happy to be away from it now.
All these rapists. Maybe I should open carry in bars.
Dr. Evil must have just been way ahead of the curve.
"Stay strong, my poor victimized brothers"
Sarcasm aside Vox, competing with feminists for victim status is nothing more than a race to the bottom. All this wallowing in feelings of persecution has harmed women a great deal, and it will harm men too. Do you ever plan to find the middle ground between celebrating your new found status as perpetrators or reveling in your victimhood? If you want to really upset the apple cart, refusing to be cast in either role is the ultimate act of defiance.
So who will be the first black knight heroes to get these female rapists kicked out of college, dragged into criminal court, and slandered in the headlines? Women comprise more than 50% of the voting population and the only way they'll give up an unjust law or rule that benefits the sisterhood is if it becomes too much of a liability to them.
I was raped so hard that I got Stockholm Syndrome and ended up marrying her. Pray for me brothers.
It is my FAULT!!! And it was so good!! lol
It's screwed up that these posts now have me going back in my mind to consider if I too was "sexually assaulted" by an evil woman/women. During my freshman year at Vandy, a senior chick who was kind of cute-nerdy took advantage of my newness to campus and let me stay over in her dorm room a few times. I thought nothing of it since her dorm was close to my first class and I wasn't really all that attracted to her. One night, she asked why I wasn't trying to be with her and it honestly hadn't even crossed my mind (a trend over the next ten years oddly) . She then basically insinuated that we needed to bang right there or I was to go back to my dorm room. I was so shocked and scared of having to walk all of ten minutes through a gorgeous campus at night that I relented. What if other more violent women awaited?? Was I raped too?? The coercion of that evil woman!
The next experience I can think of was when I was a bit intoxicated my senior year and two girls I knew took me back to their flat to crash. We wound up "cuddling". Yes they were drunk too, but no means no! Just because I was so drunk that it seemed like I liked it and couldn't say no, doesn't mean that's what I meant deep down inside. Was I raped then?? Oh the agony of these pent up, long forgotten crimes!!!
Finally, a co-worker who was a good friend of mine and always liked to hang out at my apartment years ago decided one night to literally try and rape me. Of course my physical superiority does not matter. It was still rape. She literally wouldn't take no for an answer and finally managed to get on top of me until my member "went in". I was devastated. I think I actually missed work the next day while she did it again!! Surely that was rape.
This has continued into my wedded bliss. Sometimes my wife paws at me even when I am tired or don't want to. I give in sometimes as a duty, but even in marriage one can be raped...Will it ever end??
And I am just an average guy. I am not particularly great looking nor do I dress for rape... If this 6'1 255 lbs. man can be victimized this much just think of all the rapes that are going on ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE to men. Rape!!
refusing to be cast in either role is the ultimate act of defiance
No, not being cast in either role is what has led to this perception of white male privilege and is what feeds SJW's. Having the evidence brought forth that yet again men can overcome injustices, offenses, and today's defined crimes and carry on without impaired mental health, is evidence that there is no such thing as equality. Women are weak and do not live well after sexual assault. Men are strong and can endure it and get over it. Thus something needs to be changed regarding privileges/rights that have been granted to women - they aren't up for challenge of this big mean world.
Does that mean that a friend can rape someone by proxy by having them reluctantly tag the fat friend of the girl you're trying to bang?
Ya know, wingman rape?
Then there's the state legislator in Iowa who's been charged with felony sexual assault. He's 78; his victim was in her 70's. She apparently was of diminished capacity and living in a care facility.
Oh, and they've been married for 50 years. Or were. Post-arrest, she died of natural causes. (Hence the past tense in her case.)
Granted, not my idea of a racy evening, but wouldn't you like to meet the crusading matron for spousal consent who called the sheriff because an old dude is banging his wife while she lays dying?
More women are being accused of rape, but many are getting off with probation. This is unfair prosecution.
Bobby, what exactly stops that old man from going mujahedeen on his accuser and simply saying "don't give an F"
"Women are weak and do not live well after sexual assault. Men are strong and can endure it and get over it."
Well Sarah'sDaughter, congratulations, because your repeated stupidity and asinine conclusions have certainly convinced me I never want to live under the matriarchy.
How is it stupid and asinine?
How is it stupid and asinine?
It made GG feelbad. Do you still not know how this works?
If GG told me the sun would come up tomorrow, and Sarah's Daughter said it wouldn't, I'd be out buying flashlights.
I noticed on Dalrock's site that Ann "I was sexually abused many years ago and I can't stop shoving my sainted victim status in everyone's face as soon as I can work it into the dialogue" was chipping in to a discussion.
My sister-in-law, on the other hand, was molested as a child by her adult male relative, yet has never, ever brought it up in any conversation, and has gone on to be a very well-adjusted wife and mother.
Funny how moving on and getting past it includes, well, moving on a getting past it and shutting up about it.
There are more REAL rapes of males in the United Sisterhood each day than of females in, I'd estimate, a week... or even a month, 'midst the general population.
Most of those tho are Good Rapes because they are committed in the American Mancages. So the Almighty People, especially females and the parents of females, cheer and approve. Vote to build more. As I read in an MSM article, [MALE] prisons are the "salvation" for U.S. small towns suffering from the "economic downturn." Clank! goes the cage and the circle remains unbroken. Salvador! Pick up the paycheck. Quite a sistem.
In the government office where I worked in the Eighties, as the Darlings became more empowered (i.e., excused from legal responsibility and physical repercussion for malevolence) the Padded Shoulder Patrol enjoyed patting men on the butt as we walked through the halls. A collective and personal statement of not only immunity before the 'law' but of ownership of male bodies -- a staple of U.S. 'entertainment' in films and teevee. Our 'equal' officemates were well-aware of their ongoing National Rape Campaigns too -- and making it clear that the 'law' existed for the privilege and protection of only one gender, and for the terrorization and degradation of the other.
. . . making it very clear that there was A War On, and guess what baby, YOU are not going to be allowed to fight back.
No remedies were available to these men, except to quit their jobs of course... which would be Another Win for the grrls. One less Evil Male employed. Whoo-hoo! We did it! Long live Lady Libertas!
The butt-patting females, as with actual rape, greatly outnumbered the buttpatting males, who would have been fired, and likely prosecuted, for similar Equalist behavior. Civil Rights for thee; no Civil Rights for me.
Complain about your treatment? Get cuffed n caged for Verbal Harrassment. Go before some skank housewife with a law degree and black robes and State Authority, who can't WAIT to put the Uppity Male in his place (her cages). With a Legion of male careerist sellouts nearby to enforce the evil. And Oprah on tape in chambers.
Doesn't really motivate me to save cvilization, y'know?
Heck that was thirty years ago! And the lies and beatdowns and double standards have only increased since then, and been institutionalized into law and policy everywhere in the west . . . with the NFL as present target. A nation of empowered, vengeful, miserable females and fat, cowardly, lawnmowing un-males, who are OK with any thugfest as long as it's Somebody Else's Son.
Dunno what the Conservatives are even conserving? Rottenness I guess. Mebbe just their precious lawns.
Ray -- nodding my head the whole time. Conservatives conserving?? lol Indeed.
"How is it stupid and asinine? "
You made two ridiculous assumptions not based in reality, "Women are weak and do not live well after sexual assault." Women are strong and live quite well after sexual assault, so you are completely FOS.
"Men are strong and can endure it and get over it."
Not always. That may be what men want to hear, but the truth is, no, not all men can endure and "get over it," nor should you be promoting such nonsense, unless your intent is to shame those who don't live up to your simplistic and asinine conclusion.
Sure doesn't sound like women really go for 'Alphas' if they're committing all those rapes. LOL
Guys who get beat up and assaulted by girls don't really sound like 'manly alpha leaders' LOL
Do you still not know how this works?
Of course I do. This was an experiment to see if GG would say something like...this: "Women are strong and live quite well after sexual assault"
Sometimes it's fun to poke the retard.
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"All this wallowing in feelings of persecution has harmed women a great deal, and it will harm men too. Do you ever plan to find the middle ground between celebrating your new found status as perpetrators or reveling in your victimhood? If you want to really upset the apple cart, refusing to be cast in either role is the ultimate act of defiance."
"the truth is, no, not all men can endure and "get over it," nor should you be promoting such nonsense, unless your intent is to shame those who don't live up to your simplistic and asinine conclusion."
GG, the way your multiple personalities continue to contradict each other on the same comment threads is far less amusing (and only slightly less retarded) than a video of you repeatedly punching yourself in the nose would be.
"Sometimes it's fun to poke the retard."
Sure it is, especially for those with such an ugly soul, the only way to make themselves feel superior is to mock and ridicule the cognitively impaired.
More women are being accused of rape, but many are getting off with probation. This is unfair prosecution.
Time for some lawyer to file a lawsuit for Sexual Discrimination in Sentencing.
No remedies were available to these men, except to quit their jobs of course... which would be Another Win for the grrls. One less Evil Male employed. Whoo-hoo! We did it! Long live Lady Libertas!
The butt-patting females, as with actual rape, greatly outnumbered the buttpatting males, who would have been fired, and likely prosecuted, for similar Equalist behavior. Civil Rights for thee; no Civil Rights for me.
"Oh... was that your face I just hit with my elbow? I'm sorry. I thought some fag was feeling me up!"
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