Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Regulating sex

This article is a shining example of the Female Imperative at work:
Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering 'natural insemination' only. Sites including,,, and advertise themselves as 'dating websites', forums aiming to link people wishing to conceive or 'co-parent' a child.

But while such donations are traditionally carried out artificially, a rising number of women are opting to do so naturally, by having sex with their donors, because it is believed to be more three times more effective than artificial insemination....

Zita West of Zita West Clinics, an HFEA-regulated site, told Croydon: 'When a woman's ­desperate for a baby and can't afford a ­clinic, she's vulnerable. She may be panicking about her biological clock ticking and might then risk meeting one of these men.  'But she won’t know anything about his genetic background or if he’s been screened for HIV. These sites should be regulated.'
So, we're to understand that regulating sex is out of the question when it comes to traditional customs such as mothers and fathers keeping their hormone-crazed adolescent daughters under some semblance of control, much less interfering with the sexually abnormal in order to fight the spread of lethal disease, but it is an absolute necessity in order to prevent the risk of thirty-something women hitting the wall from deciding to have sex with the wrong guy due to a desire to procreate.

These are, without question, the Crazy Years.

It goes without saying that under the current legal regime, it is complete madness for any man to inseminate, artificially or naturally, a stranger.


Anonymous said...

You missed the point - it's about HIS genetic risks....not regulating sex. 'cuz if it was sex, the logic is too clear for even most wymynz to not notice. But yeah - HIS genetic risks...lulz...

Will Best said...

Seems like a pretty natural extension of children know best

Amy said...

Not a day goes by that I don't feel like Alice.

earl said... get to bang a woman on the wrong side of the wall with the great reward of the government saying you get to pay the kid's child support.


Sigyn said...

So, what? Are they saying that women are incapable of making mature and rational decisions, so the government has to step in and protect us from ourselves? SEXISSSS!


Yep. "Crazy" is how you'd describe people who think total strangers employed by the government should have veto power over a woman's decisions, but object to fathers and husbands--who at least have the presumption of giving a damn about her--having that veto.

Anonymous said...

That's a VERY expensive way for a guy to get sex. Because if she conceives and has a kid, the guy will be liable for 10s of 1000s of dollars in future child care, including wage garnishing, even potential jail time if he doesn't pay. And no matter what she says about "not wanting support" she can change her mind at any time for the next 18 years, and go to court to force the guy to pay.

So guys, you want to bet that the woman't won't change her mind for 18 years? A man would have to be very stupid indeed to do this. It will be a whole lot cheaper to spend a couple hundred $ on a hooker and be done with it.

KJE said...

Just when I think I've hit rock bottom with this society, that it cannot possibly get any worse, someone always seems to come up with a shovel.

En-sigma said...

they are all crazy. I have said it before, but your duty as a Christian man is to lead - either family, or maybe the last real church out there.

If you think game is dumb, then fine, keep working with whatever it is you have doing. But IF you have to pick one of the howl at the freakin' moon crazy members of the Looney Bin Herd to harness, you have to pick one you can handle pre-wall. After that, she may be an alpha widow, but she will know you are as good as it gets.

(but she will STILL be crazy)

August said...

I would be most worried for any children born. School is prison, especially for the smart kids.
Mainstream nutrition advice is crap, and especially horrific for any growing boy, given all the soy in everything.
I am also the eldest, and I have a roman numeral at the end of my name, which means I have an interest in 'continuing the line'. Unfortunately, at the rate they are destroying this country, it looks like it shall be very hard to ever be able to provide for a family as I see fit.

Big Bill said...

This is nuts. The UPA (Uniform Parentage Act) was set up to regulate insemination by males who did not want to be a legally liable father. It required (1) a doctor as an intermediary, (2) the use of artificial insemination means, (3) a married recipient, AND (4) the wife's husband agreeing in writing to be the legal father of the child.

The reason for this silliness was to guarantee every child a mother and a father, and to put a doctor with his doctor-patient privilege in the middle of the process so he could never be forced to say who the real father was (violation of doctor-patient privilege) when subpoenaed by a Family Court.

What most folks don't realise is that the common law in most states has not changed. A court can demand the identity of the sperm donor (natural or artificial applicator) and require him to pay for his child. It is the doctor's mandatory role as intermediary under the UPA that blocks the court's efforts. They cannot force him to give details of his "patient's" treatment.

Which is weird, if you think about it, since the WIFE does not have any "disease" at all, it is the HUSBAND who has the "disease" of infertility that is "treated" by impregnating his wife by another man.

These people are idiots if they think the courts are going to agree to contractual NON-parenthood of men and let some guy avoid paying child support. If she knows, she will be forced to tell. If she tells you will be saddled with child support.

Even feminists who support single motherhood with no meddling by men (when they wear their dykeish "I am woman hear me roar" hat) are going to realize that this will be a nightmare for most young women riding the cock carousel.

If these contracts are enforced by the court, every guy I know is going to have a pad of "Voluntary Sperm Donation" contracts on his bedside table, and will insist that every girl he beds sign a copy before he porks her.

Dykes in some states like Oregon got the state to drop the must-be-a-married-woman-with-husband's-written-permission requirement in the UPA before their states adopted the law. But NONE of them, to my knowledge (NOTE: the last time I did a 50 state legal survey of this issue was 33 years ago) got their states to drop the "doctor+ turkey baster" requirement.

Dudes, don't think for a second that the Family Courts are going to honor these home-made contracts. If they can find out who you are, they WILL come after you. The taxpayer does not want to pay for your sprogs.

Sigyn said...

Even feminists who support single motherhood with no meddling by men (when they wear their dykeish "I am woman hear me roar" hat) are going to realize that this will be a nightmare for most young women riding the cock carousel.

Since when has reality ever influenced a feminist? They'll just promote whatever they feeeeeeel is good right now and flail about the brand-new "crisis" that results later. It's SOP by now!

And besides, the fallout is good for business, dontcha know?

August said...

I just realized that marrying a single woman and trying live a Christian marriage out under the current legal regime is probably more risky than making a bunch of contracts with these women. The marriage license is dangerous, getting a random woman pregnant could be dangerous, but having a bunch of clients who stipulate they are the providers? The lawyers go after the big pockets, not the genitalia.

Anonymous said...

Not wanting to give anyone ideas, but what would prevent a guy who has had a vasectomy from using this system?

Sigyn said...

Not wanting to give anyone ideas, but what would prevent a guy who has had a vasectomy from using this system?

Well, theoretically, it could be fraud in the inducement, and almost certainly would be extrapolated out into rape charges.

I'm pretty sure you'd rather not flirt with that stuff. (Which goes for the women, too! Heyo!)

Anonymous said...

I think everything published was very logical. However, think about this, suppose
you were to write a killer post title? I mean, I don't want to tell you how to run your blog, but what if you added a post title to possibly get folk's attention?
I mean "Regulating sex" is kinda vanilla. You could peek at Yahoo's home page and watch how they create post titles to grab viewers to click. You might try adding a video or a pic or two to grab readers interested about what you've got to
say. Just my opinion, it might make your posts a little livelier.

My web site; ray ban glasses

Crispy said...

Note that the article is from a UK publication, so YMMV.

What will these desperate women do when the səxbots take over their prospective donors, drain the sumps with a turkey baster?

Anonymous said...


"So, we're to understand that regulating sex is out of the question when it comes to traditional customs such as mothers and fathers keeping their hormone-crazed adolescent daughters under some semblance of control, much less interfering with the sexually abnormal in order to fight the spread of lethal disease, but it is an absolute necessity in order to prevent the risk of thirty-something women hitting the wall from deciding to have sex with the wrong guy due to a desire to procreate."

Yes, of course. Just as it is out of the question to regulate or limit a woman's ability to interfere with or interrupt conception and gestation, by permitting any woman unfettered access to birth control and virtually unlimited ability to murder the fruit of her womb; yet men MUST, MUST be prohibited from a male birth control pill and must not be allowed to obtain vasectomies without a wife's written consent.


Anonymous said...

Big Bill:

"What most folks don't realise is that the common law in most states has not changed. A court can demand the identity of the sperm donor (natural or artificial applicator) and require him to pay for his child. ****

"Dudes, don't think for a second that the Family Courts are going to honor these home-made contracts. If they can find out who you are, they WILL come after you. The taxpayer does not want to pay for your sprogs."

Agree, but the justification will rest on "It's For the Children" (TM). The child's rights to support trump the putative father's right to be free from paying for a child he did not want and whose only role is providing genetic material. Full stop.


tz said...

Often spouses are stranger than unknown random women.

One of the other Manosphere sites suggested using cryo-storage of your sperm, verify that they are still motile, and "getting fixed".

I'm waiting for a Bonnie and Clare to rob a sperm bank.

Doom said...

It goes without saying that under the current legal regime, it is complete madness for any man to inseminate, artificially or naturally, a stranger.

I was choking down a yelp while reading this, until you planted that. While I had a heck of a time at the rodeo in my day, I would be ever so careful about even messing with most women today. Beside their risk of stds, since I am clean somehow, and the fact that if she happened to get pregnant, it would all be up to her whether to even let my child live, married or not. Something does have to give though. And it will, shortly.

Johnycomelately said...

I guess the next step will be a sperm tax on eligible bachelors.

Don't think it's impossible, in Australia a private company holds a blood sample of every child born after the 80s. The loop hole, apparently placenta blood and umbilical cords are 'waste'.

Mudz said...

Holy crap, I couldn't stop laughing at this! They couldn't get their sperm the normal way, so they went for the crazy, unheard of option to have SEX to get pregnant! WHAT-THE-FIDDLE-STICKS?

Anonymous said...

"I'm not saying you're a liar, Doc, but when you pull that thing out, there'd damn well better be numbers on it."

Suncraig said...

We have surpass Heinlein's concept.

Anonymous said...

Antibiotic makes men immune to womanly wiles
Minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, may make men less susceptible to the charms of attractive women.

According to a study published in Nature on Tuesday men taking the antibiotic are able to disregard the attractiveness of women while deciding whether or not to trust them....

Oso said...

"So, we're to understand that regulating sex is out of the question when it comes to traditional customs such as mothers and fathers keeping their hormone-crazed adolescent daughters under some semblance of control, much less interfering with the sexually abnormal in order to fight the spread of lethal disease..."

Now Vox, that makes too much sense. It also reminds people too much of Christianity, ugh! When was the last time you let your heart decide?!

Sarcasm aside, this "co-parenting" is just plain sad. Desperate women and foolish men who bought into the liberal dogma and would rather ruin their lives than admit it was wrong. It will be the children of these affairs who suffer the most, unfortunately.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

But madness is what this crowd and this era requires.

Consider abortion, women can abort their own flesh and blood baby without a man's knowledge and now we are to accept the whims of a woman now demanding a geriatric pregnancy with a live donor.

What does this say of the men willing to engage in such mass stupidity? The law cannot even begin to address the fallout of regulating sex and parenthood.

Cail Corishev said...

What does this say of the men willing to engage in such mass stupidity?

Are there any? I've been trying to figure out what the man gets out of it. I assume he doesn't get to be there to watch his child grow up, or this wouldn't be a new thing. As far as I can tell, the sole benefit for him is that he gets to have clinical sex once, maybe a few times to make sure.

Presumably these women are looking for top-quality men. At a sperm bank they'd be looking at IQ, income, health, and so on. But if they're going to have sex with the guy, they're going to want him to be reasonably attractive too, or at least not repulsive. But guys who fit that description are the last ones who need to make some kind of deal to get a little sex.

The guys who are desperate enough for sex to do something like this would be the type whose sperm these women wouldn't want within a hundred yards of them. They don't want some shy, brilliant IT nerd fathering their child; if they did, they could just go down to the nearest PC repair store and ask. They want Fabio with a doctorate, and he's busy banging college babes.

Pip said...

"because it is believed to be more three times more effective than artificial insemination...."


Then there's got to be a better way to do this artificially. I mean, seriously. Get on it, MDs!

Anonymous said...

Sex for money...what an original concept!

Just to make sure I understand...

A woman can pay a man to lay the pipe in hopes of getting pregnant, but a man cannot pay to do the same thing, assuming you live in most areas of the US, with the stipulation that she not get pregnant...

Talking is simply not enough to stop the madness, action is needed...within the proper perimeters of course.\

Aaron Inv.

tz said...

from 2006 An article about demographics, and in one constitution:

The family unit is the basis of society, and the true focus for the growth and elevation of mankind... Women were drawn away from the family unit and [put into] the condition of 'being a mere thing', or 'being a mere tool for work' in the service of consumerism and exploitation. Re-assumption of the task of bringing up religiously minded men and women, ready to work and fight together in life's fields of activity, is a serious and precious duty of motherhood.

They won't need nukie to win if they keep up with nookie.

Luke said...

Anonymous said...

"A woman can pay a man to lay the pipe in hopes of getting pregnant, but a man cannot pay to do the same thing, assuming you live in most areas of the US, with the stipulation that she not get pregnant..."

May 2, 2013 at 6:58 PM

A man paying another woman to get pregnant for him (but without sex) is perfectly legal in many states, however. My wife and I paid a gestational surrogate over 15K to have a set of twins for us. Wifey didn't find as funny as I did my sardonic observation that "I've never paid so much to rent something I couldn't touch or even look at". ;)

Anonymous said...

If you meet the woman and have sex with her, then she can most certainly sue you for child support after. That's true even if you inseminate her, unless you use a clinic. You gotta know the risks.

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